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PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 1, 1928 New Providence and Blackest Day For Germans. Continued from page 1)
having completed Primary English For many months Foch had entered school July 25th 1925, and at the end of three terms had this strategy in mind. But taking first or fecond place, passed he had to wait long for his chanher 4th grade and had completed ce. It was the coming of the 5th grade Arithmetic and History. tanks which at last gave him and with an endeavou to continue the clinch. Here was the needed 6th grade instruction wbich is not very praticable here weapon of mobility. Foch seized There are many others who have it and broke up the whole sysja like desire to go forward but tem of trench warfare.
there is no available instructor, From the middle of July the and it does not seem possible to send them out because of their Allied attacks, upon these straneed in the homes.
tegical lines, begun to develop.
Beenuse of this deplorable lack, We were fighting once again whole families have vacated for over the Marne and Aisne counthe cities to obtain school advan.
try, where we had won the detages.
cisive battle of 1914.
Our need is at least, one Teacher With each day our advance of higher qualification than tha present and higher grades which became more sure. In twos and are necessary to relieve the present threes enemy holdings were crisis, and stop the outflowing taken. By July 24th Foch held current.
25, 000 prisoners and 460 guns It may seem incompatable, takfrom the drive. But the enemy ing into account Schcol capacity: was still making a brilliant reif all grades are instructed the said time, but this seeming difficulty. with many hard and succould be overcome by baving cessful counter attack. By Aualternate sessions, gust 6th he was holding the line It is alsu bigbly essential, that of the Aisne that had been held our children receive professional just four years before. But the instruction in Primary English initiative now. lay everywhere jointly, which will enable them to grapple more readily the Spanish with the Allies. It was upon that Box 612 ANCON era which is easier to assimulate, and day that Foch was created a also serve in illuminating that Marshal of France.
backward tendency of repeating so often.
Thursday, August 8th, dawned in a thick, rainsoaked mist. The Condtions as presented, ought to appeal to every thinker outside most elaborate precautions had of New Providence, who can but been taken to deceive the enemy.
commend us for the development At 20 a. afte a terrific bomof the spot with our brawo and bardment which wiped out the which will remain a monument, of enemy gun emplacements as In such fashion, then appeared West Indian intrepidity even in Tomorrow Races it lowest element when given a though with a great sponge, the dawn of final victory. Much Haig threw his Fourth Army stern fighting was yet to folunder Rawlinson against Prince low. But the avengers were now The people or country, that The following is the Pro desire prosperity and respect, can Rupprecht. Thirteen infantry di unleashed, and in mighty bounds gram for tomorrow races. only attain the goal through Eduvisions and three of cavalry they leaped forward Once the cation: All contries have been FIRST RACE against twenty German divi first cracks in the German developed firet; with the brain: Furlongs Purse 100 Then it was necessary to have the sions. Four hundred and twenty stronghold appeared the whole one British tanks swept for vast building wayed over, tot We will Install Gas in Your Barba Roja 126 educated and trained brain to May 110 apply its polish and technic: it ward: 1, 955 British guns, field tered, and crashed to its doom.
Infimo is therefore incumbent for our 110 and heavies. supported the hundred books have told the House and Sell you a Stove When Fer ómeno 115 further development, to get culattack over a front of 20, 000 story of those last days. But tivated brains, and an infusi un Don Simon 108 of New Blood to enliven the old vards upon the Albert. Moreuil when all is said, we come back You Pay us a First.
SECOND RACE plus a little dycamic line. Upon our right, eight to the incontestable fact of Aupower. Furlongs Porse 100 French divisions roughly 14, 000 gust 8th. If it were the supreme PAYMENT OF ONLY Honey Dew And for our youths, added men followed into action. genius and high leadership of 126 Grades in school, or a Teacher Chiqui 119 The surprise of the enemy Foch which conceived the plan Pistol capable of giving 6th Grade instrucwas complete. So swift was the of victory, it was Douglas Haig, Zapo 119 tions in Spanish also an English Teacher that can lay on good British attack, so utterly un his first lieutenant, together Silver Sprey 101 Primary foundation.
Diecise is 117 expected, that tanks went clean with the plain British soldier in We can look back on Spain, through the enemy lines and the ranks, who put that plan inTHIRD RACE France, Germany, Italy, America captured here a regimental of to execution and brought it to Furlongs Purse 125 and see what education has done ficers mess at break fast, there a triumphant close.
for their development, and esSocia the complete staff of a divisional Victory as Mr. John Buchan 116 pecially the last named; so rising Cap. Alvarado 126 Panama need to get all sbe desires lias said, was won less by geGarz na 107 by Educatiog, for her developMUTINY IN GERMAN nius in the few than by faithfulYou have 10 Months to Pay the La Neos RANKS 95 ment, and New Providence must ness in the many.
La Legitimidad 102 Deed contribute her quoto to comBehind pressed the infantry The humour, humanity, and Marcela 126 plete the grand whole.
English and Scots Canadians and steadfastness of the British saiBalance in Very Small Payments FOURTH RACE am also glad to state that we Australians. They crashed into lor and soldier represented the nave had a teacher who gave in5 Furlongs Purse 100 structions at night and one of our the villages behind the enemy true guiding spirit of that viclines, seizing enemy troops astory.
