
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 1928 STOP! LISTEN. PANAMA HARDWARE LA MASCOTA ENGLISH TWEEDS Plans fo: Rebuitding THE WORKMAN Codrington College Expected to Arrive at BarPublished on Saturdays by Rates for advertasemen on applicabados Soon WALROND, at the office No 1601. Correspondon se on all mattes Stacet East Central Avenue Panama of publie interest invited In its issue of August 16th RP. full Assortmet of All copy for publication must be the Barbados Advocate says PO Box 74, Panama P.
writton on dao side of paper only, and editoriallyRates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of Dao Year It is a few years now since 32. 40 US. Oy the writer, not necessarily for publica CRICKET GOODS Six Months.
tion but as a mark of good faith.
Codrington College was destroy1. 20 Three ed by fire and the staff and pupils Be.
We do not undertake to rotaro rene Month 23. jected correspon :ence.
forced to work in adjoining but Bats, Balls, Wickats, Gloves Leg Guards less comfortable surroundings. he Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights NUIS Etc. combination of unfortunate Etc. Etc.
circumstances, has delayed the SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 1928 rebuilding of the College but the Trustees have never been disNunes Captaincy of the West ALL BEING OFFERE) AT SACRIFICE PRICES.
couraged and are working zealously for its restoration. The Indies Team plans of the new building are COME IN AND INSPECT THE STOCK expected to arrive in the colony from England in a short while Early this year the difficult task of selecting a BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE and it is hoped that with the representative West Indian cricket team to play a series assistance of Major Peck and of games in England, with English cricketers, fell to Mr. Connell, the engineers, the the lot of the West Indian Cricket Control Board. To work of reconstruction will not that Board also devolved the all important duty of be further unduly delayed. The selecting a captain suitable in known respects to CARDOZE Jr. estimated cost of the new Codlead this team against the Englishmen. After much rington College is 15, 000 and it work in picking the best cricketers from among almost CATHEDRAL PLAZA is proposed to make certain artwice as many very good ones from the various West chitectural changes. The central Indian islands, a selection was made. After further portion of the old building will deliberations upon a foundation of previous knowledge remain as formerly and BRANCH STORE two as to general fitness of various prospects, the Board wings each carrying three selected Karl Nunes of Jamaica as head of the team.
125 Central Avenue storeys will be added. This will The series of games scheduled to be played in England furnish greater accommodation included, among county matches, three Test Matches, for pupils, the number for which English cricket classic.
provision will be made being 26.
There were some little differences of opinion here and as against 17 in the old building there as to the selection of Nunes as captain. For that The new premises will also be steelroofed and in other respects matter there was also little dissatisfaction in one or two islands as to the inclusion or non inclusion of a few of rendered less liable to destructhe members of the team. But this was apparently subtion by fire; while lavatories ordinated in the interest of the common good, and everyand baths will be installed on two floors. There are also other hody became normally satisfied that a good selection was made with an equally able leader whose character, modern conveniences proposed for the building in an endeavour sportmanship and ability as a cricketer had been taken into account by the Board and his selection made thereJust received a fine selection of to make it in every respect on in perfectly good faith. The cricketers bade good bye suited for the important duties which will be undertaken within to their respective islands, receiving in return the its walls.
islands God speed and good luck, characteristic of such occasions.
From what has been stated of ficial. y and otherwise on this On reaching England, in spite of the dozen and one handicaps attendant on the cold weather which prevailin the very latest desings matter, it is common knowledge ed there at that time, the men started out to make the that the questin of finance is the home folk begin to feel confident in their expectation. Also greatest difficnity with which the Trustees ave faced. Apart of a good showing all the way through. Later, these from the 3, 000 raised from expectations were ruffled when, after a few wins and draws in their favour, the team seemed to have run its BLACK AND BLUE SERGES. BLACK CHEVIOT insurance on the old building and 000 collected by way of length, suffering inglorious defeats in each of the three Test Matches, and made unexpected poor showVICUNAS AND CREAM FLANNELS subcriptions, together with the in ing gainst some county aggregations. All of which, of terest on these sums, the Truscourse, gave room for the told you so to come to the All at moderate Prices taes have no actual money in hand. But the subtantial sum of fore and develop abnormal loudness. 6, 000 towards the rebuilding of No one can deny the fact that we sent some brilthis ancient seat of learning liant cricketers to England this season. There were not Always kept in stock a full assortment of have been promised by more than two members of the team whose ability as first class cricketers could be consistently questioned.
