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o derthing sheet (Oppositionists Are Necessary THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN WEEK LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK ANC VOL 17 No. PANAMA, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1928 PRICE CENTS C: Activities Garvey Advises Followers to Manuals or origener Panama wietley Rockefeller Opens Bank For Messrs Challenor Wright Make Friends of Germans Negroes in Harlem To Safeguard Against Abuses and The Jamaica Man says that Among the many technical and be Opened Sept. 17 and Insults of Other People Operated Partly By Negroes Will Visit Jamaica at Conclu Will the Colden Rule Work sion of Present Tour in Business and Industry. Will it that Challenor and Wieht, two which have their pros and cons, members of the West Indian cric. this may be considered one of the in his customary weekly message to his followers, its tour in England, will pay ket team which is now completing foremost, why? Because we cannot very well get along without Press despatch from New York states that a new President Marcus Garvey of the Universal Negro Improv visit to Jamaica at a comparatively business and industrial pursuits, national bank, to be located in the heart of Harlem and ement Association, writing from Berlin Germany says, early date.
and education plays a great part operated mainly for the benefit of the Negro residents of inter alia: Mr. Challenor is the well known in making the success of same. that district, is being formed by John Rockefeller, Jr. Fellowmen of the Negro Race, Greeting: champion batsman of Darbados, This subject was very masterly and his business associates. It will be known as the although he has not done as well dealt with on Wednesday night Dunbar National Bank of New York, will be located in write to you today from the capital city of Germany. as was expected Mr Wight is the members read clippines or dealing Eighth Avenue and 150th Street, and will be opened for It is with a feeling of hope and inspiration that on the West Indian tean, this year last in the CE meating many the Dunbar Apartments, erected by Mr. Rockefeller at My travels through Europe have brought me in close Vice Captain of the team, and with same. Miss Hilda Forthe and contact with the different race groups who inhabit the is one of the British Guiana repre. Miss Alice King gave two very business on Sept. 17.
sentatives. far back as Jao fine examples, but the main paper Continent.
Application to establish the bank was approved yesuary this year, Messrs Challenor was read by the Rev. Rterday by the Controller of the Currency. It will have HOSPITALITY OF THE FRENCH and Wight expressed their inten. Wade, in which he compared old must say that am very much impressed with tion of paying a visit to this business methods with the new. a paid in capital of 500, 000 and surplus and undivided the genial hospitality of the French toward us as a race. tour and they e intendon to carry afirmative Comparing the old last month as Vice President of the American Exchangeon the completion of the and eventually decided in the profits of 540, 000. Joseph Higgins, who resigned My stay in France was in every way a pleasant one, out their intention. They will with the new is no now, matter Irving Trust Company to organize the new enterprise, made so by the attitude of the French toward the come to Jamaica along with Messrs Loday, for more comparisons are will be President. Arthur Thien, also formerly of the black man. If there has been any unpleasantness, it Nunes, Marin, Scott and Rae, drawn from them than from any American Exchange Irving Trust Company, will be Vice. came not from the French, but from the rude and vulgar el probably remain there for and other two sources. President, and George Loomis, formerly assistant white Americans we met on our way. With all my fortnight. Needless to say, they Toe selection of subjects for auditor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, has admiration for France for her social hospitality toward will receive a hearty welcome from discussion is indeed very importan: been named cashier. It was said that in so far as it the black race, pity her, because from my observations the cricketers of Jamaica in fact and no mean undertaking. Mr. is possible, the rest of the personnel will be Negroes.
she has lost her strength, both mural and physical, from the entire community. Harris lead in prayer as usual Announcement of the formation of the bank, and the future seems very dark for her, not only as an awan which was made by William Conklin, as agent imperial power, but a as national entity in Europe for the organizers, said that the Negro population there IMPRESSED WITH GERMANY calls for banking accommodations immediately and directly The Country that am most impressed with, however, The Anthology responsive to it and that a complete national bank 15 Germany. It is amazing to see how Germany has organization operating in the interest of Negroes and in recovered. The Germans are sturdy, courteous and hostheir midst would fill a long felt want. By King)
pitable. This is my opinion of them.
The name of John Rockefeller 3d appears for the GERMAN THOROUGHNESS first time, in connection with the org inization of the. King, author of Sparklets, waxes poetical institution, as a corporation director. The directors, who admire them for their thoroughness. There is no in emitting sparks in connection with the West Indian anthology which has been compiled by Sydney Young will uwn a majority of the stock, in addition to Mr.
fooling around Germany with the Germans. Every man and will be off the press in a short time.
Rockefeller and his son, will include: is serious; he has a purpose, and apparently he is living m not a poet, and you may know it, Howard Audrey, Vice President, National Bank of for it. This is not so with the French; they are guy and Yet oftimes get an inspiration Commerce; Edward Ballard, Chairman of the Board, light hearted, and although they may engender hate for From the rising or setting sun; Merchants Fire Assurance Corporation; Bruce, resiGermany and other races in Europe they do not by Poets know that some temptation!
moral and physical training prepare themselves to meet dent Manager, Dunbar apartments: Everett Colby, lawyer; their enemy. Their greatest crime is dissipation, which William Conklin, lawyer; Henry Cooper, Vice Now, let consider the young Young, weakens their manhood and character. This, no doubt, President; Equitable Trust Company; Bertram Cutler, Erstwhile editor of some sort, trustee, Equitable Life Assurance Society: Frank Dillingis why they have to be courteous and hospitable toward ham, President, South Porto Rico Sugar Company: the black man, because to my obsevation and conclusion they are depending largely upon their Culonial EmCharles Heydt, President, Empire Mortgage Company; His prospective volume an anthology, Joseph Higgins, President; Robert Hill, Chairman pire, which is mainly in Africa, for support in th: time of will be replete with things Antillian.
of the Board, Consolidation Coal Company; Charles trouble. The Germans, on the other hand, are depending Superficial? No! Mighty deep stuff, Huitt, President, Ampere National Bank, Orange, upon themselves and their alliances. Twill be read by half a million.
