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est 417 como NEW CANAL GOVERNOR READ THE WORKMAN THE WORKMAN WEEK BY LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND VOL No. 12 THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 20, 1928 PRICE CENTS America Man of Captain Nunes Gives Impres classical Concert at Popular Business Interestiñg Service at Wesley sions of Cricket Tour Church on Sunday Last Says West Indies Cricket Will Improve there will be a clasical com in his occasion were on come We more will shortly Chapter No. 14.
crosses matter By Colon Local Associ Losos Life by Drowning ation of Boy Scouts in Gatun Lake Early last Saturday morning. Unfurling of Panamanian and British As Visits of Teams To Eng cert to be held at the well many persons in Colon were land Continue known America Theatre in Co shocked when they were inform Flags by County Commissioners of lon tomorrow in the afternooned that Juan Diaz, the popular Local Boy Scouts under the management of the business man was drowned FriInterview on board the Elders public of the Commonwealth. Colon Local Association of Boys day afternoon at 45 o clock and Fyffes steamship Bayano, The invitation which has been Scouts. Many persons have been when trying to retain An interesting ceremony pre ture would be bound up with the on which he returned to Kings sent to West Indies to visit purchasing tickets from various grasp big umbrella which was sud eeded the Missionary Service on history of this country. The ton yesterday, Mr, Nunes, Australia is an indication of the sellers for the The denly caught by a gust of wind. Sunday at Wesley Church Pana Republican flag would help them the West Indies cricket captain, standard of cricket ability shown Atlantic Orchestra which is un He tilted over board from ama. In the presence of a large to remember their obligations told a Daily Gleaner representa by our team of 1928.
der the able direction of Prof. Hanana barge into the lake near congregation, including the Boy to the country to which they tive that his recollections of the New Zealand also desire Handel Lawson, the famous Quipo. The lake was rough, ow. Scouts undąr the command of owed allegiance. He would ask tour in Britain the West Indies to tour their coun. pianist has been practising sering to the windy weather, when County Commissioner Bolt, the one of the Commissioners of the whole very happy.
try, and no doubt an invitationeral niusical and up to date the popular Colon businessman Flags of Panama and Britain Boy Scout to unfurl the flag of Although lost from Southpieces which will help function had fallen in the water, it was were unfurled. The service open Panama Mr. Harris re matches than we won. said Mr. Africa. With these visits away four correspondent has been in seing witnessed by the launched with the Hymn Stand up, leased the flag and as it unfurlNunes. our side was considered and the consequent return visits formed that Mrs. Olga King, the operator. whose boat was towStand up for Jesus after whiched the organ pealed out the Pathroughout England as a most to our shores, in addition to the ing the barge from which Mr. appropriate prayers were offer namian National Anthem. Mr.
attractive one in every depart visits of the English teams be Isthmian Colaraturist who sang luan Diaz fell and another one ed by the Minister. The Rev. Henry Harewood explained that ment of the game, and also as tween now and the next tour some time ago at the Cristoballaden with bananas) another man Wade then explained the the British Flag to be unfurled one of the most popular sides of a West Indies team in Eng: Silver Clubhouse will take part, was on the barge to the rear of purpose of the meeting. The was the gift of the British Sotouring England since the war. land, it ought to be possible to also Mr. Lawson, Mr. Craddock, the lighter one on which he Wesleyan Methodist Church on ciety of Panama. He was proud We could not have been bet keep a team in being.
