
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 13, 1928 PAGE SIX Trinidad Labour Leader in England Welcome Cricket Match.
St. Phillips Lodge No.
50, INC.
Hold Interesting Dual Function to a It must be obvious!
Open assisted tors, 1. Simpson, o LACTOGEN coutside guard Better Babies for ACTOGEN 13 Society Lodge No. 13 FOR SALE CHEAP (Continued from Page Continued from Page 2)
them to contract with America to play on representative West for the next 35 years. This, he Indian sides and these cricketers added, the Labour Party were men like Morrison and totally unacquainted with and Holt, will be called in expressed themselves as being combine with Mr. Nunes and his entirely surprised at the fact men to make a West Indian Side that a Crown Colony Govern which will play against a reprement should have entered into sentative Home XI, in the wel such a disgraceful lease as that come match, which will be into which the colony had been one day fixture.
driven with the Trinidad Lake On Saturday night the 13th Asphalt Co.
after the match, a welcome dinThe next question was that ner will be given to the returnof Crown Colony rule in this ed representatives, but where country and he had the privilege been decided upon.
this will take place has not yet of explaining to them exactly what that meant in this colony It came out at the meeting how it was worked and how it coach, who has been to Jamaica that Mr. Humphries, cricket was carried on. He left sure that already, will be arriving here on he impressed them in the belief the 26th of Oct. a fornight after that Crown Colony Government Mr. Nunes and his men, and the was not only a clarified form Cricket Board will arrange a of autocracy but it was a mis programme for him to visit the representation of one class alone various clubs and schools in due the capitalist class who made course.
that representation there through letter was read from Mr.
agents and through the Cham Nunes in regard to the deparber of Commerce and the Westture of the West Indies Team.
India Committee and the colony in it the Captain stated that Mr.
and her people regardless of Cahan team had not yet been what it represented, had no definitely selected.
voice whatever in the direction Routine matters were dealt of their own affairs. Applause) with and the Board adjourned.
The question of colour also arose and it was also his priviDECIDED SUCCESS STATES lege to explain this away that in SIR WILLIAM MORRISON this colony the colour question The Jamaica Mail of the 22nd ulto did not exist. All races, all colours, all creeds, lived upon the states that at a meeting of the Cricket Board of Control held at best terms of friendship and Sabina Park yesterday afternoon harmony and there was no hos there were present: Sir William tility between colours and races Morrison, Kt. President, in the ht in Trinidad. Hear, hear. And chair; Mr. Burton, Vice PresiMessrs Leary Brad he impressed upon the Labour dent; Party that the only people who bury, Samuel, Campbell, McCormack. Fletraised the colour question in the cher, Major Cox, Mssrs Lacy, colony was the Government it. Hon. Secretary and daCosta, self when it made it a policy Assistant Hon. Secretary, that no member of the The Board extended a hearty welConstabulary being a coloured man come to the President who recently returned from his holiday trip to would rise beyond the rank of England.
Sergt Major, and no member of Sir William acknowledged the the community being a coloured Board welcome and proceeded to man would reach the position of give some of the impressions formed Warden in spite of the fact that during his visits to cricket matches played between English teams and he might be Attorney General or the Touring West Indies team. He Chief Justice. That brought the stressed the point that despite all question, as result, in the that has been and might yet be said House of Parliament, that the that Mr. Nunes had proved a to the contrary he held the opinion Secretary of State was asked distinct success in the role of Capwhether there was any regulation tain of the West Indies team.
which prevented a coloured man The Board decided to stage a welfrom rising beyond the Post of come cricket match on the 13th OctoSergt, Major in the Constabula honour of the return to the island, ber, probably at Park, in ry Porce in the colony. The Se of Jamaica representatives on the cretary of State said that he West Indies team. It is not yet knew of no such regulations. decided who are the players to comWhether he did or did not know pose the teams, but it is certain that it they knew that the regula and the Vice Captain of the West the four Jamaican representatives tions existed and were in force Indies team to England, Mr.
in this colony. Voice: That is Wight, assuming that he arrives so. here along with Mr. Nunes and The speaker went on to touch others, will be included.
welcome dinner is also fixed for on the cane farming question the 13th October, at South Camp and other points of interest Road Hotel, Sir William Morrison to which he had discussed at the make all arrangements therefor.
Conference. He gave a graphic phries, the Cricket Coach, will arrive It was stated that Mr. Humdescription of the unparalleled, here on the 25th inst.
scene he witnessed in the streets Certain details in connection with of Belgium when there was a the visit of Mr. Cahan team early parade of members of the Labour next year were discussed, also other and Socialist Union matters of routine and the Board ferred to other interesting notes of the moment.
were in today. The old regime Closing, he said the position and all that it stood for, must was this: to be able to get into go and they must get together our kindom, to be able to reap and see our Trinidad rise phoethe blessings and benefits of nix like, a new and enlightened British rule in this colony, there place, a civilized, cultured and was only one way out and it was educated country, a place of confor them to get together and pre fort, peace liberty and freedom sent one solid front and strike for them and for him and for now and strike hard for self those who came after them (Ap.
government. If they would stand plause. together if they would stand The Band then rendered the true to the Trinidad Working Red Flag a Labour song, and men Association and live up to after a few closing remarks by what their leader told them, there Dr. Achong the meeting desperswould be no fear of their being ed after cheers were accorded able to get self government and Capt. Cipriani, the British Labour until they were able to do this, Party and the Trinidad Workthey would continue to find ingmen Association.
themselves in the same hopeless Dancing followed until the and helpless position that they wee hours of the next morning. Good Assortment of On Sunday evening Sept. 30 the Paraiso Lodge Hall was packed to its capacity with members of other kind red societies and friends. The event being opened, installation followed by an elaborate program which lasted for a considerable period of time.
