
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 20, 1928 British Guiana News BARBADOS NEWS (From weekly Herald sept. 8)
To a Down Along Girl.
Little girl with curly hair!
Do you know That although Seas divide us you are near?
Do you know your charms remain Though you gone Little one, And your sweetness retain?
Little girl your hair not straigh: But your eyes Hypnotise: Say not parted is our fate.
Little girl from Down Along.
Just one kiss And was bliss, Even though you said twas wrong Lietle girl with lips so red, Have you thought What you ve wrought By those parting words you said?
Little girl with eyes so gray.
Do you know Sad how so That you could not with me Istay?
place You will win 75. 00 in cash if you guess the exact number or the one nearest to the first prize of the National Lottery of Panama which will take on November 11th. 1928.
What you have to do is to send to Nestle Milk Co. four numbers and your address written on a piece of paper.
Send immediatly as many entries as you like but each one must be acompanied by labels of the Nestlé evaporated Milk tall or 10 labels of the Nestlé evaporated Milk small.
This contest will close on Saturday Novenver 10th. 1928 at noon.
In case of a tie the prize will be divided.
a NESTLE Box 803 Panama City (Continued from Page 3) Griffith The Thoroughretary, Houston Treasurer, bred Santos, Committee: Dr. Singh, G, De Freitas, Franker. Rohoman The great West Indian fast and Bernard. It was also bowler. Mr. Griffth has decided to ask Mr. Brien, come into his own, and his sucpaid Assistant Secretary to with cess in England has been a draw his resignation. The Chair source of gratification to all man said satisfactory progress those cricketing experts in these had been made in the construc parts who have all along held tion of the stands and tracks him to be without superior.
The Club now has 32 life mem It is no secret that Mr. Grif bers and 76 ordinary members. íith at the beginning of the Tour The entrance fee was fixed at labourered under handicaps. The 25 captain, Mr. Nunes, had formed and had expressed in public PROPOSED PRESS print, an unfavourable opinion of CONFERENCE his merits. Consequently in the Georgetown, British Guiana early stages of the Tour, he September 11th. PCB. local was not given many chances.
That he established himself de newspaper announces that the Press of Granada. St. Lucia and finitely as entitled to a place in St. Vincent have agreed to send the front rank, is a tribute to delegates to the proposed West those qualities of courage and Indian Press Conference in Bar perseverance which have made bados in January. Unanimous hin not only the best fast bowlopinion is expressed in the smaller, but the best footballer, the er islands that the West Indies finest sprinter, and all round should not fail to foregather athlete that Barbados has seen even if English and Canadian for many a year. In other words colleagues are unable to be re Mr. Griffith is a thoroughbred.
presented. local meeting of That competent and discerning British Guiana Pressmen will be critic Mr. Warner. writsummoned in a few days to ing in the Morning Post after the third Test Match lays it down decide the general attitude to the conference. On the agenda is that Mr. Griffith is the best a proposal to ask Mr. De bowler on the side. There is no Lisser, Editor of the disputing that judgement and Jamaica Gleaner, as chairman we congratulate the brilliant of the West Indian section of young Barbadian on earning the Empire Press Union, to is that discriminating praise.
