
THE WORKMAN SATCRDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1928 PAGE THREE For Sale Cheap witu AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmms Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City and Bahaman Legislature The West Indian Tele sunt Porto Rico Woman. And Covernor Clash graphic System Ends Life By Saturating Clothing With Re election of House After if Cheaper Means of ComTurpentine and Applying Defied Executive Causes munication in Sight for the Match Constitutional Criais West Indian Islands The West Indian Times and Ame.
rican Review of August 4th says: NASSAU, Bahamas, July 17. According to the West India Porto Rican woman who constitutional crisis has arisen Committee Circular of the 20th Good Assortment of somehow did not find things rosy in this ancient and loyal British ulto, those who have been followas they were painted by an unknowo man took her exit from colony. In January the House ing closely the proposals for the this life in a blaze of fire on Thurs of Assembly passed an Out Is formation of a great Imperial day.
lands Improvement bill, which cable and wireless Combine will The woman was wealthy, 38 was then transmitted to the not have been surprised to learn years old, and somehow she claim.
Legislative Council in the usual that last week the Direct West ed deception as the cause of her India, the Halifax and Bermuda rash suicide. She drenched her manner.
clotting with turpentine applied a The Council on second read Cable Companies and the Cuba match, then proceeded to do devil dance of Hades but when ing decided to defer considera Submarine and West India and the demon fire started to do bis tion of it until the AppropriaPanama Telegraph Companies, work, sbe realized it was not so tion bill was sent up, as it consi under the chairmanship of Sir easy to meet Hades in the flesh, dered that the sum of 21. 800 to the hands of the powerful in Hewitt Skinner, passed and like a woman, she thought which it was proposed to spend she could change her mind, so ste dived in a bath tub partly filled in the development of the Out Eastern Telegraph group.
Islands could not be entertained The West Indian companies with water. Wbile this expedient cooled her a little it failed to save until the financial condition of own 8, 000 miles of cables, 22 her life and she died later in the Harlem Hospital the colony was known. In April, cable stations operating throughon the recommendation of the out the British West Indies and, clergyman was the first to discover the woman lying in the Out Islands Improvement Com in addition, wireless stations bath tub semi conscious with clothmittee, the 21, 800 was inclu which have recently been installing badly burned on the upper ed in the Appropriation bill, ed at Bermuda and Jamaica, part of her body. Smoke and the smell of turpentine fumes which was duly passed on May where the Direct West Indian 17 and sent to the upperhouse.
Cable Company experimented is thing forom the bathroom of the with wireless more than thirty of The Legislative Council, con house at 520 West 114th street, demning the policy of inserting years ago. They have also imwas the cause of the elevator boy in the bill certain items which it portant agreements for exchange ovestigating had had no opportunity of dis of traffic with the Commercia It is supposed to be a traditional cussing, then passed the Out Cable and Western Union system custom of her people to die in such friendly a mapner under the circumstances, Islands bill and amended the Ap. and they work in but as before atated, Miss Louisa propriation bill by striking out co operation with the new West Amenia De Hostos, daughter of the the clauses relating to the Out Indian system of the Pacific late Eugeno De Hostos one of the Cable Board which will now, no foremost educators of Porto Rico, Islands doubt, be included in the merger found it imposssbe to completely At the Council Chamber on the West Indian system will live up to the tradition.
June the Speaker of the House thus become an integral part of The young lady was to have of Assembly, submitted various a powerful concern, so complete sailed for Porto Rico, on Thursbills for the governor assent, in every respect that it will be OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH day, August 2nd, after being the hut omitted the Out Islands bill guest of honour at a farewell able to withstand all possible party. She wrote notes and one of The governor then asked wheth attacks that might be made on next door Nash Motors Garage them was addressed to the Chief er the bill had passed both 3f Polica in New York, in which it by outside influences.
houses. The Speaker, relying on she claimed that a man had bes his privileges, refused to say, nations, This is the day of big combi am in a mannannammannannanamamanan mirched her name. How that was and the financial accomplished she did not explain, whereupon the governor asked strength of the Eastern but at the Harlem Hospital, a little the Speaker and members to met associated companies is so great Dr. Fred Sterling later, she told the police that a him on the following evening.
man had misled her and to make that our friends in the West it worse, she did not know his The denouncement came on Indies may well begin to hope THE NEW YORK DENTST name, June 6, when the governor, ad. that cheaper means of teledressing the Speaker, who again graphic communication are in 182, BOLIVAR STREET attended at the Council Chamber sight for them and that the priCOLON, Should be in every office to immediately British Warship Visit with the members of the House vileges of night letters and other Box 71, CrisToBAI, Vancouver.
of Assembly, said that the Out facilities of the kind will be TELEPHONE 247 COLON soothe any neuralgic pain caused by Islands bill had been returned available for them.
to the House with other bills Big Welcome Tendered OffiIncidentally this merger closes excessive mental work.
