
IN THE REPUBLIC Always Fresh Quality Unsurpassable Dilemma of the Negro in 1928 New York Paper Says Republican Party in Capitalizing Haired for Smith The Prosperity Tailor WOULD CRUSH NEGROES CLEANER DYER No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER no more against a live Work Done While You Wait known it was aimed at was TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED By CHARLES MICHELSON In the New York World WASHINGTON, Aug. 25. Not the least interesting of the political changes that characterize the existing campaign is the defection of the Negroes from the allegiance that has been theirs since Reconstruction times. The Republicans in their effort to brea into the solid South have recognized that the fear of black political domination is the rea.
ron for the Democratic solidarity Dixie. The dismay anti prohibitionist, nnd more truly, though less openly. the prejudice Catholie becoming the Chief Executive of the unity it has long sought. It is has given the the not the best opportunity that could he imagined, but it is something. It the South could be convinced that Republican ascendancy any of the cotton. belt States did not mean the destruction of barriers against African equality the present occasion might well accomplish the desired purpose. The industrial development in Alabama, for example, and the Northern influx into Florida have created a situation that would give the Republicans a look in if it were not for the Negro question.
Wherefore the picture at Kansas City, when the Negroes dominant as race leaders were quietly eliminat.
ed after their delegate strength had heen used in Hoover behalf. Hence also the prosecution of Assistant Attorney General Perry Howard and others of his race for trafficking in Federal jobs. There is undoubted cause for some of these indictments, for the practice has been an open scandal for many years.
All the evidence has not only been availible but has been accumulated wit in the Department of Justice, gathernig dust in pigeonholes, all through the Harding and Coolidge administrations. Occasionally the dust has been disturbed by agitation in Congress, but this has been sternly suppressed by the party in power, and Perry Howard has had three distinct clean bills of health from high of ficials. The point is that these Negroes could have been prosecuted at any time and were not because of political expedieney. It is only their since the possible advantage of mak. the defense of their vested interests; ing the Southern organization a so that now, was told, the Harlems white man party that the wheels of Oakland and Los Angeles are of the law have been put in motion. safe again.
Morality aside, it is a question it There is never a rose without a the decision was politically wise. The thorn in politics as elsewhere. The migration of the blacks to the border Negro uprising ought to be a great States has made them important thing for the Democrats by depriving not only ni these but in such Repub the enemy of this important element blican strongholds as Indiana, Illinois in their strength in doubtful states, and Ohio. However, just as the but it is ticklish business gathering Democrats had to rely on the im this political blossom. In Oakland the mutable Southern majorities when Republican chief told me theiy had they put up a wet candidate who lost the colored vote.
might carry the East, so the Repu That is true, Democratic vote blicans had to bank on the regularity shepherds agreed. but we can do of the great Mid West States to nothing to hold it. We are a Southern take care of what colored defection state with prejudices as deep as here might be.
those of Georgia. Our rural white The reason for the shift in the di folks are restive as it is. The prearection of the dusky tide is obvious chers and the have stirFirst of all, its terror of the Ku Klux red them up with lurid descriptrons inclines it naturally to the the cause of iniquity of Gov. Smith and the the man against which the Klan is ell purposes of Tammany. We have arrayed. Then, dark skin our missionary work cut out for us than a white one is proof against under these circumstances to head the possession of a thirst. Through he erring members back to the the pears of Southern State prohibi llock and to prevent others from tion, before it was grafted onto the straying. If we added to our difNational Constitution, the Negro has ficulties the abandonment of the him The particular issue that holds most of wh te gentlman not seriously our people to party loyalty, despite interfered with in the assault on their dry sentiments of mint juleps, sangarees and in this con Sazer?
and their religious bias, where do acs, but the local laws made it hard you suppose we would get off?
for Sambo to get his gin. So he is So here is a field of perhaps 25, 000 against prohibition. When to these valid votes, maybe enuogh to desteris added the belief that the party to mine the political fate of Oklahoma which he has always looked for favor in November, that may not be cultiis easing him out of the remnant vated, but must be left to the enof political consequence crystalized croachement of political weeds and into Southern Federal jobs when the boll weevils, so that there may reRepublicans have the government main no crop worth harvesting on it is no wonder that the colored Election Day.
brother begins to take steps to get Deeper in the South the question is mooted but is not critical; there The change, like all political turn the Democrats do not need the votes, overs, gives rise to strange pheno and there will be the usual scarcity mena. In California, unaccustomed of colored citizens at the polls.
to any race problem save a yellow The Oklahoma conundrum is, one, it was suddenly discovered that ever, very much alive in Kentucky, two great Negro communities had Tennessee and Missouri, and to a less been established in Oakland and extent in Arkansas, North Carolina, Los Angeles and their turnabout and and Virginia.
The Negroes had made it perilous for Hoover. The to the conclusion that if Hoover think they headed these these elected even the es back into the fold. They curtailed. There will be few colored which they are accustomed will be the patronage about the process by which this is accomplished, but here coilectors of Southern ports, and 2x is one explanation that was vouch probably not many more posts safed to me in San Francisco a fort Washington such as gave Perry night ago: Among the blacks, as Howard his eminence. If the Demoamong the whites, wealtth is power. crats win there is small hope that Certain Negro political leaders, not the Negroes in the South will be unlike some of their Caucasian con rewarded for what they do to help geners, took to bootlegging. In that bring about this result all of which greatest of American industries there makes it not only a problem for the no color line, and they accumulat, parties but an even greater one for ed, and still adding to, con the ebon politicians.
sederable fortunes. Any interference with prohibition reacts against their Rent Receipt Books in Spanish prosperity obviously, and like busi and English for sale at the ness men generally, they rallied to Workman Printery.
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