
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 20, 1928 PAGE THREE Maiden Trip To Nombre De Dios Significance of Its Name.
Its Needs STOP! LISTEN. CRICKET GOODS Bats, Balls, Wickets, Gloves leg Guards BY PILGRIM WILKINS Tis very true that what has never happen can happen.
To the best of the writer recollection, it is seventeen years since he received an invite to visit Nombre de Dios, along with several other invited irom time to time. His first visit came off however as published in a recent issue of this paper, There is hardly any place, town, city, village or the like that has received a name that has not grown out of some significance. We had an illustration of this fact just recently in the invitation given out and Lids entered in the contest for an appropriate name for the new Duque residential section over at the Pacific side. Of course its reasonable that it should be required as one of the stipulations in order to win the prise for the most appropriate names.
PANAMA HARDWARE LA MASCOTA ship wood and stone, or a material god instead of a Living British Cuiana Intelligent Being He is not a News being but a thing, it is irreconcilable the idea that His intelligent creatures can satisfy SENSATION IN MEDIC AL themselves with remaining inacSERVICE tive and expect to enjoy the blessings of life and activity Election of Race Club Offi. full Assortmet of which it was from the begining cials expressly intended and intimated to Man as his duty to do in his Georgetown, British Guiana, enjoyment of the blessings of September 11th. PCB. The life and honest activity when the Daily Chronicle reports a first man was told to plant, reap sensation in the Colony Medand keep sanitary the place of ical Department relative to the his abode. And this is exactly circumstances attending Etc. Etc. Etc.
the what the folks in Nombre de death of a patient who died in Dios will have to be about do the Lady Thomson Ward at the ing pretty soon Public Hospital, Georgetown, on ALL BEING OFFERED AT SACRIFICE PRICES.
Friday 6th. The Government has INDUSTRIAL AWAKENING ordered an immediate inquiry AT AND ROUND ABOUT into the matter and the Hon.
COME IN AND INSPECT THE STOCK Francis Dias has been appointe!
NOMBRE DE DIOS Commissioner to take the evidI am glad to report that among BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE cance those with whom have spoken on same and similar subjects, Serious allegations have been there is likelyhood that the time made against the administration is not so very distant when of the hospital and Dr.
there must be an industrial and Grant Resident Surgeon, will (M. CARDOZE Jr.
general awakening in the Nom be represented at the inquiry by a brother medico bre de Dios district.
CATHEDRAL PLAZA Present Town site Not Attrac. Urban Race Club, held yesterAt a general meeting of the tive Nor day, the following office bearers must confess that in my were elected: President Hon.
BRANCH STORE humble judgement the present. Evan Wong; Vice President, townsite of Nombre de Dios is 125 Central Avenue Martin Sperry: Hony, Secfar from deserving of a place of such historic renown and likely (Continued on page 6)
industrial future.
The present town site is built those in charge of the Popham up largely of huts common to or Hyatt and Pisa plantethe first stages of jungle settle tions and other property Messrs ment; it appears that natives in McLean and Fanovitch, the bathe majority took advantage of nana companies collecting and a situation created by Ameri shipping agents whom it is recans scooping out of a sand done ported lose time for lack of an for their construction require adequate labour supply promiments, which left a channel for nent among the latter am Just received a fine selection of the incursion of sea water form authorized to name Capt James ing a sort of semi circle around St. Croix Grizzle of the SI a sort of a tongue shaped bit of napaquina and the Coy sandy soil, the aforesaid pre fruit collector Mr. Taylor, a man sent town site at the present whose business tactics and enertime being spoilt in appearance gy in his work are vey manifest as well as from a sanitary point inspite of his field of operations of view in the kind of shacks of being a slow country. Mr. Wilwhich it largely consists, tolis too, another old banana plant Also gether with the fact of toilet er, manager of his and the holdusages of the channel around the ings in the Nombre banana BLACK AND BLUE SERGES. BLACK CHEVIOS very front of the town.
country of his brother Dr. Better State of Affairs Pos. Willis also Mr. John de FrieVICUNAS AND CREAM FLANNELS sible.
