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Anh maja of Nunes Captaincy of the Team THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME WEEK BY PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND VOL 17 No. PANAMA, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 1928 PRICE CENTS Jealousy Said to be Cause of President Chini Takes Isthmusic literary e And To Colonize Labourers Going Tucker Killing Paramour to Cuba Trip To Chiriqui Musical League.
a Disastrous Hurricane Plays And Inaugurates Newly Con. At Cristobal Silver Clubhouse structed Railroad October 20th Uses Knife Freely on CunningThe new railrond at Punto In connection with NachPlots of Land will be Given Them ham Chest and Abdomen Armuellos having been completed, Presir ent Chiari of this Republie zine to be published at Xinus vide to Develop Small Farms and party took the opportunity to una che ospices of the abovethat a very atrocious act was committed on Monday last Among the party were Gabi entertainments to the purp se o in force has not been advantageous to the contract labourWe have been informed by our Colon Correspondent pay visit of inspection on Mensumed society, and in the inter dny last.
est of our colorert folks to the Havana, August 20. The short cane cutting season Isthmus; the first of a series of the 17th inst between 2nd and 3r1 Bolivar Streets, Colon, riel Duque, reting President of prevailing the past three years since restriction has been when Chfton Tucker win the use of a knife slashed Alice Ithe Republic, E. Chiari Seere be held at the Cristobal Cluters that have been brought to cuba, especially those raising the necessary fund) will Cunningham (his reput wife) on her abdomen and twice try to the President JD Aro house on Satur lay October 20th, brought from Spain and the Canary Islands. During the across hr chest also severing one of her little fingers. mena, Secretary of agriculture when members of the other socie past two years the most of the contract labour has been and act according to imformation gleaned. fore leaving his Arias, and Abel de la Lastra kd to assist in the progrım satisfactory to most of the mills, and there is to be quin bement and several others.
This entertainment of course home at Silver City Cristobal on the day of the cruel act The President ard party return. of a classical nature, and the little encouragement given to Haytians this coming seasson.
Clifton tried to make some explanation about what he ed on Tuesday last and expre red opportunity which will be afford. That there must be some method for bringing in in ended doing to his mothe but she did not understand complete satisfaction with the ed in binging together LiterIt was only after hearing of the rash act which he had com awake ofructed in colto the of filerine de behandering labour now in Cuba is employed on the road work.
what he tried to disclose as he was not very explanatory. general progress of the place they ary and Musical societies on the labourers for the coming zatra. especially if it is to be also that Inrestricted, is recongnized. large amount of the floatmitted that his guarded remarks flashed back to her memory Puerio Armaneling is about the standing anong both members Pay on the road work is better than pay in the cane pose footering and she there and then comprehended.
best on the Pacific const on the and non members of the League fields, and unless the road contractors shut down the Tucker left Silver City in a motor bus for Colon, and Isthmus, and expressed very prom ising prospects for the Province of The nece siry talent which will labourers will not leave and go back to the cane field.
stopped at the Blue Bird Restuarant, at 5th street and Chiriqui.
ber quirel for the staging of the Hudson Lane, where he made a first attack on CunningCOME TO STAY entertainment and also the pubham but was prevented from carrying out his foul deed the President inaugurated the new as an inspetos to point our people the mill owners and larger colonos are to give encourageAnong other business matters, lization of the Magazine will serv General Molinet his formulated a plan whereby by the owner of the restuarant On realising that his railroad fore Iraving. The trip to the biglier and artistic si de o nent to the immigrant workers to induce them to come plans were upset he got back into the bus which was was a most interesting one. life.
waiting and left. He however, got to know that CunMuch is expected of the Leagul to Cuba, to stay, by distributing plots of ground, either ningnam would be leaving the kestuarant soon, so after transferred to corner North Avenue its progress is being eagerly wateh families to be brought to Cuba, this being not only a The Workman office will be under its manageroent, an for small colonos or for farms for the labourers and their riding a certain distance he got out and re urned to the ad Javillo Fli on October 1st. eu by the general public vicinity and waited around some distance from the Blue contract labour proposition, but it will also be a coloniBird Resuarant. On learning that the Cunningham Wu000000000 zation scheme that will assist in increasing the working inan hud left with a friend, he tracked her to Cristo 9997999 population of Cuba.
bal, and retracing his steps patien ly awaited her at her It is proposed to give at least 10 per cent. of the residence and and 3rd Bolivar streets where he made his THE NIGHTINGALE workers brought to Cubi each year, or to the Cubin second and final attack inflicting the several cuts as indi(Sonnet)
labourers, these small colonos, and thus the labour cated above.
By Ceran Thomasos.
situation will be nearer to a real solution.
On realizing what he had done, Clifton tried to make It is calculated that the removal of the restriction Like love sick maid engrossed in thoughts profound a getaway, but was held by several persons among the The pensive night broods o er forest deep will lengthen the working season for the cane field the crowd who rushed to the girl assistance on hearing All is still; e en the trees seem wed to sleep, workers by at least 50 per cent.
her screams for help.
When hark! there gently floats a dulcet sound Cunningham was at once rushed to the Colon HosWhose cadence sweet doth fill the woods around.
While in the heart past mem ries softly creep, pital where she was given all medical aid but died the The soul with saddened joy inclines to weep following Tuesday nig it about 10 o clock. It was rumAt that sweet melody with sorrow bound.
oured by many of those who knew them both, that the Havoc in Leeward Islands girl was kind to Clifton but he was jealous of her.
