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an My West Indians Will Hold Their Own READ THE WORKMAN THE WORKMAN WEEK BY LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY WEEK AND VOL No. 13 PRICE CENTS THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 27 1928. Chaper casion to Jamaica Cricketers Give Impres Woman Night at Touching Ocsions on English Cricket Tour National City Bank Starts New Thrift Campaign To be Climax of Glad Awakening Commonorate Death of old and Faithful Momber or ease IR once more a as our on.
By JONES Martin, Scott and Rae Interviewed Certainly. assured Mrs special solemn occasion of the Open to School Children of Panama What might be characterized as Dennis Zady President of Chap United Negro Improvement AsBy Gleaner Representative ter No. 14 NI Ssociation of Colon, took place and Canal Zone in a recent interview: Woman last Sunday evening instead of Conditions in England helped been a wonderful experience and Night is going to be the climax the customary social and literary new departure from local teams both for Panama and the English players a lot, said Mr. privilege for me to have seen of The Glad Awakening. Con: function of the association. banking Ethics was inaugurated Canal Zone. There are prizes at0. Scott, who, with Messrs. some of the world best cricktinuing she remainded; told The Occasion took the form by the local branches of the teched to stimulate interest Rae and Martin, accompanied Mreters in action. Cricket in Eng you The Glad Awakening would of a solemn service held to com National City Bank or New York among the workers, Nunes back on the Bayano. land turned out as had expec. have been the phenominal suc memorate the death of an old during this week, when a camThe campaign is also opened The wickets were such as are ed it to be, of a very high stand cess that it really was; and and faithful member in the per paign was started to encourage to school children both of Pannever experienced in these is ard. Frank Woolley struck me venture to predict that the son of Simeon Chambers who thrift among the people of the amans and the Canal Zone, and lands. Trowing in, too, was much as being the most attractive Chapter will go over the top on passed away suddenly on the Isthmus of Panama. Of course there is no doubt that this latter.
affected in my opinion, by the batsman in England but Sunday Night, October 28 which previous night this project is not at all new to will be well received among the cold. The public will remember Hobbs still remains the best. has been dedicated to the women The service for the evening the officials of the Bank as we West Indian children, as saving what happened to Mr. Phil. Other players such as Sutcliffes, of our Race.
was unique in nature as well as have been informed that this lips in the West Indies tuor of Hammond. etc. impressed me unique and superb program being very impressive from the scheme is being operated by the deposits can be made from 00 1923 when he lost the use of his very much with the excellence has been prepared for this occa fact of the very select airs sung National City Bank at all its P, and we direct attention to an shoulder throwing in from long of their play sion when talent of the highest by the Association choir, Espe branches in practically every this paper.
ad appearing on another page of field, thus being incapacitated thought a lot too of cer grade will be displayed in Mu cially the specially selected solos part of the globe and it has just from play after the Oxford tain of the English bowlers par sic, Elocution and Orator.
round sung by Misses William Wat worked its The Panama rules and regulations match for the balance of the ticulary Freeman who is an ex The Ladies of Chapter 14 are son with such beautiful effect branches, hence the local drive governing the campaign will aptour cellent googlie merchant and is prepared not to be out classed the address delivered by Mr. for encouraging the opening of pear in the next issue of this Even Seabrook, the Cam also probably the smallest man by any other women; for their Lewis on man present, man saving accounts among our paper, as also further particulars bridge captain, confided to me playing cricket in England at the vetermination is in connection therewith. Meanfuture, emphasing how that man people here.
The campaign, started time, we would urge our people that he could not throw in with present time. Tate is still as good to the world that Negro Women other is without hope in death unless any great accuracy as ever and the pace he gets off can do whatever any their was to be ressurrection of Tuesday last and will be kept to make good use of the oppor England, whereas in Jamaica he the pitch is, should say, won women of any other race can do.
