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PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 15, 1928 Death of Joseph Bowen SE350 Prince George Tomorrow Races The British Pharmacy COLON 11. 1154 11th STREET Silver Spray BRITISH PHARMACY a STILL ON SALE Wöst Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 room an inervased surtax We regret very much to record To Visit Isthmus The following is the Prothe death of Joseph Bowen, a nagram for tomorrow races:tive of Barhad. and Brother of Arrangements are being made FH Bowen, well known Tailor by the members of the British FIRST RACE of this city, the deceased was Society of this city (of which con Furlongs Parse 100 slightly complaining, and entered sul David Francis is the Gorges Hospital on the 9th ul.
chairman) to recieve H, RH Fenomeno 110 Demprey timo, where he gradually grew Prince George who is expected to 121 Dieciseis Worse, and in spite of all that mesrive here on board HMS May dical aid could do he breathed his Durban on Sunday, September Don Simon 111 last on Wedneeday night the 5th 30th, 100 at 20 clock His bidy was taken to Colon on the following day acSECOND RACE IS NOW LOCATED AT buffet supper has been ar companied by his three Brothers, ranged for the members of the Furlongs Porse 100 who in turn delivered the boty Society in good standing, and a Dardanels over to the members of the Hearts special committee has been ap Cococha 106 of Oak Lodge, O of of which pointed to carry out the plans. El Caichi he was a member. And at othe Miramar and the Union Club 99 clock he was laid to rest in Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK have been mentioned as suitable THIRD RACE places for this entertainment the Mount Hope Cemetry, followed Farrogs Parse 125 by a large gathering of Fraternal Everything is being done to Brothers and Sisters, Friends and Where our customers will receive the usual make the Prince visit enjoyable La Chiquilla 90 and interesting Nice thirty is the Mischief sympathizers. The deceased came to the Isthmus in 1907, and was hour decided on for meeting when Marcela employed by the Parama Canal courtesies dancing will be one of the elief Sca 121 Commission in various departfeatures of entertainments, ar2013 La Nena 111 ments, but at the time of his death 95 he was employed at the Cristobal bakery He was a man of Helping Ourselves.
FOURTH RACE uniquestionable character, and had LOOK FOR THE SIGN Furlongs Purse 100 won the esteem of the community BY STRAY SHOT.
Chiqui 125 in which he lived, and those with whmo be came in contact. The I wonder if it ever oceurred to Pistol 116 ceased leaves a wife and four certain members of the human Barba Raja 110 children, and three brothers on family that in this material world Honey W the Isthmus, mother and 195 of ours, one of the surest avenues sister at Bubados, two sisters in to fuccess in business relation is FIFTH RACE Nw York and one brother at by helping one another; of course, Furlongs Parse 3125 Demerata to mourn their loss to it would not be fair to cast woich the community offer their any busty or undue criticism. Hit Miss Kitty Gill 113 deepest sympathy, Increase of Surtax on tho e who do not find it 102 convenient to adopt this particular Chombo Gordo 125 at itude, as such a conclusion is Dixie 123 James, Edwards (Continued from page 5)
Cant per not easly arrived at by any the debts but that can only be means, SIXTU RACE for a time and the crash wool!
dmitted to Gorgas Hospital soon ceme After years of study in any par. Farlaags Purse 25 The wise course is ticular line, cermin amount of to change his mode of life. The Mi chief efficiency is generally assured, and au horities under whose control we the idea of helping others in order La Chiq ailla The many friends of James Edware, the gentlemen at the Colonial is that we may also be helped Marcela 126 wirds. ilemaker for the Hebard Office, do not ac, as if they have AND 124 Cont Billa Vista) will regret to realise that we bave reached the not for the amateur, consequently, Socia na this method is not to be found a.
111 learn that he has been admittd to limit of our resources as far as 95 mong many who might otherwise La Nana the Gorgas Hospital on Wednesday taxation is concerned.
list and will be found in Ward 10, In former years the Government Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages ve taken bold of this policy.
