
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 1928 PAGE THREE For Sale Cheap think rapidly de long trial in face of the shifts that of the seasonal indus the summer gains resorts Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
North condition, have been at as of Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City ag is the organised prople injusevice What Will Be The Employment Condi sur www with Mr Marryshow Speaks Destiny tions In United The New Daily Chronicle of Bri.
States tish Guiana says that in the course Of the British West Indian of his speech to the Negro Progress Islands.
Convention held in Georgetown As They Affect Negroes early in August, the Hon. Albert Marrvshow, of Grenada, said. From the Granada West Indian)
Do not go about crying saying What will be the destiny of the in.
The Industrial Relations Departthat nobody can keep you dowo.
creasing population of these British ment of the National Urban League Put a high estimate on yourselves.
West Indian islands when, in of which Arnold Hill is director, Good Assortment of Do the not swagger and play the fool next decade, they outgrow their nar. has issued the following bulletin on and you are the lord of Cre.
row habitations? question of such employment conditions for July: ation. But in an intelligent mansignificance cannot be treated with If the favorable situation among ner set your owo estimate on your indifference either by public opinion hion Negro wage earners can be taken as self, individually and collectively or by those whose duty it is to satisa guage for the country as a whole and men are bound to respect you.
ify the desire of a people for human one would be justified in concluding improvement. Are the limitations of elining. This is perhaps true, for July It is the law. Do not go about that unemployment is British Guiana apolog sing for these islands sufficient to provide your existence but believing. As for the people so that they may many sections showed surprising you believe, so it shall be.
grow up in gains in contentment? So. as they became ambitious so long will recommend to you fothers that are always forced here, the conditions there are the will they manifest the desire to bet dur during the months. The same as in British Guians but adter their lot, if not at home, in fields mong Negroes are partly accounted mitting they are, can tell you that which will provide them with a red for by the opportunities at summer one of the greatest Universities in sonable means of living.
due to the extreme hot weaththe world is the bewspaper. But those who go there must go fired Geographically, the natural outlets er in the East, and to an unusually with inspiration. They must go for the people of these scattered argendmber of construction and there with the idea that they are are the South, Central and street repair jobs opened to them.
American territories, some of Our reports cover a wide area as going to reach at the top. You which, in their great undeveloped he following accounts show: must go there fired with zeel, inbeen affording satisepiration Los Angeles. In a recent survey factory opportunities for our and daughters who, because they ftuation has been relieved, so that AND INDIGNATION thes for our son was found that the unemployment against wrong and iojustice.
cannot do better, are forced to seek percent of those out of work durReierrieg to his visit to the Col.
their fortunes foreign lands.
But those places are gradually ound employment now.
ng the winter and early spring have ony Mr. Marrshow said: had closing their doors against us. Panbeard so many things of the Neama and Columbia now contain resJefferson City. Negroes in largº gro Progress Convention in Trinidad while on my way to the coltrictive laws gait gainst us us and on the numbers have recently been employed ony. But may tell you from the heels of the dilemma comes the dis the State Highway.
bottom of my heart that do not couraging information that Mara Philadelphia. Continuing think any island in the West Indies caibo, to which sº many of our ast month, the street railway system could produce this meeting here people have been migrating lately, undergonig extensive improve to night an intelligent enthusiastic is not disposed to issue further per nent. In this connection it is noted people, all working together in mits to allow of the entry of West hat there are two large track laying good cause. Back your leader Indians to its opening and promising news entirely colored with colored and crush fields. We may be sorry for all theoremen in charge. Also Negro grind your enemies. cheers)
bave seen with my own eyes. difficulties put in our way by our bave full proof of it. am here rs and welders. Building trades neighbours, for the restrictions on iso continue quite active, using a the guest of a body of people.
You: aims and your aspirations are cur energies and the insurmountable arge number of Negroas.
limitations in our own homes. But mine. Believe me if did not beHot Springs. Labor as regards that does not say that we are to lieve it would not tell you so.
may rease our watchfulness and be less Yegroes seems to be getting an even What you have to do is to go forenergetic than our fellowmen on this fellowmen on this reak as compared with other races, ward and organise.
That is OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH habitable globe. If West Indians are nd conditions are such that Negroes only way you will succeed. Let forced to migrate to other lands, re employed to do anything that that be your aim Dignify your next door Nash Motors Garage cause organize, and, if you are an they are merely following the his hey are qualified to do, all things toric pathway that has been trodden Ise considered.
organized people, why then, you hy all humanity. They must live and Chicago. The Standard Oil Comhave won already. Because people somewhere they must find do not take chances with those asylum. wany opened another service station, and and mananananananananananananamnewho are organised.
And while West Indians are being mploying colored attendants.
heid in check everywhere by foreign will.
Richmond. The occupations come expensive. Try and make countries and foreign governments, there exists within easy reach each of mong Negroes during the month of Small injustice, rudeness and oppressions.
them a vast undeveloped country uly have increase sonsiderably.
expensive. You can only do that ty DENTIST Kansas City. Unskilled and semiruled by the same nation organising MA SONIC TEMPLE Mr. Marryebow then referred to selves and populated by their bro killed labor has been more in de thers in spirit and outlook. Daily, nand than heretofore. Increased Office Hours: am to 12 the tunnelling of the Alps, explain.
enquiries are made when will the mount of building operations prob1. 30 to 30 pm ing that when the workmen had railwey from British Guiana to Bra bly accounts for the above fact.