For tis the nightingale who chants her love, Her (leful loves the lagend saysHundreds of Houses Demolished and New Electric Co. To Antiguan Progressive What time the pale moon from the sky above In benediction pours. her kindly rays.
Many Deaths Recorded Start Business Soon Society Philomel! thy grief is like mine own; Love visions fled, my heart is sick and lone. All rights reserved)
DOMINICA Like the other Leeward Islands Musicale Sunday Sept. 23rd, Montserrat was in the direct At a special met ting held on Mo day night last (on the site of Dominica, Sept. 14. hurri line of the storm and suffered the Old Monte Serin ice plant on (Communicated)
cane of considerable intensity considerably, possibly to a great Street) in connection with the new Electrie plant to be estab tiguan Progressive Society, Under the Auspices of the Anpassed over Dominica yesterday, er extent than me of the othe lished in this city in the near Musicale will take place on Sunday No loss of life reported to date. islands. Montserrat, discovered future, many important nhuses Sept. 23rd at Mt. Carmel Lodge INVICTUS Heavy damage on the Roseau by Columbus in 1493, is only 32 were dealt with dealing with the Hall, San Miguel precisely at There is no more sublime quality than courage, un sea front. All jetties demolished. square miles in extent and has future activities of the Co. o clock. Among the contributors dismayed in the face of great odds. In the following There are no reports from the a population of 12, 000 people. An The report of the auditor was poem, William Ernest Henley has beautifully expresvery encou aving in that he said are The Red Black and Green country districts, roads Choral Union, Vocal Solo by Miss are agricultural country, a considermore than bulf of the subscribed Olive Jarvis of Red Tack, Piano sed this spirit and also the power of each individual to blocked and telephone com able quantity of limes are culcapita. had been already paid, and selection by Miss Violet Farley guide his own destiny. The title is a Latin word meaning munication cut off. The damage tivated and a fair trade is done materials for the plant is due to adresses: Messrs George Mulcare, unconquerable.
arrive from Germiny in the near Colbourne Mr. Robert Isaac of cannot be estimated for several in cattle and hides. Sea Island future, also, the first installmont Red Tark will be the chairman Out of the night that covers me, days but appears to be serious. cotton is also a subsidiary indus09 machinery has been paid Black as the Pit from pole to pole, try.
Work has also been started on The proceeds will be given to thank whatever gods may be NINE KILLED IN ST. KITTS Dominica. Sept.
the large concrete structure in 16th. The For my unconquerable soul.
which the plante is to be hou ed; charity Building for ourselves, St. Kitts, Sept. 14. Unofficial) following report appears in yesarrangements in this connection build for others also, in workIn the fell clutch of circumstance Damage done by the hurricane terday Dominica Tribune :having been made with Villanueva ing for the welfare for others we bring a have not winced nor cried aloud.
is estimated at more than half yet another catastrophe has and Tejeira, local contractors, as we confer upon greit grod to ourselves them.
Under the bludgeonings of chance a million dollars. Nine labourers befallen this small community We cannot live for ourselves My head is bloody, but umbowed were killed and hundreds of which in recent years has been Flying Visitors only. thousand fibers connect small houses destroyed. Further stricken by a succession of disus with our fellow men; and those Beyond this place of wrath and tears fibers, as symphathic thres ds our Looms but the Horror of the shade, repo ts will follow when obtain. asters. Floods, alastrim. witherQuite recently, the Isthmus of actions runs as cause and they And yet the menace of the years able.
tip, redroot, and now a hurricane Panama has been favored with a come back to uz as effects.
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
few distinguished flying visitors, One of lifes greatest leserns is to MANY KILLED IN MONT of considerable intensity. It is not yet possible to estimate even Since Colonel Lindbergh (Lisdy) learn altruism to find joy in workIt matters not how strait the gate, the French aviators, Costes and ing for the hoppiness of others.
How charged with punishments the scroll, Lebrix heve made themselves Montserrt, Sept. 15. Unofi aproximately the extent of the am the master of my fate: known here and have also merited! am the captain of my soul.
ficial) Very extensive damage damage caused by the cyclonic disturbance which passed over the econium of the Isthman Panama Wesley is reported as a result of the this island on Wednesday last, public. the last to leave these William Ernest Henley.
hurricane as well as 30 persons shores is the Mexican flyer Colonel Fierro who made him elf quite Activities believed to have been killed and but it is certain that serious loss has been occasioned thereby.
popular among the elite, and wis 50 injured. Communication is at In Roseau itself the damage a leo at home in many social circle: Lecture on British Guiana present difficult, the water supma Wesleyan Church.
at present leading in agriculture, The flying art and artists are making much progress in the British Guiana or the land of one having a promising future, necessity for more Agricultural conditions are bad. Many houses bay front. The fish market the He referred to the country as but more help is needed, and the ply is interrupted and general was virtually restricted to the terest of civilisation promise was the subject on which adding the need for further deve settlers is greatly lacking have been destroyed. Further Bell Jetty, the Import and the All honor to these mo lern wing. the Rev. Wade dwels on lopement along agricultural lines; The lecture was supplomented particulars are not at present Export Jetty, have all been swept less birde!
Wednesday night last at the Pans he also stated that the Indians are Coati ued on Page available. Continued on page 6)
the occasion SERRT


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