
ane PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1928. Serious Boat Disaster Chinese Businessman Hangs Himself Prominent Harlem Negro The British Pharmacy Kidnapped While Going to Visit Friend 11. 1154 11th STREET BRITISH PHARMACY NEURALGINA IN WATER FALL AT BRI Ha See, a 20 years old Chinese TISU GUIANA of this city who being tired of life and the condition under Five Persons got Drowned which he was living, decided to COLON put an end to the situation on Tuesday moring last by hangGeorgetown, September 20. ing himself.
News reached Bartica on Mon He was a partner in a comday morning of a serious boat mercial business with Ha Ja IS NOW LOCATED AT disaster at Tibouku Fall. the another Chinese of 17 street Calast to negotiate on the river ledonia and at 40 on the mornjourney to Kamakusa. betweening in question wher Ja awoke and p. on Friday last the and not seeing the store opened boat involved being the as usual he looked around for Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK Wren owned by Mr. William See and was greately surprised Austin merchant and motor me to see his lifeless body hanging Where our customers will receive the usual chanic of Bartica. The boat was from a rope attached to one the fitted with a Ford inboard Ma beams in the roof of the buildcourtesies rine motor, and left Bartica on ing.
Monday last with a cargo of The matter was at once refoodstuffs and other necessaries ported to the authorities, and in connection with the opening Judge Francisco de la Ossa and of a shop at Merume by Mr. Dr. Mendoza visited the scene LOOK FOR THE SIGN Tiam Fook. The captain en shortly after for investigation.
gaged for the occasion was RanSee contrived the act by placnie Husbands, reputed for making three soap boxes one on top ing fast trips to and from the the other and after attaching one diamond fields the bowman of end of the rope to the beam and the boat was James Bradford placing the noose around his with Christopher Sampson as neck, he kiked the boxes from motor mechanic.
under him and got the drop which ended his life.
SINKS QUICKLY. Small It is presumed that poor busiOn reaching Tibouku fall it isness and the longing to return DENTIST alleged the boat ttook tthe right to his home in China where he MASONIC TEMPLE hand channel and whilst steam has a young wife prompted See Office Hours: 8, am to 12 ing up the bump the ascent to take his life. 30 to 30 IT. with the motor going at full Sundays, by Special Appointment Should be in every office to immediately pressure the boat turned crossBEWARE of the eye of your neigh Masonic Temple Ilth St, wise and before the captain and bour and the tongue of your neighsoothe any neuralgic pain caused by 0, Box 787. CRISTOBAL crew could realise the awkward bonr wife.
position it took in water by the PHONE: OFFICE 1664 excessive mental work.
stern and sank. Immediately La Boca Athenaeum RESIDENCE 538 there was a wild scramble to NEURALGINA jump from the quickly submorgThe La Boca Athenaeum had a very ing boat. The engineer, Sampson successful Literary meeting on Tueswho had a narrow escape from day Night last when a selected ProShould be in every school to soothe bad drowing, in giving the following gramme was rendered by the mem headaches and reduce the fever of graphic account of the accident bers. Mr. William De Souza presided to a representative of the Daily and among the contributions were a paper by children.
Argosy stated that no Sooner ificance of Halloween, on The signalso one by had he jumped from the stern of Mr. Frank Sewell on Criticisms; Mrs.
NEURALGINA the boat than three men who Olga King paper was also a fine concoul not swim held on to him tribution to the Programme.
Miss Edna Smith accompanied the NEED and it was with the greatest dif the Choruses, while Mr. Dottin and Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes ficulty he extricated himself Master Grenville Wakes contributed from their grasp but only to be two piano selections. The President WATCH?
the heart, held in a suck for about five then spoke of the League Concert minutes, during which his breath which is to take place on the 17th inst.
and for which final arrangements DROP IN AT For sale both Wholesale and Retail nearly gave away. Making a des will be made during the coming week.
perate struggle he got out and AT THE in swimming ashore was just in If you have a Prescription to time to save one man. Kippings, be made up take it to the AMERICAN PHARMACY who was being swept away by National Pharmacy, Santa Ana 122 CENTRAL AVE.
the current. He (Samson) was Plaza, where you will get cour You ill Find Them JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor the first to reach a place of safeteous and obliging service.
ty, followed quickly after by the Moderately Priced.
bowman and boathand of the boat respectively. The three men its cargo the survivors of the acwho had held on to him went cident were removed to a camp down and were drowned. few topside of the fall. On Sunday of the men were the police boat Arawana. under command of Henry Carter, SAVED BY CLINGING CALL IN AT with Kendall in charge of on desperately to the boat therelief party, arrived with tarpaulins, cases and soine food. Four of the survivors later boards which formed part of the joined the boat Tiger Mama cargo. These kept their heads of Ginder Ltd. under comuntil help arrived and they were mand of steersman Nathaniel Advertise in the Workman rescued. Two men, one of whom and bowman Arnold Fierdkow pays.
could not swim, had an amazing and were conveyed to Bartica.
