
Petition of the City (Continued from Page 2)
Magistrate Twelve thousand dollars, over one Trundred packages of cloth ADMITTED TO THE LOing, and ninety four cases of CAL BAR foodstuffs have already been collected in Barbados towards the relief of our stricken neigh Warm Welcome by the Bench bours. We confess frankly that the response to the appeal goes Mr. Greenidge, City beyond our expectations, and we Magistrate, petitioned the Full are gratified to see that Barba Court to be admitted a member dos is putting herself in the of the Bar of the Colony.
fore front of the cause of hu The petition was presented by manity. More than the money the learned leader of the Bar, consiousness of the practical Hon. Sir Henry Alcazar, sympathy of their neighbours The Petitioner Record must be consoling to the sore pressed Leeward Islanders. They much pleasure in presenting the Sir Henry Alcazar said he had will need every thing they can get in the way of sympathy and petition of Mr. Greenidge to be admitted to the Local Bar. He practical help thought Their Honours would We are afraid that the publish find that the petition was in ed accounts tell only part of the order; it was of the usual charac sad tale. An eye witness of the ter and he did not think he need conditions in one of the Colonies call special attention to any part informs us that in many cases of it. Mr. Greenidge, after a stay persons suffering with wounds of some years at Harrison cannot be attended to because of College at Barbados, proceeded the lack of facilities, and that the to the University of Cambridge, consequent suffering is heart, where he had quite a distinguishbreaking. There are thousands of ed career after which he was people altogrether without food called to the Bar by the honouror shelter or clothing. The great lable Society of the Middle Temest problem is to combat the ple in 1912. After his call, Mr.
chances of disease from starva Greenidge returned to the West tion and exposure.
Indies and for some years pracIt will be seen, therefore, that tised at the Bars of Barbados great as has been our exertions and other colonies in the West our task is by no means ended. Indies. Whilst he was practising The utmost that can be given he acted in various official cawill still fall short of the neces pacities from time to time as sities of the situation. The busi Police Magistrate and also ness houses of the city have led Crown Attorney in the Colony the way with commendable ge of St. Kitts. He finally threw in nerosity, there is still room for his lot with the Government in the exertions of the private 1923 when he was appointed citizen, and we have no doubt Police Magistrate in St. Kitts he will not be found wanting at and promoted to a Judgeship of this hour.
the Assistant Court of Appeal in Barbados, which post he held at Rent Receipt Books in Spanish the time he was appointed Maand English for sale at the gistrate of Port of Spain. It was Workman Printery.
not the intention of Mr. Greenand took this opportunity of wishing him all success in his future career.
Mr. Greenidge then took the prescribed oath.
Welcome from the Bench.
The Chief Justice said: Mr.
Greenidge, we have great pleasure in addimitting you to the Bar of Trinidad. You bring to it wide experience in Europe and many parts of the West Indies, and wide experience both forenNo. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue sic and judicial. Another matter to which we must look in welPANAMA CITY Telephone 695 coming you is that you come from a celebrated legal university that alma mater to which I, fortunately, have not had the honour to belong and which has been the nurse for many great and OF THE HIGHEST ORDER learned lawyers. We have great pleasure in admitting you.
Mr. Justice Macgregor It Work Done While You Wait gives me very peculiar pleasure to welcome you on the occasion of your admission to the Bar.
The learned leader of the Bar TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED in presenting your petition has stated the matter so fully that there is little or nothing left for Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices me to say. desire only to say that it is abundantly clear from Ladies Garments carefully handled your record a record of which you have every cause to be proud. that you will be an ornament REID Propietor to the local Bar and am sure that the Officers of the Crown in recommending you as a proper officer to prosecute at the coming Criminal Sessions have idge to practise at the Bar in the made a wise choice. feel certain ordinary sense of the term. He that the promise you have shown was seeking admission simply in in your professional life hitherto order to be free to prosecute in will be amply borne out by your one of the Courts at the ensuing career in the future, and have criminal Sesions in Port of Spain much pleasure in welcoming you Why throw away your old, but no The Attorney General would be as a member of the Local Bar.
Mr. Justice Camacho: Mr.
doubt interesting, books when you very busily engaged with Legislative work and would not be Greenidge, desire to associate can haue them neatly bound at able to attend Sessions, and so myself with the welcome you the valuable services of Mr. have received from my Brothers.
Greenidge had in consequence, You are probably new to them been reçuistioned by the Gov: having met them for the first time in Trinidad, but rememernment and he had kindly con ber that some years ago both you No. EAST 16 STREET sented to prosecute in one of the and were associated in another Courts. He need hardly say that Colony. You were then MagisOpposite the Wesleyan Churh his colleagues and himself wel trate and subsequently Crown comed his addition to their ranks (Continued on page 8)
Book Binding. THE WORKMAN


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