p. 6


PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1928 Garveyistic Revivals The Three Act Musical New Railway Line LA MASCOTA ENGLISH TWEEDS forth mus. Marcus too TAILORS TRIMMINGS progress MULLER, Prop.
two at to conGas Stoves on Time Payment was this streets.
when save (By VERITAS. Continued from page 1)
Between Puerto Armuellos The characteristic of the founders amusement centers of the city.
and David Completed of Mreus Garvey institutions on the the isthmus of Panama are being Her first visit is made to With the completion of the bew the Blue Jay Cabaret, a rendezvous actually revived in Colon at railway line between Puerto Armupresent time. Week by week during of the elite, where Jack sees her Just received a fine selection of ellos and David, the iohabitants of the last few weeks units of the 11th and apparently becomes enamorthe towns can now boast of having strect Central Avenue or 877 Division ed. He inquires her identity of improved communication and trancan be found at the most popular Mr. Money Bags, and meeting sportation which will add greatly sections of the town holding Bill alone, he tries to affect an to the status of these two places According to the information, in open air mass meetings acquaintance but fails. After al this project was put thro by scarcely less lacking in interest to engineer Harmodio osemena those which marked the inception of fors Bill that he would soon be in the very latest desings (president elect of this. op iblic)
the s activities attaching Mademoiselle on to and complete satisfaction ems to on the isthmus as well as at what his already long list of admires.
be the neralsentiment in this might be called the hey day of the heated discussion, in which per Also respect Association activities on the isth sonalities play no little part, Jack The official inaugirstio will informs Bill that he would soon take place about the mi dle of BLACK AND BLUE SERGES. BLACK CHEVIOT be attaching Mademoiselle on to september when Presidt Rodol pho Chiari is expected to wake a Mr. Cyril Thomas And His Band of his already long list of admirers.
VICUNAS AND CREAM FLANNELS trip of inspection and attend the Co workers.
Bill becomes enraged by Jack inauguration function.
Under the enthusiastic and energeseeming affrontery and bets him tie leadership of Mr Cyril Thomas, 5, 000 that he couldn even take All at moderate Prices Hundreds of People new life seems to have sprung up in her out to lunch in three months the rank and file of the above named Jack goes him one better by Witness division of the and making it 10, 000 that he would which at times seemed in des marry Mademoiselle within three Always kept in stock a full assortment of verate earnest regarding its loyalty weeks. The bet is made, Mr. MoUnveiling of Colon Fire BriGarvey. New life gade Monument seems to be in evidence in the varney Bags holding checks for joue departments now working out the amount, with the understand reformative methods for the future ing that Bill would forfeit if he COLON, Aug. 26 One of the of the division: the social, divulged Jack identity.
largest crowds on this side of the hominess or economic, educational as of every description Gold Coast witnessed the unveiling well as other phases of the work.
Bill puts Mademoiselle wise.
of the Coloa Fire Department Peculiar And Catchy Method On offering her 5, 000 for her comonument this morning in honor operation, but according to agreof Captain Charlee Fernes de Renter and Sergeant Andres ement, he refuses to disclose The Highways.
Jack identity. About Mosquera who got killed a few It has been many monrings since weeks afte. Mr. Money Bags years ago whilst performing their 37 CENTRAL AVENUE, duties at a fire.
the writer has paid attention to the call theater ins and outs of street preaching. It gratulate Mademoiselle. Jack PANAMA.