That if a child cannot have the beneht of It was about 4p. when the Right mother milk it should get milk composed of the Worthy ruler announced the purpose same substances as contained in mother milk and in of the evening and proceeded with the similar proportions. The most important of these are Installation.
FAT, LACTOSE, PROTEIN and SALTS, all of which are This was performed by Bro.
found in LACTOGEN the same quantities and of Forbes, Installing Master, by the same quality as in human milk.
Bros. Powel and Cumberbateh, condue Crosdale, Grand Marshall, LACTOGEN is a soluble milk powder consisting Grand Si of nothing which is not found in human milk, and is Associate, Sisters Smith and Atherton, Chart bearers, superior to ordinary milk powders. LACTOGENS MILK ONLY in a form as natural and a rich a Sister Dorsett. Advisor, and after nourishment as mother milk, for which it is the bone an hour work, the entire new staff substitute.
was installed in their respective offices. The Officers installed are as follows: Give your Baby the benefit of Sister Jennings, Right Worthy Ruler. Perfect The 00 Brother Watson, Right Worthy Associate Ruler, Sister, Rock, Advisor, DAME NATURES DOUBLE F, Williams, Instructor, Brother Chas. Davis, Secretary, Sister Small, Messenger, Bro. Saria, outside PREPARED BY BTLE Precisely reite Lawrence, conductor.
5p. the Right Wor thy Ruler after giving a short ad.
dress introduced the chairman for the evening program. Upon the acceptance in this particular capacity he proceeded at once on the pro.
Une NESTLÉ Mill Food for the wearing time.
NESTLE gram which is as follows: PROGRAM Opening Address. Chairman Song, The Lord is Risen St.
Phillips Juvenile No. 3, Presentative. Try Again Representative Red Tank Star Anthem. Great is Jehovah Red, Black and Green Choir. Recitation. Miss Mabel Forbes.
Representative St. Patrick Lodge No. 2841 Address Miss Welch Solo, Calvary. Miss Atkins 10. Representative Star of Aaron No. 31 11. Representative Fort Verdun No. 726 12. Duet, Stand up for JesusMiss Charlie Mr. Humphrey 13. Representative Daughter of Olivette Temple 14. Address Miss Forbes.
Selection, Organ Miss Violet Agard.
Anthem, Teach me Lord Red, Black and Green Choir.
17. Representative Jamaica So.
ос 18.
Song, Be near us St. Phil.
lip Juvenile No. 19. Address Master Austin 20. Solo, And In The True. Mrs. Williams wund iams 21 Solo, Dream of Paradise Mr.
22. Address Miss Pinder 23. Address. Master Roach 24. Address Master Faith 25. Representative King Solomon Lodge No. 16 26. Representative Star of Guia27. Representative St. Andrew 28. Anthem, Hide not thy face Lodge No. 28.
Red, black and Green Choir 29. Selection Miss Moore.
30. Selection Master Ramsay 31. Selection Johnson 32. Song 32. Song, Crown Jesus King St. Philline St. Phillips Juvenile No. 33. Selection Miss Welch 84. Representative Ionie Lodge 22 35. SelectionMaster Nickolls.
selection Miss Padmore.
37. Miss Williams 87 88, Representative St. Phillips 72 Carlos Mendoza Street Juvenile No.
39. Representative Star of Coland coner Javillo umbus No. 11.
40. Representative St. Jude Juvenile vene 41.
OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD No Fears. Miss Duet, Charlie Mr. Humphrey.
42. Representative Lincoln Lodge No. 44 PANAMA CITY 43. Representative Columbus Lodge 44. Song, Sweet every moment St. Phillips Juvenile No. 45. Representative Loyal Johnathan Lodge No. 2641 48. Representative Lily of Panama No. 2755 WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR THE NEW YORK DENTST 47. Solo, Jerusalem. Miss Atkins.
182, BOLIVAR STREET 48. Representative Johnathan COLON, Daughters No. 2756 Box 171, CRISTOBAL, 49. Representative Future Hope Lodge No. 2404 TELEPHONE 247 COLON 50. Anthem, Hail mighty Vietor Red, black and Green Choir.
SOLD IN DRUG STORES Advertise in the Workman 51. Address Master Bonaparte it will bring good results. Continued on Page 8)
a ciets a Sabina Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Rrayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc. na No. Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY and re adjourned.
Dr. Fred Sterling Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required


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