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PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 20, 1928 Captain Nune, Gives Impressions Lightweight Championship Crown PASSES TO WILLS Important Notice (Continued from page 1)
ruary of this year, he made rapid strides and developed most effective bowling. With the experience of the tour, and the further experience which he will get whilst playing for the Nelson Club in the Lanchashire League, he ought to develop in to one of the world great fast bowlers. His hatting has also improved. He played many innings which think will always be remembered in England. There is, however, still room for improvement, and as he is so extraordinarily enthusiastic am sure that in the near future he will add a strong defence to his abilities as a hitter.
Has Splendid Contract. His contract, am very glad to say, is a good one. It is a three years one, with the option for him to renew it for a further two years. He will play, as said, for the Nelson Cricket Club in the Lancashire League.
He will be in England from the middle of April to the middle of September each year, and each year will return to the West Indies for the winter. Provision is made for the transport expenses of his wife and himself each year. It is fur ther provided that if a West In dies team visits England he will be allowed to play on the side in Test matches. asked Sir Edward Stockton to arrange with Tyldesley, the old Lancs and England players, to give Constantine lessons in coaching, with a view to his probably helping in the West Indies in this respect in the future.
Constantine For Here Francis has also entered into contract with a club in Sunder land and will go to England at the end of April next year. In connection with Mr. Julian Cahn team which is coning over from England in February the Board of Control cabled me to extend an invitation to Challenor, Constantine, Francis Griffith and Small to come to Jamaica for the purpose of playing in one of the matches against Cahn team. Challenor will not be able to come then, but he is coming to Jamaica in six weeks time and will spend a week here (TO BE CONTINUED)
THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Is Now Located in more spacions quaters at No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPION SHIP PASSES TO HARRY WILLS Last Sunday at the Bull Ring fight fans witnessed one of the best fight cards ever staged in the history of the Vista Alegre stadium. It was cut and go from start to finish and each of the contests was full of pep and well contested by the participants trying to put away each other the gog sounded. There were two preliminaries and the semifinal, all of which greatly satisfied the large audience that packed the bull ring The main bout was 15 rounds go between Jose Lombardo, the Pride of Panama and Young Harry Wills generally called the black panther. It had been a long time fight promoters were trying to match these two boys and so on Sunday last when they met in the squared arena they both looked confident of victory.
After the usual formalities of bandaging and instructions were finally got through and the gong sounded sending the two glad iators on the first lap of their journey, it was at once seen that champion Lombardo was doomed to lose his crown at the hand of the classy flash Wills. And in the second session it was a fore.
gone conclusion as Lombardo showed signs of distress. He managed to wade through the third round only by sheer pluck but he had received such a lacing irom the hand of his opponent, it.
was surprising to everyone that he did come out when the gong sounded for the 4th session, which did not go its full two minutes as the referee stopped the fight and awarded Wills the from a knock out.
decision, thus saving Lombardo The house was packed to its capacity and it was the concensus of opinion among everyone that Lombardo is no match for the Wily Panther Wills.
Where with the more modern facilities such as a Linotype Machine Printing Presses we are able to better meet the dmands of Our UNDESIRABLES EXPELLED many patrons. 1000. 04 (Continued from page 3)
Governor, expelled from the Colony as undesirable persons.
These men with a small following of dupes sailed from Trinidad for British Guiana on Saturday night as deckers in the Canadian Carrier Following upon the arrival here of Radway and his Staff some two months ago with the avowed object of enrolling participants in a land settlement scheme in British Guiana the Police Authorities, who were already in possesion of details relating to his activities elsewhere.
furnished by the TRINIDAD GUARDIAN, took a keen interest in his movements and as a result of their inquiries and observations a report was submitted to the Government which led to the decision that the Doctor and his subordinate official were engaged in propaganda of so dubious a character with apparently the principal object of extracting money from credulous peasants and labouring folks, as to render their continued operation in the colony undesirable, VISIT to our new dlace of business will Convince you that THIS IS NO BLUFF BUT REALITY 40. 00 your profit in months 20 The Power of INTEREST Start a savings account with us today and watch your income grow. One dollar or better will start an account and your interest begins accumulating immediately The Workman Printery 72 Carlos Mendoza Street SALVATION ARMY 11. 00 Holiness meeting 00 special Cantata entitled Our Lord Will be rendered Brigader Joy divisionel commander will be responsible for this musical offering, and will augment same with lantern pictures.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK AND CORNER JAVILLO If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courteous and obliging service.


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