
PAGE FIVE Have you Tried Salada Orange Pekoe SAXDA ORA RANGE PEKOE BLEND Tea TEA AVATATA was oz. packet cents our Great Demonstration THE OPEN FORUM AT LIBERTY HALL CHAP To the Editor the Workman TER NO 14 NOV 4TH ON Sir: Just a few months ago GARVEY DAY a certain law was made affecting us resident her, and those who might have desired to come Conmmunication just emmito this country. The moral ef fict which this law had upon ted from the office of the President General and now in the ofner cominunity has been openly seen. Every inconceivable aci fice of Chapter No. 14. of the which in itself strikes at the Universal Negro Improvement moral nature of our people passAssociation has the information ed them without the slightest that the Chief is on his way Westward to Foreign Headquarthought they just live as life is merely an existence, not for the ters, Kingston, Jamaica, Indications are that the Chief real value of life itself. So long as some can get by, as is genwill likely visit this Republic erally heard, there is no thought prior to his planned tour to Caor consideration with regard to nada for the opening of the Incommunal development. We have ternational 1929 Convention in been too content to drag along the Capitol of that Metropolis in a selfish individual manner The Chief has much to say in without cooperation for racial commenting on his success and improvement. Individualism is the benefit it will ultimately too deeply imbedded in the mind accrue to the race. This unit is of most of our people. Every atin high spirits of enthusiasm; and is exhibiting its energy in tempt suggested by way of improving whether financially. ed.
every direction to meet this inucationally or otherwise has als portant occasion Program un ways met with journalistic cri precedented in the history of ticism, because the individual this unit is now being prepared who did the criticism had not for commemorating Garvey been gifted with that creative Day tomorrow night at 30 foresight. It ought to be our aim Prominent personages of to encourage any reasonable high intellectual attainments in endeavor among our people. It this community will be taking is time that we conceive some part in this program. The Chap scheme which may benefit the ter caters to the best morals of less fortunate of our race and our people for guidance and which will raise them to the leadership, and has always en1 he TEA with the Exquisite standard for which life deavoured to put the best matemade to live, merely existence, rial available for its progress and Flavour but life with a value back of it.
success. The mask of ignorance The reasoning power of some, that has heretofore kept us blind tho undeveloped. with proper en to the higher ideals of an aspircouragement will raise them to ing people is now pushed aside, a higher standard, We have in discarded, and relegated to the our community numerous secret pile heap of forgetfulness. Ad.
and local societies whose finherence to this great work is ance if used in accurate form, more noticable as the strain of rather than being left to bankers circumstances bear upon will, would greatly relieve to a people in their various avocagreat extent our economic surtions. We are taught to know FOR EVEYWH roundings. majority of the that self reliance is the staunch members of these lodges cannot support and mainstring of any afford to keep them up, they do people who desire to rise.
so by sacrifice, and yet these Current events foreshadows members are content to allow the condition of the world today The Harvest Festival Special Train to Colon their children to grow without a: affecting races and nations, educaion, trades, religion. They and throw sparkling rays upon have no voice in the affairs of and Return the dark spots in the world that AT THE WESLEYAN the lodge while in session, but evolution will in its ever unCHURCH IN PANAMA after meeting, they argue if so changing and irresistible march BY THE PANAMA SYMD and so had been done and if Mr.
overtake and expose to the nak.
PHONY ORCHESTRA TO BE John Thomas had made such a ed eye of man. Impression of There are prospects of an un FEATURE OF DAY PROmot ion things would never GRAM existing conditions are severe, usual Harvest Fete on the 11th.
have gone this or that way.
and are more so when brought and 12 of November at the WesR.
It is time that these societies to a gasping realization. Volun leyan Church. The various com Panama Nov On Armistice awake and do something of reai tary unity and the consolidation mittees are at work and opti day Sunday Nov 11th there will value in the community. Organof our latent forces are now mism prevails. It remains for be a Special Train and Concert ize among yourselves and insticalled upon and demanded, not the weather to smile upon us Party to Colon and return, spontute, a school wherein the chil.
