
ordered has bl. Hon. Praneis Dias.
the and ST.
MILK Fill Those Empty Sockets!
Negroes in United State Panama Wesley C, West Indian Press ParSociety.
Hold Balance of Power In ley at Barbados Border States National Election An Evening With Longfellow Direct West Indian Cable despatch from Georgetown, British Guiana dared Reprember 11 states (From The New York Telegram) Beory Wardsworth Lonefellow, that the local pensaor ounces Washington, Sept. Negro one of the foremost American that the press of Grenada, St.
turn the national Weln aday Evening last by mm.
Poe was well represented on Liis and St. Vincent have agreed to send delegates to the proposed election in doubtful bers West Iodian Press Conference in States. Hence the politicians are le pape the above named 20 miery paper by B. Kinnimouth Barbados in January. Unanimous opinion is expressed in scurrying about trying to devive portraying the biography of di the smaller distinguished author, bis works ete. lands thatthe West Indies shoulways and means to make the macie the subject exceedingly in not fail to forgather even if: Eng colored vote safe for Hoover or teresting.
lish and Canadian colleagues are Smith, as the case may be. The audience listened with ropt unable to be represented The Republicans have reason to attention, for such subjects areallocal ineet ng of the British Guiana fear a revolt at the polls in some Boris Rodney and Miss Hilda pye very highly appreciated. Miss pressinen will be summoned in a few days to decide the general Northern cities, where Negroes Forthe recited, and a paper from attitude to the conference. On in the past have voted with a. Higa watha Wedding Feast was The agenda is the proposal to ask THEN a bottle of milk stands for a while, the H.
most automatic regularity for read by Mrs. E, Wade. de Lisser, Mrs. Diris Rerce in her usual style to the top. Pour this out, the candidates. These contributed a fine vocal selection.
and you have practically nothing left but water.
as Chairman of the West Indian changed conditions are said to mi. Harris lend in Prayer, Cow milk is made up of 125 milk solids (butsection of the Einpire Prese Union, be due to younger radicals of and a humorous leading by the terfat milk sugar, proteins and mineral salts) and to issue invitations to the Barbs 8765 water. In making the race, who are preaching to Reverend E. Wade added St. Charles Evaporated dos gathering.
Milk, 61 of the water is their fellows that the Republi the finishing touch to a fine Literremoved, leaving all the milk solids in the concentrated product, which is MEDICAL SENSATION can. party has long exploited ary evening.
therefore more than twice as rich as ordinary milk.
Georgetown, G. Sept. 11By a special process the butterfat is broken up them by taking their votes with The Daily Chronicle reports a senTAKE NOTICE outdoing anything in return to into very small particles so that the cream does ration in the colony medical denot rise. There cream in justify the boats of Lincoln every drop. Use St.
The WORKMAN can be Charles Evaporated Milk for partment relative to circumstances all cooking and attending the death of a patient drinking purposes. Recipe book sent free on request.
who died in Lady Thomson Ward, Quick to take advantage of had at Mr. Sanchez place NESTLE S, Box 803 Panama City or Public Hospital, Georgetowo, JA this discontent, Democrats are 24tb street, Nc building Box 300 Colon Friday, The Goverament bas an immediate into going out for the first time with Guachapali.
an almost nationwide organization to catch these racial ballots. Democrats have broken precebeen anpointed Com missioner to take evidence. Serious Three Fronts in Fight dent by backing a Negro for the EVAPORATED allegations have bren made against According to the campaign Congressional seat form the the administration of the Hospital strategists on both sides, there Twelfth Missouri Distric in St, and Dr. Grant, Resident Surgeon, will be represented at the are three fronts in this battle: Louis. This young man is Joseph There Cream in every Drop inquiry by a brother medico.
Industrial centers of the North. McLemore, formerly an emCARGO BOAT DISABIED such as New York, Chicago and ploye at the national Capitol. He Indianapolis ;border states, in is running against RepresentaPort of Spain, Trinidad, Sept.
cluding Missouri and its St. tive Dyer, author of the 11 The American cargo boat Corvue, which became disabled on Louis colored belt, and, of less anti lynching bill and popular ber way here, owing to fuel sbort.
importance because of so called known as the Negro best age, was towed to anchorage in disenfranchising laws, certain friend in Washington.
Port of Spain harbour on Sunday Southern States, such as North by the United States mineCarolina, where election returns sweeper Grebe. The Corvus left Rio de Janeiro on August for may conceiveivable be closed.
St Lucia Legislature Panama Wesleyan Trinidad on September when The Republican and Democraof tie problem in the industrial areas Choir dad, ber burners rao dry. The Grebe was despatched to ber aid of the North is both political and frdan St. Thomis, and whea (Continued from page 3)
economic. To meet racial disshe reached the Corvus, the lat content this year, they find they Plan Old Fashioned Conter had drifted 140 miles towards rum was a nourishment. He was must pledge not only adequate however of the opinion that coun versazione Tobago In the meantime the WITH political representation, but also try people coming into town to Corvus bad burnt ali ava lble wood atteid Mas should be able. o on board in order to keep a radio protection for the welfare of the obtain a drink if they desired it Keeping in line with the long going. She will take in a supply Negro, workers who are becomHon. Rev. Cole, Acting established custom of wearing Cas of oil after which she will leave for ing class conscious.
