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The Big Fight on the 11th of Nov.
CHURCH SERVICES St. Peter by the Sea, La Boca Important Notice CHURCH NOTICES FOR THE TWENTY SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Holy Communion, 6, a. The Rector Holy Baptism, 30, 10.
45, a. Matins The Rector 11. 30, Holy Eucharist and Sermon. The Reetor Church School 30, Pm.
Choral Evensong and sermon, The Rector MULCARE Rector St Bartholomow LasCascades Matins and address, 11, a. Mr. Braithwaite, Lay Reader 30. Church School and Confirmation Class. MULCARE Priet in Charge St. Simon s, mboa THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Is Now Located in more spacions quartersat No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street Matins and adress. 11. a Mr. Bentley Swaby, Lay Reader Church School, 30, JT MULCARE Rector Wesleyan Methodist Church British Conference)
22th Sunday afler Trinity PANAMA. Rev. E Wade Cummunion Sunday School Address by County Commissioner Bolt of the Boy Scouts 30 Rev. E Wade. Communion COLON 11. and 7: 30. Rer Cousins Cummunion LA BOCA. 11 Mr. Mr Walters 7: 30 Mr: Luis Lindo NEW PROVIDENCE. 11. Mr. S.
Markham PARAISO 11 Mr. Martin. 30 Mr. Walters.
Salvation Army 11 a. Holiness Meeting p.
Sunday School 30 Salvation meeting Adjutant Dadd.
Christian Mission of Panama The above is a picture of the famous Billy Grime the Austra lian Kangaroo who holds three championship belts for the Featherweight, Lightweight and Welterweight divisions respectively and who will meet Young Harry Wills the Black Panther of Panama next Sunday, November the 11th.
This fistic encounter will undoubtedly be a bout that any fighter in the class would encircle the globe to get and in saying that it will be one the greatest echievements for our Harry to meet the lad from the Antipodes who has such a fine record, we are not making any idle gest. And so if the Black Panther can be successful in lowering the colors of Billy Grime on the 11th inst, he will have made a world name for himself.
It is just by mere accident, if we may call it so, that Billy Grime happened to be in our village, and thanks to the keen sightedness of Promoter Sol for serving up such a rich dish of fisticuffs which fight fans may expect on the 11th. As we were about saying, it all happened like this: Bill Manager having died recently in the States the fighter decided to return to his home in Australia and arrived on the Isthmus in transit when promoter Sol sensing what a grand op portunity it would be to match out the Australian wonder with our local flash, at once hiked himself to Balboa and sought out Billy Grime whom he was able to talk into remaining cver on the Isthmus for a short while and as a result gentle reader there is to be big doings in fisticuffs at the Bull Ring on the 11th.
There is no use for padling either of these boys, Billy is in a class away and above any local boxer and the dashing show made some Sundays ago by Harny against Lombardo is sufficient to warrant the go. So nuf sed.
Where with the more modern facilities such as a Linotype Machine Printing Presses we are able to a better meet the demands of our many patrons.
Panama, 11. a Moseley 30 Taylor Chorillo, 11 a. Brown 30 H. Herbert La Baca 11. a. D McCollin 30 pm Benskin Paraiso, 11.
am Jarvis 30 pm. Padmore Gatun. 11. a. s Taylor.
Acting Supt. 30 J. Grazette Colon, 11. a Dean 30 pmS. Taylor Acting Superintendent NEW TOWN PLANNED (Continued from page 1)
tion of the road from the conception, the Western terminal of Chiriqui railroad to El Volcan the bed of which has already been started.
Panama Officials Determined VISIT to our new Place of business will Convince you that To put an end to Car Slashing THIS IS NO BLUFF BUT REALITY With the added precautions which are now being taken by the Panamaian Officials to put an end to slashing of tires of parked cars, it is assumed that Panama will be much safer place for car owners to park their cars than heretofore. double Police guard has been established at the Mirimar Club to cope with the situation, and this move will undoubtedly lessen the crimes committed in this connection At a dance recently given by the Club, and at which more than 600 persons attended, it was quite unusual that no reports of damaged cars were made for the night.
recently Whyte Emphasises (Continued from page 1)
ers during the past five years.
These community meetings Cave been planned to educate the people in Civics, and if the people will give the matter the roper support they will gradually find themselves rising in the social and economic scale. It is to be hoped that Fr. McDonald will find it possible to speak to us again before leaving, and that on that ocassion there will be a packed house to hear him.
Yours truly, WHYTE La Boca, October 27, 1928 The Workman Printery 72 Carlos Mendoza Street Local product AND CORNER JAVILLO (Continued from page 1)
that the Beers manufactured by the Balboa Brewing Refrigerating Co. are of the right kind suited to these climes Sentiments have not been able to register any noticeable dent against the established high standard of these beverages.


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