No. 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET experience. They caught hold of where they arrived on Monday DENTIST HOWELL a large floating case, and were morning. The others mostly conAND CORNER JAVILLO able to emerge from the ordeal tracted men, proceeded up the House No. 912 La Boca successfully after being caught river to Kamakusa to report full Canal Zone GOOD SELECTION OF in suck after suck. finally details of the disaster. Prince coming through the big drop of Husband, one of the survivors, OPPOSITE RESTAURANT NEW BIBLES the Fall still clinging to the case who came through the big drop PHONE 1941 BALBOA for dear life. Finally while being of the fall clinging on to a floatHymn Prayer Books swept down steam nearly ex ing case stated that he saw Ranhausted they were rescued by nie Husbans the captain of the the mail boat Eagle, under boat running to the bow of the RYCE command of Cap. Pequeno. boat while she was sinking and RENOVATOR WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Others who held on to the float on jumping out man haming packages were also rescued ed Aaron caught him around his YEING PRESSING by the mail boat which arrived neck and both went down togeLADIES SKIRTS on the scene about half an 1:our ther. Husbands was considered after the accident.
a capable swimmer in the falls. SPECIALLY ATTENDED TO No hot irons or special combs required The mail boat having discharge THE VICTIMS HOUSE 19 21st STREET The list of persons drowned in GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITY ed its mais etc. conveyed them in batches to a spot near a nathe accident is as follows: SOLD IN DRUG STORES Randolf Husbands, steersman, vigable channel so that they may be seen and after supplying Bartica, aged about 35 years. L FLOWERS Henry Cook, 27 years, Station them with rations left for KaStreet, Kitty Village.
makusa to report the occurence.
ADVERTISE Abogado. Attorney at Law Adolphus McLean, 42 years THE SURVIVORS Mundy Street, Georgetown.
OFFICE: No. 44 ST On Saturday midday, the boat Henry Scott, 40 years, Goed BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY Swift No. also owned Fortuin, West Bank.
TELEPHONE No. 1377 by Mr. William Austin came in Henry Aaron, 27 years 335 racticing before all the courts of IT PAYS sight andafter having discharged East Street, Georgetown. the Republic since April 1914 By EDWARD PERRY CASPER HOLSTEIN, known here in Harlem as the friend of every Negro because of his many kind acts, was kidnapped last Thursday evening while going to visit a friend, Gomez Whitfield, 225 West 146 Street, Within a short distance of his friend house, Holstein was approached by five men who said they were officers and that he was wanted in connection with baseball pool. Being a man who has great faith in his friends, and thinking some of them might be implicated, he readily agreed to go to the police station. Upon entering a car which stood near he saw two women seated in the rear. The car drove away and turned up Seventh Avenue. He then realized something was wrong and demanded his freedom. pistol was stuck in his side and one of the women said. Sit on him. Then Casper Holstein, who has always been treat ed with the dearest affection by his friends because of his kindness to the least unfortunate of his race, was struck on the head with the butt of the pistol, blindfolded and gagged.
The following story which has all the dramatic incidents of a finely wrought melodrama was told by Mr. Holstein: They could not have carried me far, for it was not long before the machine came to a stop and was taken upstairs in an elevator and into a room that must have been a bed room for was thrown on a bed. was unbound although still blindfolded and the wires were tied about by arms and legs. remained blindfolded until was set free early today. All the while was treated kindly by my captors. Then it must have been night or early Saturday morning when one of the kidnappers said. dirty rat gave us a bad steer.
We better let him go. It was agreed that should be set free, but only under the cover of the night. Early this morning, again led into an automobile and the next thing knew, was out upon the street freed. During the time Mr. Holstein was held from Friday night until Saturday morning all of Harlem in tremendous frenzy about him, for he has given liberally to every worthy cause and was a friend to many needy Mothers. Hence it was, with the greatest sincerity, that many people became anxious about him. Around his home and the Turf Club of which he is president, many people gathered waiting for some news that he was safe. Many telegrams and telephone messages came inquiring about this great benefactor.
Contrary to other reports, he carried only 70. 00 on him and a diamond ring worth 2, 000 which was not touched. The abductors demanded and seemed to have wanted 150. 000. Because of their fright, he was released at 144th Street and Amsterdam Avenue at 1:45 Monday morning.
Mr. Holstein wife from whom he is separated lives at 172 West 133rd Street. He has no children, but instead calls all of Harlem children his own.
Every summer, he charters a boat and sends many of them for a day outing up the Hudson with plenty of food. Inter State Tattler.
FULLER was was The Workman BOOK STORE a Contra Crespo In the Workman Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the Workman Printery.


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