
LUCKY STRIKE 16 for 10c.
IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable ABAPAKABABAKADAMAYADABXWSTÁ SENANARSKRAUTUVANA The Prosperity Tailor Last Chapter For Agi.
tation Of Railway Extension to Parish of Trelaway CLEANER DYER No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Таа Work Done While You Wait TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled Mr. Marryshow Speaks Trade Situations at Barbados (Continued from page 3)
wou will have pity sometimes for Report by Trade Commisthose whəm you served. Loud (Cheers sioner Says Business Bright In response to a request by Mr.
Fordericks the audience showed their appreciation of Mary The FINANCIAL TIMES of Aug.
show by the waving of their hand ust 15th states that Mr.
kerchiefs followed again by a loud Wilson Goode, Trade Commission applause.
er in the British West Indies, recently paid a visit to Barbados Disastrous Fire at Tri. situation in the Colony. The Deand made a report on the trade partment of Overseas Trade has nidad issued that report to the public.
Concurrently with an exceptionally large sugar crop, a good deal Direct West Iodia Cable of money (observes Mr. Goode)
Co de patch from Port of is in circulation, and the storeSain dated Sapt. 4th reports keepers of Bridgetown have little that a fire broke out at about 8:15 for nothing of which to complia a. on Minday morning and especially as the spending capacity completely destroyed the build of the labourers in the canefields ing used by the Canadian Miss augmented by remittances to sion Field for training Eist other Negroes by relations abroad.
Indian girls at Prioces town. Dusiness is particularly good in Sixteen girls were in residence the dry goods store, th resultant The Principal, fortunately, dis benefit to British trade more pircovered the outbreak in time to ticularly to the trade of the United warn the inmates all of whom Kingdoan.
escaped unburt just before the Where foreign competition is stelrway caught fire. Two girls managed to save some clothes most pronounced is in the hardcontained in grips but tha cthers ware stores, but while competition and the Principal lost every informer years was chiefly Amerthing, escaping only in their tal.
ican it is now largely Contineonight garments. The building was recently extensively repairAmerica leads in electrical ed and extended.
apparatus and has almost the enThe brigade saved an adj vir tire trade in gramophones and ste ing Chareb wbich caught several cabinets Supplies of rubber goods times. The buildings were unin are will drawa chiefly from the surd.
United Kingdom on a far scale than from any other country greater and some of the United Kingdom If you have a Prescription to manufacturers of sugar machinery be made up take it to the icsn trade in this class of manufacare well represented locally, Amer.
National Pharmacy, Santa Ana ture is increasing. Last year it was Plaza, where you will get cour more than doutle the previous teous and obliging service. year and nearly three times that of 1925.
RAILWAY STORES visit of inspection, His Excelmet by the commit As regarde railway material.
tee and other representative twenty three wagons and spares cltizans at the Ulster Spring were ordered from the United Court House on or about Satur Kingdom in 1927, representing in day, 15:b inst. whea the report value 24, 980. Oaly general runwil be presented to bim and a ning stores will be required by the few of the leaders in this inatter Railway Department during the will bave the opportanity of present year and for many years expressing their views. It is to come.
boped that there will be no bitch in manures is very importin these arrangements. ant. During the year 1927. the It is confidently felt bere that value of the total importations of residents of this neglected a es manures was no less than 132, will have their wishes granted. 1740. Io view of the hallowness and in the no distant future the of the soil, the demand is likely to puffing of the iron borse will continue, disturb the golden silenc. of It is estimated that this year these ancient bills. Continued on Page 5)
The Ulster Sp ing corresp.
dent to tbe Jamaic. Mail states that the closing scene is being approached in the drami of rail way extension to Lorimers. The committee wolcbut a few months ago, under the splendid ebaigmanship of that goest worker, Lyoch. laboured with might and main to collate facts to prova that tho extensin to Lörrimers is a must desirable necessity, have now put their findings in writing and in a few dey time the document li oll be presented to the. Jelt the acting Goveruor. report is a most comprehensive one, and deals with the districts of Upper Trelawny and neighbouring parieber that sre likely to be served by the extension Cure has been taken to exclude districts with reach of the existing railway, that is diatric are in close proximity to Kandal or Balaclava The Parochal Board Committe9 bave perused th: report, and it is stated, hava mida slight alterations bare aud there. Toe revised report will b) returned to th, Fall Committee withia tha next few days for their final paru al and approval, after which it will be type writen and presented to His Excellency.
But there will not be a ary presentatioa. it wa may terin it so. ceremony is to accompany it, and so it is understood that His Honour the Castos is arranging a programme wbleb, If successfully carried through, will not only add lustre to the tinal proceedings of the com nittee; but will make a practical Impression upon the mind of the acting Chief Executiva of the nature and exteat, as well as the practicability of the demand the residents of Upper Trelawny are making.
The Custos will accompany the acting Governor over the yarious areas that will be benefited. by the extensior starting from the Christiana end, passing through th; fertile backlands of And on to Lorrimers, the objective of the extension. His Excellency will see for bimself what these districts are at present producirg he areas under production; fertile areas still Undeveloped and so on. At the close of this Bill REID Propietor lency will JOB PRINTING Of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Trade in AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY


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