William Travers Jerome, Jr. James Colgate Co. Continued on page 6)
George Leask, retired banker.
The contents will be things re hashed, From Young much prized, late Section, The Three Act Musical CORRESPONDENCE By Mrs. Smart Chubb, Jingles Bell, et a And other thinkers of special mention.
The Acting Governor South Avenue To Be Comedy Mademoiselle The Golden Text The latter likely to include of the Panama Canal Widened Leacock, Hunter, Thompson of philosophic fame; The one topic of conversation But why, Oh why, for heaven sake, around the town is the act of the Sixteenth Anniversary Did omit Charles Moulton name?
Col. Harry Burgers In the near future, work for the Number assumes the reins of Governorship extension of South Avenue in this Musical Comedy Mademoiselle The book, Young says, will cost a dollar; of the Panama Canal effective city will be started. The matter which will be staged at the VaHe had surely visioned Macwalbax; Monday, 3rd inst, in the absence has been definitely decided on by riedades Theatre in this city on The EDITOR THE WORKMAN, This know, Oh, yes, know this, of Governor L. Walker who the Department of Agriculture Monday and Tuesday night next Sir: The 16th anniversary num.
has left for Washington.
For m always full of facts.
and Public Works. Another simi.
the 10th and 11th September. ber of your indispens ble weekly It is expected that Governor lar scheme that of the widening And if appearances count for the WORKMAN, is highly apro.
Walker will retire, and that the of Avenue will also be underNow, then, plan to buy your copy anything, coupled with the great improvement it would be just the seting Governor who is now Eo taken by the Engineering Divisicn ciable, and with the necessary (The bill on mine has long been paid)
gineer of Maintenance will be ap of the Panama Canal and will excitement manifested over the bi weekly or daily newspaper the of that luminous anthology Whick by half a million will be read.
pointed to the office, this being cost 3, 250.
new diversion, it would appear West Indian community on the the costomary method of proceThe cost of this work has althat the Variedades will be pack Isthmus peed.
ready been decided on and the el to its greatest capacity long The WORKMAN newspaper is Col. Burgess has on several oc matter has been banded over to before the curtain rises. For the the only representative journal of cesjors acted in this cfficial capac the Municipal Engineeriog Degeneral information we give the Negroes on the Isthmus, and yet, representative Negro newspaper It has been said authoritatively, ity with satisfaction and is there partment.
Work in this connection will be following brief synopsis of the the patronage of thousands of on the Isthmus of Panama.
land written, and printed, and pub fore no stranger to the task. With West Inciats go in the mainten The Labor Day (today s) issue ished, and best of all it is true such an Executive Chief, all sec. started at the completion of South playof the other local newspapers of the Star Herald published all that The Panama Canal was be proud in the event of his being tions of the Canal employees will The story of the play centers some ignorant Negroes declare about the celebri ies of the Panama built by French brain, American appointed to the position.
around Mademoiselle, the fas that they will not read even Canal from the earlv construction money, and West Indian blood.
Colon Chauffeurs Assotidious, imported leading lady, singler copy of the Workman nor period up to the present time, Fellow West Indians, do you ciation Bill, the hard boiled thetrical support it any.
but not a word has been said see the need for the WORKMAN! Ii Young People Sejproducer, Jack, the affluent the headlines The Need For The of whom have sned their blood, vi tione. have chosen the article under about the Labour Force many you do, then, act upon your conman about town, nd Mr. Money workman, as the Golden Text and come have en murdered vice League Will run Excursion to Yours, etc.
Bags, the sportive gent.
Panama of your sxteenth anniversary and other crippled, through which Fairplay. of St. Peter Church Plans Mademoiselle arrives in the number, and trust that the means milling upon millions of COLON, Sept. It is te ng beautiful city of Mañana, and is writer of said article and all other dollars are flowing into the treaMusical Program rumored in the city of Colon that given her first interview by Bill do oured people who are in sary of the United States. Even Visiting on The Atlantic Side the Colon Chauffeurs Association position to to, the so News will run an excursion trai who informs her that as part of illustrate to their le fortunate was too insignificant to be included Admires and supporters of November 3rd. Parama National his publicity campaign, it would fellow Wist Iod a is the need for in the columns of today (Labor COLON, Sept. Miss juvenile activities will pleased oliday, which is the talk about be necessary for her to pay brief the Workman, but will come Day. number of the Star Tooteman of Parama City is pay 10 lepro that a colossal Musical town at present, even as for 48 visits to most of the fashionable forward and by practical demon Herald. Righteousness exaltething a two weeks visit in this city Program has been slated by the Gatun. Many of the excursionists (Continued on page 6)
at ations lead in giant campaign a nation, but sin is a curse to apy along with friends who accom. Young People Service Lengue will remember what a time they of raising it to be a veritalle people panied her on her trip. Continued on Page 6) had in the capital city last year.
of the late West Indian Section Which with our dollars we had bought.
nice oa


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