in the sense of a compulsion on and make success certain. The sered by the Panar dren of members can be prothe part of the stubborn, who decorations will be unique. The Orchestra and Concert Party, Symphony perly taken care of. This same cannot discern the times but it chancel will be transformed for which will leave Panama at P. school house could be used as ought to be obligatory to all the occasion into Harvest leaving Colon at P. same ranks of the race realizing pres. Field and we shall see the grow day, making stops a or what other PURITY at Balboa name you may deem fit to call ent conditions as felt within our ing grops and the sheaves harit. In which the children of our group: and the application of vested, the farm house, and the and Pedro miguel community coul gether at nights that sane and intelligent method windmill grinding the corn the Among the various attracfor honest recreation and thus the only weapon used by a peo pond with the ducks and geese Concert Program, which takes tions will be the Third Annual brings the goods to your door prevent them from being consi. ple who follow and yearn after upon it and all the paraphernalia place at the Cristobal Silver dred as an undesired element in the things of spiritual and ma of a farm. Appprpriately the the community terial emoluments. At this time choir will give us Ruth, the Waller Bathing Beach at CrisClubhouse, swimming at the new THE The churches can do someit is highly desirable that we Moabitees and ideal Harvest thing to help those adults whose pursue the right course of de Cantata. This latter wiil take Excursionist, and you are retobal which will be opened to PANAMA COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY early life had been a handicap.
velopment, offering the world place at 3:30. admosion 25 cents Devote at least one night each some help in the promulgation Members and friends minded to take alonk your bathPHONES week for lectures PANAMA 65 COLON 84 women of the things and principles that will gain admittance by handing ing suit, and refreshments in only, and another night for men need adjustment, at the same their Harvest Envelope, contain galore. The Orchestra will keep only. These lectures could be fime evolving a condition that ing a Harvest Contribution, to Manufacturers of the crowd merry on the train arranged in such a manner as would make creditable our habi the steward a he door. The chil with some popular numbers. CLEAN GOODS to touch the daily life of each tation concentrating upon the dren of the Sunday School will So don fail to take in this individual, and so raise them one objetive as a united and in be admitted on presentation of grand time in store for all above the present environment.
sepakable whole: manifesting their Harvest envelope. On Mon and above all. visit your friends In my next instalment shall and demonstrating also that day he usual Sale will take place at the Atlantic side on this very deal with adult education as it inalienable right and heritage to in the Hall. There will be a band remarkable day of the year; share in the world affairs the of Music, and a guessing comSpoed Cops Needed in CANAL ZONE VISITORS at present exists in England.
Armistice day SMITH things with which we are also petition will lend a little amusethe City of Colon (Continued from page 4)
invested. Centralizing our resourmet to the occasion and a fine Thief got away with 180 Mrs Alford of Colon on Vaces to the extent so that in years present to the lucky one! Re Worth of Revolvers On account of the absence of speed During their visit they were to come our efforts and endea freshments will be on sale.
cation in the Capital cops in this City, jitney and bus drivours may bring before the vers take the opportunity to go be entertained at many pretty afworld something worth while Store of the American Trading Com sions. Surely the life of pedestrians the tea Dr. Frances Rose gave City is spending a four weeks vacation Early last Tuesday morning, the yond the speed limit (on all occas. fairs. One attractive event was for our labors, and which good Clark Pays Visit to pany between 7th and 8th Bolivar are not safe and same should be look recently at the Davenport in in Panama where her many friends will would redound to our name and Colon Streets Colon was robbed of nine (9) ed after by the Anthorities at an early compliment to Mrs Martin. be pleased to see her and give her a appeal to the conscience of hum.
Spanish revolvers valued at 180. date.
Judge Martin is the presiding hearty welcome.
These revolvers were displayed in one Mr Clarke of Panama is on of the show windows and the damage judge of the Canal Zone.
If you have a Prescription to be a two weeks visit to the Gold Coast done to the glass by the thief. in orIf you have a Prescription to be Mr. and Mrs Kimbrough, If you have a Prescription to be to the National with whom the to the National and during his stay here, he expects der that his aim may be accomplish made up take it made up take it to the National Martins have made up take it Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where to visit many friends who will be ex ed. is estimated around 35. This Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where been visiting, accompanied them Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where ceedingly proud to see him. Mr. case is now in the hands of the Colon you will get courteous and obliging Clarke at one time resided in the City Dectective who will make an early you will get courteous and obliging as far as Sandpoint on the east you will get courteous and obliging servic.
of Colon where he was well known. report.
service seryice.
CO. FM исс You 20 a PLEASBL At all our dealers or a phone call to


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