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Edison MAZDA Lamp Bulbs 220 worth of Bulbs for 200 Bad mit is wel meter 60 Watt Bulbs for 10 50 Watt Bulls for 170 dollar or better start an account will Rod Buy Edison MAZDA Bulbs Jamaica Cricketers 1000 THE WORKMAN (Continued from page 1). 04 this which is after all only a matter of opinion, had most of THEREFORE the catches in the slips been Published on Saturday by Rates for Advertisement on ap 40. 00 taken, many more matches. WALROND, at the office No. 72plication, correspondence on all mat Carlos Mendoza Street, Panama, ters of publie interest invited.
think, would have resulted better your profit All copy for publication must be Of our men, St. Hill and Rae Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, did not come up to expectations. Box 1102, Aneon and must be accompanied by the This is the Last Week of the They were extremely unlucky in months RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION name of the writer, not necessarily getting out either to marvellous mark of One Year. 40 Cy for publication but as a OCTOBER catches or to excellent balls. In 20 good faith.
Six Months. 20 the case of Rae he was rather 60 We do not undertake to return unfortunate in not getting off One Month. 25 rejected correspondence.
the mark, and this was bound to Our Savings Departaffect his confidence which was The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS SALE a big handicap ment open for deposits As a regards St. Hill (if he THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY OCTOBER 27 1928.
will permit me to make the sugfrom to o clock and OUR SPECIAL OFFERS gestion) think he would have from to o clock on West Indians Will Hold Their Own been more successful if he could have changed style a bit by Tuesday evenings only Opinions pro and con are constantly being discusshis bat.
ed and formed of our young men and women in the The usefulness of Neblett, Republic of Panama, including the Panama Canal The Power who accompanied the team as a Zone. These opinions vary, of course, but with a preleft hand bowler cannot absoluponderance of decision that our youngsters will not be of tely be judged from results, as he able to make as near as approach to holding their own OR was seldom called on to play. INTEREST in the economic life of the Republic as did their elders.
THE SOCIAL SIDE The impression which is naturally left on the minds of Play House for the Kiddies Start savings account some of our older folks, after trying in vain to affect Asked about the social aspects with us today and watch any serious intelligent conversation on subjects of imof the tour Mr. Martin hesitawith Every 70 Purchase your income grow. One port with the majority of them, is that there is hardtingly replied: Well would ly, anything to do but resign in disgust an apparent POSITIVELY END OCTOBER 31st rather not make any public exnegative response having been thrust back at them.
your interest begins But we refuse to believe that such immature find suppose you visited a great accumulating immeings represent the true situation. superficial glance many places of interest during diately your tour?
over conditions as they affect our young people here would lead one to believe that they are heading straight No, replied Mr. Martin. not THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF away to the dogs. But one who devotes sufficient time as many as should have liked, NEW YORK TODAY to take a careful look below the surface of things will as not always the best arrangePANAMA COLON uncover a different situation. He will not fail to disments were made for our seeing around a little of the different cover a number of our young people who may be safely relied upon to furnish the necessary adhesive to hold Cia. Panameña de Fueza y Luz places of interest in the vicinity the masses of their days together in a progressive of which we played; this was a PANAMA COLON march.
Mittle disappointing, as such ex TEAM DID VERY WELL.
Edizon Mazda Lamp Bulbs are also sold by Om peditions would have been of What do think of the tour?
The standard of elementary academic education re phroy Co. Panama Hardware. Stores) Half great benefit educationally to Well, think that when one ceived in the West Indies seems to be very much sounder Cent Store Lyon Hardware Co. Brewer Co. most of us cannot conclud ders the material that was than that obtained here; but the deficit in higher mathe Cardoze Lindo, Nimbley Co. Panama without expressing my apprecia used, we did extremely well. matics, grammer, etc. appears to be amply taken care Salazar Pan American Drug Stores, Wong tion of Mr. Mallet who showed for one never dreamt of our of as far as the majority are concerned by practical Chang Co Brewer Co, Colon me every bindness and am ex winning Test matches or even everyday lessons of life as taught in local schools, sittremely pleased to learn of his the matches played against the uated as they are in a connunity in which these lessons coming out to Jamaica with Mr. leading counties. Before seeing are actually practiced.
