
publicity AW 0. on AND ALL YOU In means of of moulding and food. The have its By COLE The WORKMAN extends condolence to Mr. Markham The La Boca Musical Bene a prominent resident in Panama fit and Friendly Society on the death of his brother in the island of Montserrat and This Society has been in existence willingly give publicity to the for the past years during which following which has been comperiod of time its membership has municatedbeen growing steadily in a condition of unity and harmony. The purpose Montserrat, Sept. 29 Henry of this society can be seen; from the Caxton Markham, aged 57 years, fact that there is on record various which sad event took place at accounts of usefulness to its mem Montserrat, L, was recorded bers; also the friendly attitnde towards the general welfare of the here on August 31, 1928.
community. It has been the babit During his lifetime, the deof donating charity as far as possible whenever there is a call for help. Io ceased was one of the prominent In behalf of its own members they are men of the island, being by proample provided for by sick benefit fession a cabinet maker and confunds;and a well trained committee tractor, and a dealer in general who takes care of their sick continual.
ly. Thus it can be said that consis groceries. He was also an Odd tency marks the progress of the Fellow, and last but not least, he society thereby fullfilling its :ims and was a member of the Wesleyan objects.
Methodist Church, holding up to the time of his death the posiGrand Charity Ball tions of class leader and Local Preacher The Lite Problem Club are deter The deceased has left a large mined to make next Thursday night army of mourners which include the climax of their activities when they his family at home a intend giving a grand charity ball in the La Boca Clubhouse. These Lad daughter and sister in New ies have decided to make this Ball the York: Markham and fantily best of its kind to be held in the Sil. in Panama: a brother, ver lubhouse mussion only an Markham, who is married and invitation resident with his family in Eng land, and many friends both at The Panama Canal home and abroad. The deceased West Indian vas a member of the committee appointed by the Commissioner Employees Association of the Island to distribute hurri cane relief supplies after the The association is an great hurricane which devasted organization by which the Silver Em the island in 1924; but did not ployees of the Panama Canal are re live to see the last hurricane, presented This organization aims chiefly at which again swept the island making representations to the Gov during the present month.
ernor of the Panama Canal in behalf of the Silver Employees; for better con ditions and providing for a living wage.
If you have a Prescription to There has been very much difficulty be made up take it to the in convincing the workers that they National armacy, Santa Ana should join the organization for the Plaza, where you will get courcommon good. Just recently however they seem to have realized the situa. teous and obliging service.
tion; and are a little more interested.
It is hoped that this spirit will be kept up. Meetings are kept from time to time for business Community Nights The group of members are representR. Kellman Asst Pianist.
Entertainments giving lecture on Econed by captains whose names are as omy for the good and welfare of the follows. Misses Lillian Jones, and community.
Agnes Rhiney. Messrs Auther Rhiney and Emuson Best on Sunday evening League Starts Real Work at 30 It is expected that all roads will be leading to St Church when the Service League will The first real effort of the Isth be responsible for a grand Musical mian Literary Musical League to Programme.
raise funds to carry out work which can be classed in no other way than one of community welfare, will take place at the Silver Clubhouse at It is regrettable that Mr. ThoCristobal on Saturday, n! ght next, mas the well known Police ofwhen a literary and musical program ficer and old resident of this will be promoted under its auspices.
The three members of the League on town who was apparently in the the Atlantic side the Forum at best of health on Tuesday evenGatun, The Alliance Literary Debat ing, the 2nd inst, became suding Association of Cristobal and the denly ill and on Wednesday N. Technical School of Colon morning was taken to tthe Gorprominently represented on the program gas hospital where he is now The main plans before the League being cared for. at the present time are the publication of a quarterly magazine on com a munity welfare work in conjunction Miss Dolores Buchanan of La the promotion of Music and Literature, and the subsequent establish Boca is now a patient in the ment of a scholarship Fund for Gorgas Hospital occupying bed colored children 15 of ward 19. She became ill Among those from this end who on the night of the 2nd in conwill be present at this entertainment will be Madam Olga King, noted sequence of which she was at soprano. Having been requested before once removed to the hospital.
to sing on the following day for the benefit of the contingent of Boy Scouts who will attend the 1928 Jamboree The newly organized branch in Europe, it is not likely that she of the Girls Service League will take part in the Cristobal pro of this town is working very gram, but has announced her willin hard for the Sacred Concert ness to contribute to a similiar effort for the same cause at the La Boca which they intend pulling off in Clubhouse on Satuarday night the the near future.
