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PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22, 1928 The British Pharmacy COLON Occassion have 11. 1154 11th STREET to BRITISH Important Notice STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History defence.
and Tyldesley Disastrous Hurricane Collapse of West In Panama Wesl y u.
dies Tean (Continued from page Continued inim page 1)
away and the roadway has been In All the Test Matches hy lantern views of the Country, battered beyond recognition by Ow ng to the in ability of Mr.
Reviewed rough seas.
11. Cambridge of Colouwlo had been asked to take the chair Near Roseau the years main In the Evening Times of August (who did seven years of mis ionary for the eveni s, tie Rev. Wade crop have been destroyed and 18th appears the following from the work in that country) rose to the thousands of economic trees pen of Mr. Garson uprooted. But we fear that the The three Test matches of 1928 more distant country districts, are over, and England has won all rome ou Jamaica Proverbs, rowe The Rev. Cousins was at from which no reliable reports three by an innings and some few of which were already known to runs.
are as yet forthcoming, IS NOW LOCATED AT the audieere, but his presentation Our visitors from the West Indies of them et uld not be equalled, been the chief sufferers. Comhave not played up to their form in most of the proverbs having been munications have been interrupt heir first attempt at Test matches formed from the cow sodbe ong.
ed and all the main roads are England, but they have not been The amount of humour and blocked. The Points Michel and o badly beaten as to despair of everticme give by his gentleman Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK making a better fight.
Canefield roads no longer exist.
made a very lively evening.
The West Indies had a great asset The closing remarks were made The coastal villages seem have been badly hit and many Where our customers will receive the usual in the possession of three fast bowly the Rv, Wade and the ers, Griffith, Francis and Constan. Buxuluky brought tlu evening prohomeless. There are also rumours tine. They are all powerful men, but ceeding to a close.
of wholesale destruction of the courtesies think they might have troubled us more if their spells of bowling had cultivation on many principal been shórter and a a little more use BOWEN plantations. We are thankful made of the slow mer.
however that no loss of life has That, after all, is a matter of cap TAILOR as yet been officially announced.
LOOK FOR THE SIGN tainey, and Nunes has by this time We can make no attempt to very definite idea idea whether his bowl. No. M Street San Miguel conceal the seriousness of the ers like ten overs in succession or Panama City whether, as many bowlers do, they crisis which Dominica is now PHARMACY hate to be taken off too quickly.
facing. To the despondent the am sure that since MacDonald and storm damage really looks like Gregory came here from Autralia in be made up take it to the If you have a Prescription to 1921 we have not had so powerful an the coup the grace to an already afflicted people.
attack up against England in any National Pharmacy, Santa Ana mateh. It says much for our batting, Plaza, where you will get courunused as it is to fast bowling, that teous and obliging service.
MANY DEAD IN ST. KITTS. Oliveston levelled to the ground.
we have done so well.
The thirds of the Peasants hous. TRIBUTE TO HOBBS Advertise in the Workman St. Kitts, Sept. 16th. The foles are totally destroyed.
In this respect should like to pay it will bring good results.
lowing is extracted from the a tribute to Hobbs for his batting in Daily Bulletin. The hurricane the last Test Match at the Oval. His reached St. Kitts at p. Wed CHURCH SERVICES Announcing a new Ladies Fashion Store amazing youthfulness was as notice land was sweltering in a heat nesday, 12th. inst. increasing in to be opened within a few days at Muller able as ever. know no batsman who wawe. Incidentally it was also the elocity until midnight and then St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Building, Calidonia, Department next within five seconds of Hobbs, and were deprived of their best chance.
can get into position for his shot bad luck of the West Indies, who gradually abating. The lowest CHURCH NOTICES FOR THE harometer recorded was 29. 40 at SIXTEENTH SUNDAY door the Post Office.
almost an eternity: it is at least the equal, but the wicket prepared for 10 Eight persons are AFTER TRINITY difference between life and death at the Test match was not to be comI nown to be dead, six at St. Pethe wicket.
pared with the wicket the West Inter as the result of the old Without Hobbs that innings of ours dies had played on in May.
schoolroom falling on them and Matins and sercon, 10. 45, a at Kennington Oval might have been It was of the fast feather bed two at Palmetto Point. he Re tor a disaster. The fall of those five variety, except for those few overs Wester: Church School, 230, wickets in the middle, which Grif when the rain upset it.
