
BARBADOS NEWS The British Pharmacy (From the Weekly Herald September 29)
Earth Quake e PANIC IN TRAFALGAR SQUARE TWELVE BRIEF SECONDS a BRITISH PHARMACY Wednesday night, about quarter to nine, Barbados experienced the severest shock of earthquake within memory. Fortunately it lasted about twelve seconds only but during that short period buildings swayed and trembled, and crowds of people in the city field in panic from the neighbourhood of shaking structures. Many people how ever, unaccustomed as Barbadians are to earthquakes, did not realise the nature of the danger till it was over. In private houses there was a shaking of walls and some movement of furniture while pictures and doors tled.
But before people had time to be afraid it was all over. In the city however, around Trafalgar Square, the sight of the Clock Tower of the Public Buildings rocking was enough to disturb as well the equilibrium of the human occupants of the Square.
The buses rolled from side to side, the War memorial shook and even Nelson was not quite steady. Crowds fled in panic from the threatened collapse. In a few short seconds all was over, and people began to swap accounts.
Fortunately no severe damage was down. The walls of several buildings in the city were cracked, and the nerves of countless persons received a severe shock, from whic all have not yet quite recovered. Otherwise the Earthquake of September 1928 is only a memory NEURALGINA musical o WORDS. Captain Nunes Gives Impression on Cricket TALLEYRAND stated that language was designed to conceal thought, and one (Continued from last issue)
nerer realizes the profound truth of as my guest. Mr. Wight this observation until circum will also acompany Mr. ChalCOLON stances have chained him to a lenor.
pillar while chattering crowds Constantine and Francis have swept by, or converted him into expressed their willingness to a human sandwich in a packed rccept the invitation, and Griftrolley car with conversation fith and Small will discuss the furnished free by passangers.
same with their employers on IS NOW LOCATED AT After the first violent nausae their return home.
passes the first impression that Happy Social Side.
breaks on the listener is the Mr. Nunes was enthusiastic in 11. 1154 11th STREET enormous amount of perfectly his reminiscences of the happy good talk that is wasted. Ordina social side of the tour.
Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK rily, when there is a group of We left Jamaica, he said, on two or three, especially of the March 28 and stopped at Trini Where our customers will receive the usual devout sex, each remark is deli dad where we were entertained vered in triplicate. Next comes by Mr. Fred Grant, later to be courtesies the number of words that have entertained at Barbados by Mr.
no bearing whatever on the topic Lawrie Yearwood. We arrived in in hand.
England on April 15, to be met People who are flicted with at Paddington by Captain CarlLOOK FOR THE SIGN excess dignity prefix a variety of ton Levick, the manager semi articulte sounds to their of the side which toured sentences; others fail to get a the Hon. Lionel Tennyson, and proper start at first and turn Mr. Allan Hilder. should like themselves back for a second and to emphasise the fact that we sometimes third trial; others received a lot of attention still amble along somewhat after throughout the tour from both the fashion of a distanced horse Captain Levick and Major Tenin a race, talking diligently with nyson, and am glad to be able out anyone on earth being con to say that both of them will be Small cerned in the least as to the mat in Jamaica in February next.
DENTIST ter or manner of the thought or MASONIC TEMPLE words produced Office Hours: 8, am to 12 pm Conversazione in Geddes There is still another variety, 30 to 30 IT)
happily not common, the conHall on Thursday Sundays, by Special Appointment Should be in every office to immediately versational tyrant who brooks no Masonic Temple 11th St, rivels or interruptions, and when On Thursday October 25, comP. 0, Box 787. CRISTOBAL soothe any neuralgic pain caused by he notices any party eager to mencing at 7:30 a Conversazione will PHONE: OFFICE 1664 enter the lists, pulls some men take place in Geddes Hall of the excessive mental work.
Wesleyan Church. Tickets, 50 cents, tal lever with the result that, may be obtained from any RESIDENCE 538 while talk goes on, it leads no member of the choir. The price inNEURALGINA where cludes refreshments. splendid Most people have on occasion and it is anticipated that the Hall programme has been arranged been told that they talk Should be in every school to soothe bad too will be filled to capacity. few much. It is too bad that this children tickets for 25 cents are also headaches and reduce the fever of great truth is not impresed on available The ticket will be exthe public more often and emchanged at the door for tok the children.
phatically, and that there is no same color indicating the table at sanction attached to it. Probably which the holder of the token will se cure refreshments the only way to enforce any such NEURALGINA rule would be to charge so much NEED a word, as the telegraph comIs complete Inoffensive and nourishes panies do, or better, a fixed for you are to say before you atthe first three minutes, with an tempt to clothe thoughts in WATCH?
the heart, words.
increase per minute after that.
