
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 1928 PAGE FIVE Something Wanting in Trade Situation at Barthe Curriculum bados Plans For Rebuilding NESTLE MILK CHOCOLATE Conference tor of (Cortinged from page 2)
We have already given, our support to the proposal of the rebuilding of the College and with large numbers of people in these West Indies colonies shall welcome the day when the new building will be opened for its important duties of supplying the West Indies, as in the past, with not only Bishops, Archdeacons, and the bulk of the Clergy, but Chief Justices Barristers, Physicians, High School teachers, planters, merchants, and men of leading position in every colony in the Caribbean Sea. The College has a splendid record and must continue to play an important part in the educational development of the West Indies.
Indeed, it is hoped that by widening the scope of the activities of the new Codrington College a new era in the history of higher education in these Colonies will have been started and the foundation well and truly laid for the establishment of the much discussed Univercity of the West Indies.
Colon Chaffeur Captures Large Snake persons.
Says Director of Education Barbados will produce between (Coatinued from page 4)
at Trinidad 80, 000 and 82, 000 tons of sugar, which constitutes a record so far as this Colony is concerned.
The following Editorial is This years prrduction of sugar taken from the Trinidad Guard throughout the British West Iodies jan of the 14th ult. is likely to be far in excess of normal prodnction and to approxiThe frank admission by the mate to 300, 000 tons.
Director of Education at the. According to the Acting Diree Teacher Union of 12griculture, the cotton crop suffered even worse last Friday that there is some from the ravages of the pink bollthing wanting in the curriculum worm than in the previous year.
of the elementary schools of the industry is The future of the Sea Island cotton colony was followed by the is full of ur certainty.
After a long period of inactivity a statement that he intends to on the part of a company who spend the next few months in bold a concession to o search for cil revising the curiculum. This is in Barbados, concludes Mr Goode.
it is understood th important important news to the large gevelopments are pending, but no body of educators who have felt particulars were available at the increasingly in recent years that time of his visit. Although between the system in the schools was 500, 000 and 1, 000, 000 bave not in keeping with local require the amount of oil produced bas ready been spent on machinery, ments and tended to produce dis prove barely sufficient for the use satisfaction among parents, who of the company cil driven vehicfelt that their boys and girls les, were being taught things that would never be of any practical TAKE NOTICE utility in after life. The importance of giving the child a bent! The WORKMAN can be towards pursuits it is likely to had at Mr. Sanchez place adopt after leaving school has 24th street, Nc building been recognized in the country Guachapali.
vhere the cultivation of gardens is a compulsory part of the school routine and, although FLOWERS criticisms have been made and. Committee of the Agricultural Abogado. Attorney at Law Society has been appointed to OFFICE: No. 44 ST Interview the Director of Educa BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY tion on the subject, as a step in TELEPHONE No. 1377 a much to be desired direction Practicing before all the courts of this effort is of considerable alue. We have already pointed the Republic since April 1914 out that the removal of children at too early an age makes it very difficult to carry on agricultural, or indeed, any instruction successfully, and perhaps the alteration of the curriculum along the lines which Mr. Marriott proposes, by which the lucation given in the elementa schools will become of closer value to the NEED OF THE PEOPLE, will have the effect of inducing narents who come to understand its significance, to leave their children longer in the class Now is your Opportunity to Get rooms. Since his appointment to he Directorship of Education GAS STOVE at a Mr. Marriott has introduced more than one beneficial change and if he succeeded in making a curriculum of curricula which will be absolutely suitable and acceptable to all sections of the community, he will have accomplished a momentous we are tempted to say a miraculous We Must Reduce Our Stock of. task. The Education Depart.
ment has already introduced for Rebuilt Gas Stoves.
compulsory use in all the schools the West Indian Reader prepared by Captain Cutteridge and in pursuance of the policy Prices have been Cut to Cost or of teaching the children to recognise, understand and use Less than Cost such things as they will find around them from day to day as they grow older, this official as we have already announced is engaged now in the preparation Come in and Look Over the Won of a West Indian Arithmetic based on the use of dollars and cents instead of sterling and Derful Values Offered.
leading up to the keeping of estate acounts.