Electric light and telephone Choral Evensong and ser mon fiths took for a few runs, opened all CHALLENOR LOST FORM Jines are down. cutting off com 17. 30, in. The Restor our eyes to the excellence of the Hobbs had put up with Many crities have said unkind munication with outlying disJ. MUL CARE the assistance of Messrs. Suteliffe things of the West Indies ability to ricts, but latest reports to hand hold catches, but too much should not Rector.
tend to show that only the weak This St. Bartholomew s, Losbatting failure made us won. b2 made of this. Slip catching off as huilding have been blown down Constantine and der if Hobbs was to carry the Test such bowlers Cascadis. AND toam through Australia as he has Griffith is no easy task. do The slonp Prosperous of know St. Simon moa done before.
any fieldsman in England, with Trinidad which was anchored in The fate of those middle batsmen the possible exception of Hammond, the roadstead with would shine in the slips with was preceded by a little shower which Dersons board has been lost. great Corfirmation Class, Choral EvenMatins, a ldress, burh School, Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages may have made the pace of the pitch that pair bowling.
numbers of smalled houses in song and address, at the usual a little variable. good many crities It was a great pity that Challenor Newtown, Irish Town and Hayne time by the Catechists.
in the pavilion, however, expressed never reproduced the form he showSummary of Contents: their thankfulness that the ed when saw him at Rye in the Smith Village have been destrovJ. MULCARE, History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years)
See election Committee had had the good first match the West Indies played The cold sense to ask Phyllip Mead to make collowed that match sent Challenor spell of od leaving many homeless. The weather which Priest in Charge Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, entire west half of the new shed the Australian trip.
on the Passenvers Wharf has Wes eyan Methodist Church Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, out of form and he never found The present of English generation batsmen does not know fast bowling It may be put on record though heen ripped off also the rool Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, as fast bowling was understood nogh practice to get going again of the gallery on the Treasury (British Conference. Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua twenty five or thirty years ago, and that no batsmen in England played Freeman quite 30 that bowling of Griffith had just Challenor did in the first innings well on the off building. The iron shed in West Players 19th Sunday aftur Triity Square Street is down and the of a touch of Lockwood about it and Tiast Gallery of the St. Kitts the match a week ago.
Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete nd was obviously very unpopular, Martin and Roach are both good It was his bowling that mattered to Interesting Club completely torn away. Parts PANAMA. 11 Rev. R. Wa le the West Indies. Constantine may batsmen in ways.
of the roofs of the Grammar 7:30 Rev Wade Subject: Call for Faith not have been faster, but it lacked the Nunes has an excellent defence and School, the Weslevan Chapel Clevernete.
Price 50cts.
persistency of of attack which distin has been obliged to use it all this (southern part and Weslevan tour, to the exclusion of his attack.
Wednesday at 7:30. guished Griffith.
Mission House( eastern part. Longfellow Evening Paper by All through the season have seen Constantine has disappointed us over Mr. Kinniemouth are all off and but for these and Secure yours now there will be a great rush Constantine on many occassions, but and over again. We all know he can was only in the Middlesex match hit harder than any living cricketer, perhaps a few others. no substan COLON 11 and 7:15 Rev.
for them.
that saw him bowling at his best why a man who can hit nine balls and we all love to see him do it; but Cousins.
tial building in the town has sufand then for a few over he was good out of ten cannot make up his mind fered.
LA BOCA. a. Rev.
Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN enough to bowl any side out.
Panama to let the tenth alone is incompreTwelve inches of rain fell durThere, should imagine, was the hensible.
7:30 Mr. Moulton.
weakeness of the West Indies the ing and after the storm. Reports Thursday, 7:30 A, Lantern Exhi.
inability to reproduce their best perFAULTY RUNNING BETWEEN from Nevis state 13 deaths have bition, formances with any regularity.
WICKETS been recorded the Government NEW PROVIDENCE. 11 Mr.
It must be admitted, Still, he is a great cricketer, and House damaged and considerable James Daly.
damage to Bath Village and PARAISO. 11 Mr. Henry Hare made a contrasting picture with corated with cakes, fruits, etc. British West Indies Hurri its advantages, the English climate hope we shall see lots more of with its perpetual variations must be him.
roads and property. All landlines wood, cane Distress Fund.
