
THE WOREMAN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 1928 PAGE THREE Underground Stations Delicate Operation to For Motor Vehicles Seperate Twins To Tax Insurance Companies pain For Sale Cheap one sayosed last meeting Good Assortment of Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
was Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 6, 16 Street East, Panama City NEURALGINA TO BE BUILT IN LONDON May be Performed at PriIa connection with a proposal to tax Insurance Companies operavate Hospital Whore they tior in St. Lucia the Voice, Wonder Garages With Wait were taken from Coney commenting editorially under the Island ing Rooms Restaurants and caption The Proposed Tax a Sound Proposition, shops The concerted opposition made New York despatch says: by the Unofficial Members at the Seventeen year old Mary and London, Aug. 30. New wonof the Legislative Council to the Bill for the Stamp der garages, as large as great Margaret Gibb, billed in vaudeDuries Amendment Ordinancerailway stations, with wainting ville and at Coney Island sidewhich proposes to impose a tax of rooms, restaurants, and shops, shows as The Only American per annum on all Insurance are to be biult all over London Born Tegether Siamese Twins, Companies doing business is, to say. the least, somewhat surfor the convenience of private are in a private hospital here, prising. And when the reasons motorists and for the accom preparing it is said, to undergo for the opposition are surveyed Toe becomes still more surprised to modation of the ever growing an operation to separate them.
potice how frivolous and unconfleets of motor coaches operat The operation is one of the most vincing they are.
ing in the long distance road dangerous in surgery, and medservices.
ical men say it would be almost To understand the position thoroughly we must go to the beginTwo of these great garages a miracle if both survived.
ping of the question. In Novemare already under construction, Once before, according to a ber 1927, a Committee was appointed by the then Acting Adand the Ministry of Transport despatch from Holy yoke, Mass, ministrator to consider possible is taking in active interest in the where they live the twins were means of additional taxation. The development of the scheme, under observation to determine Committee consisted of His Honour which aims at solving the park. whether they could be separated.
o. Plunkett, Chairmo. Hoa, Degazon, Hon Crutching problem in Central London, At the age of three, they were and providing adequately equip taken to the Massachusetts ley, Hon. Palmer, Messrs. Peter. Hy Belmar, P. Mon ped frmini for the motor General Hospital in Boston, but plaisir, Gordon, coach sevices.
after extended study of their Imbert. Among the recommenda.
case, surgeons decided that such tion made was that a tax of be imposed on all Insurance Com.
an operation would have no Each garage is to be eight chance of success. The twins are proies doing bu iness in the Colstoreys in height, and spacious joined by a cartilaginous band ony. Acting on the Committee recommendations, a Bill in which enough to accommodate one at the base of the spine.
stamp duties were imposed, custhousand motor cars. The motorThis time, however, it toms duties increased, was iatrocoach stations will be under reported that a new motive had duced into the Legislative Council ground, with arrival and depar entered the case, in that Marin January last. On the Motion of the Hon. Palmer, the section ture platforms, booking offices, garet wished to be freed to of the Bill relating to Insurance and porters.
Companies was deleted in order to Mr. Claude Grahame White, this could be obtained.
marry. But no confirmation of allow local insurance agents to get the aviator and motorist, who is in touch with the Companies they DOCTOR RETICENT repre:ented. During the debate in responsible for the scheme, said to a Daily Express reprentative In the absence of a confirmaCourel it was stated that The matter might be delayed three was hinted in some yesterday that millions of pounds tion it months. this would cause no of capital will be required to quarters that the report of the OPPOSITE THE WESLEYAN CHURCH loss to the revenue as Insurance carry through the project.
examination for an operation Companies would still have to pay Two sites have been chosen might presage the tax during the year, the announcenext door Nash Motors Garage ALL ARE AGENTS.
one in Gillingham Street, near ment of a new threatre engageIt would be very interesting to Victoria Station and the other ment.
in Park Road, Regent ParkIn Holyoke, Mrs. Josephine aan die SAOMANIAN AMHARIAN NATIN AN Mannammannanna know how many of the local agents bave taken the trouble to comand workmen are already busy Lawrence, who lives with the municate with their Principals and laving the foundations. Gibb family at No. 19 Portland what answers they have received Small (locidentally we might mention have incorporated in the Street, said she understood the that every one of the Unofficialsplans the best of all the many twins had come to this city to DENTIST both Nominated and Eleeted who ideas for modern garage cons get a new vaudeville contract.
MASONIC TEMPLE were present and took part at last truction, have picked up dur. They were in vaudeville last year.
Office Hours: 8, am to 12 meeting of Council is an insurance In Quy case no mention ageat. ing a tour of the world to study Mrs Lawrence knew nothing 130 to 30 IT was made at that meeting of any the question, said Mr. Grahame she said of any boy friend of Sundays, by Special Appointment Should be in every office to immediately Insurance Company informing White.
