
WWWWXXXWMDXXXXXX IN THE REPUBLIC Always fresh Quality Unsurpassable AX Mail Service to be Started The Prosperity Tailor Petween Panama and Chii.
qui we are Dept. of La Trip Through the Canal bour At present much is being said Commends Porter Union in connection with the proposed Canal Excursion sponsered by Fight for Living Wage McCauley Bayne which is to take place on Thanksgiving day In a convincing and powerful November 29th.
statement issued by Ethelbert The purpose for which this Stewart, Commissioner of Labor trip is to be undertaken is a Statistics of the Depart. laudable one and deserves the ment of Labor, the whole wage support and cooperation of every policy of the Pullman Company well thinking West Indian.
was discredited and repudiatel The situation which has been and condemned as being un Am recently brought about in the erican, unfair and unethical. West Indies caused by the recent Says he, The threat of the hurricane, has evoked the symPullman porters and maids tolpathy of many of our people tie up the Pullman car service here on the Isthmus, and when with a national strike again it is considered that brings to public attention, the much more fortunate than our war which workers have been brethen in the West Indies, we waging for years to abolish the should do our utmost best to custom of tipping. And for once relieve the present situation the innocent bystanders stand which exist in that part of solidly behind the embattled the hemisphere.
strikers (porters. It is hoped that many of our When the article by Commis fraternal and friendly organizasioner Stewart was brought to tions here will rally to this most the attention of Philip Ran deserving cause so as at assist dolph, General Organizer, he in relieving suffering humanity.
observed that this attitude of the United States Department pel any remaining doubts about of Labor is extremely signifi. the Movement that may linger cant and indicative of the grow in the minds of the timid and ing and accumulating power in skeptical.
terms of public sentiment which Commissioner Stewart of the is destined to drive the Pullman Labor Department observed But Company to capitulate the port. why should these men referring ers union.
to Pullman porters, be paid only He continued, There is no in from 72. 50 to 78. 00 a month dividual or institution in Ame by their employer and be expectrica which is more powerful ed to swell their earnings by than public opinion, and the case what amounts to begging. These of the porters for livin wage porters, like everybody else, are and the right to organize has entitled to a living wage. And struck a sympathetic cord, which at present prices an American will continue to resound until cannot have a wife, home and the antiquated wage policy of crildren and look after them prothe Pullman Company and its perly if the wage earner make intolerant attitude toward its a penny less than 40. 00 a week.
Negro Pullman porters, organiz What more convincing argument ing a union of their own, is com as to the justificability of the pletely scrapped and destroyed. porters fight can one expect There is no higher authority on than the foregoing statement matters of labor in America from the United States Departthan the Unites States Department of Labor, says the porters ment of Labor. Its endorsement of Labor, says the porters.
of the porters fight should dis chief. Inter State Tattler.
CLEANER DYER Arrangements for a mail Service betwen Panama and Chiriqui have been practically completed according to an ouncement made in this conNo. 6, 19th Street Central Avenue nection on Tuesday last.
Mr. Mariano Arosemena Aeting PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 Manager of the Panama Agencies Co has confered with President Florencio Arosemena to this effect and a meeting was held for the purpose when Deputies of the National Assembly DYEING, BLEANING PRESSING from Chiriqui were present.
The two steamers the City of OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Panama and the City of Sanfrancisco along with the Corinto will undertake the work.
These vessels of the most modern type, and will offer passengers the best facilities which have been exWork Done While You Wait tended in this direction in recent years The Panama Government had decided to send the coast guard steamTRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED er Panquiaco on a special trip as there are many persons who are awaiting a boat but, in view of the ia Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices agreement arrived at by he Panama Mail line representative, this arLadies Garments carefully handled rangement has been cancelled and the passengers will leave on the city of Armuellas. The Panama Mail lines Panama on Monday next for Puerto REID Propietor offer in this connection is is very liberal the government mails will be carried free, and no delay will be caused.
The gaurantee demanded by the company will only be sufficient returns from passenger tickets to pay the additional expense of the call to Peurto Highway Between the government is little less than Armuellos, David and Panama 8500.
Book Binding!
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can haue them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN No. EAST 16 STREET Opposite the Wesleyan Churh To be Completed British Consulato Notio.
The British Vice Counsul of PanaA Bill has recently passed by the ma will be glad to know of his National Assembly authorising the whereabouts of Daniel Scarlett of President of this Republic Don Señor Lamb River Post Office, Jamaica Florencio Harmodio Arosemena to who is now possibly a farmer of Juan make ake arrangements for the complet Diaz or the Chiva Chiva trail.
ion of the construction of the highway from the Province of Herrera to con nect with the road between Panama If you have a Prescription to City and David when the necessary bridges and fills in connection with be made up take it to the the scheme will also be taken care of. National Pharmacy, Santa Ana This is a long felt need, and will Plaza, where you will get courgreatly facilitate travelling between these two ports.
teous and obliging service.


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