
PAGE FOUR WORKMAN, SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 29. 1928 LUCKY STRIKE 16 for 10c. IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable EXAMEI EPADU SEDANG Delicate Operation The Prosperity Tailor CLEANER DYER No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER acre, or 2, 250 crates, 1, 500 of vibe cal trainingene for women) physi.
Work Done While You Wait Jamaican In Miami New Training Centre Makes Good Money Growing For Teachers Tomatoes Opened at Georgetown Brit.
The Miami Herald of a recent ish Guiana date says: There are also some thirſty negro farmers in the Dania section. Among patch from Georgetown British Direct West India Cable desthese is Fred Roberts, a native of Gniana, dated September 10 states Jamaica, who came to the district that the Georgetown Government 18 vears ago He has raised to Training Contre for teachers will matoes on the east glace there for be opened on Tuesday 11th Septhe past 16 years on his own ne tember in tempor five buildings count, but never more than fiv Twenty five male and acres. what he could tend himself.
Fred had the distinction for students will be admitted to the some years of raising the finest first course of two years duration quality tor atoes produced in the Instructions will be given in Eng: Dania section, besides the maxi. lish language and literature, mail. emum yield. This year. he planted matics, isciples of teaching, five neres of Marglobes which he science, manual work (for men)
said averaged 450 crates to the games, singing were faney stock Fred was in on Lichand drawing B: the big money the past season The Superintendent for the first and got dollars per crate for year will be Mr. Rawlir. sen, some of his early pickings He Sc. assisted by Mr.
says the price dropped on down to Bannister Durham. first dollar 50 ceat. but that he re class certificated teacher (Rowle ceived an average of dollars 50 Lastitute, Barbados) and Miss rents or a gross aggregate of 5, 625 Harris, firet elas certificated teach.
dollars of the five acres er (Shortwood College, Jamaica. Fred uses about 200 pounds with the following speial instrucfertilizer to the acre and sprays tors: Gailey, Hygiene heavily to sects. He plante disease and in White, Drawing; SK.
his seed beds in Cheeatow, Physical Training, the middle of November. Thirty and A, Fraser, Woodwork days later the plants are ready for Hostel accommodation has been begins gathering the crop about the resident tutor, whs will be Mareh 1st and finishes harvesting Mr. Dolphin.
the first week in May. He esti.
it cost him about 200 dollars The training centre will have a per acre to produce his tomato suitable library and every facility crop, inclu ling a rental of 15 dol will be given for private study.
Jars per acre a year.
Denominational religious instruct.
Roberts owns two houses in the ion will be given to students by coloured seetion of Dania, which he representatives of the Church to keeps up in good shape, besides which they belong.
other lots.
Railway Sleepers Manufac If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the tured for Exporta ion National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Georgetown, Sept. 10. Plaza, where you will get courOn Friday the course of inspect. teous and obliging service.
ion in Essequibo, the Officer Administering the Government, Hon, Douglas Jones, G, visited TO TAX INSURANCE COMPickersgill Saw Mill in Pomeroon PANIES where railway sleepers are being manufactured for Jam: iva and Antigua. Hon. Wood, Con Continued from Page Forests, who ac Fire Brigade and is spending money companied His Excelleney, ex in modernisieg it and making it as pressed himself entirely satisfied ef ticiont as possible is sufficient with the quality of the sleepers. reason why the Iosurance Com.
Other members of the party were panies should gladly pay a Major Wells, Private See license (or more) towards the Isretary Major the Hon. Craig, laud Revenue. It is a safeguard Director of Public Works, and air. to them. The Bill should be conJ. Mullin, Commissioner of Lindstinued with and the Insurance and Mino.
Companies made to pay the tax, TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled (Continued from page 3)
Last years one of them suffered from influenza. The other was sympathetically affected and shared in the illness. hospital official, who declined to permit his name to be used, characterized the proposed operation as the most dangerous ever attempted in this city.
Dr. Siegfried Block of No. 502 Washington Street, Brooklyn, who said he had examined the Gibb twins, asserted that they had two bony connections, one at the lips and one at the pevis, and that he did not think they would live if separated, Dr.
Sherman Wight of No. 30 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn, said he had seen but not examined them and concurred in this opinion Four years ago when the Gibb twins were appearing in a Coney Island side show the proprietor of the show was arrested on complaint of the Children Society that the girls were only thirteen. Last January an unsuccessful attempt was made to keep them from appearing at a Springfield, Mass. vaudeville theatre under the Massachusetts law prohibiting the public appearance of deformed minors.
Dr. Weston was graduated from Fordham Medical School in 1921 and is a member of the American Pediatric Society, composed of child specialists. His only previous appearance in print was as one of two physicians, who attended Rahman Bey Egyptain fakir, two years ago when he promised to go into a cataleptic state, be sealed into a double un bronze coffin, and lowered into the Hudson River the feat taking one hour. The feat was not performed because the warning bell inside the coffin rang as it was being lowered into the water, and it was brought back REID Propietor nuales JOB. PRINTING Of every description DONE ITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH servator of AT THE and opened.
WORKMAN PRINTERY Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the. Workman Printery.


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