17th of next month.
The wisdom and perseverance Service League of La Boca tic of the Girls Reserves of of the ants are also characterisLa Boca. They meet regularly The above named league has recently been organized and has been each week and are steadily storworking under the auspices of St. ing up knowledge in quite a few Peter Church. It is very unique branches of girls work.
organization, the first of its kind to be organized here. It consists of leaders comprising counsellors and officers. very pleasant time is antiThe name of the counsellers are as follows. Messrs Palmer and Mc Carthy cipated at the La Boca anthen(Teachers of the Canal Zone School) eum next meeting night. One of Mrs. Robinson Dixon and Clark. Ladies their favorite Past times will be residing in La Boca. The officers are indulged in; that of Scrap young ladies and Gents, namely in their respective offices :Basket. Scrap Basket as Miss Campbell. President Mr. with subjects for imprompture know contains bits of paper Bullen. Vice President Mr. Smith Secretary Mr. Woodroff Asst speeches. All members and Secrtary Miss Innis Pianist Miss friends are invited Who Control the Press? The Young People Service League By DR. FREDERICK LYNCH About ten years ago Upton Sin. Will Render Musical Pr. gram clair wrote The Brass Check, a terrible indietment of the American daily newspaper. It was Sinclair Members and friends of St. Peter claim that the policy of all the big By The Sea, La Boca, are again redaily papers was determined by the minded of the grand Musical Program vested interests who exercised their which will be rendered under the aus control largely through advertising pices of the Young People Service No editor, according to Sinclair, League of said Church on Sunday, the express an opinion contrary 14th inst. Several local artists who have to that held by the men on whom time and again won the plaudits of the paper depended for its advertisWhom music lovers in the community, will ing. My readers will remember what be among the select number of cona hue and cry went up across the tributors.
country at this indictment, and how part of the proceeds will be sent vigorous was its denial by publish to the Hucricane Relief Committee of ers and editors.
and die the Island of Montserrat, the most the charge has been repeat devastated of the Leward group struck ed this time by a Frenchman. Angale THERE ARE ONLY FEW drew Siegfried, well known French able, and therefore all who can, should The price of admission is very reasonauthor and critie, recently visited stand by these young people in their the United States. Upon his return effort to help suffering humanity.
NUMBERS VACANT, SO DROP to France he wrote his impressions, Doors open at 30.
as many of our European brethren IN AND SECURE YOURS BEFORE do, and called his book America Comes of Age. It has been widely Inhabitants of Montread and well received. But one THEY ARE SOLD OUT.
graph makes this same old charge paraserrat that the American press is virtually controlled by the big vertisers, and it again has stirred a In Destitution Through Late good bit of a controversy. Here are Hurricane his words. The great newspapers, as every one knows, live entirely by their ad The Rev. T. Mulcare, rector of vertising. Logically, therefore, they St. Peter By the Sea, La Boca, has are bound to fall sooner or later received reliable data from under the influence of high finance Montserratt, bearing on and big business, which pays for the ruin wrought by hurricane which. R Whenever an editorial struck that island at on the contradiets. the captains the 13th inst It is claimed that never in 12th, and continued until 3, a E of industry can easily exercise a little pressure. Your editorials are not in the in the history of the island had there up to our standars. they write; and mouth, the capital, was practically vite and been a more devastating gale. Plythe editor, realizing that he is up levelled there being but three houses against it, gives in. Otherwise the unroofed From 0 Garra on paper goes to the wall.
interests thus possess an effective south of Silver Hill on the north and the public to from Trant on the east to old their ends by withholding what they shelterless, and Road on the west, the survivors are think it should not know and pre from lack of clothing Sering dreadfully senting each subject from the desired various industries angle. rigid code is soon built up, and estate buildings, churches been crippled, from which there is no escape, Government buildings, all over the is and PURITY though people are soon unware of lands, have been blown down. The istence.
death roll is reported higher at. The At all our dealers or a phone call Of course the editors hotly deny South than any where else. fam.
this, and one of them, the editor ine may ensue.
