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ĆmL Mething ofocaine op WHAT IS CRITICISM READ THE WORM THE WORKMAN WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK ANC VOL 17 No. PANAMA, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 1928 PRICE CENTS DON TOMAS GABRIEL Special Contract Granting German Pacific Brewery The National City Bank Makes Arrangements hat ae Immunity From Taxation Causes To Facilitate Small Depositers Much Adverse Comment With Savings Accounts There has been quite a good be fully gone into.
In conversation with a res Bank and in which sums running deal, of adverse comment heard Meantime the adverse com ponsible official of the National into many figures are still safely around durnig the week over a ment charging the executive City Bank, during this week we kept there by individual West new decree ussued by the local with glaring favoritism for the nadvertently gleaned the infor Indians, local orders and Friend government granting to the Ger Pacific Brewery continue and mation that a former ruling of ly Societies. These individuals man Pacific Brewing Company from stubborn facts published anking institution which and rganizations have all along the privilege of importing all by the Panama Brewing relimited the opening of new ac demonstrated their confidence material and machinery for use frigerating Company it is clear counts to sums beyond the reach in this bank and at the time of that company free of duty, that there is just grounds for of many West Indians as a first when the ruling was made he gist of the comment which the protest against Contract No.
leposit, and which caused num limiting the amounts to be de seems to be in order, centres 40, which exempts the German ers of them to place their posited, great disappointment sound the fact that the other Pacific Company from all imravings in Canal Zone Post of was felt by a large majority.
tivo Breweries have had to pay port taxes.
fices, has recently been recinded But it is felt sure that with the import duties on all materials und that at present special ar present facilities being made loretaght into the republic for use The National Assembly a angements are being made public, that the smallest deposit in their factories, and especially its sitting on Thursday last vhereby small deposits will be will be accepted hundreds will the Panama Brewing Refrig. passed the Contract to a fiscal recepted to facilitate the general be glad to open accounts and crating Company which has committee to be studied ani!
deposit their savings where it inid full taxes to the govern reported on and it is expected It is generally known that will bear interest instead of ment since it was established in that taking all the facts submit hundreds of West Indians have taking out Postal Orders on 1959 up to the present time.
ted from every angle, the findall along patronised the Inter which they get nothing.
Through a memorial by the ings of the committee should national Banking Corporation We hope to be able to say President of the Panama Brew clear up the suspicious atmos.
Acting President of this Republic which is now the National City more on this matter later.
ing refrigerating Company phere that at presentenvelopes the matter has been referred to the whole affair and restore the The Workman takes great ver expected that the leave of the National Assembly now in sentiment of the public to pleasure in congratulating Mr. Sabsence granted to His Excellen SPARKLETS session and will it is understood abnormity.
Tomas Gabriel Duque on his act cy President Chiari will be for ing appointment as President of about ten or twelve days after BY KING)
this Republic, who was swarn which he will again resume the Panama Wesley Hundreds Hear MaA Superficial Review of automatically become the public in on Saturday, afternoon last presidency.
concern, furnishing at the same Some Little Things Activities demoiselle by the National Assembly at Today is exactly eight day!
time, good practice material for a special sitting called for that since Mr. Duçue has been Presi the pedagogues and journalistic particular purpose.
faent and during that time he has tyros. When a school boy, GUESTS EVENING At Variedades Theatre During the past fortnight local disliked to study with dumbells Mr. Duque appointment was been quite popular with every members of the elerisy congrega who always proved to be We have on many occasions occasioned through the request department of his government on the West Indian Section of contributors of means to obfuscate tead of unwelcome guests, and the The three act musical comedy. of President Chiari for a few also othes the ver erable STAR HERALD the intellect of bright pupils. But idea of being an unwelcomes from Mademoiselle. written by Fred days leaves owing to ill health, functions to which he is accus und Staged some interesting little or the superintendent Circular has many persons shows. In. at affording greatest attending certain functions, but in Braithwaite in collaboration with And according to the rules of tomed has not been neglected Barker, whose opinion ran counter amount of good to the greatest this particular instance, there was Garfile1 Murray, Director of nothing of the kind on Wednesday the Panama Synphony Orchestra procedure. Mr. Duque holding and according to his own spoken to that of the Canal Zone Super number of pupils it is not edited out the office of First Vice Pres words at the Rotary Luncheon intendent of schools with refer merit. was on Brother Sam Wbyte the labour seemed to have felt perfectly at Thetre on Monday and Tuesday tional Assembly to assume the cy of the office is an all too, Rued directing the grouping of man took the stage and spoke in home.
bright and dull pupils in the two installments on The West The program presented on this rights of this week. Hundreds office of President. It is howI (Continued on page 6) coloured schools took the stage. Indian Way. Brother Whyte occasio was almost impromtu; filed into the large play house Friend Elijah e. Hunter, the seems to be made up o of similar Mrs. Olga King, who was to have on the opening night, filling it as sung, was ana voidably absent as a to capacity. On the second night Industrial Schools Womack Whiskey e disinterested referee and main who iſ elected President of the result of the tained that the question was a United States, Mrs. o. Keen a ability of the members of the fair gathering also greeted For Girls Distillery departmental one and stould be Democratic faction would use their Endeavour to give a program at a the troupe.
