
PAGĖ TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1928 Offers a full The British Pharmacy COLON carriage of bowssengers, and the SSSSSSSSSS 33335555 334 333 The Lady Nelson THE WORKMAN THE First Vessel of the New Caradian Fleet to Serve the PANAMA HARDWARE West Indian Islands Publish on Saturdays by a os for Advertisemen on applica.
WALBOND, a sas ofiice. 16 Calas os all attes Stacet East Ceatral Avenue Panama of public iatrest invited In our Aoniversary number we (M. CARDOZE Jr. RP.
gave a sparse report of the landing all copy for publication be PO Box 74, Panan RP of the Lady Nelson the first written on 033 side of paper only, and vessel of the new Canadian fleet Ratos of Subscription mast bs asonpaaie by the name of NEWLY REMODELLED STORE to ply be ween the West Todian je Year 31. 40 US. to writer, as nossarily for publica Islands, tiga but as as of RO sich.
Six Months 20 In this issue we are in a posi.
Tara Va do a xarake taratara ra tion to give many of our readers AT CATHEDRAL PLAZA One Month 25 jested correspaces.
who are greatly interested in the new itiarrary a fuller detail of the big Canadian vresel, which is The Liberty of the Press is the paladium of our rights NUIS assortment of Hardware at taken from the Progress Enter.
price. SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1928 convenienent prices. Moneton, N, B, July 12th: Lady Nelson is the name decided upon for the first of five Oppositionists Are Necessary GIVE US CALL.
steamers ordered for the Canadian National Steams! ips, which ll operate in the West Indies serWe have never been, nor are we comtemplating to Courteous Tieatment, Prompt Service vice and form a new link in the chain of loter Empire commun.
interfere unnecessarily in the politics of this Republic.
ic tions, Galloway, Assist We know, nevertheless, that we have the right to comant Vice President, Caoadia ment upon or critically examine matters or measures BRANCH STORE National Railways announced to of common or general interest emanating from leading day. The Lady Nelson will be launched from the yards of citizens or parties.
125 CENTRAL AVENUE the well known firm of shipbuild.
We are moved to comment in a favourable vein on ers Messrs. Cammell Laird and Co.
what is perhaps the most essential statement credited SOSOK to President elect Florencio Arosemena in connecBirkenhead England, on Tuesday, July 17th, when the christention with his proposed attitude in the executive funcing cremony will be performed tionings of his country when shall have taken up the Madame Lapointe, wife of the reins of government for the next four years. We have Minister of Justice.
neticed that the President elect, on the formal notificawhen these new steamers are in commission the Canadian Nat.
tion of his election to an office which represents the ional Steamships will give a fort.
highest honour which his countrymen could have nightly passenger cargo and mail conferred upon any one of its citizens, did not have a Vice between Canadian Atlaoformal voluminous speech setting forth plans which tic ports and the West Indies aod British Guiana. The new cr. ft would most likely be side tracked before maturity or will provide violated if matured. Rather, in an obviously modest for first, second and hird audience with a reporter of a daily newspaper, he exgeneral and re.
pressed himseyf as being conscious of the duties of trans.
frigerated cargo. They are peocendental importance which will be encumbent upon his pelled by twin screw turbine ma.
chinery, with oil wired boilers.
effice. All that, however, is not the prime motive for IS NOW LOCATED AT The new vessels are of the three this editorial. The motive lies in the President elect anislu. type, with a long bridge nounced tolerance with which he expects to treat op.
poop and forecastle. The upper positionists during his executive collaborations. We place and man deck are continuous this importance on that announcement for the reason 11. 1154 11th STREET fore and aft and a lower deck is that it is without the dreaded ostentation. It is not an fitted forward and aft of the maimpossibility veneered, but a statement indicative of Correr Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK chinery space. Above the upper deck amd ships are the bridge that broadmindedness, tact and toleance which, as is promet. ade and bot decks.
generally known by level headed citizens of any counWhere our customers will receive the usual These ships will have a pleasing try, from the basis of good government, good manage Appearance, with a large single ment; a demonstration funnel and twe pole masts, all courtesies executive ability and a develraked aft; the steru is a counter oper of sound and consequently popular leadership.
type and the stem has a considerIn to which able forward rake. The bulls are presented him as a candidate for the presidency, Pres. paistad white, with red boot topident elect Arosemena considers that, if inspired by ping and the funnel is painted in LOOK FOR THE SIGN three bands of red, white ad blue.
