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Aston Welcoming Back Noted Author THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN WEEK BY LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND VOL 17 No. PANAMA, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 1928 PRICE CENTS Most Still Revolting Act in Repub insistat cupying a baj hoger die magte dale Garvey Described as Million migration to Cuba Inauguration of New Hospital at Aguadulce lic of Colombia Volt Orator caption place en sunday but the most By London Paper Which Says he com Hospital.
men ingen sporto pare of the fresk fund ta borele heyat hoted dis. aaa undated with undesirable im. como en la ed up the provided girls for luistele au morchestra on the place of our played operate Serious Attention of the Is Fittingly Carried out by Prers of that Island President Chiari Man Kills. Fellow and Prepares very impressive cermony took Writing under the Portion of Flesh for Food In Labour Importation the Cuban Aguadulce, when the President of Plays on his Throat as it were paper El Mundo says in a this Republic, his Home which is Eaten.
Don Rodolpho recent issue: Chiari along with the Secretary of a Saxaphone From the distribution made of Agriculture and Public Works, Demostenes attended In the Heraldo de Antioquia al crime was brought to light the sub committee of the Na Ito rimaugurate the Newly built The following is taking form the London Daily Express of of August. 17th, there was pub states as follow: tional Economic Defense the 3rd instant. lished the details of what is As soon as the Technical In mission in charge of colonization On this occasion, a presentation The Honourable Marcus Garvey, President General of the believed to be one of the most structor of Police, Mr. eslie and immigration problems, it is of a gold plaque was made to the Universal Negro Improvement Association of the World, made horrible crimes in the history of Hanlon became aware of the evident that the authorities are President with the inscription From Aguadulce to Rodolpbo the first of a series of oratorical appearances at the Century the Republic of Colombia. The occurrence, he called his detec favourable to labour impor Chiari. The presentation was Theatre, Archer Street, Westbourne Grove, yesterday afternoon, occurrence was brought to light tives together, and laid his plans. tation, at least for one year made by one of the most beautiful and discharged a thousand nay, a million volts of negro electriwith the arrest of Carlos Cano, Very surprising was the fact more of Antillian workers for girls of the Republic with an apto which the city into a comparative void.
who it is alleged, murdered one that without being acquainted the coming sugar crop. It is propriate address and Perhaps thirty negroes, a couple of Indians, and a dozen Roberto Munera and after re with our customs, or how the therefore evident that the east President made a fitting response.
Dr. Rafael Estevez, Superinten white people bloomed in the desert of the small auditorium. There moving of flesh from land laid, he instructed men indent of the Hospital was was a clergyman chairman, and of five white of the victim, took it home exactly at what point each should migrants, with all the harmful who expressed his complete satisselections from time to time, and Miss Ethyl Oughton Clarke, wrapped up in paper and re work. Never has there been a consequences of disorders crimes faction with the work. The new quested his wife to prepare a similar case of precision by any and epidemics. And last but not structure is said to cost 70, 000 the celebrated negro soprano of the United States of America: and is in meal, of which several members of our native expert.
sang prettily.
least, as a result of this short has many modern conveniences Mr. Garvey and his wife sat beside the chairman. Each spoke. of his family partook, not know. The rapid manner in which this sighted policy thousands of dol and consists of four buildings with each had a complaint to deliver from the black races to the white.
ing, of course, that they were unprecedented crime was hand lars that should and could have sewer system, electric lighting, teleploi e9, ete.
devouring human flesh. This hor led, although rather complicated remained here will be taken or Grebies and Martinez are the Mrs. Garvey is slim and as golden as a guinea. Her hair is rible tragedy took place in the in some of its phases, made it sent abroad.
Because it is necessary Province of Antioquia, Colombia. to appear very simple.
