
good faith 20 60. 25 Spanish Style Buy 60 Watt Lamps Today and Get a House.
278. 90 in.
ment and maintenance of the Canals normal operating by Brewer Co. Panama Hard March July Financial Report King Georges Little THE WORKMAN Way Commander Watson of the Colon Boys Institute renders Fin. With West Indies Flayers in ancial Report of the Institute Purchase of England Published on Saturday by Rates for Advertisement on Expenditures.
The Editor of the Workman WALROND, at the office No. 72 plieation, correspondence on all matPanma City, The following is taken from Carlos Mendoza Street, Panama, ters of public interest invited.
Sir the Gleanor of the 13th inst:P.
All copy for publication must be Please permit me space in the King George arranged to visit Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, columns of your paper to render Lord to watch the West In Box 1102, Ancon and must be accompanied by the Value 70 or more RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION name of the writer, not necessarily the following Financial Report dies in play against England. Un 40 Cy.
for publication but as a mark of of the Expenditures of the Co fortunately, he fixed his visit for Ion Boys Institute from May the afternoon of the third day, Six Months.
WE WILL PRESENT FREE 1922 to September 1928 and the match terminated beThree We do not undertake to return 1922 fore midday on that date. As a One Month rejected correspondence.
May 59. 55 consequence, His Majesty was June 68. 20 disapointed, and the visiting The Liberty of the ress is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS July 84. 05 players deeply chagrined.
The skipper expressed THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBSA 20. 1928 August 109. 00 Sept.
116. 42 his sorrow at this ventuality, in Play House Oct.
149. 50 conversation with the Earl of New Canal Governor Nov.
237. 39 Lucan (President of the FOR THE KIDDIES and gave voice to the wish of Dec.
230. 87 Total the team and himself that His 1054. 98 On Tuesday evening of this week Colonel Harry Majesty should see them on the Burgess, U, who served for four years as Engi1923 next ocasion on which he hap neer of Maintenance under Governor Walker of January 363. 95 pened to be in the same neighthe Panama Canal whose tenure of duty has just been February 307. 55 bourhood as they were playing ended, was sworn into office by Special Judge March Blackburn as the next Governor of the Panama Canal.
April 328. 60 With true sportmanship the Colonel Burgess appointment by President Coolidge My 324. 90 King turned up at the Nottsto the governorship of the most important foreign outJune 287. 00 West Indies match!
post of the United States of America is in consonance 279. 15 THERE ARE ONLY LIMITED NUME OF July Before having the side with the custom of appointing as Governor the EngiAug 435. 85 presented to him. His Majesty THESE HOUSES, AVAILABLE ACT NOWI)
neer of Maintenance who was next in command to the Sept 355. 85 said to Nunes, Now, out going Governor. The reason for this is obvious. The Oct 364. 00 don want you to tell me their War Department of the United States that directly THE GAS ELECTRIC SHO NROOMS Nov 410. 60names only, but also the islands controls the Canal has seen the neccessity to always apDec.
401. 65 they hail from. FUERZA LUZ)
point a man with ample practical experience not only PANAMA Total 4088. 00 And to each cricketers in turn COLON in the mechanical and business operation of the Canal, 1924 to whom he was introduced, the but one with some knowledge and first hand information of the peculiar conditions governing the employ Edison MAZDA Bulbs are also sold January 406. 25 King had some tit bit or other of February 357. 75 conversation relating to the coun 539. 15 try of his (the player s) origin.
personnel approximating thirteen thousand.
April 357. 75 An original feature the score The work of running the Canal, a 50 million dollarware, Half Cent Store, Omphroys May 366. 20 cards were printed on satin and a year business, is of a transcendental importance which Auto Supply Co. Nimbley Co.
June is not confined solely to its builders and owners, but to 462. 11 presented to the members of 455. 10 the team as a souvenir of His practically every nation. The sound judgement of the Cardoze Lindo in Panama, August 733. 90 Majesty visit.
War Department in maintaining a high reputation for September 420. 48 the Canal has always been shown in its selection of Wong Chang Salazar Pan AmeriOctober 652. 00 MADEMOISELLE SUCCESS men who have always been big enough for the job.
531. 65 While not personally acquainted with the new November can Drug Stores Brewer Co.
AT STRAND THEATRE December 595. 10 Governor, we, neverthless are not without knowledge in Colon Total 5977. 44 of the high spots of his work as Engineer of MaintenColon Oct. 13. There was 1925 ance. Recently, a most interesting reference was made quite a large crowd at the Strand of him by a local paper. It was said that he is likely January 625. 30 Theatre last night to see the to be a second Goethals. Many of our readers rememFebruary 695. 25 successful production of Messrs ber Goethals Colonel George Goethals that noble ADVERTISE March 652. 25 Fred Braithwaite and Garfield character who, not very long ago, departed from this April 625. 60 Murray. Mademoiselle received world after living part of his beautiful life here as the May 917. 33 numerous applauses and was June 630. 00 the talk around the town for ser served as its first Governor. During that time he meritJuly 563. 50eral hours after the show.
ed the title of the grand old man and was known by IT PAYS August 600. 15 diggers of the big ditch as a bright American star September 510. 45 which radiated justice to one and all to the high and October 416. 00 If you have a Prescription to the low, the rich and the poor.
