
SYNCHANABIAUX IN THE REPUBLIC Always Fresh Quality Unsurpassable Hon. Major Lionel Tennyson Comments on the 1928 West Indian Cricket Tour The Prosperity Tailor IF SOME HAD PLAYED UP TO THEIR REPUTATION, DIFFERENT STORY MIGHT CLEANER DYER live DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING There has been so much comment time also in each Test Match when both for and against in connection the West Indian batsmen appeared with the West Indies Cricket tour to to play the English bowling with England that we think it in order to consummate ease publicity to every article treat Players who opened their innings ing on the subject, especially so seemed to have little to learn from when such article comes from such giants of the game in performthe pen on one whom it is felt sure ance and experience as Hobbs and is capable of writing on this Suteliffe. Then these most absorbing subject; and so, the BRIGHT HOPES FADED AWAY, une following article from the pen of the just when some great achievement Hon. Lionel Tennyson, which ap should have been built on a foundapears in the English periodical the tion so well and truly laid, and the Bystander of September 5th, should end was disaster.
be read with some interest. Now cricket is an uncertain game Major the Hon. Lionel Tennyson at best, and doubly so for those who writes in the Bystander of Sept 5th: are playing away from home in an The appearance of this article will environment to which they are uncoincide more or less with the termi accustomed. None, therefore, should nation of the tour of the West In have been surprised, who knows how dian cricketers in the British Isles. great the strain of cricket is, it on As wrote something about them this, the first occassion on which they on their arrival in this country it have played Test Matches in this will not be amiss, think, if say country, the players from the West a few words about them on their Indies had failed from one cause or departure. Anything say, will, another to themselves full justice.
feel sure, be taken by them in the The paradox of the situation, howfriendliest spirit, and as said by one ever, is this. Our visitors considered well wisher to another.
themselves (in all modesty, hasten wrote, remember, when they to add) really good batting and first arrived, that, granting condi fielding side, but feared that their tions anyway similar to those in bowling might suffer from lack of which cricket was played in the West variety, and be inadequate to cope Indian Islands, our visitors would with the succession of great masters have a close struggle with the stron of the art of batting whom they knew est teams our counties could put in they must meet in the Test Matches, enes, the field. went further; said that or in matches against the stronger thought that the full England side counties. think may say, how.
would have to go all the way to ever, without offence, that if their beat them.
bowling has almost always been The role of the prophet is proverb equal to the occassion so much so, asily treacherous, and, in case anyone indeed, that many crities have asis anxious to convict me out of my serted that it was more formidable own mouth admit my remaks on than any our side will be likely to that occassion and assume full res meet in Australia their batting and ponsibility for them fielding decidedly has not!
Was right or wrong? think the If, indeed, some of the players who little of both The full came to our shores this spring had strength of the West Indies proved played up to their reputations, in no match for the full strength of that case, to be sure, there might England. They were easily beaten in have been a different cricket story all three Test Matches. Yet there were moments in each of these games As a matter of fact, know the in which our visitors, by common form of common more than one of these consent, dismissed the enormously asly friendly opponents this summer to powerful batting forces opposed to have been much too bad to be true.
them cheaply enough, considering the What was the consequence. ALwickets they were bowling on. The though the West Indian team contotal of the English side on each sisted of a larger number than is cecassion would have been consider usual with touring teams, the same ably less had the chances which were players, in view of the lack of form offered were taken. There was a of some of the members, had to be able to throw off the effects of past mistakes and defeats.
Well, there is no more to be said on this score, except that the next team which visits the Old Country must learn from the experience of this one, and try to prepare themselves with complete adequacy for the stress and turmoil of the English cricket season. have had to dwell somewhat un willingly on possible disappointments and failures, because am afraid that the West Indians may be conscious, as those who know them best No. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue are, that they have not done themselves full justice.
Let me say PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 me say here, however, that they have won the hearts of all by the sportsmanlike and gallant way in which they have taken the rub of the game, and any disillusionment that may have come their way.
They have never failed to draw a big crowd and their cricket has alOF THE HIGHEST ORDER ways been full of life and interest.
They have made friends wherever they have gone, and the name of Constantine is not likely to be forWork Done While You Wait gotten for many a year.
As far as am personally concern. ed am not saying goodbye to them for long, am glad to say. Mr.
Julian Cahan has made himself resTRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED ponsible for taking out a side to Jamaica this winter, and has most kindly asked me to form one of the Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices party, The names of those chosen have Ladies Garments carefully handled not yet been published, but am at liberty to say that the team will be by far the strongest that has hitherto visited the West Indies. REID Propietor Up to now, on their own grounds, and under conditions with which they are familiar, the West Indians have done extremely well gainst visitors from this side. It will be very intercalled on again and again.
esting to see, therefore, what will be One member of the side, am told the result when a powerful combinahas played in 35 games this season, tion, such as Mr. Cahan has just colhaving missed only one of the whole lected, does battle with them in their series. Several of his colleagues, too, own land.
are more or less in the same boat.
Such a strenuous time is particu If you have a Prescription to lurly hard when one considers the be made up take it to the conditions in which cricket is played National Pharmacy, Santa Ana in the West Indies.
Why throw away your old, but no Except when teams from the Old Plaza, where you will get courCountry are visiting them, the game teous and obliging service.
is only played once a week, on the can haue them neatly bound at Saturday half holiday, as the crickters who take part in them are earn RYCE ing their living in sundry other oecupations. This feel pretty sure, is RENOVATOR one of the explanations of DYEING PRESSING THE IN AND OUT FORM No. EAST 16 STREET shown by them during the last few LADIES SKIRTS weeks, of the season. They are not! SPECIALLY ATTENDED TO Opposite the Wesleyan Churh used, like our county players, to such a prolonged course of cricket, and HOUSE 19 21st STREET 960 ave become tired and stale, and un GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITY ܪܪ ܕܕܟ. Book Binding!
answer is doubt interesting, books when you to tell. THE WORKMAN


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