
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 1928, PAGE THREE Inducements to Engage Barbados Editor Urges Overseas Cricketers Formation Suggests Governor General For For Sale Cheap Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Www widwin secure is only ular place Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY dopt cricket Tarrant No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City apathy fase it. Thi tain their war, NEURALGINA Should be Discouraged by Liberial Association For Whose Official Residence Legislation to Prevent presentation of Middle Should be on War Ship These Engagements and Lower Classes Dr. Arbour Stephens of Walter Road Swaures writing in the (By Capt. Ballantine. The Barbados Advocate of recent Londoa TIMES receatly says:The following appears in the Trin date says editorially:A Good Assortment of On recent visit to the West idad Sporting Chronicle of recent The apathy of the large majority Iodies was particularly impressdate.
of the inhabitants of this island toed with the large amout of Constantine is not the only cricket wards political questions has been jealousy whicb seems to exist between the various islands of the er from Overseas who has been ap repeatedly deplored and has lad many archirelago. think it most deproached by a League Club, and if observers to doubt the possibilty he should accept an engagement he of democratic government in Barbasirable that all the Goveroors should be replaced by one Govwould not be the first to do so. The dos. people, they say, gets the goernor General for the whole of the acceptance would be the embracing vernment it deserves, and it is not Briti West Indian possessions, of cricket as a profession, and as without reason that political power soorr as he commenced duties with has remained without a break in the His oficial residence could be in a the Nelson he would receive hands of a narrow and powerful oligwarship visiting each and avery pay. In the meantime, he would be archy. true democracy is one in island at frequent intervals. la qualifying for the Lancashire County which all the citizens take addition to one Governor General, an there shoull be one Senate or Upper Cricket Club, and no doubt, as was interest in public affairs and assist House composed of representatives the case of McDonald, the Australian in the work of government, and de from all the irlands, who should rapid bowler, he would a reg mocratic government is possible be in residence with His Excelin the county team. We where the large body of the citizens lency in the ship for three or four have had the case of Dr. Ol. are both willing and eager to particiweeks a year, whereby they would livierre, a a member of of a former West pate actively in the tasks of governhave splendid opportunities of Indies team visiting England, who ment. Where this desire does not gettfng to know each other thoqualified for Derbyshire, and there exist democracy cannot flourish roughly while discussing the Smith, the all. The verdict expressed by Thucydides, was the case of affairs of the whole community.
round cricketer of the West Indies through the mouth of Pericles, is se1906 team, who became an account. vere but just; We regard a man tant in a boot factory in Northampton who takes no interest in public alThe Black Man in the and after his period of qualification fairs, not as harmless, but as a usehad expired, played for Northamp less character. The number of useWhite World. tonshire and for the Gentlemen of less characters in Barbados, according England.
to this definition of the Athenian Lancashire League clubs have had to accept any form of government.
historian, is legion. They are content Under the above caption conLlewellyn of Pietermaritzburg, Na Indolent and careless, they excuse tribution to the West Indian tal, South Africa, and Hampshire, their want of public spirit on the Times and American Review sigoBlanckenburg of Capetown, Western ground that all forms of government ing bimself Proteus savs:Province, Natal and South Africa; despateb from Paris dated Carter of Durban, Natal, and South it is useless to kick.
frica: are equally unsatisfactory and that July 26ih stated that one of the Africa; and Keefe another bril liant Australian. Now these cricketAGAINST THE PRICKS.
most popular figures in the gay ers from Oversnes had decided to and as long as a large number of night life of Montmarte in Eugene This temper is fatal to all progress, Bullard, the trap drummer at Zellis as the real thing proon Rue Fontaine fessionally (Australia. our citizens maintain this attitude, Kermode (Australia. Hall (South we may abandon all hope of any im Recently a millionaire from the Africa)
our government. South, a well known figure in the Cuffe. Australia) Dwyer provement in (Australia. Vogler (South Africa. people which is careless of politics gay French Circles, came to Zellis Sewell (E. of Madras, Phil. obtains it until it is roused from an is unfit for liberty and very seldom OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH wrote Mr. Bullard a check for 1000 and begged bim not to reLips (Australia) and so on, have attitude of stupid This gentleman is from Alaqualified for different counties as The real hope of the small progresnext door Nash Motors Garage bams, and Mr. Bullard was born in professionals nals, quite openly, and they sive party this island is the posColumbus, Georgia; be is winner are to be admired for so doing, be: ability of rousing the majority from of the Croix de Guerre and other cause in England a man may obtain attitude of umaan ammunnanmaan een active service on almost all indifference. Miu Miu medals for in really splendid living as a profes: some where sagely remarks that war. having sional cricketer. Some of these had some made their mark in their own counnstitutions; but to kindle a desire tbe be for fronts in the try and some after years of service, for them is a necessary part of the Mr. Bullard stands up firmly for his race at all times, and is have been given a benefit. Tere may repara Small is indubitably may reparation. This known in in France as the tamer of le others who, never having the the immediate task of all those who DENTIST Negro bating Americans.
His rluck to play cricket professionally desire to make our form of governTEMPLE French friends are numerous and have been in receipt of payment for ment truly representative. consiside with him every time against playing cricket fixed sum for erable amount of spadework has Office Hours: 8, am to 12 pm.
Americans who try to establish a tour! We have known that Austra. Tready been done, some of it by men 30 pm to 30 m)
color lipe.