Constructors and must be congrat. brushed, without a kink, to a heavy loop on one side of her head.
to ulsted for their fine work. The She wore a jumper creation no lesser, word does it justiceImmediately the crime was Eight days after the occurence again tackle the problem and President and party took a trip to of soft blue and yellow, expuisitely designed.
made known, public feeling ran the investigators had at hand a face the dilemma squarely: Are Kertisgo de Veraguas after the in a aah! she cried, and you say you re Christians! go so high that attemps were VOLUME OF INFORMATION the Antillian labourers imported Ruration and inspected the highmade to lynch the alleged mur which enabled them to arrive at into a resturant in this London, this beautiful heart of the Empire. Continued on page 6) wsy work which is being carried or from Santiago to David. wanna clean meal, in clean, bright surroundings. wanna pay dere. The crowd which gathered, a definite decision.
for it. No o o! Madam, they say, we cannot serve you. Why?
shouted Chop him into bits! He Everybody will see in this a Ode to the Colibri Because, and her voice shrilled my skin is black!
should already be dead! These triumph for our system of invesMr. Garvey, short, stout and black, announced that he spoke shouts were accompanied by tigation. It must not be forgot(Dedicated to the Land of the Humming bird for 400. 000. 000 negroid peoples all over the world.
other threats and were it not for ten that the various clues which the vigilance of the police he were so ably combined were By Ceran Thomasos.
He played on his throat as if it were a saxophone. He shoutwould have met death at the worked by a Man of Science. Art thou, perhaps, some spirit fair, ed, whispered, roared and hissed. Delighted shfvers swept through Thou hast a palate sweet his audience. Delighted chuckles sprang from them. The injustice hands of the infuriated mob.
After penetrating the modesty Some pursuivant of love To which all flowers are meet El Correo de Colombia in a of Mr. Hanlon, he reluctantly or just a bird with plumage rare Dropped from the skies above. of the white dominion was his keynote. The ambitions and And their abrosial fronts are dear.
And so each hapless bloom glorification of the negro were his accompaniments.
recent issue, dealing with the supplied us with the following That doth the ether ride By thee is ravished soon manner in which this sensation(Continued on page 6) In swift, majestic glide. To gorge thy epicurean crop maooo For truth to tell, feel to doubt Ere far advanced the sultry noon.
Commander Watson of Colon Boys That thou art to this realm allied.
Payment of Death Canal Excursion is Institute But, O, unlike the busy bee Who can this mystery solve aright Who turns his pilf ring vice Being Planned When in the soothing balm Levy In time to product nice, Sonds Congratulation to Colonel Burgess on his of the matinal calm Thy days are spent in levity: One views thee in thy magic flight? Now in a zig zag dance, Appointment as Governor of the Panama Canal Or resting on a twig. With bows and furtive glance, In Panama Canal West In For West Indian Sufferers Between soft blooms, half hid, And rythmic glides and courtesies, As it disturbed by some On september 22. 1928 Com As for this Institution Bridian Employees Association grave Now poised in air as in a trance.
As a means of assisting the mander Watson seni. thought gadier general Walker sufferers of the recent hurricane of which thy soul would gradly rid? And why not be a gay free lance letter of congratulation to His always keep in his heart a in the West Indies, a Canal Obsessed with bold desire, Excellency the act Governor. warm spot for the Colon Boys The membership of the Panama excursion trip has been planned But how canst thou indeed be sad Inflamed with ardour fire, as follower.
Institution, and we trust that. Mr. Rayne for When every flower If so thou canst thy joy enchance. Colonel Harry Burgess.
you will do the same. We are Association is hereby advised Thanksgiving day Septemmer 39 Tha proceeds Is captive to thy powerof the And clad in regal state, the death of JOSEPH BEACH, Governor of the Panama Canal.
trip will Thy overwhelming courtship mad?
about to erect a home for the On wings that fast gyrate, memb of the Association under be donated to this purpose, and May be thy fickle heart Balboa Heights.
How dulness can thy soul invade, destitute Boys and Girls. of Registration No 1073 on Septem all West Indians are asked to Is cause of thine own smart, Or sorrow on thy footsteps wait?
