
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 13, 1928 PAGE THREE Trinidad Labour Leader in England STOPI LISTEN. full Assortmet of CRICKET GOODS Bats, Balls, Wickets, Gloves Leg Guards Etc. Etc. Etc.
Hon Capt Cipriani whollege of hearing the Chairman of returned to the Colony a few the Mr. Ben Turner, days ago addressesd a crowded made a speech and he heard the man then say audience at the Prince Building Venerable old on Friday night giving an ac Today is our great day and count of his stewardship during Trade Unionism shall take its his visit as Labour delegate in place not only in the United Belgium and the Mother Coun Kingdom but in the politics of try. The meeting was held under the civilized world and no one the auspices of the Trinidad and no organization will be able Working Men Association and to stand against its onslaught.
was presided over by Dr. Tito Applause. Those that had read Achong who was supported on within the last few day sthe pubthe platform by Capt Cipriani, lic telegram realized how true Hons Hosein, Tee that prediction was in spite of lucksingh and Roodal, Messrs Call that they had heard about the Rene. Dyer, Patrick, Dyananda general strike and about the Maraj; and other ladies and leath blow being given to Trade gentlemen. Headley string band Unionism, Trade Unionism stood of pieces also occupied the today as the most influential and platform and discoursed some powerful factor in the politics popular airs before the meeting of the United Kingdom; and he started hoped to see the dawn of the After being introduced by Dr. Trade Unionism in this colony Achong who spoke in apprecia before many moons had gone.
tive terms Capt Cipriani proceed He knew that there was a lurked to address the gathering giving fear in the hearts of the ing his audience a comprehen workers in this country, the fear sive report of his activities over of the Government, the fear of the waters and the sentiments their employer the fear of the of the labour people over there capitalistic class that prevented and the unprecedented scenes them from uniting. He instanced witnessed in Brussels. He first the case of the Railway workthanked them for the opportuniers, the army of clerks in Trinity they afforded him of meeting dad who he said, were pilloried not only the political giants off and robbed, as also that of the the Empire but the political cane farmers.
giants of the civilized world as The speaker later on dwelt on their delegate to the Labour the opening of the Labour ComConference of the Socialist In monwealth Conference on the ternationale at Brussels.
The 2nd July in the House of Comjourney across the ocean was mons by Mr. Ramsay Macdonal pleasant and he arrived in Lon who he heard gave his second don on 19th June. Two days speech. Capt Cipriani then showlater he had the privilege of ed his hearers the emblem Mr.
being the guest of the Rt. Hon. Macdonald wore on that day, and Roberts and other mem which Labour and its supporters bers of the Labour Party at the wore throughout the United House of Commons, to have teaKingdom today with the pregon the terrace of the House of nant and significant words thereCommons. At luncheon the next on the power fund. He then morning as guest of the Labour told them how in the United Party, he had the privilege of Kingdom the people all contrisitting on the right hand of the buted their pennies and cents great leader of the Labour Parto the Election Fund. Some he ty. Ramsay Macdonald, one of had seen gave pieces of bracelets the most approachable of men, pieces of earrings, old hats, even though he was very typical pieces of furniture, etc. It was of what was known as the Bri almost tragic to see the sacrifice tish lion. On the following after that these workers were making noon he was invited to a garden and how many widows gave party at West Bromwich, the their mite, all in the effort to constituency of the Hon. make a bid for power. That was Roberts and there he delivered the bid for power that they his first speech in England on must make in this country and the black country, the home of unless they made that bid sucthe miner, those miners of cessfully and got the power in whom they had heard so much their hands they would always and who were today making the remain in the position that they industrial history of the United were today and that their foreKingdom. All that they heard of fathers found themselves the miners he said was nothing turies and years ago. At that Labut the basest of libels, because bour Conference they had deleof all the great of the gates from every part of the working class, perhaps the Bri Empire, Australia, Canana, Ceytish miner was one of action and lon, Great Britain, India, Ireland, they ask for power both con New Foundland; New Zealand; tinuing, he said his next recep. Palestine; South Africa and tion was at Patfield Garden Trinidad. During that week ConParty, given by the Labour Parferences were held every morty of that section and here he ning from a. to p. at had the privilege of hearing Mr. o clock there was a break for Ramsay Macdonald making his lunch and from 30 until sevfirst speech and in that speech eral delegates attending that he made use of these pregnant Conference were guests of the words: The party is essentially Labour Party and taken around one of action and they ask for different institutions and on difpower in order to lay theferent excursions. At o clock foundation of a new social order at night the conferences reasand to relieve immediate dis sembled and usually broke off tresses. The excerpt ended that between o clock and midnight.
by getting that they could com These conferences lasted for a mand the industrial and political week and every one of the depower which together would legates present was allowed to enable Society to control its state his case in his own words economic resources and to re and as the thought fit and so fashion its organization so as to every one enjoyed that greatly secure justice (applause. During vaunted privilege which was so that afternoon he had the privi seldom got in this colony freelege of being introduced to the dom of speech. There was no leaders of the Labour Party as delegate present who did not say well as to the Trade Union Con what he felt and who was not gress and he also had the privi allowed to express himself in the strongest language possible.
So strong, in fact, was the language and the feeling of the Indian delegates that not satisfied with the ruling of the chairman of the Conference they withdrew on the third day. In the afternoon of the first day of the Conference they were taken to the Home Office Industrial Museum and there shown the several safety methods in industry and industrial machinery: and mentioned this because of the number of industrial accidents that had taken place in the past and still continue to take place in this country, and he was told that every precaution was taken to prevent the workers from being injured. On the second day they had the privilege of visiting the Co operative Wholesale Society; and here they are shown what extraordinary strides the Co orperative stores had made throughout the and in the short time that they had existed, their work had been of such a nature in handling the tea production of the Empire that to day they were the biggest importers of tea in the The Co operatives Society had got stores and groceries and factories of all kinds throughout the length and breadth of the and hoped in a very short time to be able to compete with the biggest capitalistic firms in that country. Applause)
On other days, he went on, they were taken to Hampton Court, a run of about 14 miles on the Thames which was one the beauty scenes of London and on the last day of the Conference they were taken over the London County Council and he was just going to mention one thing which struck him at the because it was a matter affect ing labour directly. All labourers or workers employed by the City Council received a wage which was arranged by the leaders of their Trade Union; and in the event of any contracts being given and the contractor was found to be paying his labourers any smaller wage than that agreed upon by the Trade Union that contract immediately came to an end. And he said this that their friends, the contractors in Trinidad who went about trying to get a cheap contract and make it up by robbing the labourer of his wages should see, he hoped, that such arrangements could be arrived at in Trinidad so that labourers would be prevented from being robbed (Applause. During the Labour Conference and while Mr. Ramsay Macdonald was making his speech, he came across one item dealing with or under the heading Subject people and the thought immediately struck him that the term subject people was offensive to those who came from the colonies like himself (the speaker) and immediately he had the term subject struck out and the heading was changed to be Members of the Commonwealth. He (the speaker)
hoped that in a very short time they, in these colonies would no longer be referred to as subjects, but members of the great Commonwealth of Nations. It was hardly necessary for him to go over the whole ground and state his case to them that night as full as he stated it to the Labour Party as they had often discussed it then and they had his views on the subject time and again. They would also find it published in pamphlet form later on but he would just go over the principal items so as to keep them informed. Captain Cipriani then proceeded to make reference to the question of our asphalt industry and the arrangements, he said which bound (Continued on page 6)
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