699009070069900049949596956999005610Cahn XI.
our team in play did think we WHAT RAE THINKS would win the majority of counThe very serious people in our world are few in proportion to its population. We mean those who are Mr. Rae who returned ty matches but it is after seeing serious to the point of acquiring knowledge up to a dealong with his fellow players on our men shape up in England gree obe able to influence, organize or maintain to a the Bayano told our repre that am satisfied that we did reasonable standard of security, social, economic and sentative that apart from cricket extremely well.
religious order. The really big things of our world are he had had a very enjoyable cannot speak too highly of done by just a few men and women, the others being time. He knew a number of our bowling and this refers parmere hangers on.
people in England, having been ticularly to our fast bowlers.
there before and had, he said they are the finest of their type Hence, we do not ancipate a weakening and subsemore or less come in contact that it has ever been my pleasure quent falling through of the little progress which the with some of them all the time to see and whilst Constatine is elders have made during their sojourn here. Rather, we are optimistic to a point to believe that when the youngQuestioned regarding his views undoubtedly the fastest think sters shall have taken charge they will hold their own on English cricket Mr. Rae said Griffith the best big cricket more solidly than the older folks.
the best think that there is an improve bowler and Francis, of course, is ment in the batting strength naturally born bowler But here is the situation: What is palpably true is since my visit in 1925 when that few West Indians here have ever started anything had an opportunity of seeing To give you and idea of Conbig enough to attract outside attention and help. Which most of the best bats in play stantine pace, at times have bears out our argument that there are but a few who The bowling, however, is not as seen representative English batsare able to see outside of themselves. As a community strong and they will have their men drawing away and as it effort the Panama Canal West Indian Employees Assowork cut out in Australia this were giving their wickets to ciation stands preeminent with one of the older West him.
tournament. On the whole one Indians sitting as it were in the citadel of its many years can learn quite a lot if one is Our batting was very disapof existence, well proud, along with everybody else, of sufficiently interested. On this pointing, Challenor being not the success which it has been able to make. We doubt occassion have had a better op even the shadow of his 1923.
that one of our youngsters would at this time be able portunity of knowing most of self. The only class hat we had to hold out under the strain and severe fire to which the first class cricketers and was Martin who was prothis leader has been subjected. We also doubt, seriously, think they are a splendid lot of claimed by the English press, if our youngsters would be able to keep up under the fellows.
the soundestbat of the side privations which make it possible for Workman Printery to be today holding its own. We hardly believe that Snapshots from the Negro Press Hobbs is undoubtedly still the Although we lacked sufficient they would show the a nount of patience and perseverbest bat in England. After him class batting, and in this derecance as did the few of their elders who have acquired come quite a few others more tion we have our own people to In the struggle of Life, in the Modern Time, if we or less on a par with different blame because two very good substantial real estate and assets of other description should get the most out of life, without robbing our fel styles, but of much the same bats in Morales and DewBut we know that our youngsters have been learn lowman, we must be appreciative and always grateful, standard. would not say for in hurst could have made the trip, ing much from the sucesses and failures of the elders, and in order that we might build up characters, strong stancesthat Hammond was bet but for reasons better left anAlthough they cannot be technically classed as the enough to keep up within our own rights, and never ter than Sutcliffe: both play an said did not go. youngsters of whom this editorial is written, who will weaken up to trespass upon the rights of others, you entirely different game and both OUR FIELDING IS POOR not point with high pride to the achievements of young must learn and practice what is known as the Four are of equal value to a side.
Hector Connor, head of the United Negro Improvement cardinal Virtues, described as follow: Loyalty, Honesty Our fielding was very poor, Association of Colon, who has built up an organization. The great point in English to say the least of it particuPatience and Perseverance. Pacific Defender.
cricket is the fielding, a business and maintains an office force of West Inlarly our slip fielding which was Speaking to a member of most disgraceful. It is true that dians? And who have not been observing the splendid strides in business made by Fuller, Omphroy and others done in a day. The secret lies in their doing but one thing not long ago gathered that ped off the fast bowlers, but the We wonder how some people get so many things the English Selection Committee many of the catches were dropof this city, and Neve: son and a few others of the city at a time, concentrating all their powers upon that they pay special attention to his slip fielders were continually of Colon?
one thing until it is done. But very few people can con department. He said that in his fielding to them match after We, therefore, repeat that we do not anticipate any centrate their thoughts on one thing for more than a opinion no cricketer was up to match and should have been used failure in our youngsters to hold their own when their minute at a time. But even in one minute of concentrat reprsentative standard unless he to their pace. On the whole time comes. But we also know that much of their successed thinking there are unlimited possibilities, and with was a good field.
think more catches were dropwill be entirely dependent upon the advice and sane and out it little real success can be attained. Concentration think Mahmmond, Chapman ped than were taken.
sage judgement of their elders. They should not expect is one of the best aids to memory, and should be cul and Hendren are the three best. Speaking generally of the to succeed without this; we do not believe that they are tivated. Use the brains God has given you. Practice slip fields in England. Hammond fielding, we had only Constantine expecting to succeed without it. It is a matter for them thinking. Think hard, think things through, concentrate. particularly, at times, appeared Roach and Bartlett of the regto pay strict attention to.
It the price of success. Black and White Chronicle. to make his catches. Continued on page 5)
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