Pianist of the America Theatre travelled. Immediately after he the Isthmus is the only Church of their flag as were all true The visit of Humphreys, the ter supported by the English More The Atlantic Glee Singers, and had fallen, efforts were made directly controlled from British Britons the World over.
public and for the first time in famous Kent professional, who to save him by the launch sources. The Wesleyan Metho than one quarter of the World the history of West Indies cric has already been in this island many others.
operator and the other man who dist Missionary Society of Lon population claimed it as their ket, without the aid of sub on three occassions, and returns scriptions, the tour has been a on October 26 on a six months Ail Roads will lend to Juan forts were useless on account of which the work is carried on. when all who lived beneath its were on the barge but their ef fdon is the organization under own. He looked for the day financial success.
visit, will greatly help improve. Race track tomorrow the roughness of the Lake.
was consistent therefore that folds would acknowledge the And all this despite the unly as have spoken on those ment on the above lines, especialthere should be some symbol of King of kings, when every Bris our attachments within the Sanctish community would be truly doubted fact that all the time wel matters with him.
tuary, and, the Minister conclud. Christian. The three were up against many difficul ties, for there has been an extraSlip Fielding Must Mend.
ed, he hoped that the flags now which were incorporated in the Questioned regarding the to be unfurled would serve fur Union Jack would serve to bring ordinary improvement in the general standard of cricket in strengh and frailties of the side To Stage Special Program ther to remind them of a higher to their remembrance the Cross England during the last five which he captained. Mr. Nunes loyalty and of the Kingdom of Christ and lead to the highest years. Furthermore, in the West went on to say, The The call from Macedonia has by the government of the colony, which has no end. Mr. loyalty of all County Commiswhich has Indies, wickets and light are given me greatest rented and echoed through the For this reason Chapter No. 14 Grant, one of the stewards of sioner Bolt was then requested nearly always the same. In Eng: county sides over there, and par upon the ears of iar distant re meeting program in favor of this explained why it was reasonable while the congregation united in concern is the slipfielding. In all still air resting its piercing cries has laid aside its usual mass the Church in Panama briefly to unfurl the large Union Jack land you seldom find two wickticulary in the England team, latives and friends in a forlorn special program for the occasion. to display the flag of Panama. singing the British National Anets of the same pace, or the the slip fielding is very much country. With the great expanse light the same twice running this will be each wicket change so rapidly Fielding of the West Indies team. severe, the call for help does not gence both from the city and the people were born in Panama and this brief but inspiring service The general conditions of out of the ordinary. Now the slip before, and with visions more cream of West Indian intelli Many oi the children of our them. The Bendiction brought with the weather. The wickets 1923, has been very poor.
not only in 1928 but also in in any deter that mutual tenden Canal Zone; expressing them it was probable that their fu Ito a close.
which affected the team (as they Icy that exsists in the hearts of selves in orations, songs, elocuhas been very poor.
do many English teams) were all true humanitarians when factionary items, recitations etc. BEATRICE DE COSTA GETST EXCITEMENT OVER NEW Our main attack the drying ones.
fasting so great a catastrophe. We It is anticipated that this Spe 10. 00 FOR FINDING 020.
BEER English Advantages bowling. This poor slip fielding picture through the scope of cial Program will far eclipse any Then it must be taken into was the cause of at least seven imagination the awful surround other heretofore held in this his.
On Sunday last it happened consideration that cricket in Eng ty five per cent, of our losses. ings of these unfortunate victorie unit of the Universal Ne. that Mr. Brule a travelling beer Irinkers in Colon is still Nearly the entire population of land is now highly organised. In addition to this, English tims wreaked upon by nature in gro Improvement Association. salesman who was in the Tropic The present Test team has been players are expe: all its violence. The condition The program will appear in Sun Bar and during which time he excited about the Atlas Beer in being since the visit of the rienced in running between wicthough appalling is nature day morning issue of the Starhad dropped a purse with the wirich has caused the Balboa Australians to England in 1921 kets, and their throwing in from handy work. And who can check and Herald and also that of the contents of 000 bill and one 10 cents to cents a glass. The Beer to reduce their price from all parts of the high standard. Jher mighty course on turn the Workman.