Excuse Me boys having completed Sixth 132 Grade with that teacher afterward ACT they tumbled, sleepy eyed, from 100 NOW GET GAS Dardanela IN got bis diplomi and is now in the Cococha 114 Papama Institute.
their billets. Through the viEl Chichi 90 llages into the harvest fields Dorcas Society YOUR HOME and KNOW REAL FIFTH RACE heyond, where Germans dropped er in the annals of fistiana: their sickles to mount machine5 Furlongs Purse 100 (Continued from page fast periodically from one above the upstanding Don Simon 108 week to one month. Last Februin the absence of Mrs.
May grain.
Thorobeurne dd justice in this 110 ary ate nothing for the entire We were completely over executive capacity.
CONVENIENCE Intimo 110 month. All that passed my lips Fenómeno 115 was plain water, believe fasting whelmed, Ludendorff has said.
The Rev. Wade was Dempsey 106 is the greatest curative agent ex Six or seven battle worthy di called upon to give frw words of Barba Roja 126 taot. What fasting cannot cure visions were completely broken. encouragement on behalf of the SIXTH RACE can be safely given up as incurable.
British cavalry actually ad work, and he pointed out the Fasting you gee, is a cleansing pro.
necessity for such a philanthropic vanced twenty three miles and movement: the report was read by THE Furlongs. Purse 100 GAS ELECTRIC SHOWROOMS cess. It gives the body an opporZapo 114 tunity to throw off waste matter captured rolling stek farbe the secy. Mrs. Doris Reece and an Pistol 118 (FUERZA LUZ Chiqui hind the lines. Trench warfare improvement in the work since its from the gastro intestinal tract 119 and recuperate, thereby manufacwas broken at last.
inception was very commendable; Dieciseis 117 turing pure blood.
Silver Spray 101 But, most ominous of all for she also contributed to the music part of the program with a voral PANAMA Honey. Dew Do you attribute your sucess At Your Service 126 Germany, came now the first selection; otber contributors being COLON in the ring and your superb open signs of insubordination Miss Marklend. Mrs. Maud SEVENTH RACE physical condition to your natural and mutiny. Retiring German Bishop and Mr. Dottin and Furlongs Parse 125 diet? asked the writer.
troops, meeting a fresh division others. The Antuigen Progressive La Legitimidad 102 Absolutely, quickly answered into action, Womens Leat ue, and the St. DEATH OF SMALL ELKS TO HOLD PICNIC Marcela Society. the Panama Wesleyan Scia going gallantly 116 Wills, The average boxer doesn 126 know bow to eat and live. When shouted out upon them: Black Peter friendly Society sent reCap. Alvarado 126 be passes his 25th or 30th birthday legs! and You re prolonging presentatives all of which spoke in he (continued from page 1)
Guzina is through. having dissipated 107 the war! Phrases like that. Not complimentary term of the work. Continued from page 1)
his vitality in late hours, sensua) La Nana Mr. McCarthy ex presi up to his death, by the Panama and of late, the San Francisco te only the men, but the officers 95 ism. over eating and undernouriebalso. Little wonder that Luden dent, Mr McFarlaine and Mr. Canal Bureau of Clubs and play is becoming very popular in this ing himself with uonatural and o.
nutritious foods.
dorff, looking about him, and McFarquhar President in of Grounds, serving for several years taking stock, found that thence fice and Mrs. Gittens all as Secretary for the Red Tank sil respect.
spoke very sympathetically and wer Clubhouse, where he endeared After months of toil and worry. with the forward leadership must prove encouragingly emphasizing no more than an irresponsible need of a larger membership and thereby both the confidence of the should be given sufficient througi. list Lets Great Secret quickness characteristic orinis de vastating, punch when allowed to game of chance and that the more interest in such a work entire community and that of the Accompanied by a fire baade of Out.
fight without the of molestation music, the merry makers are auamong loyal Wet Indians in a Bureau War must be ended.
the referee, answered, never foreign land The work of Dorras The deceased leaves a wife and ticipa:ing a most enjoyable time.
left the ring. Why should two THE AVENGERS is unquestionable, and when any several children to mourn their UNLEASHED uofortunate defeats be considered individual or society reeks to copy jose, to whom the Workman tenders writer in the West Indian retirment? will return to prove If you have a Prescription to Times and American Review who the efficacy of a physical culture Haig, for his part, reported ber example, they should be ad its sincere condolence mired and appreciated.
be made up take it to the knows Will method of retaining and a natural life, and if am the capture of 13, 000 prisoners, 300 to 400 guns, and vast quanRent Receipt Books in Spanish National Pharmacy, Santa Ana bis you be asked the noted pugilist, allowed to fiebt my way of fight whom he met at Grupp Žymna ins, wlich is clean fightiog the retities of ammunition and stores Advertise in the Workman and English for sale at the Plaza, where you will get cour sum for an iuterview for publi sult will be differeat from the last of every description.
it will bring good results. Workman Printery.
teous and obliging service. cation. Said the most feared box fights, 00 CHEAPNESS, CLEANLINESS and guns Harry Wills Race Pugi. Asked whether he intends to reor


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