
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 1928 PAGE FIVE says: Dame National deficit eurto ZACTOGEN Yor Vetter babies PREPARED BY NETt LACTOGEN NESTLE saying units generally The British Colonial Fatality at Jamaica Increase of Surtax Progressive Societies Railway Causes Indignation of St. Continued from Page 2) Young Man of 24 Summers Lucians dation for employing common Caught Between Two Coachsense and sober jademont which es and Crushed to Death Writing editorially on August bave mide for the success which has already crowned their labors, 4th the Voice of ST LUCIA with the wish that said success The Jamaica Mail of the 1st does not make for beadiness or inst reporis a fatal accident which We are informed that some pe ;like traits characteristic of bo occurred at the Railway shortly ple in Castries are bighly indignant man weakness in the bour of on Friday afternoon of the 31. with the members of the Legislasuccess, spurred on by false ela ulto, when Clarence MePherson, tive Council, especially the Uction which often spelle ruin to a youth of about 21 sum wers, and ufficals for not raising any objec undertakings which can be of a shunter, was crushed between tions. for passing the resolution great good to those supporting two passenger coaches and instantto increase the surtax or additional its coming into being and exis ly killed duty from 174 per cent to 25 per tence. Perfect Treasure While the passenger train which cent. But it must be those who Few Investigated Reorganiza was to leave at 2, 15 for have not given the subject careful tional Activities. Port Antonio was being made up consideration. Any one reading sture always does things kindly, never enor functions blindly.
the Administrator statemeat have made certain inquiries it was found necesary to turn one Each anal baby which the fashion she wrounds with her companione made to the Council and repre.
from time to time regarding the of the coaches; and to do this, the duced in another columo, will be workings of a few of our Colonial train was taken to the or unedine sends as baby needs ik guides the mother as the feeds.
forced to agree that there was no societies. It was indeed a capi. sunting triangl. near Parry other course left open to the tal idea emmanating out of the Bridge abont a half mile from the Take this picture with another, where we see the fond young mother.
Council. It must be that beggars are not choosers. Just remembered bright immagination of the per station proper. The usual procedson christeniog these new born ure ip shunting was this; the train onging for the right though maybe lacks the wength to feed her baby now we are in the unfortunate societies with ibe better word or is reversed on one of the brauch position of not being able to pay ven then does Nature fall her? No indeed for we can sido name Colonial instead of insular lines, to beyond the point our way. Apart from the the latter having at a specific where the two branch lines meet; aving Mother further trouble, using of 13, 848 with which we finisbed time in the organiz tional activi at this juncture there is a light the year 1927, there is an estities of the bigger beads on the incline, the ground rieing in the mated deficit of 8, 608 on the istbonus meant as an epiibet be direction of the angle. When the speaking narrowness, seli. coach rent year working. deficit for be turned pises the which the Secretary of State has Dese.
point, it is uncoupled and the enbe determined provision DAME NATURES DOUBLE gine pulls back the remaining must It seems to me peculiar too. coaches on the same branch line made. To that end the Right that it was not the birger of His as before; the point quickly Honourable the Secretary of State Britanie Majesty Caribbean turned, and the deta hed conch bas suggested the increase of the Colonial groups in their to mian which now begins to run off the surtax from 17 to 25 per cent: representation that give life to which is estimated, will yield tha Isthmian new groups of bere. incline is sutomatically switched 2200. while the Imperial Treavolent societies, but the smallest on to the other branch line and sury will provide the balance up Antigue, the Grenadians, Barba: of the main line. Precisely te jions the other part at the junction to 6, 000. Can there be found dos and St. Lucia having led out anyone with these facts before in the formation of whit it does yesterday. The train wa revered same course was being followed Une NESTLÉ Milk Food for the weaning time.
them, who will still persist in now appear are making remarkthat the Council was wrong able strides toward the ul imate the back coach bad travelled the in the western branch, and when or that the Unofficals should have co operative working together of objected?
said groups desired distance beyond the point or tbe general im We admit and we have often provement of all of our West Ip McPherson upcoupled it, and the said that we are heavily taxed. We dian truin minus ibe cosch started to agree, and we have pointed it out go back as usttal am very pleased to hav more than once, that the higher learnt for some time that such As soon as the train bad started the rate of customs duties the groups as the Antigua, Grerad back, the shunter who now bad to lower the imports: that high tarifs asis the case with iba quickly turn the point; noticed hamper trade. Yet under the which give impetos to this ar circumstances the increase of the ticle: the Barbados Progressive.
surtax could only be avoided at are making steady strides for the cost of the loss of the Im.
that the solitary coach was ruo standstill; in doing this he was peril grant of 6, 000; out ward of the ning off rather quickly, he evident running backwards in front of the two evils it is wise to choose the God forbid that sbould speak ly realised that it would make the moving coach which had now pas lesser. On the other baod, what disparagingly of any of our anpoint before he could manage to sed the point and was its way would happen if the Imperial grant tilian groups amoig the newly reach and turn it. At the same to the parent train. McPherson, was not forth coming?
