
Colonial 204303503 SONSES Syser The British Colonial THE WORKMAN THE Progressive Societies On the Isthmus of Panama PANAMA HARDWARE And What The Are Doing Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica.
WALROND, at the office No. 16 won. Correspoadence on all nattes at Present Stacel East Central Avenue Panama of public interest invited. CARDOZE Jr.
All copy for publication must be (BY PILGRIM WILKINS)
PO Box 74, Panama P.
written on one side of paper only, and MY DEAR MR. EDITOR: Rates of Subscription aust be accompanied by the name of NEWLY REMODELLED STORE bave often, in my own ex.
she writer, not necessarily for publica De Year 40 Oy perience, found times wh:a even Six Months. 20 slon but as a mark of good faith.
the socially and mentally resery.
Three 800 We do not undertake to return reAT CATHEDRAL PLAZA ed must tcrego this temperaDe Month jested corresponende.
in the Interest of the larger groups. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights NUIS Offers a full assortment of Hardware at Let me illustrate wbat am at particularly. There are things SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 1928 convenienent prices.
bappening among many of our groups on the isthmus at the present time which should What Is Criticism GIVE US CALL.
be known for the edification and encouragement of others, it not their profitable enlightment.
Courteous Treatment, Prompt Service So called Insularity.
Webster immortal compilation of English words The old proverb ie true always: and their meanings defines Criticism as the art of nothing tried, nothing accompllabed. must say right be judging with knowledge and propriety. beauties and BRANCH STORE then that it seems that after faults not beuaties OR faults. It further explains that the big or Rigantic attempts the elements of criticism depend upon the two principles 125 CENTRAL AVENUE put forth to organize the various of Beauty and Truth. Dryden further observes that by colonial groups of our people on the lathmus and their fallure criticism, as it was first introduced by Aristocle, was to produce the orgaole whole meant a standard of judging well. But among other sought, the fallures in those definitions Webster also defines a critic as one who directions are baving beneficial efects or fruits spring: censures of finds fault; a harsh examiner; a carper.
ing up out of the suli u those We are almost entirely out of sympathy with the failure, to make for a profitable carping, censuring critic. We like; in fact, we prefer barvest lo the activities of the the intelligent critic who is qualified in the art of judgvarious Coloial groups working ut new acbemer in organising with knowledge and propriety of the beauties and slonal effort, wbicb lo malfaults of whomsoever and whatsoever he criticises. The fest are material zing with comto win my point or get my man critics are, unfortunmendable results.
ately, in the majority. They are numerous. But they are Honest Doubts or Incredulity Just received a fine selection of also unpopular with progressive thinkers and workers, Disappearing and this is as it should be. Intelligent, disinterested critThere was hardly many perics are rarely found. When known they are both liked RODS who regarded with greater and become popular with everybody.
doubt or locredulity if not Sum of distain what has been Apparently, it is not a very easy task to talk or in past times labelled insularity.
write of the merits when belabouring the demerits of In so much, that in the very latest desings one enemies or even his keen competitor. But as love when my owa country mºr, probably more lightens labour, a truthful, honest man experiences no han two years ago invited me to trouble, rather, he finds it most pleasurable in searching. Also interest myself in what they were doing in endeavouring to for and, when found, amplifying his fellowmen virtues Ret together AS separate in the same way as the prejudiced find satisfaction in BLACK AND BLUE SERGES. BLACK CHEVIOT regarded it as magnifying and harping upon the little faults of man bout foolbardy if not waste of and measures.
a VICUNAS AND CREAM FLANNELS vanized country in which our Our world is crammed with critics who cannot see eople bave a poor foothold and but through a narrow crevice of observation one from labour under such lotold thougb which to obtain the and mistakes of others, and All at moderate Prices nown disadvantages, defects in things, which are not of their liking. This Making Uaheralded Noto.
explains the incurable weakness of the majority of manI have, bowever, been private.
kind, hence their utter dishonesty to themselves and Always kept in stock a full assortment of ly making nota of what have got to know from the outside their brother man; for, among the multitude of carpers of the working of an honest critic would have the greatest trouble to find some of the Colocial groups regardlox tho any sparks of genuineness to merit playing up in their Progress or favour.
they have been making slor bonprogress which the lines of improvement of the Criticism is commonly classified under the two social, economie and like welfare heads of Constructive and Destructive. The constructive of every description of our people bere kind is that which impartially analyses the subject the past with the present and comparing tbuir forecast for the future.
criticised and make public the results, unadulterated. regret to have noted that Destructive criticism covers the works of pseudo critics all bus Dot been supty with all that show up the convenient side, the good or the bad, the various Colanisl groups according to the observers personal or party likes or which bave launched out CENTRAL AVENUE, dislikes.