Hon sir.
this Republic and ask that ber, 23rd 1928; that he was a support this most deserving Cause. Now draws the hour, Love epicure, We the officers and members your Excellency will do whatin in July of this year; and that the are being experienced When thou must from thy amours The love lorn soul that fain woul the of the above named Institution ever lies in your power in (part. weep regulation Denth Levy of 25 West Indies on sccount of the learned with joy of your new helping us put this over.
Because of dreams long fled cents per financial member is to be hurricane, and a most sympa. soul by passion bled apponitment to a higher posiSir, words can hardly express paid by not later than the next thetic response is urged in this ve emerald, on vibrant wing; Swift as a transcient dream connection. This is a splendid And cross whose path life shadows tion in the Panama Canal, We our heartfelt joy and pay pericd. creep opportunity for all to show ther! The mind would fain redeem.
cannot but tender to you our It is further advised that mem loyalty and affection for their o, if thou couldst but only sing trust that you will perceive Has but to look on thee heartiest congratulation and the sincerity in the sentiment bers who have not yet paid the sisters and brothers in their Thy voice would surely be So fair, so full of glee, The sweetest melody, sincere wishes for success in annual due for this year (1928. homelands.
we express. Again congratuAt which the cordant soul would in all her bloom and ecstasy.
To feel the tinge of hope reborn should do so by the next pay this new field. No group of lating you for your new field. thrill, persons have felt your abilty of activity, and trusting your clude the comme une ferychio de ateInauguration Care Enraptured by thy minstrelay rmount o Colibri! the languid sun, to handle important position administration will be a wonInclined to sweet repose, derful success.
collected from every applicant for more then the Colon Boys mony At noon when Sol his belching ire His spirit to compose, membership: this in order to raise Institute.
We are your the Colon Boys With vengeance pours below repreHas tow rds the west his course a fund that may be fairly Inst.
sentative of the Associatiou re For New President of Pana. Cind in thy jewelled, bright attire And makes the ether glow. begun And we feel sure that your Watson Commander.
as gistered membership. official capacity will be ma.
Thou flit st from tree to tree And must from thee part, marked as that you displayed The following is the reply As has o ten been pointed out, Like some great buzzing bee Although it wrings my heart. during your terms in your from the Governor.
Unmindful of the solar ragethe payment of Death Benefits Tomorrow will commence the jojous soul from worries free.
But, Colibri, some other day by the Association from the collec old field, the need of the day The Panama Canal tion of 25 cents from each finan festivities of the inauguration cele We shall again our confab start.
is men and still more men. Canal Zone.
cial member is one of the greatest brati noforciehe President Elect And like the bee, thy tit compeer (All rights reserved)
And am sure that the resExecutive Department: economic advantages on offer any. Don Florencio Harmodio AroseBalboa Hights.
locality, ponsible parties saw in you menaAlfredo Aleman is that there are now over 10 000 chsirman of the Committee the qualities for accomplish Sept 24, 1928.
in by the various Political clubs of ceremony will take place at the Hilver employees at work on the charge of the inauguration, and is the city On Monday. The corpe National Theatre at 00 Zoner. Hall that number in the making elaborate plans in this con the fire Department will take an Sunday when a special program ing importanttask, thus your Mr. Watson.
appointment as Governor of Commander Colon Boys InsAssociation, fully alive to their nection.
active nart in the festivities of the has been arranged by a committer the Panama Canal, we will be titute.
mutual respons bility and protecThe Program will be started todayspecial luncheons will served appointed by the National Assen tion, would ensily insure to rach morrow evening when the parks of at noon, baseball games and a par bly.
looking with interest, and box 1533. Colon over 1, 000 at death.
This is the city will be iluminated, con ade by the firemen will take plac display of fireworks will also anxious expectation for the Dear, Sir.
about the cheapest group insurance certs will be gi et by he Republican in the evening, also a reception in be an important feature during the important things we are sure The receipt is acknowledged of goire and the oher Bands, and dances the Presidencia. The inauguration festivities. Continued on page 6) of we period, at which time they will inwhere in on ove you will do.


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