Would created societies naming the time, not wishing it to run down as mentioned above never knew the Government keep on adding name of PROGRESS as a wel and join the train as it naturally the other part of the train had new taxes or would they realise 1ale entity, but it does seem would, in view of the stopped and was attending to his last that the wiser course is re.
that those grouped which hav duty without the slightest thought trenchment even at the risk of DIRECTION OF THE POINT, endeavored to instruct their pecof the cruel fate awaiting bim, so called inefficiency? In ple in their bobuvour and depart.
he ran towards the coach and All he could have knowo was that life is not an individual who private ment in their social life as welstarted to turn the angle cock and his back was right up against the loses in business and has the 1are societies along the lines of so release the air and brake up parent train and that he was in source of bis income impaired, taking examples out of the lives WE HAVE EXTENDED OUR TLAE PAYMENT the coach. By this time the train for a serious accident; the next forced to curtail bis living exof Bible characters and the had stopped but McPherson was moment he was dead. He must penses to suit bis impaired income?
teaching of the Good Old Book PLAN TO INCLUDE GAS STOVES NEW evidently unaware of this fact. He have turned his head slightly to of course he can continue to live are making for greater progress was occupied in turning the angle oue tide at the psychological in bis former style and pile on to CONSUMERS CAN HAVE AN INSTALLATION and success, Antiguans and Bar cock to bring the couch to a moment for his head wes erushed badians for reasons aforesaid MADE STOVE INSTALLED FOR ONLY just at the teinples between the (Coatiaued on page 6)
we believe very conspicuous exbuffer plates of the two coaches, amples in said directions.
gathering, the order of things both coaches being on And must say that the art FOUR DOLLARS DOWN the volumn of business transact their rear ends close together, and Street crossing to get a view of of keeping out of the court ed, the broad welcome spirit, he died instantly.
the dead body houses in the settlement of our the Unselfish attitude toward The Rxilway authorities teledifferences is one of the most AND THE BALANCE AS FOLLOWS, The body was placed in a coach eraphed the deceased mother, visitors from sister societies as and brought into the Kingston sta. Mrs. Francella McPherson of Rose praise worthy and essential the manner in which the Presi. tion, where the police took charge Hall. Myersville, St Elizabeth chievem nts in the art of successful operation and co operaIst Payment dent from the Jamaica society 10 Payments of tion among the rank and file of who paʼd a visit was welcomed of it, and conveyed it to the from which district her son also all groups of our people in our 60 Burner Stove 00 a first band mortuary. Toe Hon. Dr Lawson huiled informing her of the unfor20. 00 demonstrated from view rather than by hearsay Gifford performed the post mor tuu accident and offering her Isthmian endeavour, lessons out etc. It appeared that it was tem examination at p When frie transportation to Kingston to of the past wib court frieods be2 00 2, 00 24. 00 thought that the life and bouy the news spread a large and curi uoderstood that the Railway auattend be son funeral. It is ing unable, with the disaster attendent.
arcy of the meeting reacted on 4. 00 my nerves, being of a retiring ous crowd gath red at the Darling thorities will undertake the burial 2, 40 28. 00 Our Little England Group.
disposition where attending such have beaten around things in gatherings are concerned, but Burner Range 00 00 50. 00 coming to our native or Little it did not, was rather plased England group which are those WITH OVEN to witness the proceedings and activities have given impetus to see for myself the progress wbich has been made by my write this comment at presert. Burner Range 00 00 70. 00 country people within the short am saying it with an humble WITH OVEN space of period of about three sense of pride rather than with years or so.
insular sentiments, that the said Time and space forbid stating group or its society is truly progrcesive in its various familicaL tions as a benevolent society.
possibilities of Barbados Progressive and others It is with no wish to reflect on working with such results, but the characteristics peculiar to the it the columns of the WORKMAN people of our sister West Indians is followed regularly which colonies, it being well known by think the right proper and only those who know us in our bome life that the Barbadian is made CIA. PAN, DE FUF RZA THE GAS ELECTRIC dependable channel to lead and Instruct our people the things of what accomodatively LUZ making for the economic and speaking one might for a better SHOWROOMS social salvation, pointing to the term call that social elasticity BOX 2023, ANCON fields now opening up under always looking out for chances the Union Jack where the seeds PURITY to help along other and to offer PLEASE SEND YOUR (FUERZA LUZ)
of progress sown) among our the cup of water to the thirst REPRESENTATIVE TO GIVE ranks in Panama can be easily ing soul.
made to bear fruit on British At all our dealers or a phone call ME THE DETAILS OF YOUR This fact in the life in our terra Firma.
GAS STOVES AND INSTALcustoms and manners at home, Conference of Leaders From brings the goods to your door LATIONS cblefly the out of home towo At Your Service the Different West Indian native, has in a measure no doubt made for the ever readiGroups Planned ness on the part of the BarbuPlans are in course of formaTHE dian outside to support everyPANAMA COLON tion to hold a conference of the thing whi the other group baleading beads or branches, of. PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY brought forward with a zest departments etc. of the socie.
ap sºal compelliog success.
ties, benevolent and fraternal Surprise Visit To Their discuss proper means PANAMA 65 PHONES COLON 84 ADVERTISE Meeting whereby proper and protitable interest might be directed toOn Tuesday evening last ward getting in touch with what Manufacturers of pald a surprise visit to a general is now being done re the Britisb meeting of the Barbadian ProGuiana immigration and coloni CLEAN GOODS gressive Society. was tally IT PAYS zation schemes. Follow the surprised with the siz; of the coming issues of the WORKMAN.
Gas Stoves On Time Payment at curve and 1)
IT ASK FOR FULL DETAILS my deeper convictions here reON THE COUPON SERD CO rmo ALI LEWMI ZU up NAME ADDRES to In the Workman


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