
Sporting Chronicle of Control in good stead when November Third choosing a side for Australia. It of Trinidad is more than possible that the only eligible candidates among Panama Independence Day Well Observed.
Comments on West Indian those now comprising the 1928 West Indies team will be Mar Cricket Team for Australia. tin, Challenor, Roach, ConstanThe usual festivities in connection tine, Griffith, Hoad. Bartlett, if COLON The Sporting Chronicle of he shows improved form, and with Nov. 3rd. Panama Independence day were well observed. On Trinidad of the 7th instant Nunes. St. Hill, Small, Franthe evening of states: cis. Browne, Scott and FernanLaws governing the observance of Holidays were read by a few OffiThe 1928 West Indies team des are among the doubtful ones of the City for the benefit of did not come up to expectations and the names of Wight, Nebthe citizens.
during their tour in England. lett, Rae, need not be mentionIS NOW LOCATED AT Dances and other festivities were They failed to reproduce their ed. St. Hill, Browne and Ferobserved at various residences during home form as well as to justify nandes might, however, justify the night; the Cuerpo De Bomberos the high opinions entertained their places. Favourable and Policia Nacional marched through con11. 1154 11th STREET the streets in procession, while the and expressed about them by sideration will certainly have to fire fighters carried their torches as discerning critics in the Mother be given to players of the type Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK usual Country. While this result has of Andre Cipriani, Tarilton, On Saturday, 3rd Instant the school children marched through the streets come as a bitter pill to be swa St. Hill, Wiles, Sealy. Where our customers will receive the usual of the city in procession and the lowed, there is no reason for Pascall, Birkett, usual bicycle races were indulged in; these islands to lose heart here. Morales, Browne, and we courtesies on the 4th a few foot races were run by. All the representatives will must thave no other wicketas in previous years. procession of the Colon Fire Department and return to us with greater ex keeper but Dewhurst. Lead few other events brought the Holiday perience and the lessons they arship in such a team will, we to a closehave learnt in the finer points trust, be most seriously considof the game will stand them infered and if therefore captaincy LOOK FOR THE SIGN excellent stead for a future oc of a West Indies team to AusHarvest Festival at casion. The Board of Control, tralia cannot fall into the hands BRITISH PHARMACY too, still in their infancy, have of men as Major Austin, Panama Wesley Tomorrow been given some points about Challenor, Tarilton and the team selecting which they are vice captaincy to either DewThe annual Harvest Festival of the not likely ever to overlook, and hurst, Andre Cipriani or perPanama Wesleyan Church will take on the whole, the West Indieshaps Nunes, then the team place tomorrow, everything is being stand greatly to benefit in all might as well stay at home.
done to make it as attractive and respects from this unsuccessful successful as possible in addition to Visit of English Team Small the regular services for the day, the visit.
Mr. Cahn has undertaken DENTIST Invitation From Australia (which made such an impression on to visit Jamaica in the next couMASONIC TEMPLE those who had the privelege of attend Coming so soon after the Eng. ple of months with a powerful Office Hours: 8, am to 12 pm ing same at Geddes Hall some time lish tour, the invitation sent English team. Among those 30 to 30 ago) will be rendered at 30 in the out from Australia is not o be likely to make the trip are such Sundays, by Special Appointment Should be in every office to immediately evening by the Choir and for which 25 cents will be charged lightly considered. The cricket stars as Woolley, Holmes, Du Masonic Temple ilth St, ers of the Commonwealth ap leepsinghi, Astill, Whysall, Barsoothe any neuralgic pain caused by for admission O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL Other important sceneries in conpeared to have taken more than rett, Gilligan, Iddon and other nection with the Harvest will also be passing notice of the doings of first class men in Major Tenny PHONE: OFFICE 1664 excessive mental work.
our players in England, and alson. Garland. Wells, Connor, RESIDENCE 538 though decisively beaten in each Mercer and Newman, and they NEURALGINA Rent Receipt Books in Spanish of the Tests, their controlling represent a combination as powand English for sale at the body are still prepared to enter erful. as if not more powerful Should be in every school to soothe bad Workman Printery.
tain us during the 1929 30 seathan, Hon. Calthorpe team of son From their own experi 1926. An attempt should be headaches and reduce the fever of and the same applies to Betence Australia probably feel that ma them to play unofa West Indies side will shine toficial Tests in that colony, the children.
ancourt who if at the top of his form will be in the running for better advantage when playing others sending up representain Australa where climatic tives. We observe that Barbaa place. Fred Grant is another NEURALGINA conditions are more in keeping dos have cabled asking Mr.
likely candidate and we hope to see him in much better form with those to which the visitors can to include that colony in NEED were accustomed at home his itinerary than that shown in 1926 1927.