The vessels are crostructed to constitute a necessary factor in the proper administracomply with all the requirements tion of the affairs of the country; and continued by BRITISH PHARMACY and have been fitted with even additonal strengthening material to saving that an opposition press, well directed and headthat required by Llyd and the ed by cultured men, will become an important collaboraBritish Corporation for the Survey tor of his administration.
and Registry of Shipping and the Feeling sure that the President elect will not fail worku anship is the highest charto put into practice his annonnced intentions, we conIn additon to constructional refidently expect that during his administration he will, quiremeats, the vessels are built among other things, accord West Indians their just dues to comply with all British Board in proportion to their contribution to the building and of Trade regulations and all remaintenance of this now prosperous young republic quirements of the Canadian Board of Steamships Inspection. The The muestion of opposition is of paramount imporarrangement of bulkheads, togethtance to West Indians here, especially at this time when er with watertight doors, fire reit has become a nctorious fact among the well thinking sisting and extinguishing ones that intolerance for healthy opposition, by some apparatus other Rafety arrangements received full approval of our so called first line leaders, have been for years of the Board of Trade and comply the biggest stumbling block in the way of unity and cowith International Convention operation among our people here. The deadly motto for the Safety of Life at Sea.
wrich these learers carry and live up to is in effect: The ventilating and heating will defeat the oppositionists in my organization; systems are of most efficient type, this will do by foul means if cannot by fair means.
No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue and a special fire detecting apparatus is fitted on the navigating To cap the climax will expel them, also employing foul bridgeso that the slightest trace of means if cannot by fair means. Then will carry on PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 smoke will be immediately seen by on one cylinder and demand that one and all bow the officers on duty.
Careful coa ideration has been down to and carry out my dictum. Yes; some of our leaders are such little dictators. But the human family given to passengers accommodation in order to make them the most.
is not yet ready for this brand of dictatorship. And up to date and comfortable ships there is little likelihood that they will ever be ready, of their type All the rooms are In endorsing President elect Arosemena broadOF THE HIGHEST ORDER spacious ard furnished with goud taste, and special care bas been mindedness we also take pleasure in passing it around given to the lighting and veatilsto our West Indian readers, the majority of whom, we ting arrangemeats. An ample are sure, will concur with us.
promenade deck permits passengers Onpesitionists in deliberate bodies for the promoWork Done While You Wait to walk nght around it, and gives commodious space for deck games tion of the community or public welfare are esand dancing. There is accomodasential and therefore necessary at all times. They are tion for 103 first class passengers.
valuable! Only the small men, the weak men, the bigots The first class public rooms and the cowards who, when posing as leaders with TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED consist of dining room, lounge, smoking room and garden lounge their closed minds. incapable of admitting anything that together with their entrance balls had not originated from themselves. develop trembling Alter tions and Repairs at reasonable Prices and with the exception of the kners and nervousness for the well meaning opposidining saloon, all are situated on tionists in their organizations. No leaders has the mothe promenade deck. Usually large Ladies Garments carefully handled ropoly of brains of his party, organization, or his counwindows are provided to all public roume, so that a clear view can try. It is not essentially true that it is the best man of be obtwined on all sides and country that that country elects as its president; or REID Propietor thereby insuring ample daylight the hest of a party whn that party put as its leader, or and fresh air to all these spaces.
the best of an assembly who that assembly elects as Each of the first class cabias contains two large handsomely its chairman, mental giants, more often than not, prefer finished beds and some of the to remain on the floor to be able to discuss, without If you have a Prescription to cabins are provided in additions undue interference, plans for the more efficient func having made such a useful disclosure of his proposed be made up take it to the with a Pulman berth. Two dress.
tioning of their organization for the good of all con attitude toward oppositionists in his government. When National Pharmacy, Santa Ana wabin, and together cedrich large tables provided in each cerned.
such tolerance is practiced by a leader he automatically Plaza, where you will get cour wardrobe and locker cupboards We congratulate President elect Arosemena for gains the confidence of his followers and supporters. teous and obliging service. Continued on page acter.


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