Fined For Cambling cannot be denied however, that it vas been long since impressed on the enters shortly after and interwriter. that nothing in which the rupts coversation, pointing to mafority of our people are concerned newspaper article about breach Indulgence in gambling although an illegitimate practice, seems able to succeed without its re of promise suit between mil gious tento suc feature. Sacred son sing lionaire and actress. He makes is constantly being resorted by to lovers of the game, and at ime and Scripture reading, prayers several disparaging remarks, in CHURCH SERVICES present, the staff of rte. seem to be an imbedded trait sinuating that all actresses were policemen in ibis city being so alive to the in the Negro race, and any attempt schemers with a hobby for en. St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca babit, that they lose no time in without detecting cases of this kind their religious snaring rich men etc. His chatter CHURCH NOTICES FOR THE catering to instinets in the old time evangelis. annoys Mademoiselle. After he On Sunday evening last, Raomies style will fail of the results leaves, she inquires and is told FOURTEENTH SUNDAY dolph Greene, an employee of the desired It was AFTER TRINITY Golden Gate Salooo, and Maria phase, no doubt, Escala were arrested and arraigned which gathered a large and interest: that he is the son of a multiod gathering on Tuesday evening millionaire, who is exceedingly before the judge of the night Holy Communion, 6, a. be last at the nast at the corner of 4th court for rolling the bones and clever dodging the path of and Rector and except musi matrimony which he regards a the were eveutually fioed 50 00 cal instruments except the human crowning folly. There and then 7:30 pm Holy Baptism, and 35. 00 respec ively; according Matios, 10. 45, a. Holy Eucreans, the meeting was not a bit she makes up her mind to marry charist and sermon, 11. 30, a.
WE HAVE EXTENDED OUR TIME PAYMENT to information, were otbers involved in the act when the ardissimilar to swinning Salvation him and show the girls that she The Rector: PLAN TO INCLUDE GAS STOVES NEW rest was made, but they made Army open air meeting.
could do what they couldn Church School, 235, CONSUMERS CAN HAVE AN INSTALLATION The rythmie hallo of voices good their escaped.
Both Greene and cala denied Choral Evensong and sermon, thev soared with Sankey Moody She schemes cleverly, and finalMADE STOVE INSTALLED FOR ONLY the charge made, and stated selectiors chiefly used by this ly marries him. Jack calls at the 30, pm. The Restor that they were only looking on grouped in their out door meetings, theatre and asks Bill for his MULCARE, but the judge thought otherwise while, because of the religious train wife. Bill is dumfounded. MadeRector and handed them the stiff find. ing the chaplin of the division an moiselle informs him that she St. Barthelomew s, LasEpiscopalian formula is used at their had married Jack and Mr. MoMan Draws Revolver indoor religious excercises of Cascadas AND THE BALANCE AS FOLLOWS, the same, and the lively speeches with Bill is dispondent, but Mr. Moeny Bags acted as Best Man St. Simon s, Gemboa at Chinaman, the old time ring proclamingor 1st Payment 10 Payments of acclaiming the activities of Marcus ney Bags saves the situation by Matius and address Church Garvey in his what they describe announcing that he had secretely school and Confirmation Class, Burner Stove 00 Colon, Sept. There was quite as his African redemption work insured Mademoiselle 60 against Evening Prayer and address, at the a scenº last Saturday Morning when Rogelio Arilez a Čuban drew gathered a very large assembly who marriage during her short stay usual time, by the Lay Readers apreared as eager as ever to hear 4. 00 2, 00 24. 00 MULCARE a revolver on a chinese bar tender at 11th and Sts. in the moroThomas Work Under. Observation.
That was told of Garvey work ete. in the country for 25, 000.
Priest in Charge CAST OF CHARACTERS: 4. 00 40 28. 00 ing Of course consequent of past hapIt seems that the cuban was ac.
penings in connection with the Gar.
Mademoiselle. The fastidious.
Seventh Day Adventist Burner Range cusstomed to credit liquor fron the 00 00 vey movement on the isthmus like Imported Leading Lady. Cislin 50. 00 bar in question, but on this occassin other places, and the fight Holness.
WITH OVEN among ion he was fuseu.
the Colon or in fact isthmian divi.
CALIDONIA Bill The hard boiled theatrica STREET The case was tried by Judge ors. Mr. Cyril Thomas the youth producer Victor Moore. Burner Range 00 ROAD near Isthmian Park Papa. 00 70. 00 Gallarido and as there was no witful leader of the 877 division can exnesses to substantiate the charge WITH OVEN Teet to hear from his critics from Harry His over optimistic as ma.
a fiae of twenty five dollars was time to time, friendly as well as sistant Eddie Dudley Sabbath (Saturda. 945 am imposed on the cuban for having possibly unfriendly.
a revolver which did not belong to Mr. Money Bags The sportive Sabbath Schoo. 11. 15 Gnbim, and without a permit.
