
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY OCTOBER 20, 1928 The British Pharmacy COLON BRITISH PHARMACY NEURALGINA a him go to South and Central Negro Journalist not care to say.
As to the report of his being America, the West Indies.
refused acommodation in English. But, we interrupted, don INTERVIEWS GARVEY IN hotels, he said that he hal no you think the white people, who LONDON difficulty with big hotels like need the Negro, would try to the Cecil, the only trouble was preveni in some way, migration on a large scale? The nation Discusses Difficult Problems with some of the third class hotels, as which he had purposely would be as little willing to lose Facing Negro the Race asked in order to learn the Eng the Negro as the South was.
lish attitude toward taking in Not if the Negro with his Says Self Reliance Is a Prime Negroes: large voting power was organizRequisite for the Negro Is Planting Prejudice in Europe ed. If the Negro vote was orgaOpposed to All Forms of White He spoke strongly against the nized the American government Philanthropy Sees Trouble introduction of color prejudice IS NOW LOCATED AT would not have gone into Haiti.
Ahead for the Negro in Ame by white Americans in Europe, It would rather have induced rica Along Economic Lines Is They are doing a lot of harm in Negroes to go into Haiti and Determined to Fight Relent. England, but they have 11th STREET 11. 1154 no develop it.
lessly in the Negro Behalf power to spread their propa But understand this is only Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Raps White Prejudice and ganda in France of Germany.
for those who don want to go Negro Leaders Who Do the most of all in France, who needs to Africa. The future of the New Bidding of Their White Mas the black man. Plays like Show Where our customers will receive the usual gro is not in the New World, ters boat also do much to introduce but in Africa. In the next 50 LONDON, England, Sept. 27 prejudice.
courtesies years Africa is going to be the In an interview given here in his Referring again to the matter great center of political activity, office at Kensington, Marcus Gar of his imprisonment, he said: and the Negro is going to play vey sees no hope for the Negro When was in prison and my a great part in it all. What a in America. The American white wife was working for my release LOOK FOR THE SIGN misfortune it is that the vision man. he said, won allow the official (we do not recall wheshe interviewed a certain high of the American Negro is limited Negro to do anything that will by such a narrow nationalism!
help effectively to free him. It ther he gave the name) and that Opposed to Miscegenation is a waste of time, energy and man had the nerve to say that Garvey declared himself firmmoney to do anything on a big he had nothing against me in scale for the Negro in America particular, but that he wanted to ly opposed to miscegenation. France. he said, is encourSmall, insignificant enterprises punish me in order to prevent will be permitted, yes. But the other Negroes from following agin a mongrel race. Her pres.
moment it is a question of any could not have been hurled at my example. greater insult ent lack of race prejudice is a thing lasting, the white man the Negro and at America, for Small cause of enmity with the other brings in the machinery of gov. all was trying to do was to set DENTIST nations. The other white nations ernment and disables any leader are not going to stand for a MASONIC TEMPLE who attempts to put over a big a better example, to do what mongrel nation so close to their men like Washington and others Office Hours: 8, am to 12 pm borders. This was one of my obprogram.
did for the white people. 30 to 30 Any who wishes really to Should be in every office to immediately jections to DuBois. He advocates find out how impossible it is can soulless. say this not because The white man is universally Sundays, by Special Appointment miscegenation. He knows it irMasonic Temple ilth St, try and he will discover it, as of what he did to me, but as the soothe any neuralgic pain caused by ritates the white people, and he 0, Box 787. CRISTOBAL did, during my short stay of 14 result of deep scientific study.
was always waving it in front years in America. While it took PHONE: OFFICE 1664 excessive mental work.
of them like a red flag before Who Makes Will Break.
the Negro some time to underRESIDENCE 538 a bull. France is doomed it she stand the significance of the being unalterably opposed to all Garvey declared himself as NEURALGINA carries out her free absorption the white man under forms of white philanthrophy.
stood it from the start and at The Nnegro must learn to help Should be in every school to soothe bad Garvey speaks of what he once set about doing what he himself, se said. As for me, calls congrel with seemingly did in my case, and would have have never accepted any aid headaches and reduce the fever of the same contempt as we heard done in the case of any other from white people, for the man from the lips of Cox and Powel, Negro children.
of Virginia racial purity fame: who makes you, can also break The white man will give you you. have tried to be indepenlike the wizard of the klan; or money for churches, dent even of the Negro press.
NEURALGINA the coiners of the phrase: God and the like, but when it He repeated: The man who NEED made the white man, and God comes to big business he will makes you, will break you.
made the black man, but devil Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes crush you every time. He will But the African leader did not made the mulatto.
permit little banks, little shops reserve all his indignation for the WATCH?
the heart One fact remains whether one and little companies, because in white man. As he warmed up to those cases the surplus drifts his subject, he began to speak DROP IN AT agrees with Garvey or not: he back into his pocket, but attempt of Negroes and their absence of For sale both Wholesale and Rotail is taking the Negro cause with unceasing avtivity before the to do anything that will guard any policy, any program in the AT THE that surplus for yourself, and he midst of all that oppression and world, with perhaps greater vigor than any other living Newill do what he did to the Steel injustice. Good God! he shout City Bank and Brown and Steed. 15 million Negroes in Ame122 CENTRAL AVE.