On the other hand it is extremeFast Bowlers Not Enough. 20. Beatrice who is a waitress at ly difficult to keep the West wheel of her chosen route. Such The great strengh of the disasters are the inevitable laws THE GLAD AWAKENING TO the purse with its contents and the above mentioned bar found topic of the situation is that Indies team the Balboa Brewery could have being unless there are frequent visits to and West Indies team really lay in of nature; and during her course NIGHT AT CHAPTER NO 14 simply thinking of honesty she sold said beer at that price long its fast bowlers, but there were of action destroys everything in from the Indies. That we are no bowlers who could fully take her wake regarding nothing.
turned it in to the head of affairs ago and still make a profit, but as there was likely very shortly to reach a advantage of a drying wicket, Disastrous is the effect.
of the bar. Some time after the no competition dissolution of this difficulty, and in future we have to find and amount was returned to Mr. there was no cause for reduce By JONES.
will endeavour to point out.
No chasm ever so deep, no gulf Burle and Beatrice received 10 ment. This English Test team has train bowlers to femulate Free lever so wide should divide us Tonight promises to eclipse all as a reward of honesty.
been kept up and kept going in man, Charley Parker of Glouces nor prevent the outstretched entertainments yet held at the COLON CHAUFFEURS ASSOarms of fellowship to reach and Guachapali Chapter No. 14 of the the musical line will be there to CIATION MEETING SUC competition with various visiting ter, and Wilfred Rhodes.
teams, and with the rest of the What the young cricketers to succour. The devastating ef Universal Negro Improvement first class cricketers in England of the West Indies should interfect is our burden to bear, and Association when thousands will cheer you.
with the result that by now it alia concentrate on, if they wish we should do so unflinchingly by be striving to get a seat at a Orators of no mean order will The meeting held by the Cois a highly organised side, which, to be selected for the side, is demonstrating that amount of FREE VARIETY ENTERTAIN hold you spell bound by the lon Chauffeur Association last playing in England and under fast bowling, slow spin bowling love and sacrifice in the recon MENT called the Glad Awaken power of eloquence and logic.
Prior to intermission the pa successful. Many of the associaweek Friday night was quite English conditions, is regarded with the top spin goodly and a struction of the island as far as ing where the best of everything as the strongest side in the good length, slip fielding, and our little assistance is concerned in song, music, oratory, sport estetic and contiwaringt song and tion members who were absent world.
accurate throwing in from all towards the immediate relief of and refreshment await you. Help him But conditions are rapidly positions in the field, not forget these refugees.
The Chapter feels it a duty to all composed by Shine will be for a few weeks were present Iso as to hear the arrangements being introduced into West In ting batting with correct foot Destitute of housing facilities, the public to express its appre the crowning feature of the prodies cricket which will go a long movement. There is a big open of clothings and food is a great ciation for the splendid patron gram. After the rendition of for the running of 3rd of No way towards keeping a team in ing for a really first class wic disaster. Can we being which may well develop measure the age given to its local functions which the Chapter membersvember Excursion train to Panket keeper.
grief and the pain to which these and also to the Dugstore. will demonstrate their hospitality ama.
on lines similar to this wonderConstantine The Hitter. people are subjected? All that is cordial invitation is there and liberality.
ful English side. The player in the team, necessary is that we at this end fore extended to the respectable Come out and have agood time. Jis notable for good behavior. So Australia Invites. went on Mr. Nunes, who creat of the hemisphere send what we community to attend The Glad It will break the monotony of only those who are familiar with Several prominent Austra ed the greatest public attraction can in clothes, hats and money Awakening at 30 PM. to this lonesome Panama life. the gentle art of good manners lians gave careful scrutiny to was undoubtedly Constan which would help to a great ex night.
But dont forget to come early, are invited.
the play of the West Indies tine. His fielding was just as tent to ameliorate the present splendid program and free if you want a confortable seat To such, we hope to meet you team in England with a view to brilliant as ever, and although he condition. This we feel would be refreshment will help to make and dont forget also to come befinding out whether our side ony started to bowl fast in Feb highly appreciated not only by you glad.
fore Banquet time.
and extend the glad hand of felwas strong enough to attract the (Continued on Page 8) the poor people themselves, but Some of the leading Artists in But remember! Chapter No. 14 lowship. Come over! Let have a jolly time.
was more in


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