
OUT SOON ORDER YOUR COPY NOW due should be given to the Speed of Constantine We are so superior to the West Indians that no possible harm could Deliveries have followed experiments, and the game would have been better as a spectacle. The would have Estimated at 50 Horse Power done the wise thing by looking to is Danger to Batsmen the future we have the South Africanshere next summer, and we shall be wanting the youngsters. We The following is taken from All had a grand chance to give them Sports of July 28th.
their first Test match fire under When England so decisively beat conditions that would have helped the West Indians in the first Test them in matches not too arduous.
match, at Lord there were several Now, it may be argued that the complaints against the England side, are exonerated because It was said that our batsmen did certainly did one or two strange not relish the fast bowling of the things in the Gentlemen Players West Indians, that our tail end was match at Lord s; they experimented a sorry affair, and that the outall right in that game. In my opinion fielding was atrociously bad. To a is one, game that should not certain extent all these claims were be used as a means of experiment nos justified but for each, there was a or as a trial of any sort, it is this reason which has not been commentone. This is supposed to be the of the game year, and to be a match in In the first place our men did not which the best players of the season are honoured. know that most play the fast bowling because it was slightly quicker than anything to players consider it a great honour which they have been used. Further to get a place in this game; in fact, after a Test match against Austrathe West Indian bowling is not too lia, it is think, the honour most accurate in length and, therefore, appreciated.
many of the balls were not only unSEVEN CENTURIES playable, but became almost dangerThere were several players in the ous. for one, do not blame any sides who could not claim to be the player who gets out of the way of best of the season, and can one conan express from Constantine that is ceive a greater risk than that of not pitched half way down the wicket including two opening batsmen in and flies up past one ears.
the Players team! If they When you remember what hapwant to play Suteliffe and Hallows, pened to Oldroyd, the Yorkshire why not give Whysall, the NotN batsman, who stopped an express inghamshire man, the position? He from Macdonald on the side of his has never played in this great game head and spent a long time in Man Box 612 ANCON chester Hospital and was in a serious and this season he has shown more consistent form than any opening penine condition for some time, it is easy batsman who has been playing in the to see why batsmen play on the lines that it is better to live and big games. Already he has hit up seven centuries. He is at the height fight another of his form and deserves his place.
The ways of the have It is all very well to say that batas strange for many years, and men should step back and hook the their lack of enterprise has become short length ball, but when they notorious, but one hoped that they come at you at something like fifty and think it decidedly unfair to have been kinder to them in the sec. ing whether these players are likely to give our young players encourage were changing. They have again miles an hour the speed which an our men to expect them to try to ond game to have made it a more to succeed in a big game. Why did ment and experience.
Without knowing whether the what will happen when the Austrafailed, however, and one must wonder expert has estimated the bowling of play them and so risk injury.
even match by putting out a side the selctors stick to the old hands.
Constantine, though make no preSHEER PACE that had the additional merit of giv for the Test match at Manchester. Test selectors have had any line of lian team is chosen are we due for tence practical knowledge on this Our tail end failed because Con ing some of our young players a When the first eight men were action indicated to them, it is imposmore surprises. matter it seems as though a bats stantine was in such wonderful form chance to prove their skill in a Test announced we had the certainties sible seriously to criticise their acW.
man has to be very quick on his with the ball, and they were beaten match.
feet. In fact, he has to be quick in by sheer pace. Well, that is always once again, every man of them was tion. If they have been told to go KNOWN QUANTITY a known quantity, and of the three about the job of picking Test teams getting out of the way and so avoid likely to happen. So far as the outplaces open no to play against the West Indians injury.
When the West Indians playedding was concerned, it is no use man who can save runs in the out. left in the hope that Hobbs and with a view to finding men for blaming the men.
field, say Patsy Hendren, doubt watched Constantine bowl. There was only one man in the very much if a better team for the Larwood might be available. Only in tralia then they have done their job PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 11th and Bolivar Sts.
ing to Gregory, the young player side who is supposed to be an out first Test in Australia could have the position of wicket keeper was capably and well. They have selectwho has just got his county cap. fielder or who is fast enough for the been selected than that which did there hope of experiment.
ed the best possible side, and you can expect them SHORT SIGHTED to experiment COLON, counted at least six balls that would job Hammond, of Gloucester and duty at Lord s, but we have to BUILDING 10. 123 OPPOSITE have injured Gregory if they had he was wanted for the all important more than eleven players to Austra Can one conceive a more short without definite instructions to do Chase National Bank hit him, and five of them flew just position of slip. Thus it is useless lia, and we shall certainly have to sighted policy? doubt it. With the so. Therefore, qualify my remarks over his head as he quickly duck to blame the players; rather should call upon more than eleven for the most important tour since the war with the above.
Office Hours: a. to 12m ed!
we look to the men who selected five Tests which will be played.
NO HARM to be undertaken this winter, and p. to p know the great West Indian them.
Who will make up the party with the obvious need of new Test should doubt very much if they OPPICÉ TELEPHONE 320 bowler does not bowl these short Yet, with all these defects, we so Well, we can guess at several play. match players staring us clearly in have had any instructions to experiballs deliberately, but they are there, easily beat the tourists that it woulders, but we have no means of know the face, we miss a glorious chance ment and whatever criticism that is Drug STORE TELEPHONE 154 didn FIFTY day been Apart from the introduction of the thereherean bere to have not raisot been world to do this Dr. Nathan Rowe for AusSurrey to take


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