Black Cross Nurses who had forcefully vindicated by biblical cember 2nd.
the human family, which was up for 42 days running until Detunity offered. Go to the National derful.
City Bank and deposit every had found himself quite confortfor various reasons become disable in that department of play. Another department in which For the proper operation of loose dollar that they would Of the English bowlers was much impressed was the grustled or delinquent are fall support.
One or two other persons de the campaign the driver is to be otherwise dispose of use lessly whom had the fortune to see wicketkeeping. In every county ing back into line to take up livered short addresses on the made by the employees of the and watch their saving account in action, Barnes was in a class (one came up against really their sacred and deceased which were clinched bank who have been divided into grow.
Life Savers by himself as a slow medium first class keeper and this brings patriotic duties of the Race.
home by an impressive talk by bowler but probably no one will back to my mind the vital imWomen of color who feel nor on the necessity to seek the the president Mr. Hector Contake more wickets in Australia portance of having really first Beer That Has Taken the Market than Freeman. Tate, on the other class keepers on any touring side, proud of the race are therefore welfare of children left without most cordially and respectfully hand, is the bowler who will in OUR OWN CRICKET.
all likelyhood be most depended With regard to Talking about excitement over invited to this Grand Function a parent or other lawful guard own to morrow night when they will formande planes they had talready beer, the old and reliable Balboa Monster Fancy Fair cricket, don think really that be royally entertained.
mentally for The tour from the point of we need be discouraged. It is of chamber boy.
Among those who will particihas just put on sale their Dark view of social intercourse with true There will be held at Kennel we failed in the The association as in other Bee which was being aged for Test pate in the splendid program English cricketers and other matches but after all this is our are the following. Mrs Touss directions is doing good work the past many months. This beer worth Park, on Saturday, Novsportsmen was an outstanding first venture in the highest crick cut and Ms. Gibson from Divi along lines of helping the desti is a marvel in itself and is pro Fancy Fair by the Panama Boy ember 10, 1928. another monster success. Everything was done to et. We hope to benefit by this sion No. 17; Mrs. Thompson tute even outside of the pales of ducing the greatest excitement in make our tour enjoyable.
the association experience.
and Mr. Ifill Ex Lady Presithe ranks of discriminating beer Scout Local Association, which We were introduced to, and Personally think the tour dent of Chapter No. 14, Mrs Panama Wosloy drinkers. Owing to the great de 15 anticipated to eclipse the preentertained by many distinguish was too long. Too many matches Walters, Miss Rankin. Miss mand for Silver Spray some vious one, although it has been ed English people at social ga were arranged. It was a case of Beryl Mascol, Miss Alma Blacking evening is being arranged erThe time ago, this dark beer was attested by those attending the therings and elsewhere. cricket and travel all the time:man, Miss Sylvia Clarke Miss subject is An Evening with Barforced on the market before it last fair that there could hardly Furthemore our captain clear no break between matches, no Louise Dennis, Mr Pilgrib and rie. Mr. Barrie books will be re was intended by the manage be a better time spent.
At a special meeting held by ly demonstrated that the virtues chance for rest and recuperation, others; and Miss Ethlyn Barker viewed There is something in them ment to do so. Now that it is of cricket is the contest not the the result being that owing to 1st Lady Vice President.
for young and old. most helpful fully aged and ready, indications the Ladies Committee last night and profitable evening is anticipated.
victory which quality. think the non success of a few memBe on time, if you want a very cordial invitation is offered to are that its popularity would it was decided to introduce sevwas a whole lot responsible for bers of the side many of us were comfortable seat.
present no little difficulty in eral new features. number of our popularity.
kept in harness much longer than keeping a sufficient quantity on surprises are in store for those the market in response to the who find it convenient to attend.
MARTIN MUCH IMPRESSED was good for us.