tas general manager of Mr. much better state of affairs Louis de Veaux plantation and Amoderate Prices to those mentioned above is bith real estate business on the isthpossible and necessary. It might mus with their large banana be possible as well as probable farming at Nombre all say the from what have learned from same thing with regard to what persons very interested in the is lacking to make the country future of the country of our pre a booming industrial center and sent spcial interet, many whom position Other Sections.
to contribute to the industrial We are going to get at other development and future progress points from time to time, but alof the country were things done ready have been given an idea to warrant capital investments of what things are like at other In such an event it would be points on the coast. perchance fool hardly to build on present met Capt Peter Wessing at preland marks of the supposed hisof Porto Porass. This 37 CENTRAL AVENUE, toric Nombre de Dios with its Captain and banana planter present population lacking in sound a similar note like those own PANAMA.
proper interest in their mentioned before regarding the welfare but rather a new site and settlers would be imperative cultural business on set backs to a progressive agrithe coast. if a place of agricultural indus Roads and dependable labor is try and auxilary undertakings also his cry. It seems very are to thrive.
manifest (by way of passing on)
Sites much better suited as a that Panama cannot afford very town of the name and impor. drastic immigration laws if she ance of Nombre de Dios appears wants her country to progress.
even of very casual survey of Captain Wessing find has his surrounding country avaible.
eyes on another section of the Authority For Conclusions. coast near or around the NomOf every description As authority for above con bre region where he also believes clusions take leave to mention is more suitable as a town setthe names of some of those per tlement than the somewhat insons whom have found alive side out of the way Nombre with the desire to things settlement.
take a radical change in Nom We promised such gentlemen bre de Dios and surrounding as have the means and what to AT THE country. Such notable persons as invest in industrial directions Capt Bartling of the Colon where deserving laboring people Import and Export Coy who is can get a deserving morsel for not only interested in that part themselves and their families, of the country commercially, that as soon as they start somebut has extensive agricultural thing We will try to forget our holdings, and he too suffers from Back to Demerara propaganda the handicaps previously menor proposition (whatever you tioned along the lines of a de care to call it) and prepagate an clable labour supply and so. Out to the Colon East sea coast.
The Medico of the district, re country settlement for all WE sponsible officials of the govt. are worth.
ENGLISH TWEEDS in the very latest designs Always kept in stock a full assortment of NOMBRE DE DIOS OR THE NAME OF GOD.
In thinking out a name suitable for the bit of country we are here speaking of, it can hardly be that the person so naming a bit of mundane sphere after the Creator of the Great and boundless universe was influenced by a spirit of either profanity, blasphemy or thougtlessness, but rather with one of reverential gratitude for having led to aspot well protected from storms, and the tides of the mighty Atlantic, and habored in a quiet haven of rest from the outside world, And so it is, that is how this twin village settlement, with its twin sister seetions now joined together by a fine bridge to which the inhabitants have attached the name of our great little administrator, famous for his engineering exploits in his country progress, Dr. Demosthenes Arosemena, his first name being the one the people of Nombre affectionately call him.
We found too beautiful lit tle park which we are told was given to the town by late Governor and now the Republic Minister of foreign Relations.
And thre are several other very necessary improvements which the people of Nombre declare have been promised then by two gentlemen of the same name with the power to accomplish said undertakings.
Of course, as the name implies having heard so much about The Name Of God and the charges of insanitary conditions responsible for lots of malaria etc. why we cloncluded this to be inconceivable. The Name of God and malaria? Of course said there must be a big mistake somewhere. So immediately started to investigate, and seeing a little townsite with only 500 inhabitants where there is easy means of drainage, where, being sandy, as soon as the rain stops the soil is immediately drying. begun to look around for the causes of the mosquito pest which is responsible for the amount of malaria in and about the places and found it to be caused not be cause its a bush around country so much as because of the habits of human couls in their every day domestie life and the manner in which they go about their duties: washing and soiling at one and the same time. Laundrying and making mosquito breeding pools out of the washing up slush fooling of the water supply of the place etc.
of so forth.
TAILORS TRIMMINGS are in a of every description MULLER, Prop.
Unless like those who worAdvertise in the Workman


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