SEVENTH RACE sretion 10 The pathway in which may have Furlongs Purse 100 The nature of his case is not yet ried on at a uch lower cost that of this Colony was efficiently carcrossed in this life has been very ba folly known, Dieciseis it is felt sure often compared with a ladder in 111 Summary of Contents: that an operation will be necez, it is at present. Today the hogey that it is graded with steps one Pistol 117 siry. Elwars is a member of the ever the evertaxed people call for of inefficiency held up when History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years)
above the nther, and certain Hones Dew 126 Loyal Nelson Lodge 0.
119 Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, steps are only reached at certain Lena retrenchments. lo ibis year of Mechanics of Panama periods or standards in lite, there. Barba Roja 121 grace. 928. a deficit of 608 is Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, fore, no one should be held responbeing provided fo: by the pro sible for anything which he tay Memorial Service creds of Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, If you have a Prescription to fail to do, if that action requires. 200 estimated) and an Tin Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua a certain amount of experience or be made up take it to the Dirial grant excerding 5, 000.
Players Is that all the picture? Supplementhe commission of same to be un National Pharmacy, Santa Ana dertaken by persons of certain Plaza, where you will get courSt. John Past Masters Contary votes amounting to 3, 899 standards.
clave and Grand Christian Enept. 7 for the year :927 ard 5569 Váluable, lastructive, Historical, curate, Complete ani teous and obliging service.
No. 10, LUC. Panama Interesting Whatever might be said for or All sir Knights and Friends of last meeting of Council. Will we!
82 for 1928 were voted at the against this policy as it is bere the Above Named Enept. are re continue doing the same throughPrice 50cts.
outlined there can be no getting Hundreds Hear Mademei.
minded to attend the Memorial out the year 192S? It is impossiaway from the fact it is undoubt selle Service, which takes place Sunday ble to carry on in the future at the edly (under almost any and all 16 inst at p Loyal Pro. rate we bave done in the past and eireumstances) a safe and wise (Continued from page 1)
Secure yours now there will be a great rush free Lodge Hail, for the Sir our Councillemus ines, watch the even at thing to help ourselves, Knight, who departed from the cost of supposed Mademoiselle is another adfor them.
care of this trabsitory existance. every penny, question every adition to several Plays ranging mount spent and do uimost Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Women to Help Re to as high as melo drama which Athenaeum To Debate Council as representatives of the to justify their position on the Panama vise Rules local West Indians have at people. On our Administrator detempted during past years. Each Important Subject volves the position of brakesman effort has been given very substo him we look to apply the brakes Conicolliog British Police tantial support by West Indians Resolved That Abraham Lin Government is ruoning up expenwhenever any department o tre and others from Panama and coln has contributed more to civi ses too freely. The increased surA cable despatch from Lonrion Colon, the two principal cities lization than Woodrow Wilson is dated August 13, states that wo of the Republic of Panama, as the subject selected by the La tax is a necessary evil but no arTHE ANTHOLOGY men are to have a voice in the re well as from the towns of the Boca Athenarum for its quart tempt to increase our expenditure TO LUNA vision of regulations governing the erly debate scheduled for tre even must be counteraneed.
actions of dolce and the prblic Panama Canal Zone.
ing of the 25th instant. The ai(Sonnet)
prosecutors in the investigation of firmative will be led by Pal.
By Ceran Thomasos mer and the negative by G.
Drowns in Chagres.
This became known today when Moon, thou kind friend of the worried soul!
the personnel of an investigation Sweet comfortress, whom poets long have sung, commission of nine members was St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca IN MEMORIAM Moore, a Jamaican carpenter, And lovers breathed their sights unhappy throng, announced and revealed two women CHURCH NOTICES FOR THE (whose body was found in the May to thee pour forth my love sick dole, on the list.