THE IN ENGLAND But having all that in our favour could not remove provided that the local authorithe many uncertainties and upsets peculiar to the game ties are able to raise a similar of cricket. That did not guarantee the veteran Chalamount. We believe that this lenor his centuries of former years, nor Constantine task can and will be successfulof every description a fine score in every game, nor Martin the many cenly accomplished by the College turies which we expected he would have made; neither Trustees. It was only by a misdid that guarantee Small and the other fast bowlers a fortune that their request for high and even bowling average, and so on, ad infinitum.
a grant of 5, 000 from public Therefore, it is but more conjecturing as to what or funds met with refusal in the who is responsible for the failure of our men to mea37 CENTRAL AVENUE, Legislative Council during the sure up to our expectations. Whether it was from poor past session. For had Hon. Dr.
or absolutely inefficoent leadership of Captain Nunes, PANAMA.
John Hutson been in his seat on undisciplined members of his team, unfavorable climathe occasion on which the mattic conditions or sheer superiority of the Englishmen ter was considered, he would over ours, no one is yet able to intelligently decide. Until most certainly have voted for the return of the men the intelligent, unprejudiced the resolution and it would have critic in these parts and in the West Indian islands can been.
not be able to accurately place the blame. While awaiting, however, we find that Mid Off. writing in a Trinidad paper, tore his way through the in Educational Queries had proved conclusively their IN SPANISH ENGLISH claim to public support and discreet silence to the front and bellowed out a most hopes were expressed that the staggering, ruthless adverse criticism of Captain Nunes New Orleans, La, July 30. For sum would have been included which one could never have realized would have come For Sale at the Workman Printrey he third consecutive year Holy from the island which sent forth Constantine, the pride Ghost School of the Opelousas, in the Colonial Estimates for the of the 1928 team. It is true that Nunes side suffered La. taught by the Sisters of the current year. This course defeat. But it is unsympathetic to conclude that such Holy Family (Colored) nuns, took however not adopted and it is defeat carries with it automatic censure of this cap We do not, therefore, find that Mid Off purely first refor teachers certificates not unlikely that in the coming adverse criticism of the captaincy of Nunes is fair. It Forty two schools were repre. Trustees wil again makeaptain to the exclusion of all other evidences in the case. la.
session of the Legislature, the Poor leadership might have been one of the contribut is wholly unsportsmanlike. It reaches out further than sented by ptudents at the exam.
ing causes of the defeat; also it might have been THE Nunes captaincy of the team it involves, questions ination. Among these were plication for a grant from the cause. Misconduct of a single member of the team might and brands as lie the long established sportsmanship Sırait Unversity, New Orleans; Treasury. Should such steps be have been one of the contributing causes of the poor of British cricketers. It carries not a semblance of that Southern University, Baton Rogue taken we are confident that the leads showing: also it might have been THE cause. the desinterestedness which even the sportsman who had sid. New Univer application will be granted and in this way the conditions surphylosophy of one black sheep spoil the whole flock blundered cannot but praise. Mid Off cannot at this sity, New Orleans.
remains as good today as it was years ago.
early date convince intelligent West Indians at home Holy Ghost training school rounding the offer of the Discretion being the better part of valour, it is well and abroad that Nunes leadership of the 1928 West ranking school, namely, escrald will have been reached, and the work of removing all posfor all lovers of the game of cricket as well as those Indies team to the Mother Country was nothing but University, scored 339.
interested in the unity of British West Indians, to wait the collasal failure he represented in his scathing criti Out of the first six schools to sible traces of the great disasand learn the true facts in the case instead of rushing cism. We have to rely on more accurate information receive mention, four are paro ter of a few years ago will be started in real earnest.
before the crowd to paint red that which may in from an unprejudiced source before giving our decision chical schools.
the end prove satisfactory to all concerned.
in the premises.
THE CHURCH PROGRESS. Continued on page 5)
House Rent Receipt Books Colored Nuns Triumph felt on all sides that despite the was


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