
Antiguan Progressive Society THE WORKMAN NOTICE HOLD SOCIAL FUNCTION VALUE OF SAVINGS TO THE INDIVIDUAL Balboa Club House Ancon Club House La Boca Club House Cristobal Club House Silver City Club House Published on Saturday by Rates for Advertisement on apPresident delivers Intresting WALROND, at the office No. 72 plication, correspondence on all mat minute Address Carlos Mendoza Street, Panama, ters of public interest invited.
All copy for publication must be Children interested in Contest for Best Essay On Friday evening the 26th, Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, there was a large turn out of Box 1102. Ancon and must be accompanied by the in English on the members to take part in the soRATES OF SUBSCRIPTION name of the writer, not necessarily cial function of the Antiguan One Year. 40 Cy.
for publication but as a mark of Progressive Society, which was Six Months. 20 good faith.
held at Mount Carmel Lodge Three. 60 We do not undertake to return Hall, San Miguel. Mrs Louisa One Month. 25 rejected correspondence.
Francis presided and the program consisted of songs, recitaThe Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS tions and impromptu five minMay obtain rules and certificates at the ute addresses THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1928.
Among those who took part in following Club Houses.
the addresses were Mr Grant, SAYING AND DOING Mrs. Tongue, Mrs Moses, Mrs Drew Miss Martin; Recitations. Master Dyett, Speech and action, or word and deed, are the two Butcher: Misses Welch, important elements by which the wide range of human Best, Jones. Songs. Miss activities is always influenced. great deal depends upM. Varsailes and Mr. Daniels on what we say or do, and how we say or do, and upon and others.
the degree of harmony that exists between the two eleThe President of the Society, ments. The degree of agreement or disagreement is alMr. George Richards, who also ways regarded as a fair test of our worth or our charactook part in the five minute adter. There is no known rule with respect to the relative dress, spoke as follows, his sub positions of these elements the word may be before ject being We Must Let Go. the act, or the act before the word; but it would appear PRESIDENTS ADDRESS that in the practice of a large number of persons speech Some months ago one of our is generally made to come first. This may be due to the members told me that she could fact that it is very much easier to speak than to act.
very well get along without soWhatever may be the reason for this prevalence of the cials and entertainments, as parctice of heralding the intention to do something, it there is so much work to do at should be clearly borne in mind that it imposes an oblihome that demands her attengation of fulfilment, and that failure to perform is tion.
generally followed by a lowering of the value set on It is just as important to one word. When action comes first, however, it is sel THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK know how and when to let go, dom necessary to use the word, as the reason for the as it is to know how to take act may be conclusively inferred: hence the sayings, hold and work hard. There is Actions speak louder than words, By their fruits Panama Colon no truth that cannot be sub(deeds) ye shall know them, etc. We are therefore inatantiated by other truth. Succlined to a preference for giving priority to action.
cess in life is good, but those Now, we are not contending that it is always imwho sacrifice everhing to gain it prudent to announce our intentions to the public. We are likely to become hard.
know, and readily acknowledge, that there are occasions There is such a thing. after when speech must necessarily come first, and possibly Panama Symphony all, as gaining the whole world be repeated for some period, if action is to be successand losing one soul. What is it ful; but we are firmly of the opinion that those occasions THIRD ANNUAL CONCERT all of us want, but to live a life are not really as many as some persons are inclined to of reasonable contentment? In AT CRISTOBAL SILVER make them. That condition may be peculiar to some others words, we want happines.
undertaking in which publicity and propaganda must be CLUBHOUSE TO BE GRAND No member of this society would resorted to, in order to spread information or awaken EVENT.
want to be rich if he positively interest; as for instance, the publication of the prosknew that his life would be a pectus of a company, and the floatation of its shares daily strech of wretchedness. No in the open market. What we have strongly in mind is COLON NOV The Panama one would care to pay the price.
the desire to keep from giving rise to any expectation Symphony Orchestra and Con Every one of us needs an avothat one may not be able to fulfil. In many cases there cert party will render their cation as well as a vocation. To is either a wrong construction placed upon a statement, Third Annual Concert at the keep everlastingly going at high or there is exaggeration or over coloring in the presenCristobal Silver Clubhouse on tension brings nervous prosta tation of a picture, and the natural result is that more Armistice day Sunday 11th, tion. The secret of this lies in is expected by the second party than the first had incommencing at P. This the art of Letting Go. We are tended or he is really able to do. Of course, sometimes Program was given at the Excel sometimes exhorted never an over statement is intentional; but we believe that in sior Theatre in Panama and was worry. This is a mistake. Everythe great majority of cases it is not, but that it is morea roaring success if we are to body has to worry some time.
