
0 PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 18, 1928 The Ladies Fashion Store good faith.
exother, just opposite the lumbernyard of Ch roparoved House Rent Receipt Books hie Seven years residence in apartments.
West Indian Negro Compared With His THE WORKMAN American Brother BY PROFESSOR HARDEN PHILLIPS Published on Saturday by Rates for Advertisement on ap.
WALROND, at the office No. 72plication, correspondence on all matBarbadian Newspaper Strongly Resents Carlos Mendoza Street, Panama, ters of public interest invited.
Wishes to announce its opening in Department at All copy for publication must be Mullers Building, Calidonia next door to the Comparison Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, Box 1102, Ancon and must be accompanied by the Post Offico.
The Barbados Advocate of and distintion in America. This is RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION name of the writer, not necessarily as a mark of recent date published the follow daily proved by the fact that The latest fashions in Dresses, including One Year. 40 Cy for publication but ing: many who were comparative Six Months. 20 Although Professor Harden failures in the West Indies have We do not undertake to return Morning, Street, Afternoon, Three. 0, 60 Phillips has in his recent article made their mark in the United One Month. 25 rejected correspondence.
in the West India Committee States.
and Evening Gowns Circular, added little to our The fact is, of course, that the The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS knowledge of West Indian probwill be on display with a beautiful line of HATS for lems, it is impossible to ignore negro in America is isolated and because of his isolation more Reporting Progress his contribution and it has al selfconscious. His self consciousall Occassions, also many other necessary articles to dress My Lady, which will be very pleasing to ready provided comment through We are today announcing substantial progress in the most fastidious taste.
out the West Indies. Mr. Phil. ness is perhaps to some extent, our efforts to build up a newspaper and job printing lips experience certainly gives unhealthy. He is, so to speak, an plant capable of producing a better newspaper, and The Store will be kept open from in the morning him a claim to be heard. Gre alien in the midst of one hundred nadian by birth he spent some millions of whites and forms a oftener; as well as the turning out of more up to date until o clock at night for the convenience of those work and quicker than heretofore.
years as a student at Codring distinct and separate section of who find it difficult to shop during the day ton College before proceeding to the community. This clear disDuring the past week the Workman printing and the United States, where he at West Indies. In these colonies tinction does not exist in the publishing establishment succeeded in making one of the New Hats and Dresses wil arrive weekly and special tained some eminence as a speakgreatest strides in its history in regard to the acquirecare to supply your wants will be our aim. Go to ing of equipment and the development or other plans er and a college professor. He the negro greatly preponderates for the turning out of first class work. Contingent upon the Ladies Fashion Store with all your needs, where has also found time to travel in and, except in Barbados, there is England and on the Continent but little colour prejudice. This this. however, were many unforseen handicaps which you will get courteous and obliging service presented themselves, thereby necessitating an autoand is at present in London with fact has been frequently noted matic suspension of the Workman last Saturday. We THE LADIES FASHION STORE the object of taking the London by visitors to these islands. Ac.
sincerely regret this inconvenience to our readers, but degree and of being call cordingly, the negro, using the we are confident that they will not hesitate to subordiDepartment Muller Building ed to the Bar. man of force himself and is regarded by ful personality and wide others as an integral part of a nate such little sacrifice in view of the bigger things Calidonia.
perience, his views would as homogeneous society. Consewhich we have achieved the success which we have so far made in being able to furnish more and better suredly command respect, but he quently there is no need nor has the added recommendation of desire, as in America, to stress service.
being a fervent West Indian colour in conparison with those the achievements of men of few chains from Central Avenue looking over on patriot with a real desire to help of men of pure white extraction the imposing structure of the famous Grebmar Building the majority of his fellow counon the Javillo Fill with its modern offices and surroundtrymen to a richer, fuller, nobler THE GREAT ERROR.
ing residential sections, on the one side, and, on the This is Mr. Phillips great is location of a much America has in no way dulled Jerror, but apart from this his his enthusiasm for West Indian views are unexceptionable. There Workman plant housed in spacious and well ventilated progress IN SPANISH ENGLISH But his suggestions as to how social order and great room for are indeed great defects in the In the past, poor mechanical and other equipment progress may be achieved can improvement. The great impedihad not only rendered us incapable of satisfactorily be said to be particularly Jment which diseases have been handling certain class of work which, we are aware, For Sale at the Workman Printers helpful. Apparently, Mr. Phillips to progress in these islands is inconvenienced many of our customers, but also taxed to an almost unbearable point the personnel of the thinks that the best way of stirr. only being slowly realised, but Plant. All this contributed to a depletion of news in the ing up the West Indian to poli we are gradually learning the Workman as well as a reduction of its size. These handtical and social actitvity is by benefits of preventive medicine contrasting him unfavourably and are endeavouring to control icaps are now practically overcome. More sunshine with his brother in the United and ultimately to eradicate such has entered into our work. Therefore, beginning with today issue, the two pages which have been dropped States. The West Indian in the energy destroying diseases as for some time are re established, and more will be United States, we are told, has hookworm and pellagra. There created wealth for himself, and is gradually added, and the paper published oftener, as room, too, for greater soon as conditions warrant their upkeep.