The well known Isthmian Glad to be back? Yes, rather, ST. HILL, RAE AND ample equipment of production, Syncopaters will furnish music said Mr. Martin to the NEBLETT plus the keen foresight of the for the occasion. The vendors of Gleaner representative who met The English batsmen showed (From Weeky Herald Oct. 13)
management in preparing for a tickets have reported that the him on board the Bayano.
an apparent dislike for fast bowl. The S Ingoma dropped an sally remarked that the hard big demand.
tickets are being purchased with After being away for over ing: but our fast bowlers were chor in Carlisle Bay, at pm on grind to which the fast bowlers the same enthusiasm as on the six months one is glad to be kept on for too long a period be Thursday bringing with her ele had been subjected in England The Balboa Brewery long former occasion, which bids well home again have enjoyed the fore taken off. They ought to ven of the seventeen members seemed to have agreed with experience in the manufacture for a successful and enjoyable cricket very much and it has (Continued on page 4)
of the West Indies Cricket them. Griffith in particular and sale of beer in Panama in Fancy Fair.
Team. Messrs, Francis, received all round congratula very evident in this product. We ALCALDE MOVES TO SUP. Constantine, Fernan tions on his splendid appearance. arrive at this conclusion from Colon Visitor Robbod PANAMA WESLEYAN des, Browne Griffith, The men were complimented the fact that since its appearance By Thief PRESS HOODLUMISM ACTIVITIES Hord, Small on the work they had done, and on the market a few days ago Roach, St Hill Neblett and Constatine was presented the brewery has succeeded in adMiss. Oliver, a Colon visitor (who According to a decree issued very fine Magazine evening Bartlett. Mr. George Chal by one enthusiast with a little ding hundreds of friends to its was on her way to France) while inby the Alcalde (Dr. Ernesto took place in Geddes Hall on lenor and Mr. Wight have printed leaflet which recited his thousands of many years stand specting the shop windows of 7th Zubieta) to rid this city of hood Wednesday night last when pap accepted an invitation to visit prowess.
ing. All this is, however, quite and 8th Eront street at about lum gangs which infest the Jamaica and left London with The men spoke in excellent possible. The old institution has suddenly divested of her purse con8:30 on Thursday evening last, was (Con inued on page 8)
principal streets night after, the Jamaica representatives for terms of the hospitality of the the necessary well experienced taining about 600. 00 in money night, thereby causing distruc law is that no young boys shall that country.
English people and of the pleas personnel in addition to the prop jewelry, and a pearl ring by an unintion of property for Reception Committe includ ant time they had spent. Hobbs er equipment to be able to cater dentified black man. chase was made by a pedestrian many be permitted in the streets after ing Messrs Austin, they declared was the finest bats to the taste of the most dis who saw the act, but after a short months, action was taken by the o clock at nights orduring Yearwood, Challenor man they could ever hope to see criminating beer drinker. In fact, while, the thief made good his 19 police department on Wednesday school hours from to 11 and Leacock and Ince board but none of them would talk this has been the basis of their escape in an alleyway thus ending night last when thirty boys were from to in the evening.
arrested and taken to the police ed the Government Boat Ida and about the tour itself. Indeed the former successes, and promises the chase Four plainclothesmen The matter was reported to the have accompanied by a large number silence was not only significant to continue to be so for all time.
station for violating the law. Continued on page 8)
been appointed to cover the of friends and relatives of the but ominous. It was not reas. Our numerous West Indian Parents and immediate rela four districts of the city (San returning cricketers journeyed to suringin face of the rumours of drinkers of the Balboa products this paper has no hesitation in tives made a strong appeal for Felipe, Santa Ana, Chorrillo, and the Ingoma.
the failure of the leadership of for the past many years can at recommending this dark Beer their release which was granted Caledonia) to see that this decree The men all looked in the pink the team.
testi to this.
which they drink with great after a severe reprimand. The is strickly carried out. of condition and it was univer. Continued on page 8) The management and staff of satisfaction. Cricketers from England at Barbados large demand were it not for the


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