
former Member of the Gleaner Staff Dies.
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sound It is with regret that the Gleaner this morning announces the passing of Mr. Isaac Alexander Sanguinetti, who for close on forty years was connected with this journal in the capacities of compositor, form imposer, foreman of linotype department and proof reader. In fact the latte Mr. Sanguinetti spent his active working days in the service of the Gleaner.
Of the old school, and gifted, apart from a education, with a great amount of common sense, and a retentive mind, which was a veritable fount of information on a wide variety of subjects, Mr. Sanguinette put his best in everything that he was called on to do, and his abilities and capabi.
lities were fully recognised by all his co workers. He was fond of an argument and it took a keen wit to get the best of him in a debate, but his personality was such that he won for himself a host of friends, all of whom feel keen sorrow at his demise.
COME IN AND INSPECT THE STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE PANAMA HARDWARE (M. CARDOZE Jr. CATHEDRAL PLAZA BRANCH STORE 125 Central Avenue If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courteous and obliging service, LA MASCOTA American and West Indies Naval Stations To be considerably Strength oned Just received a fine selection of ENGLISH TWEEDS in the very latest designs. Also BLACK AND BLUE SERGES. BLACK CHEVIOT VICUNAS AND CREAM FLANNELS Amoderate Prices La Boca Notes Aiming at the Highest Mark Isthmian Literary and Musical League. By GILKES It is evident that one of the leading and ordained beans by which TO PUT ON RARE MUSICAL men are raised in the scale of PROGRAM AT LA BOCA knowledge and virture is the CLUBHOUSE conversation, example, and influence of men superior to them.
The Isthmian Literary and The life of all truly great men Musical League is planning to has been a life of intense and ingive a rare literary and musical cessant labour.
treat at the La Boca Clubhouse. They have commonly passed on the seventeenth of next the first half of life in the gross month, which promises not only darkness of indigent humilityto interest the literary and mus overlooked, mistaken, condemically bent but also a large per med by weaker men thinking centage of our community. In. while others slept, reading while formation received from an of others rioted, feeling something ficer of the League yesterday within them that told them they indicates that the program will should not always be kept down probably be divided into two among the dregs of the world.
parts literary and musical ef The biography of Demosthenes fecting thereby a departure from reveals that he was an ambitious the present belabored variety young mand; he is thought to concert style of programs and have had very little principle: but introducing what should prove a he fixed his eye on fame on welcome innovation.
that species of popular applause An effott is being made by which eloquence alone can comthose responsible for the con mand.
cert to secure the best talent in The mark at which he gazed the local literary and musical was high; from it he never field on the Pacific end of the turned his eye for a single moIsthmus; while on the other hand, ment; difficulties which nature they are leaving nothing undone threw in his way were overcome to secure an unusually large He gave his heart, his soul to number of people to enjoy the seeking fame; he climbed up a program as well as to listen tohill where most would have slid a brief exposition of a few of down and, with his own hand, he the major plans of the League. wrote in the book of immortaliThe price of admission to the ty his own deathless fame.
concert is not to be taken as an His admirer, Cicero tells us index to the quality of the pro that he determined to stand by gram, according to information the side of Demosthenes. He also received yesterday from the pre laboured, he toiled, he achieved sident of the League, as those the victory, and stands perhaps from whom contributions are be Jas high up the hill of fame as ing requested are among our his master. What made Bonamost serious aspirants in their parte the terror of the earth?
respective department.
What made the Apostole Paul Which of the two leading or the man he was?
chestras are you arranging to It was fixing the mind on hire for the occasion. was en one special object, and running quired of the president None towards that goal.
that our community will not onEvery young man he said, but it is highly probable pects to stand triumphant at ly be privileged but be very the goal of life must possess pleasantly surprised to listen, for some measure of energy. Ener.
the first time, to the Panama gy is force of character inSymphony and Colonial Classical ward power. He must prove orchestras playing at the same himself superior to the love of place on the same night for the case, the blandishments of pasLeague. The League, he con sion and the sternest outward tinued, aims at promoting difficulties. Every youth expleasant social and business in pects to be active, to be useful.
tercourse among our people, and to be influential in life; to atthe program planned for next tain this end, let him aim at the month will constitute a most highest cultivation of the mind serious effort to that end. Ask and the discipline of the heart.
ed bauot the League magazine Let him shape and mould his for December the president in life by medidating the formed that an extensive ap achievements of those, both peal is being made for funds for black and white who by their tain of a liberal response and that lives and works have kept the the public may look forward to candle of knowledge burning a magazine, even one with two even to this day.
pages, one of reading and the other of advertising matter. He concluded by saying, We intend BIRTH DAYA to make a serious but humble AND and unostentatious start, then build upon it.
Wedding Cards Crand Musicale FINE SELECTION AT THE Much miight be said in detail of the Talent and Ability of our WORKMAN PPINTERY young folks of La Boca evidenced by their excellent display No. 72 in the musical concert rendered Carlos Mendoza Street at the St. Peter Church on Sunday evening by the Young eCORNER JAVILLO People service League.
This but serves to inform the public of this successful attempt GRAND GARDEN PARTY to manage and render by themselves a highly creditable musicel This was the reason for much enternment.
The audience on this occasion music and dancing at the La Boca Athletic Shed last Thurswas a representative one considering that there were counter day night. The Garden Party attraction at that bour; which was pulled off stood for one of the many activities of the St. Pauls Friendly and BeIf you have a Prescription to novelent Society. This was spebe made up take it to the cially in compliance with their National Pharmacy, Santa Ana usual yearly effort in raising Plaza, where you will get cour funds for the good and welfare teous and obliging revice. of that Society.
who exAlways kept in stock a full assortment of TAILORS TRIMMINGS on of every description According to a recent Press despatch from Plymouth, the light cruiser Caradoc was put into commission at Chatham today under the command of Captain Moore in order to proceed to join the America and West Indies Squadron, where she will replace the light cruiser Dauntless, which was recently stranded while entering Halifax Harbour. Presently this squadTon is to be strengthened by the addition of one or more of the four cruisers of the Frobisher class, now serving with the First Cruiser Squadron in the Mediterranean. These cruisers are to be withdrawn from the Mediterranean as the four of the new London type, now completing for sea, pass into commission, which is expected to be during the next few months, and certainly not later than next spring. The Caradoc has been undergoing a very extensive refit during the past 12 months after service in the Mediterranean and Far Eastern waters, and this has cost considerably over 100. 000 Mr. Sanguinetti retired from the Gleaner service about 18 months ago, owing to failing health, and some months ago was compelled to remain at his home. He steadily grew worse and passed away early yesterday morning. The funeral which was largely attended took place yesterday afternoon, the interment being at the Roman Catholic Cemetery The deceased who was 62 years of age is survived by a widow and six children, one of whom is in America, to whom this Journal tenders its sincere condolence, There was a large turn out of relatives and friends attending the funeral including Messrs. Parker, Brown, Gray, Small, Brown, Harper, Greenidge, Harris and several members of the Linotype staff. MULLER, Prop.


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