It has been said that the West exceedingly trying to our visitors.
the guests who sat around it, 7:30. Mr. Waltars.
are down and much distress headed by Mr. Sum Goodridge, who probably needed more acclimati Indies have nt learnt much from ration than one short summer could their tour in England, that they prevails. The administrator left the popular Toastmaster who per The of the Wesleyan give them.
make the same mistakes they did at by the Pathfinder for Nevis Nuptials formed th: part with precision, Church, Panima decided to donate DROPPED CATCHES the start of th season. Perhaps it and made one and all feel at home the sum of Ten Dollars from the with a relief committee.
with his usual witty and cheerful proceeds of the Lantero Lecture, Then can quite believe that our may be true, but that is nothing to their discredit.
The following was received CHICHLOW ATHERLEY sayings, which kept the audience last Wednesday, to the Hurricane methods of preparing the wickets has in a spirit befitting the occasion Relief Fund. The Rev. bothered them a good bit. saw can imagine certain improveSHIPS IN THE STORM for which they were gathered. Wade is forwarding this a them make the Surrey team look like ments, in running between the wickets St. Paul Church was the scene Natura: Am from the The Bridemaids were mount to the Pritish Consul with nothing at all on a hard wicket in for instance, which might be more of a very pretty lit le wedding on Samuel Hunte, and Miss Thelma fuod for the the their first match at the Oval. It was sure but this is really only an unanchored in Christiansted. Am in Saturday last touch with Croix and Starties bring Joseph Crirblow of Mr. Robert Atherly, father of loss of life has been appalling and that no fewer than seven were miss remembered that it is easy to pick cephe contracting Wynter. Those present included purpose of relieveing the distress too cold for the West Indies to hold certainty about the fielding powers in the Briti West Indies. The he catches, but seem to remember of the other side. When once it is Thomas. Ship badly knocked Chorillo and Miss Claris, Alicia the Bride, Mr. Leeman Surdle, the privation and hardship consed before lunch on the first day.
the ball up on an English county about. Was in center of hurri of Mr. Robert Atherley.
Atherley daughter of Mr.
cane. No deaths at St. Croix or Then, again, on a fast wicket where ground all their hesitation and apAubrey Atherly and son, Mr. and quent upon the destruction of crops 6:30 pm, the Bride Mrs. Livingston Murrel, Mr, and and property must be heart breakat St. Thomas, have no wish to see their bowling Middlesex in excellent fashion. This entered the Church efeorted by her Mrs. Samuel Hunte and foo, Mr. log. Oa Suuday eveniag, the 2015 he pitch is not doctored they beat parent rashness will disappear.
St. Martin: No deaths report wore beautiful dress of Ivory Ella Brown, Mis. Martha Smith, will donate the total of the public but they had a wicket which enabled ing in England today; nor do think ed but extensive damage. stin, trimmed with Rhine Stone, Mrs. Charlee Gregory, Mrs. War collection to this fand also. We them to show their best form.
our safety first batting is to be Antigua. Official reports have a cartied a bruquet of Nibite ner, Mrs Jemmott. Nie Willi have httle doubt that the others he conditions de weather made In the first Test match at Lord copied by anyone who loves a game LilineA. ams. Les in been received that a severe hurri engale performed tho marriage lie Mason.
and likes to play it.
the pitch far more suitable for Freeman The one virtue would like to ins.
cane was experienced in Montremony.
ing that he belps twice wbo help and Jupp than it did for the West til in them is a profound belief in serrat. Twenty five are reported At the conclusion of the cere. The couple were the recipients giurkly.
Indies fast bowling, while at Man the old adage that it is a long lane killed and fifty injured. No Eura residence of Mr. Aubrey Atherley, were displayed during the function.
the party mortored to the of numerous costly presents which chester the wicket had clearly been that has no turing.
peans. All the Government Build prepared The failure of the West Indies to for three days of blazing House No. 997, La Boca, wbere a Rent Receipt Books in Spanish sunshine more than it received. make any use at all of their second ings were stripped and many recep ion was held in benour of the It is the wish that Mr. and Mre.
That, of course, is the luck of Minnings leads me to believe that they houses including Bagenham Par happy couple.
Cri chlow may live happily and en and English for sale at the chester weather, which provided hre thought the match was over when sons Paradise Amer sham and The table which was scatly de jor health, peace, and prosperity. Workman Printers. gloomy days when the rest of Eng. It had but begun.
do not Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 who as in their various it that with all Mrs. the suggestion of Promptly


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