
BARBADOS FOR SALE CHEAP Reorganization of Legal Administration Good Assortment of treasure to Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY to Morals and Money produce from what is unproductive. But money (it was argued)
is unproductive. Therefore, it is One rarely sees a reference to wrong to gather produce in the the benevolence of Banks! or to the point of the argument is in form of interest from money.
the altruism of a Savings Banks!
To the Beaming Beneficence of the minor premise money is the gentleman in the golden unproductive. In the Middle Ages cage who generously undertakes money was looked on as a dead to guard one money with the thing, an unproductive thing, strictest honesty, and to return which retained the same value it when required with never a always, no matter where it was penny missing! Or to the al kept or how long. If a man had truistic ardour of the Deposit a thousand crowns which he had Department which pays you for no need to spend, he put them trusting your its into a stocking, or buried them keeping! Payment of that kind on his estate, or hid them in the is called interest. And the them up in a box; and there they walls of his house, or locked interest is most interesting. Then remained till the time came for banks do not merely want to be spending them. Now, suppose a of service to those who have money they don want. They borrow some of that money and man in these Ages wanted to also want to serve those who have not the money they do promised to pay it back after a want. This seems very kind also. was quite capable of paying it certain time. And suppose he Besides, there is interest too back at the time promised. If the Only it is not quite the same kind owner of the money wanted it of interest. For when you for any purpose, he would na.
haven got the money you want turally reply Sorry, my good and get it from the Bank, you friend, but need to spend it pay interest to the Bank instead myself. But suppose he did not of the Bank paying interest to want to spend it himself; and you And the interesting point that the thousand crowns would about this is that you always pay lie idle in his stocking all the the Bank more intrest than the time. Why should he not take Bank pays you. Thus, while a them out and lend them and put Bank pays you dollar interest them back again! It woul be a)
for the pleasure of having your convenience or loss or risk to the hundreds dollars you don want, you pay the Bank two dollars owner for, we presume that the interest for the pleasure of hay borrower would be quite sure to ing its hundred dollars you do pay it back at the time specified.
want. This bænk way seems to Hence, although the owner of 72 Carlos Mendoza Street be a delightfullyi vpleasant way the thousand crowns would be of making money and quite easy free not to lend them, if he did and coner Javillo to understand. And it explains lend them, he ought not why quite a large number of charge anything for their loan: OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD people, other than bankers, do because the crowns were merely a little private banking business: lying idle, and lending them at least, to the extent of chargcould cause no loss of inconvePANAMA CITY ing interest for lending money. nience or privation to the owner to those who haven money and Therefore there was nothing for want some. This is called money which he might reasonably exlending, and the good people pect payment beyond the return with money who want to help of the thousand crowns. This people without money, and way was the medieval argument BOWEN charge interest on what they about money lending which made TAILOR lend, are usually called money usury wrong usury meaning a House Rent Receipt Books lenders. At first sight, money produce charge for a thing that No. M Street San Miguel lending seems to be brimful of did not produce. In the Middle Panama City IN SPANISH ENGLISH benevolence; and money lenders Ages, money was unproductive at first glance, look like public People looked upon money as benefactors. One might even as a mere token of value in ex, For Sale at the WORKMAN PRINTERY Advertise in the Workman sume that money lenders are change for kind, and whether you particularly nice people which kept the token in your own it will bring good results.
they ain And Banking seems hands, or placed it in another quite a simple thing. But nothing man hands, it still remained is quite as simple (or as com merely a token inert, unproducplex) as it looks. And modern tive, fruitless. Mney could not banking is not simple. Indeed, legitimately be charged for the Dr. Fred Sterling you sometimes find that bank fruit of what was friutless, and THE NEW YORK DENTST ers are very ingenious as well therefore people could not legias gentlemanly. Then the ethical timately demand interest for the 182, BOLIVAR STREET CLON, aspect of helping those who want use or fructifying of money money for interest is full of which was a non fructifying Box 171, CRISTOBAL, AND complexities, too. These com thing. But in latter age, by the TELEPHONE247 COLON plexities cannot be ignored. and development and systematising Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 anything like a ready and rapid of commerce, the nature of SEOUTING Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages judgement on this money lend money changeed and money ing transaction as right and that became productive. This led to money lending transaction as the change in the ethical aspect (BY BLUEBIRD)
Summary of Contents: wrong runs great chances of be of money and or money lending, Quite recently, a very active move History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years ing fallacious. Complexities are. in Port of Spain Gazette.
is being taken in connection with Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, always arising from the complex seout craft in the cities of Panama morality of human acts, from LITTLE KINDNESS. and Colon. few years ago. one Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, the nature of the act itself, from could view with pleasure the move Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, its circumstances and from the and the various activities of LITTLE kindnesses help so much scouting here, but for reasons quite Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua end in view. And anything like that is regrettable that more of unknown to the general public it Players intrepidity of judgment in ques them are not shown in all of our lives, seems as though all interest and entions of this kind generally re Thousands of them are shown, and thusiasm has suddenly become dead.
Váluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and sults from the intrepidity of they add a great deal to the sum total of human helpfulness In view of the fact that the writer Interesting ignorance. Thus the ethics of But being kind is one of the beauti of this article is not a scout, it is not money lending needs careful and ful things of the world that everyone possible that any reference can be Price 50cts.
even subtle thought. It is in fact can culivate. No rare gift of genius made in connection with the inner workings of the organisation, but one of the most perplexing nat is needed to bring it to its highest de ters in the history of Christia its most beatiful form of expression were always admired by all classes gree of perfection. Often it reaches there is one thing sure that the boys Secure yours now there will be great rush nity. At first sight, there even among the poor. look, a word, a of the community. Most boys and for them, seems to be a contradiction be touch, a little bit of human helpfulness young men like the Scout movement, tween the attitude of the Catho that has fixed abiding place in the whether they take an active part in it Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN or not, and the reappearance of Scout lic Church towards money lond heart Panama Being kind includes in its highest activities on the scene proves that ing in the Middle Ages and her sense perfect kindness to all living there is need for such a movement present attitude. For undoubted things, and there are no class distine bere in our mist ly, in the Middle Ages, the Ca tions when it reaches out to people.
There is no doubt that the scout here on the Isthmus has done a great tholic Church condemned moneydeal of good, and it is generally lending for interest whereas now a days money lending for If you have a Prescription to hoped that has come again to do more; it has assisted in keeping many reasonable interest is allowed be made up take it to the of our youngsters here together when The ATVERTISE without the least demur. But National Pharmacy, Santa Ana other influence proved useless.
this contradiction is only on the Plaza, where you will get cour for they are appreciated wherever they scouts ars most cordially welcomed surface. It can be got rid of by teous and obliging service. go in the diving down to the ehtical principles underlying money. The No man should ever presume to underlying idea about moneyAdvertise in the Workman give advice to others that has not IT PAYS lending in the Middle Ages was it will bring good results.
given good counsel to himself that it was wrong to gather The Barbados Weekly Herald of the 13th inst states that a meeting was held at the Chambers of the Chief Justice on the 3rd October 1928 for the purpose of discussing the proposals relative to the judicial department contained in a Memorandum by the Chief Justice dated the 21st. June, 1928 Present The Chief Justice The Attorney General Mr. Walcott Mr. Graham Yearwood Mr. Patterson.
Mr. Reece was invited but was unable to be present. It was agreed.
That the judges of the Assistant Court of Appeal should be reduced from to The functions of these judges would be to hear all criminal appeals from Poliee Magistrates, to take over the work of the Bridgetown Petty Debt Court, and to retain the functions of the Original Jurisdiction of the Assistant Court of Appeal.
That appeals from all Petty Debt Courts should be heard by the Chief Justice and one other judge.
That the jurisdiction of the Bridgetown Petty Debt Court should be transferred to the Assistant Court of Appeal and be exercised by one judge sitting alone.
That one of the judges of the Assistant Court of Appeal should be Registrar of Friendly Societies and that the other should be Inspector of Prisons That the magistrates of Dis.
trict should be ex officio coroners of the district.
That the magisterial districts should be re arranged as follow: No. District Two mag istrates No. District C and Two magistrates No. Districts and One magistrate but that all the present courts should be retained.
That each judge of the Assistant Court of Appeal should be paid 650 per annum.
That each city magistrate should be paid 500 per annum plus a travelling allowance of 25.
That each rural magistrate should be paid 450 plus a travelling allowance of 75.
That the office of Judge of the Bridgetown Petty Debt Court should be abolished.
The proposal will be submited to the Governor in Executive Committee for approval and presentation to the House of Assembly.
STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History ment The fullest enjoyment of success is possible only to those who win it by right and fair means. It may require a hard and long pull for a man to gain suceess in this way, but when he has gained it, his enjoyment of the emoluments that come with it will not be spoiled by any reproach upon his name, or any haunting spectres in his memory BIRTH DAY AND Wedding Cards FINE SELECTION AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street CORNER JAVILLO WORKMAN


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