Mr. Marriott told the teachers on Thursday that although they could be said to be doing successful wory THE GAS ELECTRIC SHOWROOMS in the schools and making good educational progress. there still (FUERZA LUZ)
was a need to be filled in the matter of the curriculum; and the indications are that he has long ago recognised this need At Your Service and decided upon the principles of the chances necessary to PANAMA COLON meet it. Those who are interested in education will await with interest the tppearance of the promised new curriculum and if ADVERTISE it is based upon the plan of suiting the method to the child instead of the child to the method, it should prove both welcome and workable.
IT PAYS SALE TV MAIL Bargain Price to date lines.
On Sunday morning last between 3rd and Sreet, in the city of Colon, a very unusually large snake was e poured by one of our chaffeurs in the presence of over thirty It was not until a little later the same dav, when it was learnt that this reptile at large was the proper.
ty of one Mary Jones who resided at at 13th and Street.
Harrisonian Successes (Grenada and the Tour The snake which must have been un ler keepine, took ist Traffic portunity of making good its es.
cape at 0. am on the Sunday The Barbados Weekly Herald morning when its owner opened of the 18th August states that her door, and was captured at three old boys of Harrison ColThe Gr nada Riviera, Ltd. about 45 a.
lege, Barbados, have recently th 20. authorised capital of won distinction at the Universi 10, 000, is the name of comties. Mr. Dowding, Bar pany that has been formed to Court Dawn to Run bados Scholar for 1927 and son develop the na. ural possibilities of Mr. Dowding, of Lower of the sister Island as a tourist Excursion ThanksEstate, bas been elected to an resort. says the Jamaica Exbibition at Sydney Sussex It is the view of the promoters College, Cambridge. Mr.
Keith that the unrivalled facilities for giving Day Parris of Macdonald College, sea bathing, riding, golf, and alQuebec McGm University, son of most overy form of outdoor sport Oo November 29th Thanks.
Br. and Mrs. Norman Parris, of which the southern end of GreoBlack Rock, bas been awarded ada affords, need only be giving Day the Foresters of lethu Long worth Memorial Priz, brought to the notice of the tra banon will run an excursiou traia for the bighest average in thọ velling public of Europe and from Panama to Colon.
second year work for the America to ensure to the island Every effort is being made to degree, and the Governor: a share of the profits to be take the trip as attractive as posGeneral bronze medal for gene: earned from the large and eversible, and in view of this fact, the ral prof ciency in the first and inciesing number of wel: to do he Isthmian Syncopaters have second years, work; and Mr. people who each year go ia search been engaged to dispense music for Bynoe, son of Mr. of the warmth of sunshine denied the accasiva.
Bynoe, of Pleasant Hall, bas been them in their owa lands. On the The promoters are also requestoffered a lecturesbip in Bicter company boldings resident al in intending excursionists to lolokyat MacDunald College cottages, bath houses, etc. will make their reservations early so as after graduating with First Class be erected, and ruo on the most to ensure accommodation.
honours in the degree.
Bravo, Barbadians!
Two directors have been appointed Major Fdk. Hornet, Rent Receipt Books in Spanish ing of Scout Masters was started of Annand le, Grenada. one week as mp for the traio: London, and Mr. Jao. Branch and English for sale at the Workman Printery.
last night at Gun Hill. The reed for training of Scoutmasters bas long been noticed by the Association and it is intended to.
Training Camps an annual ure. The practical instructions will be in the bands of Scout masters Rev. Armstrong and Oved both of whom bave taken the Scouter course at Gilwel Park, the Training centre in England. Cricket Match between Bar bados and Trinidad Scouts re.
din a draw on Tuesday at the Garrison Savannah. ar Bradburne captained the Barbados Scouts, The visitors batted first and were all out for 55.
Barbados replied with 102 for wickets Miller being 49 not out.
PLEASBE The visitors in the second innings were 39 for wickets. PURITY The House of Assembly has increased the fee payable to jurors At all our dealers or a phone call on inquests from 1s 6d to 2s 6d Dr. Aawkins the junior member brings the goods to your door for St Phillip, said that from his experience jurors loquests were of no use. The Coroner did all the work and jurors were only THE puppets.
PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the PANAMA 65 PHONES COLON 84 National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courManufacturers of teous and obliging service.
Advertise in the Workman CLEAN GOODS it will bring good results.
make feat.
sulted WWMI 20 In the Workman


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