Inspector of Schools was amazed socks and Surplices during divine Baltimore.
Unfortunately for the politiat the speeches of the supporters service, the members of the Panaof the Bill They proposed to ma Wesleyaa Church Choir bave cians, however, they find that alter the law because it was decided to adopt this enstom, and the opportunity of attending, will the very propaganda required broken. Did those members have arranged an old fasbioned be able to make a fair comparison to capture the Negro vote is gest that because the law Thou Conversazione in order that the between the old and new.
the kind that will lose. white shalt not steal was sometimes necessary funds for the purpose of Special October Sale broken, the laws should be amend purchasing the necessary material Strickly speaking, the idea realvotes in the doubtful border and ed to permit of stealing during pre may be raised, ly is the suggestion of the President of the choir, the Rev. E.
Southern States.
scribed hours.
This novel entertainment has Wade, and much time has already In the North, Republicans are WORTH OF Te neighbouring colonies all heen fixed for Thursday October ben spent in getting the correct trying to sell their ticket on the bad Sunday closing laws and why 25th in Geddes Hall, when, in ad. information with regard to the hasis of being the traditional EDISON MAZDA should St Lucia take a retrorade. dition to the other attractions and scheme.
party of the Negro, committed It is felt sure that the culinary steo? few weeks ago a comgmit diversions, Musical Program, to BULBS FOR tee met in the Palace of the Arch. be arranged by a special Commit artists who are about to give their In championing his equality of bishop of Port of Spain and sexy form part of tha evening enjoy. use every po sibl: means to give tee appointed for the purpose, will rights. But with Hoover trying support in this entertainment, will pressed the to crash the border States and ONLY marketing sboula that Sunday be reduced. Yet ment.
their best so that all may be satislead the into the solid St Lucis, was oposing Variety is indeed the most out fie; the other artists will undoub.
South for the first time, Repuliquor shops. He was not a kill jov standing feature of the function, ly contribute their share towards and was not dealing with the mat and anyone availing themselues of the success of the evening.
blicans find their worst obstacle tr from a puritancial stand point the Democratic warning to be but from tha enconomie, ware of the Negro party.
MAKE YOUR OWN SELECTION FOR e to improve the Colony was by inThis situation is becoming no creased production, and a sober Sunday fitted men for better work less embarrassing to the Dema BAG of Edison MAZDA on Mooday. For that reason and ncrats. In the North they want and in the interests of tbe emthe valuable Negro voters to ployees be opposed the motion.
forget that the party in ConBulbs Hon. Salmon, Attorney gress is dominated by Southern General thought that a man should whites. In the South they want be allowad to drink if he wanted the whites to forget the Dembut let bim buy bis liquor on FOR SALE BY Saturday ocratic appeal being made to colored voters above the MasonHon. Palmer agreed with the Attorney General that employees Dixon line.
THE GAS ELECTRIC SHOWROOMS should be protected but thought it Working For Smith in Harlen was better for all concerned that Smith aids are working Har(FUERZA LUZ)
liquor shops should be opened und.
lem, the New York city belt.
er Government Control.
Organizations include Colored CARDOZE LINDO Hon. Westall in replying Democracy, led by Morton, SALAZAR PAN AMERICAN said that employees should be paid PANAMA HARDWARE a Negro municipal employe, and for their extra labour. So far as PURITY LYONS HARDWARE DRUG STORES the Smith for President Colored the Acting Inspector of the Schools was concerned he would tell him League, under the National CENT STORE BREWER Co.
that rum was the national drink of At all our dealers or a phone call Democratic Committee, said to BREWER CO.
the people of St. Lucia and if Eng.
be active in many States.
WONG CHANG lish reople could get drioks on brings the goods to your door In Chicago Republicans hope OMPHROYS AUTO SUPPLY Sunday he saw no reasou why St.
Lucians could not.
to hold the colored vote by alPANAMA lowing a Negro to succeed the COLON He was sanguine that the motion At Your Service would result in an iacrease in reTHE late Martin Madden in Convende. Stimulants were a necessDirect political repreity, particularly rum, and all should PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY sentation by a Negro Congresshave the upportunity of obtaining it wben necessary.
PANAMA 65 PHONES COLON 84 tive manner of keeping the Palmer, colored vote in line, provided Belmar, Westall, PetManufacturers of IN SPANISH ENGLISH er, RM. Me Namar, Dr Ferguson, this end can not be achieved and Crutchley. ELEAN GOODS No: Hops Rev. Cole, and Edison MAZDA Lamp Bulbs gue20 00 a 27 20 to open The way EVERYBODY LOVES It.
Co rmo ALLI CW LKWI. gress.
politicians to be the most effec. House Rent Receipt Books The voting resulted. Avo Hone.
Not to his outdone in this, thel For Sale at the Workman Printrey


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