It is hardly out of place then that gent George Roberts.
as far as his activities are concerned. he will use all precautions pos.
Jack The affluent man about 30 to. BMV. ciety, Colon Chauffeurs Assoolas bie to avoid some of the experientown Fred Braithwaite. meeting 30 pm. Junior and ON THE COUPON tion Will Noot Next Friday ces which have made for the greying Johynie The stage door lover Senior Standard of attainment of young as well as old locks of some Clarence McAllman.
Class, p. o. spers Colon, Sept. The Colon Come early to the song service Chauifeurs Association will hold Asbestos The green porter CIA. PAN. DE FUERZA THE GAS ELECTRIC a very important meeting on FriClifton Hinds.
BRING YOUR BIBLES day night September 14th at p. LUZ If you have a Prescription to sharp. Its president Mr. John Tillie The maid. Seta Keene. GRIZZLE Pastor, SHOWROOMS be made up take it to the BOX 2023, ANCON Copeland has requested all members to be present on this occasion National Pharmacy, Santa Ana AND CHORUS TROUPE.
Wesleyan Methodist Church PLEASE SEND YOUR as matters of vital importance Plaza, where you will get courAdvertise in the Workman (FUERZA LUZ)
will be dealt witp.
teous and obliging service.
REPRESENTATIVE TO GIVE it will bring good results. British Confereno)
ME THE DETAILS OF YOUR Young People Service 14th Sun, After Trinity GAS STOVES AND INSTALLeague Gaavey Advises Followers LATIONS At Your Service Panama, 11 Mr, Theo Fuller. Continued from page 7:30. Rev. R. Wade. Continued from page 1)
NEGRO TO MAKE HIS OWN FRIENDS COLON. 11. Mr. WhitADDRES of St. Peter By The Sea, LA PANAMA COLON Boca. There several young artists friendship of the Germans, because with their high sense Wado. think the time has come for the Negro to court the tinghum. 7:15. Rev. Cousing LA BOCA. a, Rev.
jo the League who are well known Communion, 7:30 Mr to the public Tbese young peoof discipline they can help the Negro to develop that kind Frank Reed.
ple bave been trained to give of character that will act as a safeguard agaiost the abuses NEW PROVIDENCE. 11. Rev. DENTIST HOWELL RYCE appreciative audience. In a word, satisfaction to an intelligent and of other peoples and the insults generally burled at us S. Cousins, Commugon.
because of our lack of character. The time has come PARAISO 11. Rev.
they know how to deliver the House No. 912 La Boca RENOVATOR goods at any entertainment, secufor the Negro to make friends, and he must do so vol Wade. 7:30. Mr. Walters.
lar or sacred. All their friends DYEING PRESSING untarily. It is not necessary for us to ask the advice Canal Zone may therefore expect nothing of any other race or people if it is right for us to If you have a Prescription to OPPOSITE RESTAURANT LADIES SKIRTS abort of a real musical trest at make friends; we make them to suit ourselves. Therefore, be made up take it to the 3:30, P: on October 14th, 1928, PHONE 1941 BALBOA ESPCIALLY ATTENDED TO The price of tickets will be reasonI am advising the Negro everywhere whenever he National Pharmacy, Santa Ana comes in contact with the German people to make friends Plaza, where you will get cour Specialises in all Brancbes of HOUSE 19 21st STREET able to suit everybody. Fememker the day. montb, and datebecause we will bave more to gain than to lose in doing so. teous and obliging service. Dentistry GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITY. Sunday, October 14, 1928.
FOUR DOLLARS DOWN 20. 00 91 eral Worship Spaanib ASK FOR FULL DETAILS Class: of his predecessors.


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