p. 1


PRICE CENTS Republicans Elect New Presi Wekantong sites in Spanish and Careers Mr. Marcus Garvey Presents for Stealing Canary dent for the Petition Bathing Island state of a the to by erect the our celebrated ments took offence on with Lands Young Panaman To Reap Coming Sugar in Jail for 20 Days. Crop at Cuba Democratic Candidate Overwhelmingly Juan Bautista Castillo, 19 years There is not much of a disposiTo League of Nations on Behalf of old, brown Panamanian, is now ation on the part of the sugar mill Association Defeated, Shows Statesman Spirit star boarder at the Balboa Jailowriers to bring in Antillian labour.
where he is to remain for 120 days, Iers for the coming sugar crop seaThe people of the United States Recent Press despatches state that consideration of the grievances set and for 100 days in addition if he son, says a recent issue of the Hava on the nith ult. Mr. Marcus Garvey, forth in the document.
have chosen Herbert Hoover to be Young Harry Wills chis to pay a fine of 100. This was no Evening News. The great demand President General of the Universal their chief Executive for the next ABOUT WEST INDIANS.
in Shape the total sentence he received on is for the labourers from Spain and Aegro Improvement Association, preterm, 1929 1932 and it is hoped that Xnvretion in the Batboa Magistrate the Canary Islands, and the reason One section of the petition draws sented to their choice has been wisely made.
the Secretary of the vurl on the 8th instant, on four is that the Spanish workers will do League of Nations, Sir Erie Geddes, economie poverty that exists among attention to the terrible Gov. Smith who has been a strong! For Tomorrow Bout.
counts of Petit Larceny. It was more, stick to their jobs better, and at Geneva a Renewal of Petition of our people in the West Indies, and competitor for this office was sigalicged that this iad had a weak are more reliable in every way. The the and African Com in parts of Central and South Anally defeated and has taken his At the Panama buli ring tomor.
defeat in the real statesman spirit, row Billy Grimes of Australia wil. When they are hanging on clothes with the Cubans, and the Spaniards. Appeal without prejudice or passion the United States cess for bathing suits, especially Antilians do not get along well munities League. It is entitled an merien, and the Southern section of congratulating his victor immedia meet Young Harry Will (Theunes in the vicinity of dwellings do. The Antillians are inclined to tely after the official returns were Black Panther of Caledonia) wh and with the reasonable hope of a near the streets; and this was borne wander about from mill to mill, and righteous adjustment, and in certain countries in the West made publie.
has been under training in Colon un apart out by the number of this class of the sugar company that stands res.
Indies, like Cuba, uur labour is disAltho the Canal Zone, contiguous der pilot Aubrey Woodruff who is garment found in his possession, and ponsible for the return of the labour addressed to the Separate and discriminated against, and in little from the League of Nations, it is to Panama and on which the latter also well known by the fight fans which had been reported lost by ers to their homes at the end of tinct nations of the world and their coloured republics like Panama, law is practically co existent, is govern on the Isthmus.
residents of Balboa during the the season do not know where most nationals and peoples, on behalf of have been made specially discrimined by the United States, the cir. The opinions with regard to the months of July and August of this of the men are at that time with millions of Black struggling and ating against us. Recent laws have cumstances and conditions affecting decision are favorable on both sides year. Castillo has had previous the result that they lose oppressed people of the world. It is been made in Panama seeking to employees are altogether different from the fact that the fighters have envietion for stealing bathing suits guarantee they put up to bring the reported that the petition will be deny the Negro the right to enter from those in the big country (U. good records. This is expected to be in Balboa: this was in 1925. He sure here. and while it is a generally an exceedingiy interesting bout and seems to like to get this kind of The opening of the safra on Jan tions about September 1929.
brought before the League of Na that Republic, even in spite of the fact that the black people of the established fact that seven eights is being looked forward garment free.
of the Zone, if not more, are purely fight fans to be one of the best of (Continued on page 4)
The document deals with the posi West Indies made the greatest contribution in helping to tion of the Black Race from Slave Panama Canal, in making the place dmocratic, and that many of thel the season.
aspirations forecasted in their platry, the partition of Africa under the fit for healthy habitation. Even Promoter Sol (Panama Tex Rie SPARK LETS Berlin decree of 1886, indignities to though we are nationals of different form in connection with alien kard) is determined to see that evlabourers of the Panama Canal, have ery fight fan gets his money which Negroes are subjected in governments, none of these governundoubtedly become abortive, there worth; a large crowd it also ex(By some lands, including South Africa.
behalf seem to be no misgivings in so far pected to be there, so if you intend Mention is made of After several weeks absence which is to appear near Christmas against these discriminative laws, as the Hoover triumph is concern going, be sure to be there in time. have today resumed my lucrative of this year.