Margaret in Holyoke. She add Masonic Temple 11th St, their local acent that they objected am modelling the garages ed that their parents Mr. and O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL soothe any neuralgic pain caused by to such a tax or that it would act on the lines of the Mrs. John Gibb, had accomas a deterrent to their transacting PIIONE: OFFICE 1664 excessive mental work.
GRAND CENTRAL STATION panied them here.
At the Park West Hospital a RESIDENCE 538 The reasons given for opposing the Bill, as we have said, are very in New York. There will be 170 NEURALGINA weak and uuconvincing. They are: shops all round the main hall, private institution at No.
West 76th Street, officials ad(1) Bill was bad in form and where passengers will be able to mitted that the twins were there would be an encumbrance on the buy anything they please.
Should be in every school to soothe bad but as yet only for observation.
Book; Statute (2) the Insur When say that each garage No operation was performed ance Companies bad treated us liheadaches and reduce the fever of will accommodate 000 motor berally, with a few exceptions and 20 we should show our appreciation cars, mean that this number yesterday, it said, and none was scheduled.
by not imposing the tax. 3) Inof vehicles will be accommodatDr. Francis Weston of No.
surance should be encouraged, the ed so that each one can be tax was unjustifiable and the 325 West 45th Street, who had NEURALGINA license would keep away new comdriven away without a moment taken this unusual case, also was panies. As far as the first objectdelay.
NEED ion is concerned it can be met, for There will be separate inclin do not care to comment Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the form can easily be changed, ed roadways for cars going uplextensively. he said. The matand a law that brings 105 per and cars going down so that ter does not concern the public.
the heart, apnum is worthy of being on the Statue Book of a Colony which is there will be no danger of col. The girls are joined together Jision. Motorists who leave their and it may be possible to separDROP IN AT at difficulty to make two ends meet.
For sale both Wholesalo and Retail With regard to the second, in a cars at the garages will be taken few, a very few cases ia the cages ate them. That is all can say.
of up to the particular floor by a some local insurance agents He declined to reveal whether pessenger lift, and will be able to the operation had yet been peronly the losurance Companies were liberal. Very recently there drive straight away.
formed, but at his office it was AMERICAN PHARMACY We intend to do away with said he had not performed it 122 CENTRAL AVE.
bave been increases in existing taxes which will prove an additional bur.
the present system of packing yesterday, though he had spent You ill Find Them JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor den on our people. It is the purcars higgledy piggledy, so that much time at the hospital.
pose of the Goveroment to swell Panama.
the revenue. Jt is there are exasperating delays All previous operations to Moderately Priced.
NO HARDSHIP before the motorists can extricate his car. The Ministry of been unsuccessful, according to on Insurance Companies to pay separate Siamese twins have per annum. As for refraining from Transport is taking the keenest taxing them because of alleged lisurgeons, except a case in Mexiinterest in the project, because CALL IN AT berality, we have only to call the ca several years ago, in which it ought to go a long way one of boy twins died and one name Hastrup to show how unde.
they are on that score, towards solvine the traffic prob lived. This they said, is because As to the third ojection will a lems of London.
Siamese twins unusually have paltry frighten away a reput some vital connecting link, such able company doing goud local If you have a Prescription to businese? That is hard to believe.
as a joint circulatory system or be made up take it to the spinal system, the severance of If a Company can be frightened away by a license that Company National Pharmacy, Santa Ana which means death to one or is best out of it. Since the fire Plaza, where you will get cour both.
Advertise in the Workman No. 16 STREET EAST. an impetus has been given to the teous and obliging service.
insurance business and the comEACH AFFECTS OTHER Oppsite The Wesleyan Church. panies can well afford to pay. We Doctors who have examined wonder if the members of the RYCE the Gibb twins assert that they DENTIST HOWELL GOOD SELECTION OF Council are aware that in Trinidad have the same circulatory sysfor instance, Iosprance Companies RENOVATOR tem, proved by the fact that House No. 912 La Boca NEW BIBLES paya levy of much mor. than towards the upkeep of the Fire DYEING PRESSING when one of the two eats, the Canal Zone Brigades. It is to the special inother loses her desire for food.
terest of the Insurance Companies LADIES SKIRTS They are said to have an uncanOPPOSITE RESTAURANT Brigade ESPCIALLY ATTENDED TO ny mental affinity, and physical PHONE 1941 BALBOA tries be as efficient as possible; and the mere fact that the GovernHOUSE 19 21st STREET ailments also are communicated.
Specialises in all Branches of ment has taken over the Local GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITY. Continued on page 4) Dentistry (Continued on page 4)
business in In St. Lucia.
Ibe 15 That WATCH?
FULLER AT THE serving The Workman BOOK STORE Hymn Prayer Books Advertise in The Workman it Pays


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