Brought forward for assent, and a chapter in the history of West cers and Men.
that he could only surmise that Indian telegraphic communicaJ. Small NEURALGINA was being withheld without tion in which the late Sir ThomDENTIST PRINCE GEORGE JOINS SHIP any constitutional reason. He as Skinnes, and Mr. Joseph Rip MASONIC TEMPLE ON AMERICA AND WEST INthen prorogued the Legislature pon, who is still happily with us, Should be in every school to soothe bad DIES STATION.
Office Hours: 8, am to 12 and announced that the prorroga with the late Mr. John Mackay, 30 pm to 30 headaches and reduce the fever of direct West India Cable Co.
tion would be followed im figured so prominently. Sundays, by Special Appointment despatch from Vancouver BC mediately by a dissolution. Three Masonic Temple ilth St, children.
dated August 23, states that with days later he left Nassau on O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL If you have a Prescription to two Royal Canadian Air Force sealeave, and the Hon. Burns be made up take it to the planes circling overhead and 2, 000 PHONE: OFFICE 1664 NEURALGINA citizens on hand to welome them, was sworn in as National Pharmacy, Santa Ana RESIDENCE 588 M. Despatch, S!
Plaza, where you will get courDurban and Vancover Writs of election were issued teous and obliging service.
Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes entered the harbour the day before and anchored in the stream for promptly. The dead House the heart, ten days stay. The Despatch, banded itself into a party and Jury Trial System.
flagship of Vice Admiral Sir Cyril presented itself to the people on Fuller, Commander in Chief the same ticket. The elections, For sale both Wholesale and Retail of the America and West Indies concluded in the return of the old TOKIO. The Anglo AmeriStation, and the Durban have been House to office, with the ex. can jury systm will be adopted AT THE cruising in North Pacific waters for some time.
ception of four members who did in Japanese courts in the Fall AMERICAN PHARMACY of this year.
LIEUT, PRINCE GEORGÉ Joins not seek re election.
Courtrooms throughout THE DURBAN the JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Vancouver, Aug. 23. Dangerous Bus The following message from His Panama. Royal Highness Prince George who Accident jury system the Tokio district arrived in Vancouver early this courts are planning an innovamorning was received late last tion probably unique in legal pronight: Since my presence in Automobile and Bus Collided cedure.
Vancouver is due to joining my DROP IN AT ship, the visit must necessarily be An elevator will run from the of an informal character; but COLOV, Aug. 28 One of the cell rooms in the basement to am glad to find myself once more most dangerous car and bus accident the courtroom. When a criminal in Canada and to have this opporoccurred on Sunday morning at tunity to express my admiration about 30 a. at 8th and case is called the accused meteCALL IN AT of the extensive developments Streets crossing when the Escuela ly takes a seat on a chair in the 122 CENTRAL AVE.
which see being undertaken in Official car crashed into the Lilly elevator and a button does the great dominion. Silver City bus and wrecked rest. The elevator, forming an You ill Find Them It is indeed a itself; the right rear wheel was excellent prisoner cage, rises fiod that country is about to entirely destroyed. It was stated enjoy the fruits of a good harvest by people who were on the scene and the person to be tried finds Moderately Priced.
and the extensive cultivation that that it was the fault of the car himself before judge and jury have seen on all sides of the line through speeding. No damage wa without moving.
on which bave been travelling done to the Lilly.
The trial over, the judge waves is an ernest display of what this his hand and the prisoner drops No. 16 STREET EAST country can produce and a striking FLOWERS example of its potential wealth.
out of sight through the floor.
Oppsite The Wesleyan Church.
The judicial authorities decided travelled out on a ship with Abogado. Attorney at Law a contingent of miners sent out on this arrangement because the GOOD SELECTION OF from Eogland to assist you to barOFFICE: No. 44 ST average defendant is subjected vest your crops. send these men BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY to unreasonable strain if forcNEW BIBLES my best wishes for their future TELEPHONE No. 1377 ed to walk through a double row welfare boping many of them will Practicing before all the courts of of curious spectators to reach Advertise in the Workman Hymn Prayer Books settle here when their immediate task is completed and become wor.
the Republic since April 1914 the prisoner dock.
thy citizens of Canada.
ernor renovated. In addition to the NEED WATCH?
FULLER this this coupleasure to me to The Workman BOOK STORE


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