so due to undue optimism; when the mind, being once judge by the enconiums shower. When there is anything to worry made up to do something, becomes impulsive in that ed oh them, on Oct. 21st last. about, go at it hard; get through direction, and its plan not yet put to the test of reality, the danger of seeing anything but its success it is very There are many features. The with it and rest. The worry that kills is the kind that we will not outstanding is: the Fifth Symhard to avoid.
phony in Minor by Ludwig let go but keeps at constantly There is another angle to this habit of speaking van Beethoven, which will be and allows it to be always first. few persons will keep their word at any cost, played by the Orchestra of 26 irritating us.
but they are not many. We remember to have read of Of course, anything can be instruments, which in itself is a man who caused the beheading of one whom he had worth going miles to hear. Then overdone. You can relax too dearly loved, on account of rashly promising that if he there is a Violin Sold to be play much that you havent time for much. You can play and rest so won a certain battle he would give the head of the first ed by little Miss Daisy Whyte work. But the point is that the thing that he met after the battle. This is a far fetched Violin duet by the latter and instance, but aside frori it, it is known that there are in such lines. We might then be in a much better posi Mr. Martin Rodney, a Cello skillful relaxer is a stronger people who are quite sensitive about the honor attach tion to meet the tricks of the trade that the opposition Solo by Mr Stanley Harper. persone than the vigorous and ing to one word: their word is their bond. This phase will eventually put up. If we are starting to build up (Ass Director. a Flute Solo, a.
of the question presupposes the degree of soberness and a labor union, it is not wise to yell that we are organiz. Cornet Solo both with Orches their economic condition, partiWest Indians, an prudence that should be observed in giving one word, ed and that we will go on strike if our demands are not tral Accompniment played by cularly, need to learn the art of the taking of reasonable precaution to examine all the met at once. We must consider the age of our union, Messers Benjamin Jayes and letting go. Most of us are keyed attendant conditions before coming to decision, so that and what it is reasonably expected to accomplish at Percival Burton respectively rashness may be avoidel.
that age (for a child is not supposed to be able to do a Then we will hear too high. The strings are strechthe longed Our West Indian community, we believe, may take man work, nor an infant organization the work of one for Mrs Adella Walker Headley once in a while something snaps.
ed too tight. That is why every to itself much of what we have tried to bring out in our 50 years old and a million times stronger. consider its popular Soprano, Miss Alma We have pushed our virtue too argument against the habit of being in a hurry to tell funds per member, and its prestige; then the economic Buchanan, lately of what we intend to do. We undoubtedly stand guilty. We status of the community, and the general position of Toro, and the well known Mr.
Bocas del far, and made a vice of it.
have lost many a good cause on that account, placing the employer. With these considerations in our infancy, Davis in vocal Solo CANAL ZONE VISITORS OFF all our cards on the table and giving the opponent an strife should be an after thought, and we should work Chorus by the entire Concert opportunity to read our hand. If we intend to own and to the end that it may ever be avoided.
FOR NEW YORK sail ships on the seven seas. as some other people are doing, and as we oursclves have a perfect right to do, the public. As it is with the individual so is it with the ed by Mrs Headley, MisEach failure tends to lower us in the valuation of Party which will be led by Miss Lena Moulton (Soprano) suportit is certainly not wise to tell the world that we intend group. If we cannot suit our actions to our words, if we to become a competitor in shipping even before we make it a habit to fail to carry out our promise, in due ses Buchanan, and MalThe Daily Chronicle of Spokhave owned a ship; for it is natural with business people course we will not be taken seriously. few of our men colm, Sopranos, Mr. Crag ane, Washington of October 16 that they dislike compctition, and they will consequent here have succeeded by doing, then speaking after, if well Jr. Alto, Miss Rodney, states that Judge and Mrs Guy ly do their utmost to prevent our successfully entering need be. We should learn from them, as well as from Contralto, Messers Davis Martin of Ancon, Canal Zone this business. It would be the better way to solicit money others. Then we need to learn diplomacy or the game of and Murray, Tenors, and Mr. who have spent the last weeks with relatives and friends for some other ostens ble purpose, and in the mean smooth and intelligent deception. To use a common Brown Basso.
in Spokane and Sandpoint, Idaho time do the preparation by learning how to build the term, there has been too much ballyhooing of our inThe talking part will be done are left that day for New York kind of ships that may successfully compete, and how tentions. Let us benefit by our experience, by changing by Dr. Jos Hamlet, who city. After spending a few days to operate them. Then get out ships and slip into the tactics. According to the old folk in some parts of the will deliver the Introductory re in New York they will continue game as quietly as possible, maybe, not being noticed West Indies, foolish pickny fall down a door mout marks, and Miss Mae Malcolm to Washington, es, wie, cobefore for some time by the old traders. It all takes time and two time (It is a foolish child that falls twice in the who will recite a very appro returning to Ancon.
brains and aplication to reach any respectable standard doorway. priate poem entitled MUSIC. Continued on Page 8)
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