Who will assist in brings the goods to your door of the monthly magazine Personality, staving it off who among the bunwrote to several of the publishers dreds of Montserratians, and the and editors of the big dailies, for thousands of West Indians on the an expression of opinion. Their re Canal Zone and in the terminal cities THE plies am sure, from my own expe of Colon and Panama, and why among rience, are true to the facts, Thus the thousands of generous ones of Ralph Pulitzer, publisher of the New other nationalities here?
PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY IS York World and the St. Louis PostDispatch, writes: Clothing for men, women and child ren. will be thankfully received and PHONES COLON 84 PANAMA 65 happen to know that the World forwarded at the earliest date posin in its career has deliberately thrown sible to the Relief Committee by Rev.
away many millions of dollars of Mulcare who son of the hard hit Manufacturers of advertising by attacking for the island. Monetary aid is also solicited, public good various interests which and may be sent by Postal Money CLEAN GOODS therefter very naturally refused to Order, payable to the above. named advertise in a hostile paper. know clergyman, whose address is Box 605, that the World will continue 10. Balboa Canal Zone, and Telephone to throw away many millions in such No. 2387 Balboa.
advertising. am sincerely convinced that with the exception of a few blackguardly sheets, which are very CHURCH SERVICES precisely known to the profession which they dishonor, the press of the country does not prostitute itself by St. Peter sy the Sea, Boca shifting its editorial policy at the orders of its advertiser.
Seripps Howard newspapers, repli. Tracy, of the staff of the CHURCH KONCES FOR THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY ed and the editor in chief, AFTER TRINITY Barker, endorsed his reply to the. AND effect that during thirty years of newspaper work he could recall only Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 four instances where large adver tor Holy Baptism, 30, MaHoly Communion, a The Rec.
users even ventured to dictate Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages editor or threaten the paper in any Sermon. 11 30, a.
to antins 10. 45. a Holy Eucharist and way with withdrawal The rector of advertising Choral Evensong and sermon, 30, because of its editorial attitude or Preacher. The Very Rev.
Summary of Contents: the color it gav it gave to the news. Mr. Hugh Martin Tracy even says that he can recall History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years MULCARE, a dozen instances where papers gave Rretor.
Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, more prominence to points of views Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, and news than the facts warranted. St Bariholomew s, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, simply to show the public that the Cascados.
editorial department was beyond Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual any possible influence from advertisers the secret, insidious Players in Matins and adress, 11, a. Mr.
fluence, of which laymen whisper, is Bentley Swaby, Lay Reader Church Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and a myth, he says.
School and Confirmation Class, 30, Henry Haskell, of the Kansas Interesting City Star, says that it is not the adJ. MULCARE, vertisers of whom the editor is Price 50cts.
Priest in Charge afraid, but the readers.
William Allen White, of the Em St. Simon s, Gamboa poria Gazette, while denying that Secure yours new there will be a great rush the American editor is influenced for them. by the money interests through Matins and adress, 11, a Mr.
advertising, does feel that the Braithwaithe, Lay Reader School merican Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN men 30, press is tremendously property minded. This is due to the T. MULCARE Panama ber fact that journalism is rapidly ceas Rector ing to be a profession, and is coming to be a vast industrial enterprise Seventh Day Adventist Mr. White regards this as a real danger.
It might interest Mr. Siegfried to STREET CALIDONIA House Rent Receipt Books know that two New York papers ROAD near Isthmian Park Panaonce lost thousands of dollars of IN SPANISH ENGLISH theater advertising because they refused to praise certain salacious and Sabbath (Sturday) 45 a commonplace plays, but told the Sabbath School; 11, 15. a, GenFor Sale at the WORKMAN PRINTERY.
truth about them.
eral Worship Spanish Peter will be STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History we ma.


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