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Ile 816, 00 REPORTING PROGRESS READ THE WORKMAN WEEK BY THE WORKMAN LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND VOL No. 11 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 13, 1928 PRICE CENTS Garvey Attacks Negro Writ LeuBoca ceithies. Best Wednesataym British Newspaper to Face ers and Authors Libel Suit Athena Big Demonstration Last open to China feed The Posibility of the Redemption of Africa Opens Semi Annual Lit By Chinese Celebrating erary Competition Nationral Holiday Says Their Writings are Influenced, to For Half a Million Pounds Sterling, By The La Boca Athenaeum, at Wednesday of this week, loth Redicule the Negro Race its weekly meeting held at the instant was observed as a NaMarcus Garvey Clubhouse on Tuesday evening tional Holiday by the Chinese in An article appearing in a re The case is expected to come up In his weekly message to his Eric Waldron, of British Guiana, last, approved the following sub Panama, being the Seventeenth followers, Mr. Marcus Garvey, and others, have written similar ject for its semi annual literary Anniversary of the Republic of cent issue of the West Indian for trial in the Fall. It is rumor.
Times and American Reviewed tha on acccount of these President General of the Univer. books, while we have had recen competition, which is sal Negro Improvement Associats a large number of sappy end of the Isthmus who have ngt ing in this Republic marched in boys and girls on the Pacific Practically all the Chinese liv says: articles, Mareus Garvey has been The Sunday News of tion says, among other things. poems from the rising poets.
the unable to get willing ears to his Fellowmen of the Negro Race. White Publishers Use Negroes the time of entering the contest: streets of the city headed by the ed every Sunday in London with the Negro peoples of the world reached their 17th birthday at precession through the principal World, a British paper, publish complaints of the injustices to Greeting The white people have these What Benefits Can Be Derived Fire Brigade band which dis a circulation of over three mil that he is supposed to be repreIt is my duty to bring to your Negroes to write the kind of From a Literary Society in a pensed special music for the action copies, has issued several senting. One particular libelous attention this week a grave evil stuff that they desire to Community. The competition casion. The procession started articles which have been termed statement reads, This pernicious that afflicts us as a people at their publie with so that the Ne is now open and will be closed at 30 from 13th Street libelous by the leader of the impostor, Marcus Garvey is not this time. Our race, within regro can still be regarded as a on December 15th of this year. down North Avenue towards the The articles have stated yet through. referring to his cent years, has developed a new monkey or some imbecile crea. The same conditions which President Palace where a brief that Marcus Garvey is every Albert Hall Meeting in London.
group of writers who have been ture. Whenever authors of the governed the previous contest halt was made and continued to thing but a gentleman and an Garvey has been called a deprostituting their intelligence, Negro race write good literature which closed on the 30th of Mas Depl. esseps Park where several honest man. Garvey has sued baucher, a crook and what not under the direction of the white for publication the white pub lastprizes for which have al addresses were made by a few the paper man, to bring out and show up lishers refuse to publish it, but ready been distributed to for half a inillion by the News of the World and the prominent Chinese including pounds sterling, which is the worse traits of our people. wherever the Negro is sufficien successful contestants, will gov. Treter Yip and Matthew Lai: the proximately more than two mil statements on the Court Records ap they, it seems have based their Several of these writers are known to attrack attention ern this, and are as follows: flatter spoke both in Spanish and lion dollars and if all they have of his trial here in New York.
American and West Indian Ne lhe is advised to write in the way groes. They have been writing that the white man wants. That This competition is open to Chinese making explanations on said cannot be proven and there From reports from our Lonbooks, novels and poems, under is just what has happened to all boys and girls who reside the significance of the day and is justice in British Courts, there don Correspondent, Garvey is the advice of white publishers. Claude McKay. The time has at the Pacific end of the Isth reference to this Republic and is no reason why Marcus Gar determined to fight to the end to portray to the world the loose come for us to boycott such Nemus: that is, within territory also the Republic of China.
vey should not receive damages. for the vindication of his name ness, laxity and immorality gro authors whom we South of Gamboa including The ceremony was concluded The West Indian Times and and has employed a very emimay that are peculiar to our group, fairly designate as Panama City, who have not with the National Anthems of American Review is in posses nent British lawyer to repre literary for the purpose of these publish prostitutes. We must make reached their 17th birthday.