is very progressive. In addition, vocational training, but here Our aim to re establish the Workman as a reprebeing more ambitious than the again Mr. Phillips runs to exsentative and influential newspaper is now taking American negro, he furnished tremes. The whole cause of our definite shape, plans being underway for the maintenDO NOT WAIT FOR BURN OUT BEFORE the first negro professionals in backwardness in America, and to day all the pro with the United States, says comparison ance of a representative in each of the Canal Zone towns and the terminal cities of the Republic. In the BUYING SOME fessionals. in law, medicine, den Mr. Phillips, is the antiquated meantime, correspondence upon all questions of public tistry, commerce and literature impractical nontilitarian eduhe occupies a prominent position. cational system. Here again we interest, especially those tending to the improvement But has the West Indian negro venture to differ. Our system of of our community, will be welcomed.
We extend an open invitation to all who are interin the West Indies been any less elementary and secondary edusuccessful than his brother or cation is, as far as it goes, supeested in the welfare of our community to visit and inscousin in the United States in rior to anything in the United pect our new premises and improved mechanical equipBUY SOME NOW AND HAVE SOME SPARES these respects? If Mr. Phillips States. Where it is chiefly lackment.
ALWAYS ON HAND has not, owing to his seven ing is that for the majority of years residence in the United children no provision is made for ENJOY YOURSELF TO HELP GOOD CAUSE States, forgotten all about the education after the age of fourWest Indies he will remember teen years. The system of eduAt present much of the attention of West Indians New Low Prices For that the negro in the West In cation is good, but has stopped on the Isthmus is turned towards the contribution of dies also has developed habits short in mid career. The addihelp to relieve the distress in various parts of the West of industry, has created wealth tion of normal schools of techIndies, caused by the recent hurricane which swept for himself and has attained nical colleges and of night certain areas of the caribbean. Information has reached eminence in all the professions. schools and of the Workman that help is being considered by all the Every West Indian editor, except means of education for the the other colonial societies, as well as by prominent individuals imported Englishmen, is of ne adolescent and the adult to our and other societies, including some of the churches. In gro extraction and the leaders present system will bring us addition to these, Mc Cauley Bayne, promoter of excurof the West Indian Bar are now into line with both England and sions, has informed us that he is making arrangements WORTH OF BULBS and have been for many years America. Nevertheless although for an excursion through the Panama Canal in the month men of colour. When Professor Mr. Phillips has gone astray on (November. the entire net proceeds of which will be given for relief work in the various West Indian islands Phillips declares that during the some points and has fallen into FOR ONLY affected by the hurricane. Ordinarily, we have never past quarter of a century the errors of exaggeration, his article commented on excursions, from the fact that they are progress of the American negro will at least have done common and popular, thereby needing little if any urge have been phenomenal while the good by making West Indians to be well patronized. But the proposed Canal trip is difcondition of the West Indian has examine their position with a ferent. It takes a different color on account of the cause been static and progress, if any, closer scrutiny and by inspiring for which it is to be promoted. As funds for the relief of has been small, he is displaying them to seek out remedios for THE GAS ELECTRIC SHOWROOMS those left sick and poverty stricken as a result of the a lamentable ignorance of the the evils and defects from which facts.
hurricane is pressingly needed, the initiative taken by (FUERZA LUZ)
we suffer.
Mr. Bayne looms up grand and noble. The job, however, The only difference is that we is far from being an easy one, but, having decided, as do not talk quite so much of ALSO SOLD BAY Rent Receipt Books in Spanish he has informed us, to give the proceeds to a cause our progress as they do in and English for sale at the which needs human sympathy in its highest sense, we merica. We have not yet learnt Workman Printery.
hope that he will be able to muster the necessary wili. Lyons Hardware, Cardoze Lindo the secret of the ballyho. But ing help to carry it successfully through.
Omphroy Auto Service, Cent taken proportionately, the number of able, eminent, and suc Store, Brewer Co. Nimbley Co. FLOWERS cessful coloured West Indians ADVERTISE in Panama. Salazar Pan American, far exceeds the number of emi Abogado. Attorney at Law nent and successful negroes in OFFICE: No. 44 ST Drug Store, Wong Chang, Brewer the Unitod States. This is all BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY the more remarkable because it Co. in Colon.
TELEPHONE No. 1377 is easier for a negro of initiative racticing before all the courts of IT PAYS and ability to achieve success the Republic since April 1914 Keep Spare Bulbs!
Edison MAZDA Lamp Bulbs Edison MAZDA Bulbs 20 100 29 some In the Workman


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