To thee whose heart doth glow like living coal?
FIFTEENTH SUND In fond and loving Memory of Chagres river on Tuesday morning Dame Merial Talbot Intelligence For in thy visage sad there solace strong AFTER TRINITY our dear sister and fried Mildred last. was sent to the Gorgas Mgr.
Officer of the Overseas Settlement To him whose soul with anguish deep is wrung Deparment of the Government and Toit who left us on the 12th Sept. gue and burial took place on Tburs.
While silently their course the seasons roll.
day last.
Miss Margaret. Beavan, Lord MaHoly Communion, 6, a. he yor of Liverpool were named ou Reetor To day recalls sad Memories The brdy was claimed by Herof our loved one gone to rest bert Moore, brother of the deceased In yonder grove in mystic shadows cast the Commission And those who think of her this day, and arrangements were made by 7:30 Holy Baptism, Methinks, Moon, hear sad Philomel.
Their appointment is a concessAre those who loved her best.
Her doleful plaint deth wound the silence vast Matins, 10. 45, a. Holy EuFrank Wang, adm nistrator of eion to feminine complaints that no charist awl sermon, 11. 30, a.
tates, to have body of lead man As she to thee her ancient love retell.
woman was on the commisson The Rector: removed from Las Cascadas, a suit Does she like me, perhaps, sweet solace find which investigated Scotland Yard J. FLOWERS of clothes being used as a stroud. In thy sad visage for her love sick mind?
conduct of the case involving Miss Church School, 300, Deceased was interred at Coroza!
Irene Savidge and Sir Leo Money, Choral Evensong and sermon, Abogado. Attorney at Law Cemetry. All rights reserves) 30, mn The Restor OFFICE: No. 44. ST MULOARE, RYCE BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY Rector.
TELEPHONE No. 1317 Don Tomas Gabriel RENOVATOR St. Bartholomew s, LasPracticing before all the cour of Cascades.
Miss Toothman Re Over Five Buildings to be DYEING PRESSING the Republic since April 1914 (Continued from page 1)
Matins and address, 11. m, Mr.
short one Listen to what he said turned To Capital Pulled Down LADIES SKIRTS Braithwaite, Catechist Church DENTIST HOWELL inter alia in his trite speech :ESPCIALLY ATTENDED TO School and Confirmation Class 30 m. Messrs Braithwaite, Cate am only sorry that my pe Colon, Sept 11. On Suaday lasi Around the vicinity of Colon HOUSE 19 21st STREET chist and Lay Reader.
House No. 912 La Boca riod in office is such a short one quite a few of Miss R. Tooth Beach, and near the Hotel Wash GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITY. MULCARE man friends met at the Paring swimming pool they are over Canal Zone as to prevent me from doing as Railroad Station to see her boir ed five wooden buildings to be des Priest in Charge much as would have liked to the train for the capital citroyed within the next two weeks.
St. Simon s, Gambea OPPOSITE RESTAURANT in furtherance of the ideals of Miss Toothmann was a visitor to these buildings have been in es ist Dr. Fred Sterling Phone 1911 BALBOA Rotary during which time she had an eo to be substituted by concrete his city for over ten days, ardence for over twenty years and are Matius and address, 11, a. Mr.
THE NEW YORK DENTST Specialises in all Branches of The Workman again congrat joyable stay anong ber frieds structures. Clarke, Catechist Church ulates President Duque Dentistry 182, BOLIVAR STREET School and Confirmation Class, 2, 30 Choral Evensong and regret the fact that his term of COLON, Rent Receipt Books in Spanish address, 7, m.
All roads will lead to Juan Franco office as Chief Executor of the Advertise in the Workman and English for sale at the Box 171, Cristobal, MULCART, Race Track tomorrow. nation is so short.
it will bring good results. Workman Printery.
TELEPHONE 247 COLON Priest in Charge their and bere.


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