Panama and China after which sion of the articles published by sent him. Full details of this iners circulating the libel against them understand that we are not The Essay must be writ the procession returned to its the News of the World and will teresting case will be published us among the white peoples of going to stand for their insults ten with ink on ruled paper, starting point where it was publish them at a future date in the Times and Review.
the world, to further hold us up indulged in to suit prejudiced in competitor handwriting, broken up.
to ridicule and contempt and and on one side of the paper; large number of Chinese white people who desire to hold universal prejudice.
the Negro up to contempt and and should consisit of not less came over from Colon and parMcKay Home to Harlem ridicule We must encourage our than 300 nor more than 500 ticipated in the demonstration.
Several of those books have been own black authors who have words.
published in America recently, character, who are loyal to their Competitors should not sign ISTHMIAN ECHOES the last of which is Claude race, who feel proud to be black their names on their essays, McKay Home to Harlem, and in every way let them feel but should submit same on a Many persons who are interWe have come face to face to fly sign his name properly, yet, published by Harper Bros. of that we appreciate their efforts separate slip attached. ested in Literature in this City New York. This book of Claude to advance our race through Two prizes are offered for are talking about the new book day, with the possibilities of the he sets out to obtain the desired McKay is a damnable libel healthy and decent literature.
the two best essays: the first edited by SYD YOUNG Universal Negro Improvement goal; very often, the fellow reagainst the Negro. It is doing a Association And African Com sorts to the meanest thing in to consist of five dollars and which has recently made its apmunities League. to turn back order to accomplish his desire.
Writers to Fight Negro Cause great deal of harm in further the second two dollars. The pearance on this side of the Isthcreating prejudice among the We want writers who will is to invite defeat of our aims, His most dependable weapon is prizes may be in cash or its mus.
to pause, is to block the success always the CLIQUE, he influenwhite people against the Negro fight the Negro cause, as equivalent The cover is of good material, that is heading our way, there ces the weaker minds, and some have now before me what pur Wells of the white race fights Competitors should forward and the contents properly got is only one alternative, and that times tell the most horrible tales ports to be a writeup or review for the cause of the Anglo Sapapers to the Secretary up by the author and other Liis to buckle on our armour and about the man or the woman he of the book by John Lonxon group. Let us imagine Wells (Continued on page Continued on page 8) March forward.
is seeking to over throw, of don Weekly. am going to prostituting his intelligence and Most of the Local Negroes, course nine tenths of th esplits reproducethe entire review for ability as an author to suit Nethe benefit of those who desire gro publishers, as against the more so, the ones who are al in the various lodges, societies, present supporting the local Divi and Associations on the isthmus to see the impresion such books morals or interest of the Anglosions, seem to have had the can be traced back to this source.
create on the minds of white Saxon race. It is impossible. Yet wrong opinion of going back to The peresence of the honorable people. Claude McKay, the Ja there are many Negro writers Africa, they seem to think that Marcus Garvey in Europe is maican Negro, is not singular in who have prostituted their intelthe authorship of such books. ligence to do the most damag The Editor the Workman: something will happen, and working wonders for us. The that everybody of whatever nationality Honorable Marcus Garvey will white world is beginning to reaW. Du Bois, of America: ing harm to the morals and repSir. Please publishin or creed he may be may have the priWalter White, Weldon Johnson utations of the black race.
following columns for the Montserratian vilege of donating something in behalf send dozens of ships, and take lize the determination of millions the members to Africa. They of Negroes. We are on the dawn www United Society on behalf of the hurric of suffering humanity.
ane sufferers in Montserratt and the society to solicit donations in mon fact. that it the West Indians ing is behind the door for us.