The place which Mr. Griffith sue invitations to the Barbados has taken at the head of the gathering class gives us another opportunity of referring to matter GOVERNMENT TRAINING delicate perhaps, but none the CENTER FOR TEACHERS. less one which should not be Georgetown, British Guiana, avoided. For the honour of BarSeptember 10th, PCB. The bados is involved. We refer to Georgetown Government Train the neglect which this young ing Center for Teachers will be Barbadian has suffered in the opened on the 11th, in tempor past at the hands of his country ary buildings. Twenty five male It is well known that the posiand five female students will be tion which Mr. Griffith occupies admitted to the first course of at present carries a very paltry two years duration Instruc remuneration and is beneath his tions will be given in English deserts. He had a sound educalanguage and literature, mathe tion at Combermere School, and matics, principles, of teaching, for years filled a clerkship at science, manual work (for men. the General Hospital with credomestic science (for women. dit to himself and satisfaction hygiene, physical training and to his employers. In the field games, singing and drawing. of sport he has upheld the fame The Superintendent for the of Barbados on many memorable first year will be Mr. Raw occassions. In Intercolonial criclingson, Sc, assisted by Mr. ket, he has been responsible Bannister. Durham, time after time for the success (First Class Certificated Teach of the Colony and his prowess er) Rawle Institute, Barbados; against the flower of England and Miss Harris, First Class marks him as not unfit to be Certificated Teacher. shortwood classed amongst the greatest College, Jamaica. with the fol fast bowlers in the world. Surely lowing special instructors. Barbados is proud of her son and Bailey. Hygiene. Mrs. surely the resources of BarbaM. White. Drawing. Mr. dos are not so limited that reK. Chee a Tow. Physical munerative employment cannot Training. and Fraser, be found for him. Woodwork. In the days to come people Hostel acommodation has been will recall, and Mr. Griffith will provided for thirteen students remember his glorious hour in and a resident tutor, who will the Test Match when he disposbe Mr. Dolphin. The ed of Britain Bravest and Best.
training center will have a suit. In that day we hope Barbados able library and every facility will not have to confess that she will be given for private study was insensible to the greatness to resident and non resident of one of her children. It is so students. Denominational reli easy for her to do the right gious instruction will be given thing.
to students by representatives of the Church to which they SHORTS FROM THE COURTS belong.
In trying to relieve a tense If you have a Prescription to situation in his court yesterday, Mr. Magistrate Reece said: be made up take it to the Mr. Adam, can you not learn National Pharmacy, Santa Ana to control your temper?
Plaza, where you will get cour Mr. Adams, Yes Sir, teous and obliging service. put up with a thief but not with a fool Mr. Sergeant: Your Worship, BOWEN may be a fool, but not an unTAILOR grateful fool.
His Worship. Since Counsel No. M Street San Miguel cannot behave themselves, which Panama City very much regret, adjorn this case for six months.
The case Cooke vs Cadogan, Advertise in the Workman one of perjury, was adjourned it will bring good results. until March 6th, 1929. Advocate.
The Parochial Medical Officers of St. Michael Dr. Williams and Dr. Bancroft have reported to the Vestry that they are oppos.
ed to being called upon to extract teeth at the Alms house on the grounds that it is the work of a dentist, that the patients objected to having teeth extracted by the Parochial Medical Officers, and that it was an unjustificable addition to their already enormous duties, The Vestry decided to appoint a Dentist at 50 per annum. The Son and Daughters of Barbados Society, Inc, is sending a delegation to Boston to organize a branch in that city. branch of this society was opened in Brooklyn last May with a membership of 150, and new members are being added every meeting night The society was organised in 1913 and has a membership of over 1000 members. Its ob jects are to take care of the sick and bury the dead, to dispense charity among its indigent members and among the poor of the community in which it operates.
FOR SALE CHEAP Good Assortment of Mr. Talbot Headley a sub inspector of the Sanitary Department of St Michael has passed the examination in Tropical Hygiene of the Sanitary Training College of Staple Inn Buildings, London, and has been awarded a Diploma. We understand Mr.
Headley is preparing to sit the next Examination of the Royal Sanitary Institute.
Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
The match at Qeens Park between Spartan and Pickwick on Saturday had a remarkable first innings ending Pickwick had scored 182 for wickets and declared the wicket being impaired. Spartan reached 182 for wickets but the three remaining wickets fell with no addition. The first innings ended in a tie.
Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courteous and obliging service.
can 72 Carlos Mendoza Street and coner Javillo Dr. Fred Sterling THE NEW YORK DENTST 182, BOLIVAR STREET COLON, Box 71, CRISTOBAL, TELEPHONE 247 COLON OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD PANAMA CITY Advertise in the Workman it will bring good results.


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