so handled. Dalrymple Leacock influence with to have me and my moment notice is well worth The play relates one of the immediately thereafter crossed comrades of Canal construction mentioning age old stories of man, woman Bein Considered By Suffers Heavy Loss from the repens into the arena in sup: reduced to mere chattels and of democracy that serfs. Brother Mrs. Ellen Pine was in her usual and man money. On this ocROT Whyte is strong humourous form; so was Mrs. casion is was Mademoiselle a Jones, among the other contribu fashionable cabaret entertainer Congress Night Last ing affected the childeren, auto ticisms coming his way. But be matically becomes the public that as it may, although his tors were the Misses Alice King concero concluded rebukspeech and Hilda Fortbe. Isabella Brownie on the money path, with Bill. Harewood, Markham and a theatrical maneger and Jack. The National Congress of Ponama The Womack Whiting friend Hunder the chaving betale was not liked in all quartersit nevet arguMrs. Doris Reece, a rich man about town, wagering Temperance nd Morality invited ky Distillery was the scene of a tempted to abridge free speech. ment which should furnish Food. Therefore, Miss Doris Rodney in addition their money on her whims. Don Tomas Gabriel Duque to very breat fire time funday night who preaches Higher Philoso according to friend Hunter World last which is at about to ber musical contribution, accompanied many of the songs Mrtaining, the second night being last to publicly congratulate him has been given to the effect that once bad little grievance with school to get straightened out on The Play proved very enter its meeting on Wednesday night 100. 000 in damages. Informa: pby an ex school teacher who Launcock would have go back to accompanied. Miss Gladys Bro an improvement over the first on his appointment as acing Falf of the damages will be covered the Division of Schools of the words, thier meanings and uses, we ley gave a fire reading; a well as is always the case spent evening it was indeed. The debut and repetition of a new Duque is an honorary member cemed to te based on the inves. Brother Innis, said to have and forget the bad, it at the President of the Republic Mr. by insurance, but up to the prea Canale Zone registered his protest eat the peanut kernel and Cast sent time arnouncement afected the coloureder schools ondernya the best We will use the.
in Brother Wbyte speech Rev. Wade presided and Play with amateur performers. of this young but highly worthy tigation which is taking place in been one of the ablest principals brought the evening proceedings The cast was a well balanced organization which promiscs to connection with the accident.
to On Monday and Tueeday last have directed education in a Canal Fred Braithwaite of La Boca made to a close with the Doxology.
one. The chorus troupe was at do much good in this community Until a more substantial evi Zone coloured school, lined up in bis debut as a local playwright in tractive both in dress and acting. At the same meeting the Con dence is given the blame has been favour of the Circular from a fact, by presenting to bundreds Over Five Hundred The major parts of Mademoi gress took up seriously the mat attached to faulty wiring on the capping the climax of play goers at the Variedades Thea destroyed.
his lengthy arguments with an ire the act musical comedy MaPeople Saw Bomberos Selle were played by Miss Cis ter of installing public Industrial lin Holness who acted in the Schools for girls at the Calido who had been arrested, freed him. Fermain to the question under he had a collaborator Professor The watchman Eugene Thomas article which was not entirely demoiselle, la writing the play Victorious Over Carribes. the theatrical maneger; Eddie well as a play ground title role. Victor Moore, Bill. nia and Chorrillo districts as self by giving a satisfactory testi discussion. This forced Thompson Garfield Murray, director of the the lat mory to the authorities. The sodomil, and in beautiful style. is also author of several items of to come back and defend, tooth Panama Symphony Orchestra, who Dudley, Harry. the over op ter place.
president of the Company has Colon, Sept. 10 Ode of the best timistic assistant theatrical mangiven a check of 100 to Fire Chief the merit system.
There were the musical setting. Miss Cislin Mr. Luis Alejandro Victor, Guizado requesting that it at least two other members of the Holoess played Mademoiselle, the baseball game was played from ager, and George Robert, Mr. Vice President of the movement be added to the Fire Brigade troupe who played in more or title role; Eddie Dudley, as an yesterday morniscembebe evening Money Bags. the sportive gent, will talk on these propositions savings fand; this gift was donated less minor roles. The contributing over optimistic theatrical manthe Baseball Team and the Carribes hard bitters with the chorus troupe enter tonight at p. at the DeLes in appreciation of the valuable editor to the Section apparently ager was the star actor; the nuAt the commencement it seemed taining during the cabaret scenes sep Park when it is hoped that services rendered by the Fire Briconcurred in the provisions of the thor, who played the affluent man that everything was in favour of and interspersing at convenient a Parge number of West Indian sade. Compen Circular and disagreed with Barker about town. was the best male for having taken the matter be member of the troupe in the last the Carribes, untilbe Colon Babe Judical investigations are now fore the public. But while the act. The chorus troupe represente Ruth made a two bagger and hid places.
parents interested in the welfare in the herds of the sixth circuit editor ed an exceptionally good selection things changed up a bit in bis In addition to the musical ar of their children will be present court the cause of the fire baso spoke the battle raged.
team favour.
rangements of the Play Garfield to listen and grasp the opportu not yet been fully ascertained. agree, that, up until Mr. of pretty girls whose uniformity in Barker unfortunately exposed the size as well as neatness and modeMurray is the author of several nity afforded for the advance there not being suff cent grounds question to the public, it was ratness in uniform dresses, couAlt road leads to Juan Franco of the musical numbers and also ment morally and otherwise of to prove that it was due to faulty purely departmental concern, After pled with pretty dances, was spec race track tomorrow.
furnished the music for others. their offsprings.
baving been given to the preeg it cially attractive, National Temperance Disastrous Fire Sunday hole superintendentes en whos tande alterapia any to


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