Sundays, by Special Appointment Should be in every office to immediately got half way through with their zil be laid down? While no definite all be work they saw light. The tunnel Sprinfield, 111. Forty new posiMasonic Temple IIth St, had been completed, because there scheme has yet been formulated for for fons for men as laborers with the the purpose either by Government Vestern Union Telegraph Co. on the O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL soothe any neuralgic pain caused by were men who were digging from the other side.
or by a private concern, we are hop: ranscontinental line which passes PuOnE: OFFICE 1664 ing that, in the interests of British rough Springfield were opened up.
excessive mental work.
Proceeding, he said: My dear Guiana herself and for the unrivalRESIDENCE 588 friends, can assure you in your field to West Indian labour that Milwaukee. We have not been work here for Negro manhood and accrue therefrom, the work will ble to fil the demands for moulders NEURALGINA womanhood, that there are tbose not be too long delayed. West In and other foundry help. Employers io Grenada and the other West lans, while they are forced to go form Racine are seeking foundry Indian Islands who are digging to Should be in every school to soothe bad anywhere in search of a livelihood. help from Milwaukee. Negro, for meet you. Intelligent men, worthy men in all the islands of the Carib.
prefer to labour under the British the first time in this city, has been headaches and reduce the fever of admitted to the Firemen Union bean are digging to meet you. Be and that fact almost ensures ag of good cheer is my last word to rood working population for British Stationary boilers. Guiana if and when it begins Omaha. According to children, you. Do not miod what other reports rious colonisation and development ind a comparison of reports in our people say. You must expect jibes and things of that kiod.
rogramme. In that con In that connection, the office Negroes are being placed NEURALGINA Government or promoters of the renerally this month on construction NO SUCH THING AS RACE PREJUDICE heme should follow closely, the jobs and in building trades. More NEED American plan the Madeira than not Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes in sebe filled.
You people talk a great deal of Mamaré railway ws laid down race prejudice. Believe me there Brazil not many years ago. The Unfavorable Conditions WATCH?
the heart, is no such thing as race prejudice.
tractors paid well and in return they Kansas City. Negro waitresses There is race fear, and tell y received the most efficient labour that one of the rensons why you DROP IN AT you from a people anxious to earn useful were dismissed from a large drug a For sale both Wholesale and Retail are kept down in British Gaiana, money. We know that West Indians tore, and were replaced by white in Trinidad, in Grenada, and even Fre willing and will gladly go to help. Negro bus boys were discharged in Africa and America is because British Guiana in the period of its from a club and were replaced by AT THE of this race fear. Most people Filipinos.
rise into activity.
letharsy whom you think are prejudiced an Empire Settlement Tampa, Fla. few Negroes are AMERICAN PHARMACY against you are not.
Scheme to day sponsord by the still being removed and whites given 122 CENTRAL AVE, Let me say this, give you my Tinited Kingdom and the Dominion positions. Wages for domestics and Governments, because in that way common laborers are both low and You ill Find Them JAVIER MOI AV, Froprietor promise that whenever find it convenient, will return Englishmen, Welshmen. to Scotchmen for many rare. five dollar a week Panama. this part of my country. And and Irishmen are provided with ade. cool job is taken without complaint. Moderately Priced.
This was so six think that not only the Negro quate and sufficient employment or Progress Convention but the peoare advanced money with which to ple of Guiaca generally will do become settlers in large territories well now and again to try and where the British flag waves overinvite one outstanding person and seas. We in these parts cannot hope Dr. Fred Sterling ask him to be the guest of your for such an ambitious arrangement.
country. And if you treat him balf Our Governments could, however, folTHE NEW YORK DENTST as you treat me, be will low the lead set Jamaica and CALL IN AT Towe go away with elowing accounts of seek where they could discover open. 182, BOLIVAR STREET the people, and he willbe one more irgs for those of their sons CLON, missionary you will send abroad daughters who are not doing well to preach and eound the praises of enough at home. The place on which Box 71, Cristobat, British Guiana theiy should rivet their attention is TELEPHONE 247 COLON none the less than British Guiana.
Advertise in the Workman appreciate what you have But done for me. hope will have ir West Indians are to there pays.
the opportunity of speaking elsethey must go with adequate safe where, ere my departura. am guards. West Indian ble and West RYCE DENTIST HOWELL must raised to a No. 16 STREET EAST enjoying my stay immensely. thank you for your happy recepbetter standard in the future, or RENOVATOR these people will become alienated tion. have come to you and you House No. 912 La Boca Oppsite The Wesleyan Church.
bave received me. It is not a case to their own homes and may pay DYEING PRESSING Canal Zone where He came to His own and alliegance to those who provide them GOOD SELECTION OF they received Him not. You with material comforts.
LADIES SKIRTS OPPOSITE RESTAURANT bave received me right royal. And ESPCIALLY ATTENDED TO NEW BIBLES 80 ladies and gentlemen. give Phone 1941 BALBOA you a bearty band shake and ask Advertise in the Workman HOUSE 19 21st STREET Specialises in all Branches of Hymn Prayer Books you to press on. You just dediit will bring good results. GUACHAPALI PANAMI CITY cate your hearts and minds, and Dentistry (Continued on page 4)
them NEURALGINA 1:11 conFULLER from There is.
as well set by and The Workman BOOK STORE


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