Which reminds me of case in the where a negro while they would have taken offence ed in the public mind for reasons been directed An excursion is being run from position in this classic column. Dur the Isthmian League of British Leader was sought to be disposed of it those Jawe had which can be better understood Colon so as to give the fans at thating my absence, there came about a West Indians some years ago. This because of the tremendous influence against the white sections of their than expressed.
It is nowever felt that Governor and hear the decision as early asgressive efforts. First, if not fore history, had initiated a similar ma ence evidently applies to Mr. Gar draw your attention to such matters end an opportunity to see the boutmost significant cosolidation of pro League which, by the way, is now he had over his people. This refer citizenry. We respectfully beg to Smith religious connections possible.
most, was an editorial in the vener. gazine effort which subsequently vey, Other submissions include leg and ask for relief.
Catholicism has been to a great extent responsible for his overwhelThe better of the two will win; able Star and Herald on Nick reser died apparently from lack of pro islation in Trinidad for the ex In Cuba, thousands of our people this is a certainty.
vation, on the Panama Canal West per organized forces to carry on. pulsion of undesirables, and the sendming defert.
Indian Employees Association, writ The present efforts of the Isthmia ing of letters to Governors of Bar are held there in a stranded condiBut the Popular New York Governor has naught to be discouraged would doubtless be prepared to nom. Following closely upon that was an ten by contributing editor. Literary and Musical League is, bados and British Honduras to pre tion, without any symphaty shown without argument, vent a certain influential black man tion, without any sympathy shown a good as it is generally conceded that he minate him at the next Presidential understanding between Brother Sam. Sponsored by the societies indiented visiting those colonies to confer with them by anyone nor any sympatthy the people relative of shown them by the respective gov.
has broken the record by getting Election four years hence. But Ex uel Horatio Whyte, founder and Pre in the Circular, there should be no the largest number of votes polled Governor Smith has decided otherfor any democratie candidate in the wise and it is just posible that hissident of the Panama Canal West reason why sufficient financial help improving themselves. Attention is ernments of which they are nation Cuba and in history of the United States; and adherents will have to look elewhere Indian Employees Association, and and co operation from other organi drawn to the stagnant and un als. Thousands of our people have Walrond, founder and proprie zations and from among our tens developed condition of Natives, es been murdered in although suffering defeat this is for a choice if he persists in histor of the Workman Printery and of thousands of individuals should pecially of French, Belgian, Portu. countries of South and Central Asomething of which he should be dtermination.
the weekly newspaper, the Work not be forthcoming to produce a guese, Italian and Spanish Africa, in merica, without any interference on for such signally proud. He has however de Meantime it is the concensus of man, whereby Sam ascended the heat, educative and entertaining comparison with the progress made their behalf. Working clared himself as resigning from pub opinion that President eleet Hoover editorial rostrum of the sixteen year the efforts of the colored people in where within the same period of as the United Fruit Company, we quarterly journal representative of by other peoples in Europe and else gigantic trusts in Central America, lic life a statement which no doubt with his sage and sound experince old weekly and is now knocking came as a thunderbolt from a clear gained both at home and abroad will heads with the other learned memPanama.
time of occupation. There is a plea have been led into ambush, and have sky to his many supporters who saw do much to satisfy those who have bers of the staff as Contributing for self reliance and political inde. been killed by native Indians and While on the floor, gentle reader, no disgrace in defeat and who placed him in power.