is complete Inoffensive and nourishes Trinidad and than in England. They seem Demerara can well do likewise, George Dewhurst will doubtless the heart fully satisfied of the fact that and we can see nothing but good be the popular selection for capWATCH?
so attractive a team of cricket resulting therefrom. In each of tain and wicket keeper, his place ers as the West Indies who play these colonies, too, an unofficial DROP IN AT For sale both Wholesale and Retail as stumper in Barbados last the game for the sheer delight Test match could be played and year being filled by Dr. Ritchie of it tributes to which effect careful note taken of the playAT THE who did not prove a success. The have been showered on the teamers who display best form. If, veteran, Pascall, cannot be over AMERICAN PHARMACY looked.
wherever it appeared during the as we learn, the Intercolonial Still without an equal tour will provide a feast of tournament is likely to be held 122 CENTRAL AVE, in the West Indies, Pascall will cricket entertainment for the in January, then the objection to You ill Find Them JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor surely take a lot of beating myriads of lovers of the game having Mr. Cahn team would Panama.
when looking for a left hand bowler of class. Of the young down under, and they may have then be entirely removed as the Moderately Priced.
been charitable enough to re team will then be in Jamaica.
and rising brigade one can menflect that, having regard to Trinidad could easily be made tion Achong and Grell their own cricket history and the next port of call, say about among the possibles, Hunte and the fate which befell teammid or the end of February Constantine as promising when receiving the first bap Demerara third and Barbados stumpers, and Yeates as a tism of fire in international Testlast. An extra two fast bowler whose claims weeks of CALL IN AT inatches, the West Indies are cricket here, in addition to the to be well weighed. Gerald capable of better things than Intercolonial tournament, should Liddlelow topped the batting their records disclose and are not make much difference, if during the past season, and if willing and ready to aid on their any at all, with the attendance he reproduces the wonderful progress as much as possible so and it might be well for the form he displayed, and mainAdvertise in the Workman as to fit them for early and per Queen Park Club to revise their tains the same consistency, a manent inclusion among the opinions in this respect. To see pays.
place will have to be found for great criketing countries of the Woolley in action will be a treat No. 72 CARLOS MENDOZA STREET him. majority of the old Briworld. All these considerations to cricket lovers, and as to Du DENTIST HOWELL gade will do duty for Bimshire AND CORNER JAVILLO may have operated in the mindsleepsinghi we are sure his preswhile Demrara is said to possess of their governing body, and soence will be a source of great House No. 912 La Boca some youngsters of great proit behoves the West Indies to delight, especially to the thouA GOOD SELECTION OF Canal Zone mise who may be first tried out at this tournament.
give the matter their utmost sands of East Indians resident OPPOSITE RESTAURANT NEW BIBLES thought, and by all means ac here.
And finally, in September or cept the invitation, Intercolonial Tournament PHONE 1941 BALBOA Hymn ayer Books October next, another tournaNot the First ment will take place in Demerara And sight must not be lost of the next two tournaments of Then there is the question of at which the matches should be the fact that this is the second which more than passing notice RYCE very keenly followed by the Bonrd of Control or their accre.
occasion on which such an invi should be taken by the Board tation has been extended. Some Trinidad will be hosts for the WI STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR dited nominees. final match RENOVATOR between two representative of Mr. Yearwood there year, and while on this subject years ago, through the medium first, scheduled for early next DYEING PRESSING elevens could then be played as came up the project of an AusLADIES SKIRTS a grand finale after which the we may as well discuss what are team for the Australian tour can tralian visit, but it never came our prospects. Nearly all the SPECIALLY ATTENDED TO to a head, and now that we have members of the team which lost No hot irons or special combs required be selected. One fact is clearly been honored with another, it HOUSE 19 21st STREET not to be forgotten. If the tour in Barbados a year ago will be GUACHAPALI PANAMA CITY to the Antipodes is to be underwould be most unwise to have again available. The four reSOLD IN DRUG STORES taken at all and we it again postponed. The time fixed being 1929 1930 ample time presentatives from England reason why it should not we is given for building up and St. Hill we expect to make comprise a formidable quartette, JL FLOWERS must set about making arrangements from early if we hope to stronger side than the last one amends, when playing on his Abogado. Attorney at Law Eligibles ADVERTISE make it a success. The matter own hearth, for his non success is now in the hands of the rulers majority of the players will in England. Wiles, Ben OFFICE: No. 44 ST of West Indies cricket and we again be available and the les Sealy, Edwin St. Hill all will BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY look to them to take the tide at sons learnt by the Selection make a great bid for inclusion TELEPHONE No. 1377 its flood and sweep along our Committee of the 1928 West In which they should earn easily. racticing before all the courts of IT PAYS cricket towards that high water dies team should stand the Board Andre Cipriani, may again play, the Republic since April 1914 mark which we new seek FULLER are The Workman BOOK STORE Contra Crespo see no In the Workman


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