
Talking Film Show FOR SALE CHEAP At Balmoral Castle Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Governors and Ma ested: On To Nombre.
Don Inocencio Galindo yors of Colon Don Inocencio Galindo does not need any pen introduction.
By PILGRIM WILKINS And of course we all know he is a real estate man; and it is To the Editor, The Workman. here where my interests centers a bit around him: it is from the Sir. ran back into Colon fact that he stands out in hold just in time to find a few very reliei, head and shoulders above Good Assortment of jeserving changes, which from the view point of our West In the type of landlords, and rent collectors in Colon who take dian community, should not esmean advantage of the tenement cape our attention as well as our appreciation, as so much along housing problem growing worse the lines of our social, civic and day by day, in spite of new buildings going up to sqeeze economic life depends on the the very life blood out of poor kind and type of officials in whose power our peaceful abode struggling humanity who find no as citizens of the community in the diabolical high rentals in where or means of escape from which we live lay.
town, and which rent sharks inI found a new Alcalde. and crease the rents for every ounce New Chief of customs just seat of paint put on old rotten shacks ed. Knowing both of these gen till many persons who would like tlemen at very close range for to find some of such shacks many years, both comparatively brushed up a bit, dare not ask young men, and having watched it or they will have to pay the their department as well as their bill.
official career, have much But Governor Inocencio is trupleasure in stating that a few ly innocent here, his rents are things are very apparent from fairly fair, and this no doubt is the facts of the appointments to because he has a system of rent these high official posts in this collecting which preculdes or elivery cosmopolitan city viz; minates the third party in the That the High officials of the business, which third party is a country whose official status invests them with power of ap who can lay back in high powerpawn in the paws of the second pointing deputies in and abouted and high price automobiles)
the country seem to keep minute out of the extra two or three tab of their men filling various dollars which go into his bag posts as well as of their merits out of the additional charges on or demerits pointing to promo rentals for 10x12 12x12 dens.
tion or otherwise.
72 Carlos Mendoza Street But our present governor will have lived in Colon now fast also look into such conditions in approaching a score of years, his sphere of power and activiand coner Javillo by impressive and somewhat crities in laying the foundation of tical temperament sometimes his administration.
OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD have been responsible for the The Alcalde Of Colon way in which have been attracted to how things are done Except to speak of two perPANAMA CITY in official quarters chiefly with sons particularly now, as it is regard to how the lives of my their different appointments fellowmen from His British Ma which originally gave impetus to jesty West Indian Colonies are write this little comment at preconcerned have had frequent sent, we shall leave the question occasions to actually frown, and of the Colon Alcaldia and other BOWEN possibly fume a bit at how some judicial functioning in the city of us have been dealt with by for a possible future occasion.
TAILOR such as have doubtless abused House Rent Receipt Books Mr Augustin Oses No. M Street San Miguel the powers with which their Here is one individual life and Panama City superior vested them, of times.
IN SPANISH ENGLISH have been exceedingly pleas official career thaf has for years ed to find the spirit of justice attracted my personal attention, For Sale at the WORKMAN PRINTERY and fair play actuating the offi and one feel not only deserving cials of my specific mention at of his speedy promotion and pubAdvertise in the Workman lie commendation, but who it will bring good results.
present make bold to characterise with The Governor Of Colon, Past some of the officials who have and gone before, who often seemed London, Sept. 20. Charlie Chaplin latest film, The Cir.
cus, and a British talking film. Trooping the Colour, in which the King and the Prince of Wales appeared, were shown to the King and Queen and other members of the Royal Family at Balmoral Castle last night.
It was the first cinema show at castle this autumn, and Trooping the Colour, presented by British Talking Pictures, limited, was the first occasion on which the King had seen and heard a sound picture.
The King, with the Prince of Wales and members of his suite was filmed, while reviewing the troops on the Horse Guard Parade at Whitehall. Sound effects were obtained from the words of command during the ceremony, and from the music provided by the massed hands of the Guards As special recording van, equipped with phonofilm projecting and sound reproducing apparatus was sent north a week ago, and a staff of electricians set to work to adapt the ballroom to the purpose of a cinema.
Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Jack Dempsey on the Stage AT 000 PER WEEK Did time and space permit. have regarded asta crime is Dr. Fred Sterling STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 cable despatch from New York, dated September 19, states that Jack Dempsey, the former heavy weight world champion, graduated from the prize ring to the stage last night at the Majestic Theatre, as a costermonger with Estelle Taylor, his wife in The Big Fight, by Maz Marcin and Gropper, produced by David Belasco Dempsey as Jack Dillon surprised everybody by his stage presence.