pendence on behalf of Negroes. The others to receive no redress. It is Editor. Then there was Elijah it is in order that disclose to you 1922 petition to the League of Na. for these and other reasons that we ooooo Hunter of Silver City, Cristobal, the my admiration of the way the voters for racial re look after and protect ourselves by class, who man government of bor Contributions influential pen for the Workman, test as well as to promote the pre peated; and the petitioner, Mr. Mar the creation of a in the capacity of a regular contri sent prosperity of their great councus Garvey, prays for a favourable our own.
butor. These sec mingiy little but, try for the next four years. had SALADA TEA Much has been said regard The prestige of the labor nevertheless, highly significant hap declared for the man Hoover and Jamaica Cricket Board penings are what friend Charlie against tthe New Yorker since the ing the dignity of labor. but we organization, however, has not Moulton, the bard of La Boca, Geo. party of the latter had approved Free packets Given Away of Control must go a step further and re gone unrecognized outside its Roberts, the lexibegrapher, or without reservation the Canal Zone We call special attention to the cognize the position of prestige even my blood relative the verbose Democratic Labor Party recomnow held everywhere by organ The achievements of the Mr. Cepesdes Burke, would observemendation to oust the colored build Advertisement of Salada Tea apAs proves Invitation ized labor.
pearing on another page of this labor union are succinctly enu as a move indientive of signal sucers of the Panama Canal from al issue, a tea which is just now tak. Messers Francis, Con What the worker can obtain merated in the following editor coss. Referring specifically to the semi respectable positions in the through organization is not a ial, which is well worth ponder new writers, they would likely des Canal Zone. party that woulding the local market by surprise stant, Grififth and Sn all new story. The organized labor ing over, published recently in ribe them in the aggregate as swear on so flimsy a recommenda owing to its pleasant flavour. It is movement is moving well up to the WASHINGTON DAILY galaxy of penmen whose versatility tion to carry out such glaringly un put up in one ounce packet nad sold for seven and a half cents, a price The Jamaica Mail of recent a half a century of successful NEWS and other Scripps How is incomparable, who possess a fath righteous and inhuman act could not effort, and those who have ben ard newspapers under the head omlese depth of knowledge and be depended upon to continue the within the reach of everybody. To date states that a meeting of the efited from its accomplishments ing Labor Contribution.
whose expressed opinion on any im safe navigation of the prosperous prove that this is no mere boast, a Cricket Board of Control was know too well its power for Labor Day is observed by portant or momentoas subject car American nation on the turbulent packet will be given free to each one held at sabina Park when who calls at the Workman Printery hearty vote of welcome to Mr.
comparatively few but enjoyed fries an enormity in weight and in seas and dangerous shoals of nation and produce a copy of this paper Nunes on his return to Ja But, no doubt, there by all; that tells of union labor luence that cannot be treated light al and international problems.
are with the Ad. Each packet contains maica was unanimously carried.
times when the worker fails to itself.
981. I, too, attach great importance And, lest you forget, have to re one ounce of pure Salada Tea, and The Board arranged a prorealize the position of dignity In striving to improve its to the unity above described and look mind you of the well planned classi this packet is sold for seven and a gramme for Mr. Humphries, which his organization holds be own lot it works for the general forward to consequnt excellent re cal program literary and musical half cents.
the cricket coach, who will ar of its humanitarian welfare. It shares its benefits sults. which is scheduled to be given at But as it is the desire that the rive here on Friday of this achievements. Without it, he with others.
According to a recent circular is the La Boca Clubhouse next Satur public be invited to try out this week.
would be dependent upon his Much will be said on the sued by the Isthmian Literary and day night, the 7th instant, under delicious tea this free offer is It was decided to extend own weak and ineffective indivi aims and accomplishments of Musical League, that organization the auspices of the Isthmian Literary made. So get a copy of the Work formal invitation to Messrs Condual effort to obtain justice for labor. Imposing parades will de is about tto publish a quarterly illus and Musical League. If am per man paper and present it with stantine, Francis, Griffith, and himself.
Continued on Page 8) trated magazine, the first issue of (Continued on Page 8)
Ad, and secure a oz pack of tea.
Continued on Page 8)
to means The Worker Corner La ong winded linguist and writer of of the United States of America de tions, which asked for land in Afri. feel that we ought to be allowed to ranks.
a cause

    DemocracySpainWorkers Party

    Este documento no posee notas.