37 separtate units bearii the na ne British notable qualifying Destructive criticism is that dreaded cancer one PANAMA.
erm, seeing that all the other nation sees in another and which the former magniunits of bational importance fies to the world at large, thereby producing concentrate their wars and international disputes; it promotes dis periscopic attention after us as a prey in our failures making sensions among parties, organizations and individuals, for ibeir exploitation, oftentimes wrecks what would have been successful caIt might have been often accireres, forcing many an honest seeker of a maximun of Boys Scouts Fancy demedebat a bave not to leaow happiness into the scum of human society.
of regret:blunders by The finding of faut, while not really criticism, one or two of the newly formed Fair Tonight bodies which have resulted so should not, however, be passed by unmentioned. This disastrously, as to bave precludability of man is more or less necessary for his progress.
The Local Association of the their better judgement and res ed the possibility of employing While one might be completely incompetent to recommend a remedy, he, on the other hand, is quite able to Why throw away your old, but no Boys Scouts of this city will co soning faculties to settle their tertain the public with an attrac. differences, but have instead detect a defect. In other words, while one might not be tive Fancy Fair tonight at the verified the doctrine of the doubt interesting, books when you able to make a mattress, this inability does not disqualiKennelworth Park begioting at superiority complex preached at us, because we are so lacking fy him from being able to differentiate between the can haue them neatly bound at best appealing Ostermoor brand and one stuffed with will figure among the various kinds that we are so quick to appeal Fishing wells and post offices. racial loyalty or something unprepared straw. THE WORKMAN of diversions and patrons will no to the other fellew to judge our doubt find sufficiunt accommoda matters, which, despite the Our aim, however, is not to elaborate upon the work tion so that there will be no cause spirit therein manifested, leaves of the fault finder of whom our world is mainly made up, but to contribute towards the minimizing of No. EAST 16 STREET for regret in taking night out no feather in our cap where the in this suburban district. dog and cat babits in our dealdestructive criticism; to help clear the distorted visions Committe composed of ladies logs with one another must will be in charge of the various create prejudices on both sides of the prejudiced, and so contribute to the strengthen Opposite the Wesleyan Churh stalls, and will do everything to of the racial fences, and make ing of the ranks of those competent to examine well and. make the affair a most enjoyable for our bumiliation.
not afraid to tell the world of the truth as they see it.
one: It is for this reason amoag a few And then, let remember that all of us have faults others, that am taking leave to pen these few cox meots today, but not the power to see them through the glasses that Musical Evening with the and help largely in the perpetuity of our civilization. others use.
solicitude that our people are waking up to a proper Cleveland Call Post.
realization of the Deed of a drasShapshots from the Negro Press The young women and girls of the race must realize the Seven Daya Adventist Church living on the isthmus, and it for members the fact that they are members of a baby race baby at Calidonia have planned a Musi no more important reason than The demands and necessities of the times are for iative that it, able to make cessfully compete with other sundaye niebe 16 chomhairle ning er en prosent and future riserade in all takes a cal Evening for tomorrow. to rescue gradaa man, physically developed, mentally balanced, and races. This baby race of ours needs a proper utilization promises to be of a very high class which they find themselves in a tion in ethically influenced. It matters not whether he wears of all the intelligence and thought possessed by its mem order as some very interesting spbere which hold out nothing everalls or tailored suits; whether he shall harves bers male, and female. It has nothing to waste, it needs items have been prepared for the but a most discouraging outlook wheat or plead a case at law; whatever may be his reli all of its resources, mental, physical and material, pro occasion. Dont fail to be present es regards their future wellgious trend or social creed; if he is a man, he will con perly invested in race building. It has no time to lose and take in a program, the likes being.
tribute to the preservation of our institutions, direc for it is far behind and there is much constructive work of which you may not bear for a then those deserving of commenThe Word Of Encouragement our destiny, lead in our advancement, inspire our youth yet to be done. Shreveport Sun.
long time to come. Continued on Page 5)
28 constantly Book Binding!
7:30 best


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