AMERICAN PHARMACY gro. The writer could not help disagreeding with much of what vens.
rica without a policy! Think of You ill Find Them Leader Looks Younger JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor he said, yet underneath it all, he it! It is terrible. The Irish have could not help being impressed Garvey, in sipte of his three a poltey. The best that the Negro Moderately Priced.
with the sincerity and determinayears in Atlanta penitentiary can produce the white man either tion of the man looks, if anything, younger. He buys him or stifles him!
When asked whether there seems as undiscouraged as ever, Under White Tutelage.
was any special message he and when we called on him the He continued: Take the first time he was busy with his am not hostile to would like to give to the Negro in America, he said: Tell them office staff of seven persons get it, but feel insulted in that the ting out a petition which he in Negro should be under the tutethat shall fight for the cause tends to present personally tollage of white men. The white CALL IN AT of all Negroes, wherever found, the League to Nations. he oc men at the head of the until the last sod is poured on copies a modest but well kept wish Negroes to go only my coffin, for all Negroes are house of three floors in the sub so far and no further. They are my flesh and blood. And rememAdvertise in the Workman urds, with himself and family, per only spies for the rest of the pays.
ber what said about the indihaps the only Negroes in the white race. No white man could vidual Negro, who tries to be a neighborhood. The second floor ever be admitted to my organiza DENTIST HOWELL man and refuses to sell out to serves for offices, Mrs. Garvey. tion because he could only be the white man. He must be prewho is with him, also looks used as a spy. The Negro must House No. 912 La Boca No. 16 STREET EAST pared to suffer.
younger, and shows no signs of learn to stand by himself. This the severe trials through which is the lesson tried to Oppsite The Wesleyan Church.
show Canal Zone she has passed.
when was in America.
OPPOSITE RESTAURANT GOOD SELECTION OF L FLOWERS When asked whether he pre Take a most prominent Ne Phone 1941 BALBOA ferred America or England, he gro, like DuBois, as proof of NEW BIBLES Abogado. Attorney at Law said that he liked the former what just said about leading OFFICE: No. 44 ST better, chiefly because the buik Negroes being used by white Advertise in the Workman Hymn Prayer Books BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY of Negroes were in America and men. believe DuBois is being it will bring good results.
TELEPHONE No. 1377 there was more work to be done used consciously or inconsciouscas ticing before all the courts of here. Still he was glad, he said, ly as a toll by skillful white men, the Republic since April 1914 to see the increase in the num for remember no matter how much more so are our people. in America We told him of the the Negro, is being rapidly inber of Negro tourists to Europe. good and capable a Negro you The Englishman culture is poverty, squalor and misery wedustrialized, and the Northern The Negro needs a broader may be, the white man, because set for him by his aristrocatic had just seen in Rome, Naples white man is moving thither to If you have a Prescription to viewpoint and travel will help a he is white, wants to stay on masters. He is like a sheep. and other parts of Italy. Yes, displace him, and when up take it to the lot.
top. There were less than 28 merica thinks independently. Eu he said, what you saw there is whites increase sufficiently, they National Pharmacy, Santa Ana As to getting a passport to persons in the Pan American rope is dumb and the more just what the white man is will simply in one way or an Plaza, where you will get cour.
leave Jamaica he said that con Congress.
see of it, the more determined trying to impose on the Negroother, take away from the Ne teous and obliging service.
trary to rumors, he has had no But all in all hardly blame am to press Africa for the in America, because he has never gro what they permitted him to difficulty whatever in getting the masses of the Negroes for Africans. Let Africa rise and been reconciled, North or South keep so far. The white man is one, have so far been treated their present divided condition. Europe coudn stand before it, to emancipation.
solles. He is higly organized and RYCE decently on British soil. The In all things it is the leaders. Europe with its cowardly flunkThe Outlook Dark practical. He sees far ahead and government, instead of hindering Take the average Englishman ewism. The writer, voluntarily lays his plans while the Negro RENOVATOR me, seems to be doing every with whom come in contact. promised Garvey to present his In 50 years the Negro in leaves it to God.
DYEING PRESSING thing to accommodate me. He God, what a dumb fool is the views without censorship merica will be in a position of As usual, Garvey saw the only LADIES SKIRTS says that he even hopes to get average Englishman. The whole comment and he is endeavoring economic poverty. The Negro hope in migration. The Negro. a passport to go to Africa. Fur empire is controlled by less than to do so.
will be driven further and fur he said, must develop the pionSPECIALLY ATTENDED TO ther about Africa and Liberia, a hundred men, and if the white Garvey, as was said, declared ther into diseased ghettos in the eering spirit and get out. If Afri HOUSE 19 21st STREET in particular, he said that he did Englishman is like that how he saw no future for the Negro large cities. The South, home of ca is too far for him then let GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITY FULLER The Workman BOOK STORE the be made or


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