He had little to say except such lines as ll say so and Is that so? He acted modestly, quietly, and naturally, however, and brought the audience to its feet in the last act, when in a two round realistic fight he knocked out the villain. Battling Baker, played by Ralph Smith, the Californian giant, who was one of Heeney sparring partners for his fight with Tunney.
Smith was knocked cold for the count, and as far as the audience could see it was a real milling bout. This part entails so much endurance that Jack Herman, a prominent local pugilist, will alternate with Smith in the role, Dempsey knocking them out on alternative nights.
Estelle Taylor plays the part of Shirley, a manicure girl who resists the efforts of the underworld characters to dope Jack Dillon, and so prevents professional gamblers from making a clean up on Battling Baker.
Dempsey salary is said to be 000 a week.
AND run what they themselves vernors who have decorated the were guilty of, e. g: neglecting THE NEW YORK DENTST gubernatorial chair of Colon to learn other languages than 182, BOLIVAR STREET during the last 18 years, and in one own.
COLON, doing so make a few passing Not so with Mr. Oses, he used Box 171, CRISTOBAL, comments, but that is neither my his interpretors to the extent and TELEPHONE 247 COLON object nor aim at this time: in the capacities for which they inight however refer to one or are intended in this he possesses two noted lights among others, the tact of real diplomat.
Advertise in the Workman Gov Ruben (R. has proLet wish Mr. Augustin Oses it will bring good results.
bably been governor of Colon for much success not only in his new a greater length of time than post as Director of Customs and any other man during the tine Port Captain of Colon, but in If you have a Prescription to under consideration, he promised the others he will surely be call be made up take it to the much, but always, as he of ened to fill in time as he will sure National Pharmacy, Santa Ana told me himself, complained that ly pursue that course what has Plaza, where you will get courhe could not get the Higher hitherto marked his career, and teous and obliging service.
Ups of government do anything which we hope will prove a train for poor Colon; but Don Ruben ing factor with his subordinates.
have no fear but that we will rewas diplomatic.
Don Luis Hernandez ceive at the hands of Alcalde found Governor Bermudez a Don Luis Hernandez. is our Hernandez the same amount of fine man, in fact a gentleman and new Alcalde. Don Luis too is a impartil consideration in all matother things, and there were man of Don Augustin type and ters necessitating our going beother gentlemen and good men reputation. Don Luis was chosen fore him. We wish him success.
in the interim, but fortunately at grave moment in the histo State as will also be the case after the big Colon fire it needed ry of the Republic when a dan with our late governor Dr.
a man of action, deeds, not mere gerous atmosphere got in among Arosemena, they will in time, words to build a new Colon, and the San Blas Indians and sew climb to the top of the ladder.
while believe some of the disruption and the seeds of re As erect in his physical build praise goes to Don Ruben too, bellion, Don Luis was sent as In and proportions, so have found for having legislated to stop tendente of the San Blas district, too in his official work, his honbuilding more inflamable build he soon got at the root of the est, painstaking and impartial ings in Colon, it was, our little poison and cured with disease discharge of his duties as judge man, now deservingly promoted with telling effect, Don Luis has on from the office of Corigidor for meritorious services who been deservingly promoted to to Alcalde, always courteous was destined to put Colon archi the second magistracy of the and unassuming inspite of his tecturally where she is today, town and province of Colon. His official elevation, and this in the and who has indicated for our successor down in San Blas can face of his not having as yet present welknown and capable at all times count on the advice thought it convenient to speak Chief Magistrate how can be of such a co worker of his dis the English language, this how pursued the course of construc trict.
ever not giving excuse for the tural proceedure from Colon on We have no hesitancy in ex abrutness shortness of manners to the spheres where have re pressing our belief that as a and a lack of patience which cently become specifically inter people we West Indians need, have often been. Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Summary of Contents: History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua Players Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and Interesting Price 50cts.
Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the Workman Printery.
Secure yours now there will be a great rush for them, Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama Harvest tThanksgiving Services At St. Peter It is not too early to begin putting our members and loyal friends in mind of the annual Harvest Thanksgiving Services to be held at St.
Peter By The Sea, La Boca, on Sunday, November 11, 1928. Soulstirring anthems have been imported, and the large choir are being carefully coached to render them satisfactorily At the 3, service the choir will render a special Musical Program, ATVERTISE in the WORKMAN IT PAYS If you have a Prescription to be made uptake it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courteous and obliging service


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