November 456. 72 be made up take it to the We are not in position at this time to concur in, or We feel a sense of pride in Mr. Young work, not (December 346. 20 National Pharmacy, Santa Ana verify the very fine things which have been said of the that it is going forward to represent to the world as Total 7038. 77 Plaza, where you will get cour.
new Governor; but our opinion, based solely on reports, selected gems from the local West Indian literati; nor 1926 teous and obliging service.
is that his sense of justice seems to be of the high does the author seek to so offer his compilation, as, in January 522. 00 est type. We believe that our contemporary had not the preface, he clearly indicates that the selection of February 435. 15 made any mistake in its estimation of him, nor that articles was not based entirely on literary merit, but March creasing as can be seen from 458. 60 the opinion we have already formed of him is anything with the view of embracing as much as possible, the April the month of May, 1928. This.
but a right one, divergent views and opinions of the community on all May 595. 721friends, is the answer. In con656. 25 While the Panama Canal looms up as a great bless matters of local and general interest. We are proud June nection with the work, have 633. 95 ing to man, a disinterested scrutinizer of working and of the publication primarily from the fact that the ef July leased hectares of land from 610. 55 living conditions as they affect its Silver workers, forts put forth in its production has been a practical August the Panama Railroad, which the majority of whom are West Indians, would reveal one constituting real initiative which caused the com September 487. 65 have been cultivated since the 432. 80 the fact that, in comparison to those in effect for the piler to taste of creative work. Not only has he ex October past year. Therefore, as the crop 454. 00 Gold or American employees, the former could have perienced the terrible mental grind in selecting a few November is coming in have little to do 409. 55 been far better. West Indians have not only served as dozen articles from among hundreds, editing and set December with the merchant stores of the 452. 30 shock troops durin the eventful days of the con ting them in attractive sequence and directing their Total city for provisions, for we are struction of the Canal when many were blown into bits general make up in book form, but he has gained a plantains, bananas, through some careless foremen of explosives, mutilated, practice from which he is now better able to testify as 1927 yams, sweet potatoes rendered limbless or crippled through the complexity to the inconveniences and hardships which automati January 500. 29 etc. an evidence of what can be of work trains and the thoughtlessness of their crews, cally enter into not only work of the kind but any other February 367. 29 obtained if the opportunities are and borne in dozens to the cemeteries to be permanent of real importance attempted by West Indians here.
March 408. 64 given.
ly laid away on account of the ravages of the dreaded Without the aggregate or individual value of the April 497. 3272 diseases prevalent her, but they also filled creditably, views and sentiments expressed by the various contriWith a monthly donation of May 449. 50 150. 00 from Panaman Governpositions of trust for snall pay, when citizens of the butors in Isthmian Echoes. the efforts put forth by June 398. 00 ment, we are paying 125. 00 as United States were unavaible mainly through their un Mr. Young are not deserving of conventional and senti August July 394. 62 rental for the Institute. Most of willingness to risk lives in disease laden Panama.
468. 20 mental approbation only. The compiler policy, as our financial earning are abtainWe congratulate Colonel Burgess upon his appoint director of the West Indian Section from which the September 375. 4272 ed from selling papers, Star ment as Governor of the Panama Canal and sincerely articles constituting Isthmian Echoes were called, was November October 432. 65 Herald, etc. as the Institute is trust that his administration will me marked wity endorsed by thousands of West Indians here. Hundreds 520. 82 in charge of all the paper selling greater success of the United States operations bere kere also served to good advantages through the me retan December 496. 00 on the streets. Caddying, Theaand better treatment to the Silver federal employees dium of the Section. practical expression of aprroval 5309. 43 tre advertising, and odd jobs of his policy and appropriate demonstration of gratefulhelp to support the work. hope 1928 ISTHMAN ECHOES ness for servicec rendered by the Section would at this January this will enlighten my numerous 556. 724 friends as to the inner workings time clinch the sincerity conventionally expressed and February 502. 95 of the Institute and that all who render the present edition of Isthmian Echoes entire March 643. 22 What we consiedr to be the first real, practical ly inadequate to supply the demand. This would be tan April are able will give their support.
555. 00 single effort at book publication by West Indians in gible expression of appreciation the kind that really May am taking this opportunity to Panama, has just been off the Press and is being cir counts in the final analysis of the elements of progress June 295. 627 remaind the Silver employes that 300. 97 culated by the author, Sidney Young, a native of the which we, as a people, are striving to make.
the time is drawing near when July 257. 50 island of Jamaica. The volume is appropriately titled The Workman congratulates Mr. Young on his August Mr. Gilkey will call upon 210. 00 Isthmian Echoes. the contents being a selection of very good work in offering in such neat and readable September them to tender their support of 240. 00 the best contributions y local West Indians to the now style a collection of articles expressing the views and Total One dollar for the Building fund.
defunct West Indian Section of the Panama American, opinions of many West Indians here, some of whom are Of course the public will be won by the Cristobal Colon Rotary 3542. 50 Committee has been formed a local daily newspaper on which editorial staff Mr. reconigzed leaders of thought, all tending to achieve dering why it is that the Ex to take charge of the entire sitYoung was a valued member, having had entire charge one common purpose the improvement of West In penses of such a growing Ins uation, with Dr. Eno at the of the aforementioned Section and cable translator for dians in Panama.
titution decreases instead of in head of affairs.
in the Workman the paper. 6148. 53 reaping.


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