
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1928 PAGE FIVE PRICE REDUCTION Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co FAMOUS BEERS SILVER SPRAY AND CERVEZA BALBOA IN COLON AND PANAMA CITY Half Barrels. 00 Quarter Barrels 50. 33 33 35 Eighth Barrels. 00 EFFECTIVE THE MORNING OF SEPTEMBER 1st, 1928 15 Drink The Best Beer Brewed And Be Happy Convict Lays Warder Prisoner Challenges Low Judge EVERYBODY LOVES It.
chairs and CO rmo SEE to operate WMIVD YOU at Bress The Lady Nelson complete broadcast receiving in.
is also fitted and leeds are ar (Continued from Page 2)
ranged to all publie rooms so that give ample accommodations for programmes may be received.
clothing. Spaces for cabin or ward. the upper deck and Cutside the The whole of the space below rabe trunk are arranged beneath limits of the beds and against the wall. Fach are available for general cargo, the machinery spaces cabin bas a wasb sio with except the after end of No2 running water, hot and cold, toilet upper tween deck, which is set belves, two a shelf aside for refrigerated cargjes.
for taking a tray of morringten. is a total gain capacity of adjacent to each bed. large over 250, 000 cubic feet and the number of cabius bave hower baths and toilet facilite refrigeration space ainoilet to 13, 000 cubic The lighting has been carried silenly.
out on a generous scale. lehtesiye olc feet. All winches are is provided over each berth, and he Lady Nelson will have a bracket is fitted over each dressing from keel to upper deck light supported on a decorativo length of 438 feet and ext eme breadth of 59 feet inches; depth table and wash basin mirrow.
31 feet; There are two special suites on maximum drnu ht 24 feet, maxia bedroom, sitting room, bath. 14 knots. The rudder is of larger the bridge deck each containing mum deac weight 6350 tous, 7650 tons, service speed room with shower, veraudab, ves area than ueuslly found in oceanverandaho are situated at the going vesels of this type.
in order to extreme forward end of the bridge insure good steering qualities.
deck and are enclosed th slid. The propelling machinery con ing glass windows which give a sts of two sets of Parsons comwide outlook forward and on the bioed single reduction geared steam beam.
turbines of the latest improved There are also a pumber of two type and ample margin of power berths and single berth de luxe has been provided to obtain cabins, with private bathroom and speed economically, special atten sbowers also.
tion was given to the form of the Other features of particular in. vessels, and extensive experiments terest to passeng rs are a dark were carried out at the National room for photo rapbic purposes, Physical Laboratories, at Teddinga laundry equipped for ladies and ton, England in order to obtain mens bsir dressing tre best possible forın of propulsion Accommodation is provided for and sea worthiness.
32 second class passengers with The first sa liog in this service neonssary public rooms, and berths will take place about the end of in sbe poop, and upper tween December from Halifax to the East.
decke will give space for third ern group of Lelands, follow. by class pa sengers. About 50 pas a railing every fortnight. On the sengers may also be erried on return journey the ships will prodeck in the afterwell. hospital ceed to Saint John to disembark and dispensary is provided for passengers. In addition to passen.
passengers gers, these vessels Well equpped kitchens and pan will return with fruit, sugar mogeneral cargo from Canada and tries give the very best possible lases, coconuts, vegetabl culin: ry facilities for passengers etc.
These ships were designed by Messrs. Wall Company, The vessels are amply lighted Naval Architects, Liverpool, who throus bout with electric light in also supervised the work during which particular care has been construction, given to the avoidance of glare, The vessels are completely wired or vacuum cleaners, electric beat. St. Kitts Society to Meet.
ers, curling tongs, etr. and electric fans are provided through.
out. Special meeting of the St.
The wireless telegraph installa Kitts Nevis Society will take place tion is of the most modern type at the Mount Carmel Lodge Hall, and consists of a kilowatt Can San Miguel, on Friday September adian Marcooiset. wireless 21et 30. when all members automatic alarm device is also are requeted to be present.
fitted, so that distress signals Candidates will be received 00 may be received at any time. this occasion.
When Demanded to Deliver After Sentence Had Been R Stolen Cigarettes Pronounced E The Union Messenger, of St. Kitts, Eduardo Arosemena, 30 yerr old of July 11th says: Panamanian, being somewhat dis Abraham Phipps, a prisoner serv satisfied with a ninety days sening two months sentence at the tence (pronounced by Judge de la Basseterre Prison, on Wednesday 4th Ossa of the night court of Panama became the aggressive actor in for teating Abelardo Hart and scene which ended in landing Warder retaliation, and rlso burled 20 ander Agustin Moreno. offered a fistic Joel Caines prostrate on the floor ink well at his honor. of the Springfield Government House.
So From the report to hand, it seemed so iofuricated was Arosemena that a prison gang was work when arrested, that it took several PURITY at Government. House, when the pris. policemed to subdue him.
oner, Abraham Phipps, snatched Sefior Arosemena, will however three or four cigarettes, Warder face more serious charges, after At all our dealers or a phone call Caines saw the theft and immediate completing bis ninety days, and ly demanded the delivery of the will be tried in the circiut court for the these supsequent offences.
brings the goods to your door stolen cigarettes. The prisoner rezented the warder interference strongly, and to end the matter Deportations and Flog.
shortly, dealt him a severe blow on THE the head with a croquet mallet which ging was within his reach. The blow PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY smashed through the warder hel met and inflicted a wound over his London, Aug poisy interright ear. The prisoner took to his lude occured in the Commons PANAMA 65 PHONES COLON 84 heels. The warder was taken to the yesterday on a question by Sir Cunningham Hospital and the Fred Hall, whether the bome Manufacturers of wound took eight stitches. He is stin Secretary would consider immeunder threatment there.
diately deporting convicted aliens The prisoner was captured in the instead of keeping them to serve LEAN GOODS afternoon by a wactman who hand seuteuce of imprisonment before ed him to the rural constable, at deportation.
num Monkey Hill village and returned The Home Secretary replied that to the an alien who bad committed a He has since been seen out in crime must be punisbed in this chains. In 1926 when serving a pre country, before being sent back to vious sentence, this same prisoner bis owo. little bit of flogging would not do thein any harm attempted to escape.
Sometime ago, we called the atten remarked Sir Frederick Hall and tion of the prison authorities to the this was the sigaal of an outburst defence less position of prison ward of protest from the Labour benches, ers, who are in charge of prison gangs working outside of the pri Rent Receipt Books in Spanish son. It was an instance when we and English for sale at the Why throw away your old, but no saw about a half dozen prisoners, Workman Printery.
each with a matchet and the warder doubt interesting, books when you with empty hands.
This incident, the like of which we concerted attack, to control and keep can haue them neatly bound at have not had, say for the past, at bay any spirit of disorder. We twenty years, ought to be evidence are of the opinion that sufficient to the Prison authorities to satisfy protection is not offered to the wardthem that prison discipline and pri ers, and although some men stock son rule will not always entirely of discretion in using power of this No. EAST 16 STREET subdue human disposition. There are kind will often run dangerously low, some dispositions which grow rock yet we feel the authorities concerned less and intensely more wicked, even should err on the side of safety to Opposite the Wesleyan Churh to the point of becoming bloodthirsty the warders first. We feel strongly Protection should be given Wardens on this matter and hope it will re. www. to enable them, even in case of aceive the attention it deserves.
e prison will carry Book Binding!
and crew. THE WORKMAN


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