It is the only way to convince In the first place, there is DROP IN AT For sale both Wholesale and Rotail people of the appalling amount something indelicate, indecorousof talk they waste.
ly in time in exposing naked AT THE They who think clearly and reminds one of that peculiar mental processes to the world. It speak lucidly and briefly are so man in the front of the old al122 CENTRAL AVE.
AMERICAN PHARMACY rare that some decoration, like the French Legion of Honour, wannes, surrounded by the signs You ill Find Them JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor of the zodiac.
should be conferred upon them, Panama.
Again it is a charitable thing Moderately Priced.
with a pension. The average man or woman who goes to a store to allow pauses for thought duror office or bank to speak on ing conversation, for it may be anything out of the routine ge that others desire to say somenerally conceals thought most thing successfully, and yet people the number of words in ShakesCertain statisticians tell us wonder why clerks appear weary CALL IN AT of life. They are not weary of peare vocabulary, and believe life, but of talk, undigested, it is estimated that the average individual uses not amorphous thought, that is more than poured out over them all day long three hundred, but these emphaand every day in the week.
tically are used. If these three Advertise in the Workman There is no need of going to hundred words wore out like pays.
Carlyle extreme and holding shoes, half of them would be in that the people are mostly the shop to be heeled and halfNo. 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET fools. You will easily ascertain soled most of the time, while DENTIST HOWELL AND CORNER JAVILLO that this is a fallacy by the the owner struggled along on House No. 912 La Boca simple experiment of doing bu interjections.
siness with them. The trouble is There is something positively Canal Zone GOOD SELECTION OF in the expression of thought.
maddening, about the constant OPPOSITE RESTAURANT NEW BIBLES Some people are so constituted repetition of a certain word or PHONE 1941 BALBOA that talk comes forth from them, expression. What countless thouHymn Prayer Books as it were, drop by drop: others sands of young women who are wish to heave a subject and its little more than zes and zes trimmings into your ears, as a he factories, have escaped vio RYCE drayman heaves a brimming lent ends simply, because murder basket, while a third variety even among us, is occasionally RENOVATOR WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR comport their conversation after punished. Every suffering listen DYEING PRESSING the melancholy fashion familiar er can easily compile his little LADIES SKIRTS to all who have tried to pour li Purgatorial list.
quid from a bottle after the cork But, after all the worst con SPECIALLY ATTENDED TO has been driven through into the versational plagues are talkers No hot irons or special combs required HOUSE 19 21st STREET bottle; their conversation is who can enunciate words for GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITY punctuated by gulps and gurgles. hours without a single thought SOLD IN DRUG STORES The writer who said of an to be shifted from the turgid acquaintance that his conversa stream: they are conversational tion was illumined by brilliant inebriates who should be resJL FLOWERS flashes of silence uttered a com trained by law and the parties Abogado. Attorney at Law ADVERTISE pliment. The impression to be furnishing them with topics gathered in crowds is that a sur should be prosecuted. They teach OFFICE: No. 44 ST prising number of people have almost everything in the schools BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY made a vow against silence and now. It is a pity some expert TELEPHONE No. 1377 keep the vow. There is really no does not open a school to teach racticing before all the courts of IT PAYS harm in thinking about what people how to keep still. Pilot. the Republic since April 1914 CIVIL LIST RECORDING CIVIL SERVANTS FULLER The Workman BOOK STORE The Colonial Secretary Hon. Stewart has been responsible for an interesing innovation. civil list of Barbados have been published giving the full record of service of all the Civil Servants of the Colony. In the Introduction it is stated that there may be some omissions and readers are asked to assist the compilers in correcting any errors for future editions. rise therefo to announce that the 1928 Civil List of Barbados is defaced by singular and stressing omission. The compiler has failed to include in the record of service of the women civil seryants the date of their births. Be it noted that the day and year of the birth of the men are carefully recorded. Why this difference? Mr Stewart is the last man to be afraid of an employee even a woman employee. The omission must therefore, be a concession to the tradition which holds that a woman age is a sacred thing, and not to be bandied about. If that be the case beg to state that tradition so far as women is concerned is one with Ninevah and Tyre.
What with knee high skirts and the rest of it there is no reason in this day and generation to presume extreme femenine finicalness in the matter of birth days. And even if the women do retain this last vestige of femeninity, why should men pander to it? This is the time to tell the woman that as she claims all the privileges of man she must put up with his inconveniences. One of these is to have his birth day recorded in the Barbados Civil List, and woman must not claim exemption. Besides what does it matter. Continued on page Contra Crespo In the Workman


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