
PAGE THREE Stirring Address THE WORKMAN Prices will Never be Lower Buy Bulbs Today The Comtemplated Reorganization OF THE WORK MAN Newspaper Has Begun Edison MAZDA Lamp Bulbs MR. WHYTE. La, Boca, has been added to the Editorial Staff as Contributing Editor MR. KING Author of Sparklets)
will re organize his well known Column MR. Elijah. HUNTER Sivler City, will be a regular Contributor 220 Worth of Bulbs for 200 60 Watt Bulbs for 170 50 Watt Bulls for 17 MRS. EDITH COLE, La Boca, is now writing La Boca Social Notes Buy Edison MAZDA Bulbs Plans are being developed to have permanent representatives of the Paper at La Boca, Red Tank Paraiso, Gatun, Silver City. In Colon the Paper is being handled by HASKINS NEWS AGENCY The Coloured element here is showing decided signs of drifting together for their common good, and the WORKMAN, the paper which for the past sixteen years has been standing by them in its humble way, has now been given the assurance of some of our active progressive and constructive thinkers that a reorganization of its forces is now in order, therefore.
Get your Copy of the WORKMAN every Saturday umumi Its now a Question of a Short Time and you will be having the Workman Twice a week ON THE LABOURER AND HIS RIGHT TO LIVING WAGE THEREFORE Delivered by Father Mcdonald at Cummunity Meeting This is the Last Week of the This article was unavoidably crowded out in our last but owOCTOBER ing to its import to West Indians we readily publish it for the benefit of our readers.
The following is the address that was delivered by the Rev.
Fr. McDonald, at the comSALE munity meeting of silver employees at the La Boca Clubhouse, on the night of the 25th OUR SPECIAL OFFERS instant. LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS My friends. know that you are all here this evening for a serious purpose; one that affects not only yourselves, but the social unit for which you are reOR sponsible. For a long time in history, it took men to arrive at Play House for the kiddies che pronouncement which we have as the underlying principle with Every 70 Purchase of the biggest and freest civilization that has adorned the POSITIVELY END OCTOBER 31st world. We are all bound to respect the nergy of our ancestors who have heroically produced and tested this principle, that all men have a right to live and live as free men, and thus attain as much happiness as is consisTODAY tent with the world we are liv ing in. Every man in order to live well and work well, must be Cia. Panameña de fuerza y Luz convinced of the motives that PANAMA COLON impel him forward in the labor Edizon Mazda Lamp Bulbs are also sold by Om.
of life. The laboring man, no phroy Co. Panama Hardware. Stores) Half matter whether he labors with Cent Store Lyon Hardware Co. Brewer Co.
his head or his hands or both Cardoze Lindo, Nimbloy Co. Panama combined, is the noe that proSalazar Pan American Drug Stores, Wong duces from the generosity of Chang Co. Brewer Co, Colon nature the means of securing the social order. There is no such thing as a government or a commonwealth without labor, just as there is no such thing as a school drifted into the belief that this justice for they shall be filled.
they who hunger and thirst after without a teacher. Now, it stands world was made for classes and This applies to every place and to reason that the men who are not the masses. Yet these same every land; and right here, who working closest to nature, should men when they want to march will dare say that the cry of the have the best right of living off forward in the pursuit of wealth poor is not urging everyone who their production or honor, always depend on the hears it, to demand better condi There is no economy in ex masses in formation. There is a tions and better wages for those ploiting labor, in grinding it, in great deal of confusion caused whose children are starving, tethering it, in other words, to by the sophism that is constant whose families are in want, and make the laborer life miser ly thrown out to blind the public. whose living conditions disgrace able, is shortsighted statesman They would have us believe that a noble and free people? Never ship, is uneconomical. It is force bolshevism or socialism or what can we take our place on the ing men into the mass formation ever other opprobrious term page of civilized history, until of desperation. There never was they would use, starts amongst we listen to the cry of the poor.
a better pronounceent, one that the laborers. That is a mistake. Never can we honorably show appeals to all who have the so it always starts aganst those our progres to the world, until cial order at heart, than that ev who are leading labor for a pur. we make life worth living for ery laborer has a right to a liv pose. Today, in the political those who assist us in its battle.
ing wage. There is no need of campaigns of the world, the bol. Whether we agree or not that men who dedicate their intellec sheviks are the party leaders. their position is equal to ours, tual and physical energy to work They are sacrificing everything does not enter the question as it to go starving; and yet we know even truth and honor, to lead stands; but what does enter the phat the men and the women who unsuspecting men to the goal of question is this: shall we face need most and who starve most their ambition. But what will the struggle as storied by our are those who work most. It al they give them in return? That iree ancestry for life liberty, ways has been the misfortune what we want to know, and and the pursuit of happiness, ofthe working class not to have that what we will know if we and as become us facing the pro time to protect themselves pursue the right way or serious gress of the future, and still reagainst the criminal robbery of free men. There is no such things fuse to give an honorable and the product of their toil. on the roll of nature as a sub, living wages to those who use Why should that class beject race or a subject class. All their minds and their hands to poor which produces the most. men, as our Declaration of In make a living for us?
which have the greatest interest dependence says, are born equal in sustaining the governments with equal right to the just enThere was an audience of of the world, for governments dowment of a generous Maker. about 90 persons, and as to this are sustained first by human be. No one can find fault against us the lecturer remarked: From ings, and secondly, by human if we follow these simple and the gathering see before me, energy. Lincoln used to say that primal instiucts of nature. If we am led to believe that the the Lord must love the working rise to the manly intiutions of majority of the people in this people because he made more of freedom and demand that we community are still eager to when the Great Leader of all have neough to live on, to rear cling to the chains of slavery.
them than any other kind; and our families, and educate our great deal of interest was thought took up His human children, and take our place as shown throughout the address.
existence, it was as a laborer. well equipped factors in the onHe, too, fulfilled the primal ward social march of progress.
command, You shall earn your It easy enough to talk jusIf you have a Prescription to bread by the sweat of your tice: it hard to demand it: it be made up take it to the brow, and thus he developed the harder still to secure it; but ev. National Pharmacy, Santa Ana right of labor to eat its bread ery man who is not furthering Plaza, where you will get courso long as it sweats.
the cause of justice has no right teous and obliging service. Now, there is no one or no to the vision of happiness, for it thing that keeps from the la has been said once for all, from was boring man his right to a living the finest sermon that Rent Receipt Books in Spanish wage, except the few that have preached from the Judean hill and English for sale at the unfortunately and unreasonably tops of Palestine, Blestare Workman Printery.
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    BolshevismSocialismWorking Class

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