Jian cricketers have been in receipt whom the indolent majority have sundays, by Special Appointment Should be in every office to immediately of a bonus after an Australian tour not hesitated to call agitators. OpThis story contains a high morMasonic Temple Ilth St, in England, but al lesson for Blacks and Whites athe professional probrious names, however, mean litsoothe any neuralgic pain caused by cricketers in Australia have not atle, and those who are more anxious O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL like, and is a rare example of the great living. Professionals in Eng for good government than for good courage that is vested in the PIONE: OFFICE 1664 excessive mental work.
breast of Negre land are in cases better paid than a of their fellow citizens master at Eton.
comfort themselves with the dictum RESIDENCE 588 What the Negro needs to day. cricketer from Oversaes knows of Lord Morley that more good has NEURALGINA more courage to do and to dare, and more confidence in his fellowthat there is ample scope in Eng. ben done in the world by agitators land as a professional, and that is and philanthropists, two much abused man. Doubt and sarcasm are the Should be in every school to soothe bad destroyers the reason that Daere is qualifying varieties of men, than by all the of must be banished from the mind for Gloucestershire. That would be hosts of self righteous people who before any genuine co operation the reason why Constantine would have condemned them.
headaches and reduce the fever of matters aod trust can accept an engagement with the Nel little whether the present increasing This son The engagenment of stars interest in in polities is due children.
is due to the work Titer thinks that it is useless to about our rights, until from abroad may be the means of of the Progressive Association or the we have righted out wrongs, and putting some of England own play, Democratic League of of individual NEURALGINA libe should ers out of court, but it is a survival pioneers: the fact remains that there always remember that discretion is the better part of of the fittest, and valor. It is also evident that ces Constantine cannot be blamed for in political questions. The little piece NEED is Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes Black men must learn to respect women for no race can rise son The prospect of a county THE WHOLE LUMP.
the heart, engagement of a benefit, and of good a fortnight ago we took the opporthan its womanhood, One of the highlights of American pay while playing for a county tunity of pointing out that this work civilization is that white women would naturally fascinate a cricketer of education and, as the reactionaries DROP IN AT who loves the game, and incidental. say, of agitation needs direction, and For sale both Wholesale and Retail have raised to a level with white men in every walk of life. lv a bowler of Constantine calibre suggested the formation of a LiberIn conclusion Proteus hopes that would assist all cricketers with al Association for co ordinating the AT THE light and truth will some day dawn whom he came in contact.
effiorts of all persons of liberal outupon the minds of Negroes, and Constantine is a pukka Test look. It has been one of the gibes AMERICAN PHARMACY banish superstition and ignorance match cricketer of the first magni against the progressives in this is122 CENTRAL AVE, forever tude, a popular man, and one who land that they cannot act together.
would beror big drawing proposition Personal ambitions and jealousies You ill Find Them JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor for any club and later for a county. have been the principal cause of disPanama.
John Rocketeller Jr.
the danger of harmony. But personal differences of crippling world.
Treats Colored Children of inion and consequently in course of rhy in Barbados is not free from this Harlem time, there will be the safe guarding failing, but when danger threateus of their interests by Oevrseas Dom their priviliges they rally together inions. There are plus ine piece date will receive the backing of in erick and even the most unpopular candiAccording to the WEST INDIAN et, and a man who can get his place whole part.
the Times and AMERICAN REVIEW of New York the colored children of in a leading county and maintains his county form is assured of a real contested election in a country CALL IN AT Harlem was given a treat on the ly good living. Constantine is a cric. parish will furnish the most illumin8th ulto, by John Rockefeller Jr.
keter after the heart of the rank and at ng proof of this solidarity. Plural The treat took the form of aa file of a county spectators, and voters from all parts of the parish outing under the auspices of the Children Aid Society centre. his future wil be closely watched. will flock to the polling booths to great bowler, a superb fielder, an preserve their long established privihappy band of mothers and kidAdvertise in the Workman aggressive bat, and one whose. heart leges. similar solidarity is necesdies boarded the steamer Crescent and soul is in cricket, given good sary among all persons of progres pays in the morning at 51 Street and the Hudson River and from there health and average succes, his fu sive outlook; and liberal unity must enjoyed the sail to Bath Beacb.
ture in England would be assured. not be impeded by the ambitions of No. 16 STREET EAST Brooklya, where they debarked.
But am sure there will be legis any one member however able he may sentation for the middle and lower Games were an especial feature of lation to prevent these engagements. be, nor by the follies of others how classes is of more importance than Oppsite The Wesleyan Church.
aver large a following they may have the career of any single individual; the day while a band of the music TAKE NOTICE belped the, fun considerably.
The time is ripe for action. Within and the task of fitting the disfranthe next few weeks we understand chised masses for taking a part in GOOD SELECTION OF Every mother and ebild was that efforts will be made to bring to the glorious work of self government provided with a box lunch which The WORKMAN can be gether all persons of a progressive is too noble and inspiring to allow NEW BIBLES was comprised of sandwiches, cookies, candy, milk and ice cream had at Mr. Sanchez place outlook, and we would appeal to them of the growth of those destructive to sink ail petty differences of a per petty jealousies which have ruined 24th street, No building sonar character. For the work of so many promising beginnings in Hymn Prayer Books Advertise in the Workman Guachapali.
securing true and adequate repre the past.
it will bring good results.
Opinie od may a It be achieved.
Negro their higher WATCH?
FULLER But there is inducements being made to Overseas opinion exist in every political party Moderately Priced.
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