Several members are authorized by have lost sight entirely of the of a new era. Something satisfyGreat Excitement Womens Life Prob oblige theundersigned.
Over special meeting was held at ey and clothing for the sufferers and around here, should go to Africa We can not afford at this time lem Club Mount Carmel Lodge Hall, San Miguel authenticated lists are in their possess with the kind of spirit they to permit a few selfish, ignorant, ion.
on Monday the 1st inst, for the pur Yours in behalf of the sufferers, manifest in the local Lodges, and dishonest men to ravish the THE WILLS. LOMBARDO TO HOLD CHARITY BALL funds and to sfrangement to raise The Montserratian United Society. Societies, and even the Local success of this Noble organizapose of making relief for the CHAS. WEEKES Secretary sufferers from the recent hurricane it would mean ation, while the carnest, honest, BOUT NEXT THURSDAY which swept the Island on the 12th nad 13th of September last.
Montserratian United Society, never ending civil war in Africa and conscientious, are pushed out We are not as yet, in a position, and trampled under feet. No, a The Women Life Problem At present, much excitement is After the preliminaries were gone O, Box 926, Ancon, tackle anything like the thousand times No. If a fellow being manifested in this city in Club of a Boca is again promi through the President, Mr. Lee, September 24, 1928, Management of Government, feels within his heart of hearts, connection with the coming rently active in charity work. declared the meeting opened for dis All Colonial Societies, may be in the near future, but at that he is honest, that he is will fight which is scheduled to takeſ The Charity Ball which the Club cussion on the abovementioned subject. All Fraternal Societies, has planned for next Thursday Voluntary donations were na sked One A11 Local Friendly Societies and the question. What we should success of this Organization, for present, that is entirely out of ing to work for the ultimate connection with the coming place at the Panama Bull ring night at the La Boca Clubhouse reponded in the most liberial manner Clubs, try to do, is, to build ourselves then, fight like a hungry tiger between Jose Lombardo, the has been attracting much at possible, and a reasonable amount was The Universal Negro Improve Educationally. morally, and fin against the smarters. fight like Panama Idol, and young Harry tention and indications are that subscribed on the spot. Circulars ment Ass ancially, then, and not until then. an angry demon, hurl the fellow Wills, the Black Panther and it will be another successful ef which had already been prepared were Officers and Members: can we be able to talk about who is making the trouble, or Sheik of Calidonia.
fort of the Club in raising funds Colonial and Fraternal Societies in Greetings.
going to Africa to manage a the Clique, from his strong hold.
The date fixed is tomorrow for charity.
Panama City and also to the Universal We the Officers and Menibers Government.
don be afraid to put up a warm which is also very convenient Each year at Christmas time Negro Improvement Association of the Montserratian United Son Most of the trouble among fight, so long you feel that you copy is berewith attached. to the fight fans who intend to the Club is unusually active in the Rev. Muleare, honorary ciety on behalf of the poor suf our people in this country is are doing the right thing. journey from Colon on the work of this kind to raise funds member of the society was present and ferers of the Island of Montser SELFISHNESS, every member course if you know, you are only special train which is expected for the distribution of Christ took an active part in the discassion: rat who shared the ill effects of of a Lodge or other organiza pretending, then, it is better that to leave the Panama Railroad mas presents to the needy. All It was agreed upon that the Rev. the recent hurricane respectfully tion wants to be a Worthy Chief you never make a start. your gentleman will solicit aid along Station at noon. The bout will these efforts have been success his lines of activities and the above beg to solicit your AID in the President, or Ruler, in some in end will be sorrowful, the IN.
be 15 minutes rounds. ful in the past and this year named society will do likewise in order (Con inued on page 8)
stances, the poor fellow can hard. Continued on Page 8)
Appeal to Raise funds for Hurricane Sufferers at Montserrat tc

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